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3000破解之路虽远,烦请给Dark Alex一片安宁
大清早的,突然就听说Dark Alex的官方Blog被国人占领了,过去一看,果然如此。
Chinese player:i want to say:DA wo ri si ni de.zai bu po jie jiu cao le ni ma.(我看到了DA的眼泪)
loveless-CG:here is chinese"heaven let's *** it "sony"
why i want to get the free game beacuse i am poor 10games will takes the money which is a month i worked
and most of the game like robbery
cao lao zi bu shuo ying wen le jiu zhe yang le lou xia na wei gei fan yi ba wo zai zhe jiu shi ma TGBUS de mei tian fang jia xiao xi jia diao cha pian wo men mai 3K shui de qian dou bu shi piao lai de TGBUS jiu shi ge ji ba(这位一定是打英文打得太累了)
Sorry:the group of M33 u r perfect! u r our God,our hope! our sun!
Here are some Chinese people's message is not very good, I apologize to you on their behalf because they are pinned on you too much hope that, after a long wait, they have become irrational! But they are not representative of the views of most people, the majority of PSP players are firmly behind you!
by the way *** japanese! all of them should die! All the Japanese people should go to hell, the Japanese do not deserve life, they have committed a heinous crime so that we can not forgiveill When we strong enough Japanese will pay for what they did to Chianese(虽然这位说得比较中肯,不过,还是不要提到这些类似满清已经付过版权费的跑题的历史问题。)
加油啊亲切:Haten,Watch your words!Do not lose your nation's face.
Till now,all we can do is waiting patiently.I believe the M33 will hack 3k.(中文ID看着真亲切,我都想亲一口然后发它几十条中国式英语留言)
ENG:I personally do not like TGBUS. But disputes between website, please do not involve other people.(很抱歉,DA的Blog虽然能够注册中文ID,但是不能正常显示中文)
edric1990:adaxiwa japanese die s kou nou DA'SBLOG mina yidusan
gangbadie DA gangbadie wenchuan(今天,我们见证了中国式日语的诞生,顺便我也知道你的年龄了……)
mother ***:TGBUS ni zui jia de xuan ze
wo men shi shan zhai de DA BLOG(关TGbus啥事……)
tgbus:zhe ge xiao xi zhen bu lai. CG guan guang tuan.(都发展成社团了呀,DA要悲伤逆流成河了。)
???:What does the author mean by the last sentence "Meanwhile, buy the games you like, game developers do also eat!"?Does that mean the 3k can't paly iso games forever?(早期无名留言之一,这位兄弟并没有看懂文章的意思)
TGbus是不是经常制造流言这些内容也无需在这里回答了,会跑题的。个人友情提醒一下,Dark Alex的官方Blog并没有Dark Alex本人的发言,大部分是网站管理员Alek以及其它的网友的发言。所以如果Blog上有啥更新的话,并不用听风就是雨地考虑DA是否有了新的动向之类的。
虽然我感觉自己成佛了,不过DA肯定还没有成佛,自己的Blog留言被人当作猫扑,就算佛也有火光。假如在这里还是劝告集体荣誉感很强的朋友们,至少为了组织的荣誉,烦请回到组织的怀抱。DA的Blog作为一个纯技术交流的场所,请保持它的安宁吧。. |