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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-16 12:43  ·  吉林 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

uldcept Expansion FAQ v1.02 (4/30/01) by Gene
Culdcept Expansion (PS)
1-4 Players
1 Disc
Genre: Board Game (Table)
Memory: 1 Block
Multitap, Analog Control Support

1)  Introduction
2)  Frequently Asked Questions
3)  How to play
    3.1)  At the Main Menu
    3.2)  Controls
    3.3)  Dice Menu
    3.4)  Card Menu
    3.5)  Command Menu
    3.6)  Screen Layout
4)  Game Rules
    4.1)  Winning the Game
    4.2)  The Game Turn
    4.3)  Terrain
    4.4)  Special Game Squares
    4.5)  Combat
5)  Customizing Your Deck
    5.1)  Deck Rules
    5.2)  Customizing Strategy
6)  Characters
    6.1)  Enemy Character List
7)  Game Cards Lists
    7.1)  Creature Cards
    7.2)  Item Cards
    7.3)  Spell Cards
8)  Game Effect Lists
    8.1)  Castle Effects
    8.2)  Shrine Effects
9)  Deck Lists
10) Maps
11) Story Mode Strategy
    11.1)  Story Mode Walkthrough
12) Secrets
13) Miscellaneous / Et Cetera

1)  Introduction
This game is an original fantasy board game for the Japanese Playstation that
was released in Japan on May 1, 1999 for 5800 yen.  It is the first game of the
series for the Playstation.  But its predecessor was on the Sega Saturn as
Culdcept.  It was followed by Culdcept Expansion Plus, a slightly newer version
with a map editor that was sold for 2800 yen.  It will be followed by a new
version on the Dreamcast, Culdcept Second.

2)  Frequently Asked Questions
Q) I can't play this game with my modded PS!  Why not?
  I don't know.  I am playing the original game on a Japanese PS.  If anyone
  has any help here, please let me know.

Q) Can I play it without much knowledge of Japanese?
A) Well, it isn't that bad.  There are a lot of pictures of things and there
  are only a few commands which you use regularly.  There isn't much English,
  but it is easily playable without much knowledge of Japanese.  The game is
  quite simple to play.

Q) What is the game like?
A) It is like a mix between a board game and a strategy card game.  If you are
  a fan of either game, you should give it a try.

Q) I only have one of Card X in my deck, how come I can have two in my hand at
A) When you have pulled all of the cards from your deck, your deck is
  replenished back to full, even with the cards that are still in play.
  Therefore, you can have two cards in play, even though there is only one
  in your deck.

Q) What happens if I can't pay my opponent when I land on their square?
A) If you have sold all of your locations and still owe, then you return back
  to the castle and start with the original MPs.  However, the full amount is
  paid to your opponent even though you don't have enough to pay them.

Q) I've beat the game, but I have to gather the rest of the cards.  How can I
  do it quickly?
A) Here is how I did it: Take your main character into battle mode and build
  three new characters.  Then, play the last story mode map in a battle with
  your character and the three new ones.  Take all the characters to one of
  the circular areas of the map.  Control one of the squares and build it up
  quickly.  Keep moving the three characters in this loop until they land on
  it and are forced back to the castle.  Use any Holy Word cards they have to
  make them land on your squares.  Never make these characters take any
  squares on the map.  After about 10 minutes, the map should be finished with
  you as the winner and (if you did it correctly) the other characters tied in
  second place.  Having the other characters tied in second place is important
  because they will each receive a lot more cards than if they weren't tied.
  Then, when the battle is over.  Trade all of the cards from the other players
  to your character, save and start again.  Use the Old Willow and Kelpie cards
  in your deck to help out.

Q) How do I get the Vandal Gear card?
A) You need to have the Battle Gear A and Battle Gear B cards.  Put them into
  your deck.  In the game, place one of them into play.  When combat occurs
  with one of them, summon the other as an item.  They will merge in battle.
  You can never have it in your deck as a single card.  You must merge it on
  the game board.

3)  How to play
This is a board (tabletop) game.  Your objective is to have collect enough
magic points (MP) before your opponents do.  You do this by controlling areas
on the board with creatures that you summon.  Players (called Cepters) affect
each other by attacking each other's creatures with their own.  Players cannot
directly attack each other, but can cast spells on each other.  If you lose
a battle on an opponent's square, you must pay them (rent) as MPs.

3.1) At the Main Menu:

Story Mode
Story mode is where you fight the enemy characters in a set of games,
collecting cards as you go along to make your deck (of cards) better.  You can
save at any time in a game and also between games.  You must re-organize your
decks between battles as you gain new cards.  At the start of the Story mode,
you choose your character's appearance on the game board.  This has no effect
in the game.  Afterwards, you will be shown a map of the game world and you
must choose your path.

Battle Mode
Battle mode is simply a stand-alone map against human or computer opponents.
When beginning Battle mode, you must choose the map and the characters and
which controller they use before starting the game.  When choosing a map,
you can set the goal, cards anted up (if any), BGM, computer messages on or
off and random or original terrain. If there are two human players, you can
also trade cards by selecting the 5th option in the player menu.
When you select a character here are the options:
Examine Book (deck)
Examine Stock (all your cards)
Gallery (look at all your ending movies/pictures)
Trade cards
Delete Character
Return to Battle menu

Here you can view the game's manual in electronic format.

3.2) Controls:
Joystick selects between menus and squares
O accepts
X cancels or returns a menu
triangle brings up the game map
L1 cycles through status info on the squares
R1 brings up the status information
Select brings up the electronic manual

In combat, all the buttons are used for item select

In game, there are three basic menus:
- The middle menu is the card menu.
- The top menu is the dice menu.
- The bottom menu is the command menu.

3.3) Dice Menu
This is the menu for movement.  When you select this menu, you will see
a round display with the numbers from 1-10*.  You must move this number of
squares, but at intersections, you may choose either route.
* Note the movement maximum varies with the map.

3.4) Card Menu
Here you can see the cards that you currently have in your hand.
You can cast one per game phase by selecting a spell card before movement.
You can only hold a maximum of 6 cards at a time.  If you have more than 6,
you must immediately discard one of them.

3.5) Command Menu
A) Terrain Sub-menu
Terrain Level Up
- Here you can increase the level of the terrain.
- Higher terrain level gives higher HPs to the creature on it, if they are
   a creature of the same terrain.
- Higher terrain level increases the cost when landing on it.
- Terrain may be increased to level 5 maximum.
Change Terrain
- You may change the terrain to another type for a base cost of 100MPs, which
   rises with the number of controlled squares in that area.
Move Creature
- You can move a creature one space, between terrain squares.
Exchange Creature
- You can exchange the creature on the square to another in your hand.
- You still pay the activation cost of the new creature.

* If you land on a square such as a Tower or Castle, you can access the
Command menu for any square that you control.  If you access the Command menu
at other times, you can only access the squares that you crossed this turn
in the Command menu.

B) Map
- Displays the game board.

C) Options
- Shows the in-game options:
   - Sound, Stereo or Mono
   - Message speed, 1-5
   - Vibration, On or Off
   - Change the position of the screen

D) Display Status
- Shows the Status menus

E) Help
- Displays the electronic manual

F) Save (Story mode only)
- Allows you to save the game

G) End turn
- Ends your current turn

3.6) Screen Layout
At the top of the screen, there is the display for MPs.
The top number is the number of MPs available for each player(pool).
The bottom number is the number of MPs secured in total.
To the right of these numbers are the letters NESW for the checkpoints
  visited by the player.
At the bottom of the screen, you can see the current menu.

4)  Game Rules

4.1) Winning the Game
The player that accumulates the set number of MPs is the winner.
To accumulate MPs in locations, players must increase the level of
the terrain.  By doing this, they increase their magic point total but reduce
MPs from their pool.  The magic point pool is used to cast spells, execute
commands, etc.  It is the immediate pool from which the player draws their
power.  If your pool is reduced below zero, you must relinquish control
the magic that you have stored in locations on the board.  Think of the pool
as the money in your pocket and the stored magic as your bank account.  If
you run out of money, you have to go into your bank account and withdraw.
To be crowned the winner, you must be the first player with the appropriate
MPs to reach the castle.

If you cannot pay enough MPs when you land on an opponent's square, you are
forced back to the castle and are re-instated with the starting amount of MPs.

4.2) The Game Turn
In every game turn(or round), each player may do each of the following things:
*Pull a card*
- First a player receives a new card from his deck (or book).
- If a player has more than 6 cards, they immediately discard one.
*Cast a spell*
- A player may then cast a spell (use a spell card).
- This is optional.
- A player must move (by using the dice or a spell card).
*Place a creature / Command*
- After a player has moved, a player may place a creature if the square is
- If the square is occupied, the player may initiate combat.
- In some cases, the player may access the command menu instead of placing a

4.3) Terrain
There are five types of terrain for the squares in the game.  They are: Fire,
Water, Air, Earth and Neutral.  The creatures in the game are born of these
same terrain.  If a creature is on the same type of terrain, then it gains a HP
bonus in combat equal to Terrain level X 10.  You can increase the level of
terrain from 1-5 by accessing the command menu.  In the command menu, you can
also change the terrain that your own to any that you wish at a cost of MPs.
The more creatures that you control in an area, the higher the cost when an
opponent lands on one of those squares.
Neutral creatures never receive a HP bonus, even if they are on neutral terrain.
Some creatures receive special bonuses in specific terrain and others can never
be placed on some terrain.  For more info, check the card listing.  Some more
powerful creatures require that you own a number of terrain in an area before
you can place them (usually a map is divided into two or three areas).

Each map is divided into one or more areas.  In each area, terrain has a certain
value.  This value depends on several things, including:
The number of a terrain that a player owns, past the first
The terrain level of those locations
This value affects the amount that player pays when landing on it (rent).  Value
goes up and down during the game as players exchange locations and change the
terrain level of each one.  Players may use the Chapel to invest MPs in a
terrain for a certain area.  Later, the player can sell back his investment
for a higher or lower level.

4.4) Special Game Squares
Game squares are special locations or buildings on the board.  When you
land on these squares, if you do not use the properties of the square, you can
execute a command from the command menu.
- The castle is the main building in the game.
   You begin and end the game in this square.
   You receive a salary (and sometimes bonus) after reaching the checkpoints.
   You can access the command menu if you land on it.

- The towers are checkpoints.  Once you have reached all of the checkpoints, go
  to the castle to receive your salary.
- You can access the command menu if you land on it.

Chapel (Bank)
- Here you can make an offering to your god. (see Terrain)
   Top menu is to buy.
   Middle menu is to sell.
- You can access the command menu if you land on it.

- These are card shops where you may buy extra cards if you land on it.
- You can access the command menu if you land on it.

- You get a random effect(good or bad) when you land on it. (see lists)
- You can access the command menu if you land on it.

- You are transported to another Warp square if you land on it.

4.5) Combat
When attacking, you will see a bubble appear above each creature.
Up Arrow - Your creature's Strength + Support Bonus is greater than the
        defending creatures HPs + Terrain bonus
Equals - Your creature's Strength + Support Bonus is equal to the
       defending creature's HPs + Terrain bonus
Down Arrow - Your creature's Strength + Support Bonus is less than the
          defending creatures HPs + Terrain bonus
Shield - Creature cannot attack, only defend
Land Marker - You do not control enough terrain to place the creature yet
G - You do not have enough MPs to place the creature
X - The Creature has an aversion of this terrain and cannot be placed on it
Card - Creature cannot be placed because you have no cards to sacrifice.

*Be careful!  This does not include things like Quick strike and other
  abilities so at times, it looks like an easy battle and you will lose.
  These markers should be used only as a guide for combat.

If you choose not to attack a creature when you land on a square, you can
access the command menu instead.  You will be penalized in the same amount
of MPs as if you had lost the combat.
After choosing the combatants, the attacker will choose the item that they
wish to use in the combat, if any, then the defender does the same.
Next, combat ensues.  Unless there are other effects, the attacker will attack
first, dealing his adjusted strength in damage to the defending creature's HPs.
If the defending creature survives, then he may attack back, dealing damage in
the same manner.
Combat can be modified by item or creature effects such as Quick strike, or
After combat has been resolved, the combat result is one of the following:
- Attacker wins and the attacking player gains control of the square.
- Defender wins and the defending player gains control of the square.
- The combat is drawn (no winner) and defender still controls the square.
- Both creatures are killed and nobody controls the square.

Combat Modifiers:
- Support Bonus is the number of creatures that you control in the area.
   Support Bonus can be used in attacking and defending.
   You gain +10 Str for one creature on either side
   You gain +20 Str for creatures on both sides
- Terrain Bonus can be used only in defending.

5)  Customizing your Book of Cards
Between maps in the Story mode, you can customize your deck (book of cards).
Before entering the next map, select the third option to copy your book,
and select the fourth to edit your book.
When editing your book, you have several options:
- Edit Book
- Rename Book
- Divide Book
- Delete Book

5.1) Deck Rules
There are several rules that you must follow when customizing your deck:
  You must have 50 cards in your deck.
  You can have zero of a single card minimum.
  You can only have 4 of a single card maximum.

5.2) Customizing Strategy
Make sure that your deck is tailored to the map and opponent that you are
playing.  Also, make sure that you keep a good balance between weak, cheap
creatures and big, expensive creatures.  There's no sense in having a deck full
of expensive creatures that you can't cast until later in the game.  Always try
and represent a good balance between the terrain also.  The creatures that adapt
to any terrain are generally a bit weaker, so don't rely on too many of them.
Try and keep a balance of around 40-70% creatures, with the rest as spells and
items or any combination that you like.  Creatures are a basic part of the game,
spells and items aid them.  As for specific card-types, be careful.  Card
summoners and sacrificers are great cards in attacking enemy creatures, but you
need to fuel them with other cards.  If you put too many of them in your deck,
you won't have the cards to use them properly.  You should also be careful of
creatures that require controlling terrain before using them because too many in
a deck can be disastrous.  At the start, you won't be able to concentrate on a
single terrain or two.  You just have to take the cards you can and add them
wherever you can.  Later on, once you have collected enough cards, you can start
to make your own speciality decks and work on single terrain decks, etc.

Here are some thoughts on the colors and the strengths / weaknesses of each:

Earth has a lot of Defensive creatures.  Armadillo, Ormec Head, Mandrake, Mummy,
etc.  Many of the Earth creatures have at least 40HPs.  There are a lot of
special abilities too, like summoners and petrifiers.  The outstanding cards are
Sandman, Gargoyle, Ooze, and Cerberus.  For attacking, you will need to rely on
some weapons to overtake your enemies and this leaves you a bit vulnerable if
you opponent can exploit this.  They are noticeably short of Quick creatures.
Their basic cards are very good and Earth is a good basic deck.  Selenear is
incredible, but needs to be in a single terrain deck.  If you use a couple of
neutral creatures as attackers, it will help your deck.

Air has a lot of quick cards in combat.  The Harpy is an excellent base card
because it is relatively cheap, has Quick strike and can be placed easily.
Some of its other cards are really excellent attackers.  If you concentrate
on Air in your deck, make sure that you have some defensive items to save
your creatures.  The Hurricane is a great wall type card, but cannot attack and
therefore I am reluctant to throw it in.  Knights are excellent attackers and
can attack on any terrain too.  The Griffon is a wonderful basic card, but it
is a bit rare and can be diffi*** to come by.  On defense, you are in a bit of
trouble.  Many creature have 30HPs, which is terrible because an evil blast will
take one out. The more expensive cards in Air are very powerful.  The Genie,
Siren, and Paladin are great cards, but can be expensive and diffi*** to get
out sometimes.疑问,在后面跟贴就可以。.



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-16 12:43  ·  吉林 | 显示全部楼层
Fire has some excellent attackers too.  Many of its creatures have high Str.  A
simple strategy for a decent Fire deck is to use the Old Willow with some
defensive cards.  The Old Willow forces opponents to stop on its location and
if you can defend it, force your opponent into debt every time.  Make sure that
you have some good defenseive items to use with it.  As for other cards, the Gas
Cloud is a great card in battle because it is diffi*** to destroy as it takes
only half damage.  The Drainroper is also a good defensive card because it has
high HPs and can be quite diffi*** to kill when placed on its home terrain.
The Hellhound is an excellent basic attacker.  The Chimera can be very powerful
late in the game because it's strength rises and it is Quick.  Bistair is
incredibly powerful, but needs to be in a single terrain deck.

Water has a lot of Invincible creatures.  The Kelpie is similar to the Old
Willow and can be great against an opponent.  The Nymph is very good with its
ability to charm humanoids.  Mujina and Lilith can be devastating if you have
the cards.  The Sea Monk is good because it can't be harmed by humanoids.  I
personally find that Water can be awesome or not.  It really relies on its
special abilities which decide its strength.  It also has a lot of creatures
that have an Aversion for other terrains, especailly Fire.

The Unseen Stalker and Decoy are excellent in many decks due to their
invincibility.  The Ninja is a great attacker with his speed and strength.  So
is the Samurai, especially against humanoids.  The Cleric is handy, especially
against undead opponents.  I personally believe that the Cleric is the best of
all the summoners because of his excellent side ability to Turn Undead and his
higher strength.  But, if you have a lot of scrolls in your deck, the others
may be more important.

6)  Characters
You can never control these characters in the game.  These are your opponents.
When you start a new game, you choose what your character looks like, but
it doesn't give you any special bonus.  Each character has a certain type of
deck that they control.  When you fight them, they will use the same deck.  So,
although the characters themselves are not different, their decks are.

6.1) Enemy Character List
Sebastion & Poco-Poco
King Weyden

7)  Game Cards
All game cards have an activation cost.  There are 360 game cards in total in
the game: 142 Normal, 128 Strange, 84 Rare and 5 Extra Rare cards.  Generally,
the rarer the card, the more powerful, but still basic cards are always helpful
and some cards are better than others regardless of rarity.  The Extra Rare
cards are acquired when you have completed a set of each terrain and when you
complete the entire universe and are very powerful.

7.1) Creature List
R=Rarity                Items:
  N=Normal              W=Weapons
  S=Strange              A=Armor
  R=Rings               R=Rings
  E=Extra Rare            S=Scrolls
Type=Creature Type
Home=Home Terrain Type
Cost=Activation Cost
  C=Card sacrifice
  E=Must control an Earth square
  A=Must control an Air square
  W=Must control a Water square
  F=Must control a Fire square

R Creature    Type  Home  Str/HPs  Cost   Notes/Abilities
S Acheron      U    F    10/50   75FC  Aversion(W),Unmoveable,
                                Destroys an opponent's card
R Amber Mosquito An   X    0/40   50    Transforms into Giant Rat or T-Rex
S Anubias      P    W    30/50   85W   Aversion(F),
                                Combat HP=creatures killed x 5
S Armadillo    An   E    20/60   40    Even round, HP=60; odd HP=30
S Ashra       H    F    30/50   85F   Casts Backward after
                                Winning if on F
R Ba-al       U    F    50/50   90FC  Quick, costs 100MP/combat
S Baldanders    H    X    0/30   40    Becomes random creature
S Bandicoot    An   F    20/30   75    Revenge
S Bandit      H    X    20/20   40    Summoner, Steals MP=damage x 2
R Barrow Wight  U    F    20/40   90FC  Makes H,An sleep
R Basilisk     D    E    30/50  115EE  Kill(H,An,D)=60%,
                                After combat terrain=level 1
R Battle Gear A  U    X    40/20   70    Summoner *Special*
R Battle Gear B  U    X    20/40   75    Summoner *Special*
R Beezlebub    U    A    70/70  160AAC  Aversion(E), Lordly(A),
                                Costs 100MP/combat
S Behemoth     D    W    60/60  110WW  Aversion(F), Slow,
                                At end of combat steals card
N Berserker    H    X    40/50   60    Rage
E Bistair      U    F    80/80  100FFF  Aversion(W), Quick, Steals MP
R Blast Sphere  U    F    10/50   95F   Aversion(W), if HP



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 楼主| 发表于 2005-5-16 12:44  ·  吉林 | 显示全部楼层
7.3) Spell List
Spell cards are used before movement to give various effects.
There are four types of spells:
  (Att) Attack - inflicts damage to a creature, or affects creatures negatively
  (Def) Defense - increases defense, or aids creatures
  (Mov) Movement - affects a player's movement
  (Oth) Other - miscellaneous spell effects

R  Spell Name    Type  Cost  Effect
N Acid Rain      Att   80  20 Damage to all Dragons in an area
S Anti-Element    Att   40  Creature receievs no terrain bonus
N Aports        Mov   60  Moves player to your location
R Armor Smith    Oth   30  Transforms a card into a random armor card
N Backward      Mov   30  Player moves backwards
S Balance       Att   20  Players gain MP depending on ranking
S Babble        Att   10  Player cannot shop for three rounds???
S Barricade      Oth   80  Increases rent in an area (3 rounds)
N Barrier       Def   40  Cannot casts spells on player (6 rounds)
N Bind         Att   50  Player skips a round
N Binding Mist    Att   20  Paralyzes creature
S Camoflage      Oth   30  Creature receives terrain bonus
R Catastrophe    Att  400  All creatures take damage=50% of MHP
R Changeling     Att  100  Turns 3 cards into Goblins from deck
S Chaos Panic    Oth   40  All players change direction of their movement
S Chariot       Oth   30  Creature can move 2 squares
R Corruption     Att  150  Player loses 5x(#of units in bank) MP
N Cure         Def    5  Restores creatures HPs to maximum
S Death Cloud    Att   80  All A in an area take damage=30% of MHP
N Dimension Door  Mov   40  Random teleport
N Dispel Magic    Def   10  Restores player's status to normal
S Drain Magic    Att   80  Steal 30% of player MP
S Drought       Oth   50  Can't change terrain level on square
R Earth Shaker    Att  400  All terrain level=1
R Evil Blast     Att  100  30 Damage to a Creature
S Fire Explosion  Att   80  All creatures in an area take damage=30% of MHP
N Fog          Mov   50  Player movement is halved
R Forest Leap    Mov   40  Player is teleported to nearest E square
N Fly          Mov   30  Roll 2 dice for movement this round
N Grace        Oth   10  Receive 10% of MP savings in bank
N Growth Body    Def   30  Creature's MHP+10
N Haste        Mov   50  Roll 6-8 for movement (3 rounds)
R Haunt        Oth   40  Human player is computer controlled (2 rounds)
N Holy Bright    Att   80  All U take 20 damage
S Holy Word 0    Mov   40  Don't move this round
N Holy Word 1    Mov   30  Move 1 square this round
N Holy Word 2    Mov   20  Move 2 squares this round
N Holy Word 3    Mov   20  Move 3 squares this round
N Holy Word 6    Mov   20  Move 6 squares this round
N Holy Word X    Mov   20  Move 10 squares this round
S Ice Storm      Att   80  All F in an area take damage=30% of MHP
S Insect Swarm    Att   80  All creatures in an area take 20 damage
R Judgement      Att   80  Player loses 80% of MP
N Jump         Mov   20  Teleport the nearest location you own
R Lake Leap      Mov   40  Player is teleported to nearest W square
N Land Protection  Def   30  Can't target land with spells
S Land Transfer   Oth   10  Sells off one of your locations
R Lifeforce      Oth   80  Can't cast spells, but summons half cost
R Lifestream     Def   80  Restores HPs to all your creatures
S Locust        Att  100  Lowers Terrain level by one
N Magic Bolt     Att   50  20 Damage to a Creature
R Magic Dice     Mov   40  Move 5 or 6 (3 rounds)
N Mana         Oth   10  Gives the player MPs=50x(#times reached Castle)
R Meteor        Att  300  Puts a square to level 1 terrain
S Mind Blast     Att   50  Player loses 5 MP / round
R Mind Seeker    Att   20  Gives you a card from opponent's deck
N Mine         Att   20  If player lands on this square, MP are halved
R Mountain Leap   Mov   40  Player is teleportted to nearest F square
S Mutation      Def   30  MHP+20, Poisons creature
E Omnipotent     Oth   80  Gives you a choice from the Shrine effects
N Permission     Oth  100  Clears all checkpoints
S Phantasm      Att   80  Creature can't regenerate or be healed
R Plain Leap     Mov   40  Player is teleported to nearest A square
N Poison Mist    Att   20  Poisons creature
N Pressure      Att   50  Lowers the terrain value in an area
S Raise Dead     Oth   50  Gives you the last creature that was destroyed
N Remove Curse    Def   10  Sets status of terrain + creature to normal
S Recall        Mov   80  Teleports you to the castle
S Reincarnation   Oth   10  Gives you six new cards, discards old ones
N Revival       Oth   20  Restarts your deck
N Shatter       Def   20  Destroys an item card
R Sink         Oth  150  Turns square into W square
S Silence       Att   60  Player cannot cast summon spells (2 rounds)
N Slow         Mov   50  Roll 1-3 for movement (3 rounds)
S Snatch        Att   50  Steals a random card from player
N Solitude      Att   30  Creature receieves no support bonus
R Soul Steal     Oth   40  Each creature that dies gives you 50MP (3 rounds)
S Squeeze       Def   50  Destroy a card, give opponent 150MP
S Swap Spell     Oth   50  Exchange cards with another player
R Telekinesis    Oth   80  Move a creature a square
N Teleport      Mov   10  Teleports to castle
R Tempest       Att  200  All creatures take 20 damage
S Time Bomb      Att   20  3 rounds later, explodes in an area, halving MP
S Thunderstorm    Att    0  All E in an area take damage=30% of MHP
R Unsummon      Att  300  Returns creatures to player's hand
R Upheaval      Oth  150  Turns square into F square
S Waste        Att   60  Doubles cost of item cards for player
N Weakness      Att   20  Reduces Str to zero
R Weaponsmith    Oth   30  Transforms a card to a random weapon
R Weathering     Oth  150  Changes a square to an A square
R Wild Growth    Oth  150  Changes a square to an E square
S Wind of Hope    Oth   30  Draw two cards from your deck
N Wizard Eye     Oth   10  See next 6 cards of a player's deck
Notes on abilities:
Archmage - inflicts 150% damage when using scrolls
Aversion - cannot be placed on this terrain
Charm - enemy creature is placed into your hand
Critical - inflicts 150% damage to these creatures
Invincibility - receives no damage from this item or creature
Lordly - all creatures of this type you control Str+10
Kill - %chance that creatures killed automatically
Paralysis - opponent cannot attack back or use cards in combat
Petrify - creature is turned into Wall of Stone
Poison - can poison opponent which deals extra damage at end of combat
Pillage - takes MPs away from opponent's controller equal to damage inflicted
Quick - inflicts damage first in combat
Rage - creature inflicts 30% of the damage done to opponent, on itself
Rebirth - if destroyed in combat, returns to players hand
Reflect - takes no damage, and damage inflicted equals damage received when
  destroyed in combat
Regeneration - HPs restored to full at the end of combat, if survived
Revenge - takes only half damage and gives a quarter of damage received back to
  the opposing creature in combat
Slow - inflicts damage last in combat
Strength Drain - reduces enemy's Str after attacking
Summoner - can summon other creatures in battle (discarded after use)
Unmoveable - creature cannot be moved in the command menu
Untargettable - creature cannot be targetted by spells
Vampiric - drains HPs from opponent at end of combat
*Special* - see FAQ at the start of this document

8)  Game Effect Lists
These are the lists for the various game effects, which are in Japanese.

8.1) Castle Effects
When passing the Castle after the checkpoints, players may receive a bonus:
Depending on the number of times you've reached the castle
How many locations you possess
How much you have stored in the bank
Bonus effects from Shrine or other cards
All your creatures are healed 20% of MHP

8.2) Shrine Effects
All creatures in area take damage=50% of MHP
All creatures of a single terrain in an area have strength reduced by 20%
All creatures of a single terrain in an area have MHPs reduced
All creatures of a single terrain in an area take damage=20% of MHP
Random player loses a card
Player loses a turn
Player loses MP
Activation cost of Items and Creatures are increased for three rounds
Activation cost of Spells are increased for three rounds
Don't pay for landing on opponent's squares (1 round)
All creatures of a single terrain in an area are healed
All creatures of a single terrain in an area have strength increased
All creatures of a single terrain in an area have MHPs increased
A random square's terrain changes to another
Ownership of a square is changed to a random player
Player gains 200 MP
Player gains 50 MP
Player rolls two dice for movement next round
Player is teleported to a random square
MP leader trades MP with person with the least MPs.
All players gain MP
Activation cost of Items are reduced for three rounds
Activation cost of Spells are reduced for three rounds
Activation cost of Creatures are reduced for three rounds
5% of your MPs is given to all other players
Your creatures are paralyzed for 1 round
Don't recieve MPs for opponents landing on your squares (1 round)
Draw two cards
Can't use item cards for three rounds
Bonus salary 30% when you reach the castle
Random player loses 10-60 MP
Player movement is 1-3 for two rounds

9)  Deck Lists
This section is for Deck lists ideas.  Feel free to email any of your ideas:
Here are the basic decks:

Stopper Deck - Old Willow(4), Kelpie(4), Ashra(4), Deep Spawn(4), Hellspawn(4),
  Lilith(4), Nymph (4), Chimera (2), Holy Word 0 (3), Jump(2)

Earth Deck - Gargoyle(2), Ormec Head(1), Woodfolk(2), Vampire(2), Ghoul(3),
  Cerberus(3), Dark Master(1), Dark Elf(1), Selenear(1), Sandman(3),
  Dragon Zombie(1), Gnome(2), Troll(1), Mummy(2), Ninja(2), Samurai(2),
  Wild Growth(3), Forest Leap(1)

Air Deck - Griffon(3), Knight(3), Thunerbeak(2), Saberclaw(1), Genie(2),
  Siren(2), Spectre(1), Simurgh(1), Nightmare(2), Harpy(3), Paladin(2),
  Leveler(2), Wyvern(1), Mermecoleo(2), Beezlebub(1), Dullahan(1),
  Weathering(3), Plain Leap(1)

Fire Deck - Old Willow(4), Hellhound(4), Chimera(2), Dragon(1), Bistair(1),
  Bandicoot(2), Fire Giant(2), Fire Drake(2), Drainroper(2), Gas Cloud(2),
  Salamander(1), Ba-al(1), Manticore(1), Valkyria(1), Upheaval(3),
  Mountain Leap(1)

Water Deck - Kelpie(4), Nymph(4), Ice Salamander(1), Anubias(2), Undine(1),
  Charbydis(1), Sea Monk(2), Geophag(1), Giant Amoeba(1), Storm Giant(2),
  Hydra(1), Mujina(2), Lilith(2), Lionmane(1), Lizardman(1), Sink(3),
  Lake Leap(1)

These cards are suggestions to add to those decks, but they vary depending on
the style of game that you wish to use.  Of course, you don't have to play a
single terrain deck.  You can do anything that you wish.  I personally find
that my best decks are the dual-terrain decks.  If you know that your opponent,
then you can add some of the specialty attack and defense items and spells,
but I wouldn't add them unless you know your opponent well.

Basic Spells - Meteor, Reincarnation, Holy Word 0, Evil Blast, Unsummon,
  Silence, Drain Magic, Omnipotent, Judgement

Good Weapons - Odin Lance, Sling, Battle Axe, Morning Star, Sword of Falcon,
  Crossbow, Claymore

Good Scrolls - Charm, Nuclear Fusion, Hellblaze

Good Armor - Platemail, Scalemail

Good Rings - Iksear, Terrair, Counter Amulet, Gaseous Form, Boomerang,
  Necro Scarab, Silver Plow, The Hand, Holy Symbol

10)  Maps
Maps 1-10 are the Story Mode maps
Maps 11-14 are the Battle Mode maps
Map 15 is for downloading a map

11)  Story Mode Strategy
In story mode, the best advice is to tailor your deck to each map.  The first
time that you play a new map, you are in trouble.  You need to see your
opponent's cards and the terrain so that you can fix your deck to the
situation.  Don't be discouraged if you lose a battle, because you will still
receive some new cards which can help you more next time.  If you are losing a
battle, you should always play it through to the end, because you will still
get some cards from it.  You get the most cards if you win, and the least if
you are last place.  You can re-do maps again, and sometimes this is really
helpful once you receive a good card.  Usually, if you have beaten them once,
it is not as hard the second time through.  I found that when I start with a
new character, the most diffi*** map is the sixth or seventh one.  It's hard
at the start, but once you have a stronger deck, you can out-smart the computer
opponents easier.
A good strategy to help you start off is to create four characters, play a four-
player Battle game with the characters, playing for ante.  When the game(s) are
finished, trade the cards to the winning character that you will keep, making
one good deck and deleting the other players.  It really helps you start off
with some better cards.

11.1) Story Mode Walkthrough
Story mode is divided into chapters, one for each new map that you conquer.
You can choose to do the maps in any order, so the chapters will be different.
There are ten maps in total to conquer.  You can re-do a map if you wish and
gain cards again.  To gain all of the cards, you will have to play the maps
multiple times or play battle mode more.

Since you have choices to make in the order you play the maps, I've made a
simple map of the island with the corresponding maps.

    /   4       6  
   /        9      
  /   2      8     
   1    3        7  /
             5   /
      S          /

Map S) Start
Enemy - Zeneth
This is the simple starting map.  It isn't that diffi*** as it is meant to be
an introduction to Story mode.  Learn the basics here so that you can do better
later on.  There are no intersections in the map, so movement is based mostly
on luck.  Zeneth's deck is comparable to your starting deck, but you should
be able to beat him in the end, if you are playing right.

Map #1)
Enemy - Sebastion & Poco-Poco
This map is two circles joined together.  The castle is the set at the
intersection of their connection.  Sebastion's cards are mostly Water based,
so be careful.  If you can control the water and keep it before he does, you
can win easily.

Map #2)
Enemy - Kou-Tetsu
This is map is shaped like a cross, with the castle in the middle.  Kou-Tetsu's
creatures are basically Fire and Air creatures, so try and control those areas
if you can, but make sure that you can hold them.  He has some good attacking
items and can take out a strong creature if you are not careful.  His creatures
on the Earth and Water terrain receive no bonus so they are easier to destroy.
Because of the shape of the map, you can choose your intersections to benefit
your movement.

Map #3)
Enemies - Zeneth and King Weyden
Strategy - This map is large and the enemies have a good range of cards that
will probably beat you at the start.  But, you can wear them down once you have
some better cards.  King Weyden has good Air creatures especially.  If you are
lucky, he won't land on many and will end up discarding them or using them in
squares that don't help.  Zeneth has some good Earth and Water creatures,
especially the Earth ones.  So, it will be diffi*** to handle them.  You will
probably have better Fire creatures than them.  So, taking control of those
squares will be easier.  Unfortunately, there are intersections in key areas,
and the computer will avoid the squares that you often control.  Be patient,
gain some better cards after a few loses and you will be better equipped.

Map #4)
Enemy - Miranda
Strategy - This map looks rather easy, but it is set up for Miranda rather
well.  You probably won't be a strong as her in the Water areas and that is how
she will beat you.  Plus, she has many weapons for destroying your Fire
creatures.  She also has Decoys, which she will use to overtake your areas.
So, you can either try and compete with her in the water areas, or concentrate
on the others.  But, stock up on water weapons so that you can take her out.
But, in all, this map isn't that diffi***.

Map #5)
Enemies - Zeneth and O'Riely
Strategy - This one is diffi*** because Zeneth has a really strong deck.  Not
many of his creatures are weak, and he is your main opponent most of the time.
O'Riely on the other hand has too many Earth creatures.  Sometimes he can be a
problem if he gets his good creatures down early in the right spots, but usually
he is just a fool that almost never helps you, but just wanders around the game
board, occasionally killing off one of your creatures.  There is a lot of
neutral terrain on this board, and it is also very big.  There are no
intersections, and Zeneth will almost always go in the opposite direction that
you choose.  This can be a pain because he lays mines a lot.  His strong
creatures include Gas Cloud, Dwarves, Knights, Trolls, etc.  Not many of them
are very weak.  If you have them, use clerics against the Gas clouds.  This is
probably the hardest map of them all.

Map #6)
Enemies - Guldberg and Zeneth
This board is not really too diffi***.  Concentrate on the main path and you
can overcome your enemies.  They will try to avoid them if they can, but if you
can hold out longer, they will fall.  The enemies here are nothing special.
You should be able to beat them on your first or second try.

Map #7)
Enemies - Horowitz and Zeneth
Getting sick of Zeneth already?  Well, you should be.  Horowitz can be a bit of
a pain in this map too.  Avoid the warps at all costs, but since you can't
control falling into them.  Try to get out as soon as possible.  It is a waste
of your time and MPs.  Sometimes the computer opponents will build up their
forces in there, which is totally useless.  Concentrate on the main board and
keep working your opponent.  This one is a lot of luck, but if you have a strong
deck, you can prevail easily.

Map #8)
Enemies - Belkhayr and Zeneth
Don't fall into the warp in the middle and you should be okay.  When the
computer opponents fall in there, they can waste a ton of their MPs in an area
that you aren't likely to spend a lot of time in.  So, you have the advantage
here.  It's rather easy so you should be able to take them out in a couple of
tries at least.  By now, your deck should be rather strong, so it should be

Map #9)
Enemies - Baltheus and Zeneth
This is a big board, so it will be a while until you get your MPs back, so use
them wisely.  Don't enter combat unless you can win.  Otherwise, you're just
wasting your MPs if your opponent keeps the square.  Make sure that your
creatures are on their home terrain.  You can't afford to alter the terrain or
trade creatures either.  You have to put the MPs into raising the level of the
terrain as soon as you can.  Try and control the squares closest to the castle,
they're the most important.  Baltheus has Permission spell which allows him to
get MPs at a much higher pace than you, so you have to hit him hard at the
start.  The computer opponents probably have better decks than you do, so you
have to beat them by outsmarting them.

12)  Secrets
After clearing Story mode, you can play against your staff companion, Goligan.
After clearing the Story mode map, you can play it in Battle mode.

13)  Miscellaneous / Et Cetera
Culdcept Homepage: www.culdcept.com
Omiyasoft Homepage: www.omiyasoft.com

Thanks to Omiyasoft and Media Factory for making this awesome game.
This FAQ is not associated with Omiyasoft, Media Factory, Sony, or any of
its products either software or hardware.  The respective companies retain
all copyrights of their products mentioned in this FAQ.

If you liked this game, try Culdcept Expansion Plus (PS), Culdcept Second (DC),
Gaiamaster(PS, DC) or Dioramos(PS) too.

Feel free to email any advice or suggestions!  Due to time constraints, do
not expect a reply on email.

Other FAQs written by me:
- Tetris with Cardcaptor Sakura: Eternal Heart (PS)
- The Typing of the Dead (DC)
- The Great Khan Game (Card game)
- Hundred Swords (DC)
- Advanced World War (DC)
- Gaiamaster (PS)
--  4/30/01 Gene(intv@canada.com)

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