池塘裡的石頭 发表于 2009-7-11 06:59



如果你还对Codemaster短暂流程的霸王2感到咬牙切齿的话,那么当您知道可以有一个全新的机会继续扮演一个恶霸四处作恶的时候,希望您感到愉快。根据最近和某网站的访谈录,Lennart Sas先生,霸王2的创意制作人,已经证明他已经正在制作霸王2的追加下载包,同时将会很快公布。



If you've sunk your teeth deeply into Codemasters' manipulative jerk simulator, Overlord II, you'll be pleased to know new opportunities to bully and plunder are just around the corner. In a recent interview with Strategy Informer, the game's creative director, Lennart Sas, confirmed the developer is working on Overlord II DLC, and that "it'll be announced soon."

When pressed for details, Sas retreated into a thick, scaly carapace attached firmly to his back. Our guess? This new content will allow the game's traditionally evil antihero to make diffi*** moral decisions. For instance, should you punch a six-year old girl in the face -- or should you punch her in the stomach? Hmm, that's a toughie..

丢三落四 发表于 2009-7-11 07:18

这是个好消息 但愿这次做的可征服城市多点

魅力十足 发表于 2009-7-11 07:50




zty88enix 发表于 2009-7-11 16:31

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查看完整版本: [新闻]霸王2的DLC将会在近期发布