frank2149 发表于 2017-7-17 22:08

wtf,coming soon on psvr paranot activity news review finally

You’ll have to forgive us for sounding a little lost on this one, but that’s because this writer genuinely had no idea that Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul was coming to PSVR, or that it was even a thing for that matter.

Apparently it is a thing though, and it is coming to PSVR. The game’s official Twitter account has sent out a tweet today to let PSVR owners know that the game is “coming soon” and that we should all just hang in there. Erm, okay?

Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul is already out on PC VR (thanks, google!) as part of an Early Access package that has received great reviews so far. Make sure you check in with Pure PlayStation for the latest PSVR news and reviews.
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