微软其实在去年年底已经在测试 Xbox 360 版的《合金装备 4》Metal Gear Solid 4 / MGS4。Konami 在这款游戏中投入太多,他们想获得尽可能多的利润(例如卖出更多的 PS3 版),因此移植到 Xbox 360 是一个好的办法,微软也需要测试好才正式公开,因此可能在今年的 E3 公布。
Microsoft is currently software testing Metal Gear Solid 4 for Xbox 360. They might announce it at E3 but Konami likes to make money and Metal Gear Solid 4 was very expensive for them to make. Microsoft and Konami will not admit it before they are ready to but secretly builds of Metal Gear Solid 4 for Xbox 360 started being tested late last year. Konami want to make back their software development costs and they need to get it on the Xbox 360 to do it.