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Posted by Jem on January 13, 2010 at 3:03 a.m. #25
If thats true about Zangief WOW.
如果是真的,老桑 哇靠牛了。。。。指的估计是那个bug一般的近身新uc的连携。。。简直不能忍,大家近待新版本上市后,老桑的逆袭吧
Posted by wtfasf on January 13, 2010 at 3:04 a.m. #26
this is all bullsh1t, hardly a reference
you get a buncha scrubs tryna test this with no debug kit, no hitbox, no frame data
you cant be serious with any technical info from videos and garbage
wtf eventhubs, take this non-credible bull off this b1tc]h
Posted by Your Fight Monies on January 13, 2010 at 3:05 a.m. #28
Mike "Balrog" Bison, the only "boxer" in so far, does have a nice Ultra ender last hit. HK one is pretty cool in SFIV, if a bit overpowered considering it throws them far - clear into the corner most of the time. Reducing that falling body range and or some damage here or there to balance it throughout the hits would def. have been better. Game not out yet, so at least there's that. Time for further changes. Speak up loc-testers! E-mail Seth @ Capcom!
Posted by KichiKuro on January 13, 2010 at 3:11 a.m. #33
@75 hits
75 hits combos and what?
Sagat shoryu SADC HK ultra removes more than this amazing combo very diffi*** to execute, damage reduce is awesome even with loop so please don't wtach at the 75 hits combos, it is useless.
傻瓜特的tight upcut+sa dash cancel+hk+uc明显强于那个不知所谓的75连,而且那很难执行好么。伤害补正那么巨。。就算连上了的情况下。。 别看那视频,那很没用。。。
这位朋友前面说的是豪鬼逆天75hit。。。。。。我从来没有见人放出来过。。。可以主观屏蔽了。。。另外豪鬼还是值得同情 。。。ssf4里面。。
Posted by 75 hits on January 13, 2010 at 3:15 a.m. #35
I didn't say Sagat's combos (that ono already said they were working on) weren't overpowered, I just said that the particular thing they fixed with akuma needed fixing. They didn't butcher him, you just have to find a new way to land the double kick now. Not that big of a deal.
Posted by Sairus on January 13, 2010 at 3:15 a.m. #36
Sakura's fireball not fading is pretty major. I assume that's just on her uncharged version.
And while Rose's Reflect>FADC>Soul Throw isn't a game breaking addition, it's nice to finally have some comboing ability with Soul Throw.
此外,螺蛳姐的反射+focus attack取消+灵魂投也不是什么破坏游戏的添加连技。它很帅气,总算是有能应用进灵魂投的连招了。。。。。螺蛳姐需要大家的爱护和关注。一代元老变成这样,capcom你给螺蛳使们跪下。。。。。。
Posted by akumaman on January 13, 2010 at 3:16 a.m. #37
nobody has mentioned so far that akuma's new ultra is SUPER easy to execute! It's going to be nice to have an ultra that's really easy to do with akuma
Posted by lol on January 13, 2010 at 3:16 a.m. #38
wow even if akuma gets nerfed hes still gonna be high up the amount of mix up,one of the best keep away characters and strength he has guess eventhubs ryus didnt see the vortex vids. he cant suck its never happened
Posted by @75 hits on January 13, 2010 at 3:24 a.m. #41
you talk about that combo as if it takes off a whole life bar. akuma got the nerf stick anyone who has seen him in action knows that. they have damage scaling in this game for a reason.
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