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Jordan ShoesThe Role Gender Plays In Preschoolers' Perception Of Emotion Essays


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-30 14:21  ·  福建 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
the role gender plays in preschoolers' perception of emotion essays
the pictures were selected according to facial expression and coded with the facial action coding system (facs).   this study, although done with preschoolers, gives us a chance to try to realize how our emotions and reactions are cued by the emotions we perceive on others whether those emotions we perceive are accurate or not. 001, and the main effect for mode was also significant, f(1, 72)  4.   in the end there were 6 different computer-generated  faces, each having facial expressions coded as having emotions showing neutral, happiness, fear, anger, disgust, and sadness.   the children were shown a drawing depicting a setting for each story while the story was being read. critical analysisthis study fits into the larger framework of those trying to gain an understanding of the role of gender stereotypes and the emotions attributed to facial expressions. 001, as was the gender-of-protagonist x gender-of-participant x emotion interaction, f(4 joradns, 288  4.   i feel that the authors"tm conclusions were accurate and the study was performed as well as possible, but i can"tmt help wondering what the gender of the storytellers were and if it would have made any difference in the findings.   prior to the labeling tasks, each child"tms emotion concepts were primed during a conversation with the experimenter about emotions.   the children were randomly assigned to either the male set of pictures or the female set of pictures.   the emotion x mode interaction was significant, f(4 jordan shoes, 288)  9.
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