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原帖网址: http://www.wiihacks.com/recommen ... hould-never-do.html
by mauifrog
Brick Prevention- Things you should never do【防砖16禁】
Please: Do Install- 【请安装】
Bootmii, Priiloader, and Indiana Pwns.- These will help you recover from bricks.
【bootmii, priiloader和Indiana Pwns - 它们将会帮助你修砖。】
Make a nand backup, and keep a copy of your nand and keys in a safe place.
Trucha patch your system ios
【把你的系 统IOS打上trucha补丁】
Remove stubbed ios versions
【移除无用的stub IOS版本】
Below is a list of things you can do, if you wish to brick your wii.
Please do not do these things.
Never....ever, ever:【下面是16禁】
Never uninstall your system menu【禁止卸载系 统菜单】
Your wii will not work very well without a system menu.
【没有系 统菜单,wii将不能工作。】
Never uninstall your system menu ios【禁止卸载系 统菜单所用的IOS】
Ios30, Ios50, Ios60, Ios70
Never uninstall any ios less the 200.【禁止卸载任何号码小于200的IOS】
Ios files under 200 are important to the wii, it is very important you will brick. Never ever uninstall.
Remove Stubbed System IOS files【移除无用的stub IOS文件】
Stubbed ios files are installed by Nintendo durring system update. If a wii is ever downgraded with these stubbed ios in place the wii will brick.
【无用的stub IOS文件是老任在系 统升级是安装的。如果在wii里面有这些无用的stub IOS存在时进行降级,wii会变砖。】
IOS30-v2816, IOS50-v5120, IOS60-v6400, IOS70-v6912, these are stubbes【这些都是stub】
You can remove them by installing:
Example: Down from 4.0 to 3.2, then up to 3.4 = brick with IOS50-v5120 installed
【例子:如果系 统装有IOS50-v5120,从4.0降级到3.2,然后升级至3.4 = 砖(译注:因为3.4要用到IOS50,但系 统中的IOS50-v5120是stub;以下类似)】
Example: Down from 4.2 to 3.2, then up to 4.1 = brick with IOS60-v6400 installed
【例子:如果系 统装有IOS60-v6400,从4.2降级至3.2,然后升级至4.1 = 砖】
Example: Down from 4.3 to 4.1, then up to 4.2 = brick with IOS70-v6912 installed
【例子:如果系 统装有IOS70-v6912,从4.3降级至4.1,然后升级至4.2 = 砖】
Never Update online【禁止在线升级】
Updating online will remove all softmods, bootmii included, and could brick your wii.
Don't do this unless you're instructed to do so by a forum mod.
Never update from disk【禁止从光盘升级】
Updating from disk can brick or semi-brick your wii. It is almost never necessary, even when the disk says otherwise.
Don't do this unless you're instructed to do so by a forum mod.
Never downgrade system menu of newer wii models【禁止降级新型号Wii的系 统菜单】
System menu versions less then 3.4 do not support newer wii hardware. Downgrading a newer wii will result in a brick.
【小于3.4系 统菜单版本不支持新的Wii硬件。把新型号的Wii降级会造成砖。】
Example- Downgrading a newer wii to 3.2 could brick it.
Never downgrade ios files of newer wii models 【禁止降级新型号Wii的IOS文件】
Newer wii models will not function with many downgraded ios files. Downgrading your ios files to enable trucha bug could cause many black screens or worse, brick your wii.
Example- Downgrading Ios36 to Ios36-v1042 will cause most Homebrew to load to black screens on a newer wii.
Use TBR, or Dop-Ios-Mod to enable trucha bug instead.
Never install wads of unknown origin.【禁止安装来源不明的wad】
Bad wads can bannerbrick your wii, or worse, brick your wii. There have been some malicious wads in circulation, that when installed can brick your wii. Only download and install from a reputable source, one with good feedback. Always read the comments.
【坏的wad可能造成砖。目前有一些恶意的wad在流传,安装它们会让wii变砖。只从可信的(有好的反馈的)来源下 载和安装。下 载前一定要读其他人的评论。】
Never install System menu themes【禁止安装系 统菜单主题】
Without bootmii install as boot2. System menu themes have a bad habit of bricking wii systems. Usually because they are not compatible with your current system menu, and other issues. Installing them will remove your preloader, so if you don't have bootmii installed as boot2, there is very little you can do to recover. Having a theme is not worth the risks. Don't do it, or be prepared to pay the price.
【如果没有装有bootmii as boot2的话。系 统菜单主题很可能让wii变砖。通常是因为它们与你的现有系 统菜单不相容,或者因为其它原因。安装它们会移除你的preloader,所以如果你没有装有bootmii as boot2,你几乎无法恢复。为了一个主题不值得冒这个险。别做,否则作好准备变砖。】
Never install cIOSCORP【禁止安装cIOSCORP】
Unless you know what cIOSCORP is, what it does, and fully understand the risks involved in its installation, do not install it. cIOSCORP is a very complex system modification, which offers legitimate features, but its installation can be very problematic. If you don't know what it is, don't install it. Don't install it to fix black screen issues with games.
【除非你知道什么是cIOSCORP,它是干什么的,并完全理解安装它所牵涉的风险,否则不要安装它。cIOSCORP是一个非常复杂的系 统修改,它提供了一些合理的功能,但它的安装可能会变得非常成问题。如果你不知道它是什么,不要安装它。不要试图装它来修复游戏黑屏的问题。】
Never format your wii【禁止格式化Wii】
Formatting your wii will not remove all of your softmods, and it could brick your wii.【格式化wii不会移除所有的软破解,而且它有可能会让wii变砖。】
Never update a region changed Korean wii.【禁止升级改了区的韩版Wii】
If you have a region changed Korean wii, updating will result in a brick.
You will receive error 003, which is currently unfix-able. Korean wii models have a LKM######### serial number. If you have one of these, do not update your wii. Also region changed Korean wii users should install cIOS70-v6174.zip, which may prevent "error 003" should you update by mistake. Don't update. SM 4.3 is out, installcIOS80-v6174.zip to prevent any issue. Remember, never update.
【你会看到003错误,目前还无法修复。韩版Wii的序列号是LKM#########。如果你有一个的话,不要升级。另外改区韩版wii用户应该安装 cIOS70-v6174.zip [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?m0wicnjd211],一旦你不慎升级的话,它可以防止“003错误”。不要升级。系 统菜单4.3发布了,安装cIOS80-v6174.zip [http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zzmojjtxqkf] 来防止任何问题。记住不要升级。】
Never format a semi-bricked wii【禁止格式化变半砖的Wii】
If your wii is semi-bricked from an out of region disk update and you are unable to enter the system settings, never format.
【如果你的Wii由于来自别的区的光盘升级变半砖了,无法进入系 统设置,千万不要格式化。】
Formatting a semi-bricked wii, with Nintendo's Recovery disk or other method will result in a bigger brick.
Never listen to ***【禁止按照***网上视频***】
Youtube guides are a nice idea, but they FAIL all to often. Stay on wiihacks, read the guides found here. Many guides become out dated, and could brick your wii. Be sure to ask questions if you do not understand something.
Never rush【禁止匆忙】
Most bricks happen from careless actions. Slow down, read the forums, and be sure to ask questions.
I will add to this list as they come to mind. If you can think of other way to brick your wii, post them here. |