jiejie0107 发表于 2012-4-9 13:43


ME3編劇在PAX關於結局和後續的Q&A訪談 http://forum.gamer.com.tw/C.php?bsn=08960&snA=1586&tnum=5
有雷注意! 以下內容可能涉及Extended Cut的遊戲內容!

原文頗長 我就重點翻譯下

-Is there still a setting to explore after the ending? Is everything ruined?
結局之後世界有毀滅嘛? EC內容還有沒有地方讓玩家探索?

The setting is definitely not ruined. We still have a big, lively galaxy.
世界當然沒有毀滅, 我們依然有一個龐大活躍的銀河系

-Will long-distance superluminal travel still be possible post-Ending? (will Tali or Wrex or Garrus see their homeworlds again? Will everyone starve?)

超光速航行科技是否在ME結尾就再也不存在? (Tali, Wrex, Garrus回得了老家嗎? 他們會不會餓死)

Galactic civilization will rebuild. The mass relays were not necessary for interstellar flight. Remember, what does it say in the Codex about the speed of ships? That's right, 12 lightyears per (day? hour? minute?). And that's only the cruising speed, not the maximum speed.
銀河文明會重建. Mass Relays並不是跨星系航行的唯一方法. 記得Codex裡怎麼形容船艦們的速度嘛? 12光年per(每秒? 每小時? 每分?) 而且這只是巡航速度, 不是最大時速.

People have never needed to research basic FTL improvements before because they have mass relays. With the relays gone, new technology will increase that speed. Additionally, the element zero cores of the dead/controlled Reapers can be used to improve FTL drives. Starflight will continue using conventional FTL.
過去因為Mass Relays存在的緣故, 人們不需要更深入去研發新的超光速航行科技. 現在Relay消失了, 新科技將被研發. 毀壞或被控制的Reaper的element zero core將被人們使用來研發新的超光速航行科技. Starflight則將繼續使用原本的超光速航行科技.

-Why did Joker leave Shep behind?

Joker would never abandon Shep without a good reason. Hopefully this will be clear in the Expanded Cut.
Joker決對不會無緣無故的拋下Shep指揮官. EC應該會對原因做出解釋.
註: 難道是因為我選擇宰了EDI? XD

-Why can EDI survive the Destroy ending?
註: 不清楚為何有這問題. 我的EDI消失了啊...

We argued a lot about this, I said that she was made of Reapertech and should therefore be destroyed, but (unclear, don't remember - wish I'd been able to ask a followup as his response doesn't make much sense)
關於這點我們有很多爭論, 我認為她是由Reapertech製造出來的所以應該要掛點, 但是...(後面內容訪談者不記得了)

-Did anyone on the Citadel survive?

Yes. We would never, ever do anything that made the player feel, on replay, that it would be better for everyone on the Citadel if they just died. The Citadel has emergency shelters and kinetic barriers - even if it blows up, millions might survive. You should assume that everyone plot-important on the Citadel survived.
當然! 我們決不會做出讓玩家在重玩時覺得乾脆"放棄"Citadel算了的決定. Citadel有很多緊急逃生措施和kinetic防護罩. 即使它爆了, 幾百萬人還是可能存活. 你可以假設每一個Citadel內劇情相關的角色都活了下來.

-Is it better for Kelly Chambers if we talk her into suicide?
是不是乾脆叫Kelly Chambers***比較好?
No, see above.
不, 答案如上.

-Who wrote the death of Joker's sister?

I did! We intentionally did not connect the dots. We were very interested to see how fast gamers figured it out.
我寫的. 我們故意不把故事的關連性講清楚, 也很高興玩家居然能那麼快發現這件事.

-Whose idea was it to make the Rayya fall out of the sky if you destroy the Quarian fleet?
誰設計當Quarian艦隊被摧毀時, 讓Rayya從天空掉下來的梗?
Someone in the audio department, it was brilliant.
音效部門的某人, 讚吧?

-Did the mass relays pull an Arrival and go supernova?
Mass relays爆掉的時候, 有形成超新星然後摧毀星系們嗎?

No, they didn't. (i'm paraphrasing here, please don't interpret this too hard) They overloaded, they didn't rupture. We really didn't mean to imply that the whole galaxy had been destroyed. People interpreted the ending in ways we really didn't expect.
沒有. 它們超載但沒有爆成碎片. 我們真的沒有暗示整個宇宙被毀滅...但沒想到玩家居然會做出這種詮釋...
(Mr. Weekes dropped a lot of hints that he really didn't like the ending. He also said something that was almost 100% verbatim from the Penny Arcade Forum post often attributed to him)

-Why did Legion pull a 180 from his Mass Effect 2 philosophy?
為什麼Legion違背了它自己在ME2的理論, 並做出180度的轉變?

He and the Geth were backed into a corner. They'd been made a lot dumber by the attack on the Dyson swarm. There was no other choice for Geth survival.
因為Geth被逼到沒有退路, 只能做出愚蠢的決定. 為了生存Geth沒有其它選擇.

-What was up with the Rachni story? Why did we get railroaded?
Rachni蟲一族的故事又是怎樣? 為什麼那麼草率?

Welcome to game development. In some games (Alpha Protocol) they make a bold choice where some decisions can knock entire missions out of the story. At BioWare, we never want people to be locked out of content due to a decision several games ago. We just didn't have the resources to do an alternate for the Rachni mission, so we decided that the Rachni mission could occur whether or not players saved the Queen.
這就是遊戲開發的現實. Bioware從來不想因為你在第一代遊戲做出的決定, 導致你在3代連一點選擇的機會都沒有. 我們沒有足夠的資源/時間做出另一個Rachni任務, 所以最後我們決定不管你在一代有沒有救蟲后, 都可以在這代做出改變他們命運的選擇.

-Why didn't (X squadmate from ME2) return?

There was a very ugly month of development where we fought out who would return. We knew we had to have a smaller cast so we could fit in more squad banter. Eventually we decided to bring Garrus and Tali back, so they could be squadmates in all three games. We also knew we'd have Vega in order for new players to have someone dumber than they were.
我們曾就誰可回來誰不要回來進行了長達一個月激烈的爭辯. 為了讓小隊間的搞笑對話/互動更頻繁靈活, 我們必須縮小小隊的規模. 最後我們決定讓Garrus和Tali回來, 好讓這兩個傢伙可在三部曲遊戲都成為隊友. 我們也加入Vega好讓新玩家覺得有人比自己更笨...嗯!
I was very resentful of Vega at first because I thought he was taking a slot that could've gone to a ME2 character, but he grew on me.
一開始我很討厭Vega, 因為我覺得他佔著茅坑不拉屎. 後來還是慢慢接受他了.

-Why did EDI have cameltoe?
We don't get a lot of feedback from the art department but (unclear, wish I remembered this better )

Lots of discussion about how he was uncomfortable doing Pinocchio stories for both Legion and EDI because 'EDI was fine, she was an AI, she was cool - do we really need her to turn into Commander Data? We had seven seasons of Data, that was enough.'
訪談中討論到許多關於編劇不喜歡寫讓EDI和Legion變成"生命體"的內容.(這邊指的Pinocchio是"木偶奇遇記"裡木偶皮諾丘的名子, 意思是EDI和Legion獲得自我意識/自由意志的相關內容) 後面這段語焉不詳, 不翻

-Why did you write Pinocchio stories for all the synthetic characters?
See above

-What was up with the Human Reaper in ME2? Why did it look so dumb?
ME2裡那個人型Reaper是在衝三小, 看起來蠢死了!

We wanted to use the Suicide Mission to show several steps of the Reaper development process, from human reaper embryo all the way to cuttlefish. But the mission grew too complicated so it was cut for time.
我們想讓自殺任務的過程看起來像是幾個階段性的Reaper製造過程. 從人形reaper胚胎慢慢演變成最後的大烏賊. 但是任務內容變得太複雜就被刪減了.

-Do the Reapers really only generate one capital ship per cycle? How do they ever break even?
難道Reapers每個循環真的只生產一艘母艦嘛? 這樣怎麼划算?

Well, we never totally pinned that down. But this cycle was really anomalous. They don't normally take any capital-size Reaper losses at all.
我們沒有針對此點做出定論. 但是這次的循環算是特例, 在其他循環中它們通常不會失去任何一艘母艦級Reaper.

-What was up with Kai Leng? How do you feel about him?
Kai Leng這傢伙是安怎? 你覺得他如何?

We really wanted to have a recurring antagonist for Shep, a 'Darth Maul' (his words). But I feel like there was some definite conflict between cutscene and gameplay there, and I think it's something we have to work on.
我們想做一個與Shep指揮官對等的反派, 類似"達斯魔" 但我覺得在動畫裡和gameplay的呈現上最後有一點衝突. 這是我們需要改進的地方.
'He was a great antagonist in the books'

-Why did we only get top and bottom dialogue choices, no middle?
為什麼這次的選項只有是或不是, 沒有中立選項可選?
Part of it was resources. Part of it is that Mass Effect 3 is a war story and it's really hard for Shep to feel middling about the Reapers.
一部分原因是因為製作上的資源分配, 另外因為ME3在講戰爭, 在對Reaper戰爭裡Shep不太可能會有中立的立場.

-How did YOU feel about the ending?

(I didn't ask this, but he seems to have gone to GREAT lengths to think ways around a lot of stuff the ending implied.)
很莫名的問題和答案, 有心人請幫忙翻...

Why no female (alien X?)
Resource limitations. They have a very strict budget for how many different characters they can use in a given area. Some are basically free - if you have human males you have Batarians because they're humans with funny heads, if you have human females you have asari, etc.
開發資源上的限制. 這方面開發的預算很有限. 只有某些種族可偷懶. 例如Batarian男性就是人類男換一個怪頭. Asari女就是人類女.

Where was Harbinger? Can we ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL of him?
Harbinger跑哪去了? 我們可以控制它嗎?
I definitely want more closure on Harbinger. That'd be hilarious. Stop punching yourself, Harbinger.
我非常希望能有更多關於Harbinger的ending內容. 那應該會超搞笑. "別再揍你自己了, Harbinger" (意思是Shepard控制了Harbinger之後可以叫它一直搥自己)

How did the Reapers storm the Citadel? Why didn't they shut down the relays as per their original plan once they had control?
Reaper怎麼征服Citadel的? 為什麼他們不照自己原本的計畫關掉relays

Originally we planned to have a cutscene of Reapers taking over, Reaper monsters punching buttons, et cetera. But we cut it, partially for resource reasons and partly because it disrupted the pacing.
本來我們有規畫一個過場動畫是Reaper攻佔Citadel, 後來把它刪掉了. 部分因為開發資源的限制, 部分因為遊戲步調問題.
The Reapers didn't shut down the mass relays because the Keepers interfered with that. (I wish I could've asked a follow-up here, it doesn't make much sense.)

Why don't Ken and Gabby have more dialogue?
They actually have a bunch more on disk, but we somehow introduced a bug where their dialogue is tied to your approval level with Ash. If Ash has low approval, or isn't present, most of Ken and Gabby's dialogue won't play.

事實上遊戲內容裡有不少他們的對話, 但是有個跟Ashely相關的bug導致這些對話無法出現. Ashely好感度高對話才會出來...

以上. 這篇訪談還滿有趣的, 有很多資訊. 和最後的開發成果也有不少矛盾衝突之處


> Lots of discussion about how he was uncomfortable doing Pinocchio stories for both Legion and EDI because 'EDI was fine, she was an AI, she was cool - do we really need her to turn into Commander Data? We had seven seasons of Data, that was enough.'
> 訪談中討論到許多關於編劇不喜歡寫讓EDI和Legion變成"生命體"的內容.(這邊指的Pinocchio是"木偶奇遇記"裡木偶皮諾丘的名子, 意思是EDI和Legion獲得自我意識/自由意志的相關內容) 後面這段語焉不詳, 不翻

上面是說不想讓 EDI 變成像 Star Trek 的百科 同樣角色,他已經演了七季,夠了。

這些對話內容是某網友跟Patrick Weekes (BW資深編劇)在PAX 上的Q&A,後來在***由Patrick Weekes 證實此事,從對話中可以知道他比起主筆更重視整個系列建構起來的 lore ,也對ME3 最後表現出來的成果無可奈何。

只是不知道那品質是因為 EA那邊的壓力造成的,或是BW內少數幾人專斷獨行的結果。

etimes2001 发表于 2012-4-9 13:52

这个不是PAX的,PAX我看了,全是屁话。 这个是BW前编剧说的

dreizehn 发表于 2012-4-9 14:33

-Why can EDI survive the Destroy ending?
註: 不清楚為何有這問題. 我的EDI消失了啊...

We argued a lot about this, I said that she was made of Reapertech and should therefore be destroyed, but (unclear, don't remember - wish I'd been able to ask a followup as his response doesn't make much sense)
關於這點我們有很多爭論, 我認為她是由Reapertech製造出來的所以應該要掛點, 但是...(後面內容訪談者不記得了)


ainooni 发表于 2012-4-9 15:05



zhouyulxx 发表于 2012-4-9 15:09




Echoness 发表于 2012-4-9 15:50

本帖最后由 Echoness 于 2012-4-9 15:56 编辑



看完过后发现,真正的、完整的、毫无删减的剧情只存在于编剧的脑子里= =,有机会让他把这些构思说出来自己再脑补一下也算满足了。。。。

zhouyulxx 发表于 2012-4-9 16:31

ainooni 发表于 2012-4-9 15:05 static/image/common/back.gif


最大 最古老 控制收集者的reaper

名为harbinger 先驱者

果然没master chief是杀不死reaper的呀

雨之殇 发表于 2012-4-10 08:29

本帖最后由 雨之殇 于 2012-4-10 08:29 编辑

这记者太没操守了吧 ╭(╯3╰)╮

lalaphin 发表于 2012-4-10 08:43


chenfeng113 发表于 2012-4-10 18:59

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