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发表于 2013-4-28 06:18  ·  台湾 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 kisaki 于 2013-4-28 06:19 编辑

#1. Your Pain Makes Me Stronger — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 150

Player: Shao Kahn
Opponent: Raiden

– Every time you land an attack your damage increases
– Defeat Raiden!

Strategy: Shao Kahn is the most powerful character in the game, plus you get
damage buffs. Use his grab move and special moves, and you will be done in no

#2. Missle Mayhem — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 150

Player: Sub-Zero
Opponent: Sektor

–Survive until time runs out
–Tap the imcoming missiles to detonate them
–Your opponent is invincible
–The missiles are unblockable

Strategy: Don’t bother fighting here. You have to survive for 20 seconds so
just tap the missiles on the touchscreen as they come down. You can hold block
if you want too.

#3. Training: Slice Fatality — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 150

Player: Shao Kahn
Opponent: Johnny Cage

–Perform the disaplyed Fatality Input correctly using the screen
–Having trouble? Try pausing or lifting your finger between swipes

Strategy: This is more of a tutorial. You don’t have to bother with a face
button when you swipe. Just concentrate on the arrow directions.

#4. Bring Out Your Dead — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 400

Player: Zombies
Opponent: Scorpion

–You must fith as a zombie
–You have 10 zombies at your disposal
–Defeat Scorpion!

Strategy: Not much to it here because you have 10 zombies. Use the two special
attacks and just attack him.

#5. Slice of Life — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 300

Player: Kenshi
Opponent: Stryker

–Swiping the screen uses Kenshi’s Sword to slice fruit
–Touch the Mortal Kombat Dragon and hold block grenades
–Build super by slicing fruit
–Perform X-Ray before Stryker’s super meter is full
–Slicing or getting hit by 3 grenades will kill you

Strategy: This is pretty simple. Wait until the fruit is within range and swipe
down on the screen. You can hold the dragon logo or just hold R to block the
grenades. Don’t miss too often or Stryker’s Super meter will fill and you will

#6. I Still Hate Teddies!! — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 300

Player: Scorpion
Opponent: Mileena

–Show that Teddy who’s the boss!
–Defeat Mileena

Strategy: This is probably one of the my favorite challenges! The ending is
just hilarious! Mileena is a bit of a pain here because she blocks constantly.
Stay on top of her, and make sure to use your X-Ray as soon as it’s available.

#7 Test Your Slice: STAGE 1 — Difi***y: 1

Skip cost: 200

–Shake the PS Vita to detonate bombs and recieve a slice bonus

Strategy: This is a really fun mini-game, and anybody who has played Fruit
Ninja or Fruite Slice will be right at home here. One mistake people make is
they try to slice each item individually. Hold your finger down and just swipe
around.  Shake the Vita when you see bombs and you’re all done.

#8 Juggle This! — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 300

Player: Scorpion

–Don’t let Scorpion hit the ground
–Tap the flashing rockets to keep Scorpion from hitting the ground
–Juggle Scorpion 10 times

Strategy: This is one of the more challenging mini-games. There are five
rockets on the ground so just tap the ones under Scorpion. Don’t wait until he
almost hits the ground either. You can judge where he is going to fall
depending on where the rocket hit. The further to his head or feet that the
rocket hits, that is how far left or right he will go.

#9 Look Out! — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 350

Player: Mileena

–Use Mileena’s Special moves to dodge incoming missles

Strategy: This can be a pain if you don’t time the moves right. Perform the on
screen commands, but don’t do it too early. The oddest one is the roll. Make
sure you do it when the missile is right on you otherwise she will stand up on
the last one.

#10 Blood Shot — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 150

Player: Scorpion
Opponent: Baraka

–Wipe away the blood to restore your view and gain health
–Defeat Baraka!

Strategy: This isn’t too hard because wiping blood restores your health. Beat
on Baraka a bit then stop and wipe some blood. Try using your thumbs instead of
taking your hand away from the Vita. Each blood spot takes 2 wipes to make it

#11 Freddy’s Coming For You — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 300

Player: Sonya
Opponent: Freddy Krueger

–X-Rays have been disabled
–Escape the Dream Realm alive
–Defeat Freddy!

Strategy: Freddy is an opponent that uses his hands a lot, but they are quick
powerful strikes. Since X-Rays are disabled you have to rely on special moves.
This is like a regular fight so just do your best here. Watch out for Freddy’s
teleport because he will dodge projectiles this way.

#12 Shake the Tree — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 300

Player: Rain
Opponent: Sub-Zero

–Shake the PS Vita system to have buff items fall from the sky
–Defeat Sub-Zero!

Strategy: This can be hard because shaking the Vita while fighting isn’t easy.
The sky will also drop de-buffs so watch out. If a de-buff falls try to knock
your opponent into it to make the match easier.

#13 Kahn Time — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 300

Player: Shao Kahn
Opponent: Rain/Freddy Krueger

–Fight as Shao Kahn
–Defeat your opponents!

Strategy: This is only a pain because both Rain and Freddy are faster than
Kahn.  Kahn is a slow lumbering tree, so you will get hit a lot. Try to knock
these guys into combos or do grabs a lot.

#14 Test Your Balance: STAGE 1 — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 200

Player: Cyrax

–Tilt the PS Vita system to balance
–Survive for 10 seconds

Strategy: Test Your Balance is a new mini-game that uses the Vita’s tilt sensor
feature. The best way to do this is to start tilting the opposite way when the
meter starts tilting. Keeps a good rhythm and you will fly through these.

#15 You’ve Got The Power — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 300

Player: Rain
Opponent: Kenshi

–Tilt the PS Vita system left or right to tilt the world
–The kombatant on the high ground recieves buffs
–Defeat Kenshi

Strategy: This was actually hard on the consoles, but like the title says, you
are in control of the tilting now. Just tilt the Vita in the direction of the
enemy at all times and stay on the offensive. He will be slower and weaker so
this shouldn’t be too hard.

#16 It’s Official, You Suck! — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 350

Player: Scorpion
Opponent: Shao Kahn

–Kahn’s taunt causes damage
–Defeat Shao Kahn!
–Try blocking a taunt

Strategy: This isn’t really all that hard because he just taunts you. When you
see him moving block because it takes a second for the damage to take effect.
The only taunt that doesn’t damage you is his laugh. This can be a bit tough
until you get the timing right.

#17 Missile Fury — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 600

Player: Kenshi
Opponent: Sektor

–Tap 10 of Sektor’s missiles before they hit you
–Sektor is invincible

Strategy: This is like challenge #2, and not all that hard. Just tap the
missiles and block.

#18 Better Lock You Door — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400

Player: Freddy Krueger
Opponent: Baraka

–Land each special attack within 25 seconds

Strategy: This one can be tough because you get only a short time. Forget
everything else and just land each special hit listed. This may require a few
restarts if Baraka insists on blocking a lot or locking you into long combos.

#19 Head Strong — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 600

Player: Raiden
Opponent: Reptile

–Tap your kombatant before he explodes
–Be careful! Needlessly tapping your kombatant may set him off!
–Defeat Reptile!

Strategy: This is another element that uses the touchscreen. Raiden head will
inflate, but just tap it once and it will deflate. Tap it too much and he will
explode leading to a failure. His head gets pretty big before exploding so wait
a bit before each tap. This can be tough because you’re doing two things at
once.  Try blocking while tapping.

#20 Do My Bidding — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 150

Player: Quan Chi/Scorpion
Opponent: Sub-Zero

–Double-tap the screen to have your partner assist you
–Defeat Sub-Zero!

Strategy: This can be confusing because you just double tap the screen and
Scorpion will unleash his Hell Fire move on Sub-Zero. Concentrate on normal
kombat, but double tap the screen every few seconds, especially when Sub-Zero
is still, knocked down, or stunned.

#21 Test You Slice: STAGE 2 — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 400

–Shake the PS Vita to detonate bombs and recieve a slice bonus

Strategy: This is just like Challenge #7 except you get a 2x modifier for gold.
You have to slice more body parts, but this one is a breeze.

#22 Ketchup and Mustard — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 600

Player: Sektor/Cyrax
Opponent: Sektor/Cyrax

–You can only damage an opponent of the opposite color
–You will heal an opponent of the same color
–Don’t let your partner die!
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: You can only fight Sektor when you are Cyrax and vice-versa. If you
attack Sektor with Sektor you will heal him instead of doing damage. Keep a
quick eye on this so you don’t start doing heavy damage or combos on the wrong
guy.  This is a bit touch because you can’t let either of your guys die, so
stay on your toes.

#23 Grab Your Crucifix — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 350

Player: Kitana
Opponent: Freddy Krueger

–You start out weakened
–Pick up buff items to get stronger
–Your opponent can also pick up these buff items
–Defeat Freddy!

Strategy: Make sure you get the first hit to increase your Super meter. Jump
around and avoid Freddy until you get some buffs then just wail on him.

#24  Vertigo — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 400

Player: Rain
Opponent: Sheeva

–The world will randomly start to tilt or flip upside down
–Shake up and down to unflip the world
–Shake side to side to remove the tilt
–Defeat Sheeva!

Strategy: This one is really tough because you have to shake the Vita every few
seconds and this can be hard while trying to fight. You will probably die a few
times until you can get a pattern where you time the shakes with long animation
like grabs, X-Rays, and stuns.

#25 Mining For Gold — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 0

Player: Johnny Cage

–Tap the falling koins while avoiding bombs

Strategy: This is pretty fun because all you do is tap the falling gold and
avoid tapping bombs. The last 10 seconds get really tough becaues everything is
falling fast and close together. Don’t try to get every piece of gold here, but
just the ones that are spread apart.

#26 Inflated Egos — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 150

Player: Johnny Cage/Johnny Cage
Opponent: Ermac/Noob Saibot

–All kombatants have speed and damage boost
–X-Rays have been disabled
–Use the right stick to tag in the second player
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: This is one of my other favorites because you play as midgets with
high pitched voices. You speed is increased as well, so be quick on your feet.
This isn’t too hard, but the smaller sizes may throw off your usual feeling for
the weightiness of punches and kicks.

#27 Training: Reflect — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400

Player: Kenshi
Opponent: Shang Tsung

–Use the Reflct to send back 5 projectiles
–Defeat Shang Tsung

Strategy: You have to time the Reflect Sword move right which is just before
his fireballs hit you. After this you have to defeat Shang so try to not get
hit during the Reflect part.

#28 Test Your Balance: STAGE 2 — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 400

Player: Jade

–Tilt the PS Vita system to balance
–Survive for 10 seconds
–Watch out for body parts!

Strategy: Use the same strategy as Challenge #17 but when you see a body part
come at you tilt in the opposite direction to it doesn’t knock you off. If you
keep these two strategies together you will fly through this.

#29 Precision Striking — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 600

Player: Liu-Kang
Opponent: Noob Saibot

–Your missed and blocked attacks deal damage to you!
–Defeat Noob!

Strategy: Make sure you do a lot of attacks that don’t get blocked often. Do a
lot of grabs and do your X-Ray as soon as its available. Make sure you don’t
repeat attacks often because Noob will block them.

#30 Gonna Stay Up Late — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 400

Player: Johnny Cage
Opponent: Freddy Krueger

–Your sight will be impaired over time
–Pick up buff items to restore your sight
–Your opponent can also pick up buff to keep you in the dark
–Defeat Freddy!

Strategy: This one is really tough because you have to make sure Freddy doesn’t
bump into any buffs. If you go into darkness you’re pretty much screwed and
have to fight blind. This may require several restarts. Just stay focused on
buffs then attack a few times.

#31 You Knew It Was Coming — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400

Player: Kitana
Opponent: Johnny Cage

–Tap the falling items to recieve a random buff or debuff
–Defeat Johnny!

Strategy: This one isn’t too hard because you will mostly get buffs. The
question marks fall down, but you have to tap them so Johnny can’t get any.
Just fight as normal, but if you get too many debuffs, back off and wait for

#32 Meat Johnnnny! — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 300

Player: Johnny Cage
Opponent: Scorpion

–You start off with low health
–Defeat Scorpion!

Strategy: This isn’t TOO hard because you regain health with every hit you put
on Scorpion. Make sure you get the first hit, and also do some damage for some
health before unleashing too many attacks

#33 Frozen Payload — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 400

Player: Reptile
Opponent: Baraka

–Tilt the PS Vita system to move target reticle
–Tap the screen to shoot ice from above
–Baraka can only be damaged for 5 seconds after being frozen
–Defeat Baraka!

Strategy: This isn’t too tough because you can constantly freeze Baraka in
place.  Freeze him, and for the 5 seconds unleash heavy combos. Time the tilts
when Baraka is down for a quick re-freeze.

#34 Isn’t This Marvelous — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 1000

Player: Johnny Cage
Opponent: Scorpion

–Tap Johnny to have Johnny fight
–You also can use normal controls to fight
–Defeat Scorpion!

Strategy: This is really easy because you just tap away at Johnny and he fights
for you. He will block some times, but it’s better to block yourself with R and
then tap some more when Scorpion opens up. This is actually a challenge that
leaves it up to you on how diffi*** it is.

#35 Test Your Slice: STAGE 3 — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 600

–Shake the PS Vita to detonate bombs and recieve a slice bonus

Strategy: Use the strategy as previous challenges, but this time you get a
Hellfire modifier which will burn all parts on screen. Make sure you hit this
first before slicing other parts so you get max points.

#36 Juggle II — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400

Player: Sonya

–Don’t let Sonya hit the ground!
–Tap the flashing rockets to keep Sonya from hitting the ground

Strategy: Sonya falls faster than Scorpion so this can be really tough to find
a good rhythm. She bounces all over the place, so try to get her in a volley
between two rockets.

#37 Fire Away! — Diffi***y: 2

Skip Cost: 400

Player: Sub-Zero
Opponent: Liu-Kang

–Survive until time runs out
–Tap the incoming fireballs to defuse them

Strategy: This one is simple because you just tap the fireballs coming at you.
The challenge gets tough toward the last 10 seconds because there are more
fireballs than you can tap. You will take damage, but if you are quick the time
will end before you die.

#38 Real Skarlet Please Stand Up — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 300

Player: Skarlet
Opponent: Mileena

–Mileena has a speed boost and takes less damage
–Defeat Mileena!

Strategy: Minus “The Real Slim Shady” reference, this can be tough because it
takes a long time to kill Mileena, but if you keep up a good fight you can do
it. Make sure you block often and use X-Ray as quickly as possible.

#39 Figure It Out — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 1000

Player: Sub-Zero
Opponent: Sektor

–Quickly figure out how to win!
–Experiment with different features of the PS Vita
–You have 5 seconds to figure it out
–Hint: Try to get a HEAD start

Strategy: (Remember the Nickolodeon show Figure It Out?) I only gave this a 4
diffi***y because most will have a hard time knowing what to do here. You need
to tap Sektor’s head until it explodes then quickly swipe Sub-Zero to cool him
down. This is also tough because of the short timer so most people will restart
dozens of times not knowing what to do.

#40 Krossing the Finish Line — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400

Player: Skarlet

–Reach the finish line before time expires!
–Avoid the missiles

Strategy: This can be tough just like Challenge #9 because you have to time
every move right. Use the special move to get past the green line. You have to
get past this, not inside it.

#41 Invisible Opponent — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 300

Player: Rain
Opponent: Reptile

–Reptile takes no damage while invisible
–Use Rain’s Aqua Splash to reveal Reptile
–Defeat Reptile!

Strategy: This one is really tough because Reptile goes invisible often. Use
Aqua Splash then use his lightning attack and then grab him. Repeat this a few
times until you get your X-Ray move and finish him off.

#42 Test Your Balance: STAGE 3 — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 600

Player: Liu-Kang

–Tilt the PS Vita system to balance
–Survive for 15 seconds
–Watch out for body parts!

Strategy: This one is a bit tougher because you have 5 more seconds, and
occasionally two parts will be thrown in succession. Just use the strategy for
STAGE 2 and you will be fine.

#43 Blind Basics — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 400

Player: Kenshi
Opponent: Kabal

–Land all special attack within 90 seconds
–Having trouble doing the Blade Reflect? Try jumping away from Kabal to get
him to shoot a fireball at you

Strategy: This can be really hard because you have to get the Blade Reflect
down before too much time goes by. This is all a roll of the dice, so just jump
away and spam Blade Reflect until it connects. After that do the other special
moves and use an X-Ray move to finish Kabal off.

#44 Good Touch, Bad Touch — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 400

Player: Skarlet
Opponent: Kitana

–Skarlet can only deal damage if both kombatants are the opposite colors
–Kitana can only deal damage if both kombatants are the same color
–Tap Skarlet to change color
–Defeat Kitana!

Strategy: This is easy if you can keep a tab on changing Skarlet right when
Kitana changes. If you do this she can’t do anything to you, so just wail on

#45 Flawless Victory — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 500

Player: Rain
Opponent: Kenshi

–You must defeat Kenshi with 100% health remaining
–You regain health over time
–Defeat Kenshi!

Strategy: The easiest way to do this is to knock Kenshi’s health to about 1/4
then finish him off with an x-Ray once your health is almost recharged. It’s
almost impossible to get the last hit in while blocking.

#46 Bombs Away! — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 400

Player: Cyrax
Opponent: Sub-Zero

–Tap the falling bombs to detonate them
–Detonate bomobs close to your opponent to do extra damage
–Bombs can harm either players
–Defeat Sub-Zero!

Strategy: The best way to do this is don’t even bother with kombat. Just juggle
the ice man around with the bombs, and you have him in about 10 explosions.

#47 Never Sleep Again — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 300

Player: Nightwolf
Opponent: Freddy Krueger

–Welcome to the Dream Realm
–Defeat Freddy!

Strategy: This is just a basic kombat fight. Do the best you can to defeat
Freddy. Not much to say here except use your X-Ray as soon as you can.

#48 Angry Johhny — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400

Player: Kenshi
Opponent: Johhny Cage

–Dodge Johhny Cage’s forceballs to reach him and hit him once

Strategy: The best way to do this is forward jump between each forceball. He
won’t use high ones until you get about 3/4 there. Time it to where he throws a
low ball around 3/4 there then do another jump and hit him once. It may take a
few tries to nail it.

#49 Test Your Slice: STAGE 4 — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 800

–Shake the PS Vita system to detonate bombs and recieve a slice bonus

Strategy: This time you get the Freeze modifier which is Sub-Zero’s head. Slice
this first so all parts hang on screen. This only other challenge is you have
to slice more parts.

#50 My Baby! — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1000

Player: Sheeva

–Tap the screen to shoot rockets at the zombies
–Don’t let the zombies eat Sheeva’s baby

Strategy: This isn’t too bad, but a good strategy here is to watch for the
ground crumbling and tap the rocket nearest to that area. Watch out for fast

#51 My Children — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400

Player: Freddy Krueger
Opponent: Sonya

–Use Freddy Krueger to resurrect a Zombie to fight for him!
–Defeat Sonya

Strategy: You can’t fight here as Freddy so just mash square until you get a
zombie raised. Use it’s special attacks and block a lot because Sonya can
finish these guys off quick. The hard part here is killing Sonya before she has
an opportunity to off Freddy.

#52 Juggle III — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 500

Player: Baraka

–Don’t let FAT Baraka hit the ground!
–Tap the flashing rockets to keep FAT Baraka from hitting the ground

Strategy: This is tough because Baraka is fat and falls very quick, but doesn’t
shoot up very far. You have to trap him in a volley between two rockets. This
will take a few tries, but if you can nail the volley just keep it up 30 times.

#53 Zombie Kahn — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 400

Player: Jax
Opponent: Shao Kahn

–Fight a zombified Shao Kahn while you are poisoned
–Defeat Shao Kahn!

Strategy: This is the toughest challenge so far. You will restart well over a
dozen times until you get a focused rhythm and pattern going. Shao Kahn is not
easy, but your health is slowly draining. You MUST get first hit here to fill
your Super meter as fast as you can. Stay right up on Shao Kahn and jump over
him a lot and hit him from behind. Remember he’s slow and lumbering. Use Jax’s
dash fist a lot combined with uppercuts and sweeps. Use X-Ray as soon as you
can, but if he uses his your done. You can’t block his X-Ray so either hit him
or jump behind him.

#54 Still Shakin’ — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 300 Reward: 200

Player: Skarlet/Kenshi
Opponent: Sheeva/Jax

–Shake the PS Vita system to have buff items fall from the sky
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: This one can be tough because these two don’t let up! Try to push
your opponents into debuffs, and make sure they don’t get buffs! You only get
buffs for a short time so take advantage of them. Use X-Rays whenever possible.

#55 Tremor — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 600 Reward: 500

Player: Kano Opponent: Tremor

–Shake the PS Vita system to launch your opponent into the air –Your opponent
is only vulnerable when they are being juggled –You can only launch your
opponent when they are on the ground –Defeat Tremor!

Strategy: This one is easy because you just keep shaking the screen when Tremor
hits the ground and he won’t hurt you. The problem is that it takes forever to
kill him. Jump in the air and grab, or use the upwards cannonball attack on
him. He can’t be damaged except in the air.

#56 Test Your Balance: STAGE 4 — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 200 Reward: 100

Player: Kung Lao

–Tilt the PS Vita system to balance –Survive for 20 seconds –Watch out for
body parts!

Strategy: This one gets a bit harder because you have to do it longer, and body
parts hit you harder. By now you should have a good feeling for the sweet spot
for when to tilt.

#57 She’ll Be Back — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 300 Reward: 200

Player: Kitana/Skarlet Opponent: Ermac/Nightwolf

–Skarlet will have a damage buff when she returns –Defeat Your Opponents

Strategy: You have to wait about 20 seconds before Skarlet becomes available.
Bash up these guys as much as you can until then and use an X-Ray. When Skarlet
gets back she has a huge damage boost, so finishing them off will be easy. They
just block a lot, so be careful.

#58 Hand Of The Elder God I — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 400 Reward: 300

Player: Raiden Opponent: Jax

–Damage must be dealt to stun Jax –Swipe the screen to slice Jax –Jax must
be stunned before dealing bonus damage through swiping –Defeat Jax!

Strategy: This one is hard because you may think you have to use a stun attack,
but that’s wrong. You have to deal a certain amount of damage and then Jax will
be stunned so you can swipe away at him. He’s really tough and stays on the
offensive so use special attacks and combos here. Enjoy the ending of this

#59 A Tiny Grudge — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 300 Reward: 200

Player: Nightwolf/Jax Opponent: Freddy Krueger/Reptile

–All kombatants have speed and damage boost –X-Rays have been disabled –Use
the righ stick to tag in the second player –Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: This is another midget fight! You have to be on your toes, but you
have the advantage of speed here. Since X-Rays are disabled use Enhanced moves
whenever possible.

#60 Shake, Battle And Roll — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400 Reward: 300

Player: Kenshi Opponent: Sheeva

–Shaking the PS Vita system will trigger earthquakes
–Anyone standing on the ground at the time will be temporarily stunned
–Defeat Sheeva!

Strategy: Only shake the Vita when you are in the air or Sheeva lifts you off
the ground. Use grabs and fast combos once she is stunned. Before you do your
X-Ray stun her!

#61 The Awakened — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 400 Reward: 300, Reptile’s Bonus Alternate Costume

Player: Reptile Opponent: Skarlet

–Skarlet gains a damage boost everytime she lands a Blood Drop Teleport
–Defeat Skarlet!

Strategy: This one is tough because you have to constantly block or dodge her
teleport move. If she gets too many boosts your done. Try to use X-Ray as quick
as you can.

#62 Somehow Not as Threatening — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 1000 Reward: 500

Player: Freddy Krueger Opponent: Kitana/Jade

–You are armless –You are enraged –Attacks deal bonus damage –Defeat Your

Strategy: This is probably the hardest challenge since #53 with Shao Kahn. You
are armless and can only use two attacks. Spam teleport and use the forward, X,
X attack with your legs. Jade is easier to beat than Kitana, but you can to be
quick and precise. This will require a lot of restarts to get right, but
thankfully you have a damage boost which helps a little.

#63 Test Your Slice: STAGE 5 — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 1000 Reward: 0

–Shake the PS Vita system to detonate bombs and recieve a slice bonus

Strategy: You get a clock modifier which removes 5 seconds from the clock if
you slice it! The pace is picked up more and there is a lot more parts to

#64 Miss Me? — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 400
Reward: 300

Player: Freddy Krueger

–Dodge incoming projectiles!

Strategy: This one is really touch because you must memorize where the missiles
are coming from. To make the first have easy, just stand on the left side of
the moon when missiles start raining from above. As soon as you hear multiple
missiles being launched step in the middle.

#65 Imposter! — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400

Player: Shao Kahn
Opponent: Quan Chi

–You must perform a stage fatality
–Defeat Quan Chi!

Strategy: Even though you are Shao Kahn Quan Chi is relentless. Make sure you
get first hit, and use your X-Ray as soon as possible. Quan Chi blocks a lot,
so this fight can get pretty annoying.

#66 Double The Power — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 500

Player: Sub-Zero/Skarlet
Opponent: Rain/Reptile

–Tilt the PS Vita system left or right to tilt the wrold
–The kombatant on the high ground recieves buffs
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: This one is easy if you just keep the Vita tilted toward your
opponent. You will recieve health regen and power boost buffs.

#67 It Never Washes Out — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 300

Player: Rain
Opponent: Skarlet

–Use Rain’s water-based attacks to drain Skarlet’s super meter
–If Skarlet’s super meter is fully charged you will forfeit the match
–Skarlet’s super meter is regenerating
–Defeat Skarlet!

Strategy: This one is a pain because Skarlet constantly blocks your water
attacks. Aqua Splash seems to work the best here, so don’t really bother
with anything else. Make sure to use your X-Ray as soon as possible.

#68 This Is Peachy — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 500
Reward: 400

Player: Liu-Kang
Opponent: Sektor

–Use Liu Kang’s fireballs to destroy Sektor’s missiles
–If three missiles reach their target Earthrealm will be in danger

Strategy: This hard part here is timing the air fireball. You have to survive
for 30 seconds, so make sure you time the air ones just right.

#69 Vertigo II — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 400
Reward: 400

Player: Smoke
Opponent: Jade/Noob Saibot

–The world will randomly start to tilt or flip upside down
–Shake up and down to unflip the world
–Shake side to side to remove the tilt
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: This one is a real pain because both Jade and Noob are cheap here.
Shaking the device just makes it more diffi***, so you’re going to rely on
X-Rays a lot to finish these two off. Just his teleport move and Smoke Away
to dodge their cheap shots.

#70 Test Your Balance: STAGE 5 — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Smoke

–Tilt the PS Vita system to balance
–Survive for 30 seconds
–Watch out for body parts!

Strategy: This is the hardest one yet, but the real challenge is that you have
to balance for a whole 30 seconds. Body parts fly out quickly here, but you
have to keep the line in the middle as much as you can.

#71 Fire! Fire! Fire! — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400
Reward: 300

Player: Stryker
Opponent: Liu Kang

–Survive until time runs out
–Tap the incoming fireballs to defuse them

Strategy: You have to survive for 40 seconds, but the round start getting hard
around the 15 mark. You have to start just tapping as quick as you can. Not
much you can do otherwise.

#72 Tap This — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 300
Reward: 200

Player: Sub-Zero
Opponent: Scorpion

–Tap the animated X-Ray icon to gain super
–You will not gain super any other way
–Defeat Scorpion!

Strategy: This one is a pain because Scorpion is relentless and will predict
your moves. Block while tapping the icon, or when Scorpion has you in a combo.
When you do an X-Ray keep tapping the icon so you have full Super when the
move is over. 3 X-Rays should do it.

#73 Screeching Halt — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 200
Reward: 100

Player: Skarlet/Sindel
Opponent: Smoke

–Double-tap the screen to make Sindel scream
–Movement in the arena is limited
–Defeat Smoke!

Strategy: This one is easy because you can constantly stun Smoke. Just keep
doing this and using heavy combos until you get an X-Ray to finish him off.

#74 Killer Klones — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 500
Reward: 400

Player: Kitana
Opponent: Mileena(s)

–X-Rays are disabled
–Watch for falling health buffs!
–Kill all the klones

Strategy: You have to fight three Mileenas at the same time. Don’t panic! This
isn’t as hard as you think because the diffi***y is brought down on the AI,
and you get a health every 30 seconds. Make sure you get these and not any of
the Mileenas! Do not get caught in the middle of them because they will
kill you very quickly. Use your enhanced attacks whenever possible.

#75 Mining For More Gold — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 0
Reward: 0

Player: Johnny Cage

–Tap the falling koins while avoiding bombs
–Time is up when you let too many koins hit the ground

Strategy: This only becomes harder because you can’t let any hit the ground.
You can’t really fail here, so just try to come up with a strategy where koins
that are close to bombs are tapped when they seperate. Make sure you don’t
ignore the ones close to the ground through.

#76 Blood Bot — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 400
Reward: 300

Player: Skarlet
Opponent: Sektor

–Skarlet has become part of the Cyber Initiative
–Skarlet can no longer infuse her attacks with blood and is now weakened
–Defeat Sektor!

Strategy: Sektor is relentless in this match. Make sure you get first hit, and
use her teleport, Blood Dash, and a lot of uppercuts. Use teleport to counter
his, and then use X-Ray as soon as you can.

#77 Nanobots — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 400
Reward: 200

Player: Sektor/Cyrax
Opponent: Jax/Cyber Sub-Zero

–Defeat Your Opponents!
–X-Rays have been disabled
–Use the right stick to tag in the second player

Strategy: Another midget fight! The easiest way to do this is to just spam
your grab move. Because you have a speed buff they can’t react fast enough to
dodge or block the grab.

#78 Test Your Slice: STAGE 6 — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1200
Reward: 0

–Shake the PS Vita system to detonate bombs and receive a slice bonus

Strategy: You are given a +5 second modifier. This time they will throw bombs
with parts, so listen to for the sound, shake the Vita, then slice the parts.

#79 Hara-Kiri — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 500
Reward: 300

Player: Skarlet
Opponent: Mileena

–Kill yourself with your Blood Ball attack
–You lose if Mileena lands the finishing blow on you
–Mileena is overpowered and invincible
–Defeat Yourself!

Strategy: This is an extremely tough stage. Mileena will combo her health bar
away, and her X-Ray takes 90% of your health. The only way you can get a
Blood Ball going is when she’s down. Try to uppercut her and then do the
attack. Wait for her to bring your health almost all the way down, then do

#80 Juggle IV — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 400

Player: Sektor

–Don’t let Mini Sektor hit the ground!
–Tap the flashing rockets to keep Mini Sektor from hitting the ground

Strategy: This one is tough because Sektor will jump from the far left to the
far right making it hard to judge and keep a volley. Usually the pattern you
can start out with is the (numbered left to right) 4, 5, 2, 1, 4, 5, 2, 1 and
so on until you lose the volley.

#81 Come On! — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 600
Reward: 500

Player: Sub-Zero
Opponent: Liu Kang/Johnny Cage

–Land a single melee attack on your opponent
–Tap the incoming fireballs to defuse them

Strategy: This looks hard, but you can land the hit in less than 2 seconds.
start by doing a forward jump then a down kick, but while in the air tap the
top of the screen in case any fireballs come after you.

#82 Unfair Advantage — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 600
Reward: 300

Player: Kung Lao
Opponent: Shao Kahn

–Movement in the arena is limited
–Defeat Shao Kahn!

Stategy: This fight isn’t nearly as hard as the zombie Kahn fight. Use Kung
Lao’s Teleport Throw, but if you miss just uppercut Kahn. Make sure you get
first hit so you can use your X-Ray move. This strategy takes longer, but you
will die a lot less.

#83 Blood Shot II — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 300
Reward: 200

Player: Ermac
Opponent: Stryker

–Wipe away the blood to restore your view and gain health
–Defeat Stryker!

Strategy: This isn’t too hard. Just block when you wipe the screen, but do it
often to ragain health. Stryker block a lot, so use the teleport attack, and
grab a lot. Use X-Ray when you can.

#84 Arrow Pong — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 500
Reward: 200

Player: Kenshi
Opponent: Nightwolf

–Reflect Nightwolf’s arrows back and forth

Strategy: This one requires super fast reaction times. You have to reflect the
arrow in waves. The first starts with two all the way up to five times. You
have to do a slight pause between each reflect, so this one will require some

#85 Test Your Balance: STAGE 6 — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 1200
Reward: 600

Player: Kenshi

–Tilt the PS Vita system to balance
–Stay within zones to maintain balance
–Keep balance within the zones for 3 seconds

Strategy: Finally a break from flying parts! You just have to keep the line in
the brackets for three seconds. This one is easy.

#86 Play With Your Food — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 400
Reward: 200

Player: Baraka
Opponent: Skarlet

–You must finish the fight with less than 10% health remaining
–Defeat Skarlet!

Strategy: This one is tough because you have to have less than 10% health
before you finish her off. Attack her, and use an X-Ray, until she only has
about 10% health. Let her beat you up then try to get in an uppercut, or hold
your X-Ray for the last bit.

#87 Tug On This — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 400

Player: Kabal
Opponent: Kano

–You start with half health
–Kombatants gain health by dealing damage
–Defeat Kano!

Strategy: This one is really easy because Kano isn’t very aggressive. Just
block and use uppercuts, or use an X-Ray when you have it. Make sure he doesn’t
throw down on your because he can heal completely in a few good combos.

#88 Cup Of Blood — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 500
Reward: 300

Player: Smoke
Opponent: Stryker

–Spill 100 pints of blood on the battlefield before time runs out
–Attacks do no damage

Strategy: This one is only hard because you are against a timer, and Stryker
will not let up on you. You can’t take any damage, but getting 100 pints takes
a long time. Smoke’s grab gives you 11, an uppercut gives you 5, but the X-Ray
gives you 40 pints, so you have to use this to get ahead quick.

#89 Stop, Drop And Roll — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 600
Reward: 400

Player: Smoke
Opponent: Jade

–Damage can only be dealt to Jade when she is on fire
–Defeat Jade!

Strategy: You have to be next to Jade to deal damage to her, but this is
easier than you think. Just do grabs because she will burn through the whole

#90 Hand Of The Elder God II — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 500

Player: Sub-Zero
Opponent: Kabal

–Kabal is invincible with armor on
–Tap your opponent to break down their armor
–Defeat Kabal!

Strategy: Kabal is extremely tough here and will predict 90% of your moves.
Either block or flip away from him while tapping as fast as you can. One way
you can also tap is to alternate between two fingers. Once his armor is down
try to get your X-Ray up as quick as you can.

#91 Topless Kombat — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Jade/Kitana
Opponent: Sheeva/Sindel

–Everyone is fighting topless!
–X-Rays have been disabled
–Use the right stick to tag in the second player
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: You thought that meant shirtless didn’t you!? They mean fighting with
just your legs! Sheeva is the one to watch out for because she can still do her
teleport stomp. Just try to kick away at them because there’s not much you can
do here.

#92 Test Your Slice: STAGE 7 — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 1400
Reward: 0

–Shake the PS Vita system to detonate bombs and receive a slice bonus
–All modifiers are active

Strategy: All modifiers are present so just use the skills you have acquired.
You have to slice 175 parts which seems daunting, but really isn’t. Once you
hit a Toasty Mode you will be fine.

#93 A Small Problem — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 500
Reward: 200

Player: Freddy Krueger/Sub-Zero
Opponent: Mileena/Baraka

–All kombatants have speed and damage boost
–X-Rays have been disabled
–Use the right stick to tag in the second player
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: Another midget fight! This one is actually really easy for some
reason. Fight like you normally would, and use big combos.

#94 Use Your Head — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 500
Reward: 200

Player: Sub-Zero
Opponent: Ermac

–Rip off your head and toss it at your opponent

Strategy: This is one of my favorites. Use the touch screen and pull of
Sub-Zero’s head then toss it at Ermac. He won’t attack you but will bounce
around. Aim at the middle of the scree and you should always hit him.

#95 Klassic Kombat — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 900
Reward: 500, Ermac’s Bonus Alternate costume

Player: Rain
Opponent: Ermac/Sub-Zero/Scorpion

–Defeat the Klassic Ninjas

Strategy: This one isn’t too bad because you get full health after you kill
each ninja. Use X-Rays whenever possible, but these guys don’t put up a tough

#96 Figure It Out II — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 1200
Reward: 800

Player: Sub-Zero

–Quickly figure out how to win!
–Experiment with different features of the PS Vita system
–Good luck

Strategy: This one is easy because there’s no time limit. Drag the pink portal
between the green ones and then jump through the left most portal.

#97 Losing Focus — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 600
Reward: 400

Player: Freddy Krueger
Opponent: Ermac

–You will start losing your limbs if you take too much damage
–X-Rays have been disabled
–Defeat Ermac!

Strategy: This one isn’t too bad because Ermac can lose limbs too. You lose
your head, arms, torso, then you die. Make sure you finish him off before you
lose your arms or you’re done. At least get him to lose his arms before taking
too much damage.

#98 Bad Feelings — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 600
Reward: 300

Player: Skarlet/Ermac
Opponent: Kenshi/Rain

–Tag team match
–Your partner heals when they are not tagged in
–You start off with low health
–Use the right stick to tag in your partner
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: Make sure you are very cautious when fighting. Try to get first hit
and get some damage done before tagging out to heal your partner. Swap back and
forth and make sure you tag out before dying.

#99 Test Your Balance: STAGE 7 — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 1400
Reward: 700

Player: Kitana

–Tilt the PS Vita system to balance
–Stay within zones to maintain balance
–Keep balance within the zones for 3 seconds
–Watch out for body parts!

Strategy: You only have 3 zones to pass, and parts don’t fly often. Just stay
in the zone and get them done quick.

#100 Forgotten Warrior — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Tremor
Opponent: Jax

–Fight as the might Tremor
–Defeat Jax!

Strategy: A new character?! Not really. Tremor appeared in MK: Special Forces
and was replaced as Rain in UMK3. He doesn’t have many moves here, but it’s
nice to see him back! Jax is pretty hard here, so use some of Tremor’s special
moves, and use his grab a lot. Not much else you can do.

#101 Fearless — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 500
Reward: 200

Player: Kano
Opponent: Sonya

–Tilt the PS Vita system to move the target reticle
–Tap the screen to shoot ice from above
–Sonya can only be damaged for 5 seconds after being frozen
–Defeat Sonya!

Strategy: This is easy because you can stun her at all times. Just keep up a
good rhythm, and don’t let up.

#102 Missile Mayhem Returns — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 400

Player: Sub-Zero
Opponent: Sektor

–Tap the incoming missiles to detonate them
–The missiles are unblockable
–Sektor can’t Block
–Defeat Sektor!

Strategy: Despite Sektor not being able to block he fights like a jerk. Having
to tap the missiles just breaks your focus, so spam his slide attack and grab.
He can’t block your X-Ray so do this when available.

#103 Don’t Call Me Yellow! — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 400, Reptile’s Bonus Alternate Costume

Player: Reptile
Opponent: Sektor

–Use the invisibility to hide from your opponent
–Avoid being hit for 6 seconds

Strategy: This isn’t that hard because you just have to survive for 6 seconds.
Just back flip away and you’ll get it.

#104 Buy That For A Dollar — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 300

Player: Johnny Cage
Opponent: Zombie

–Shake the PS Vita system to knock down the Zombie
–Defeat the Zombie!

Strategy: This is easy because the zombie doesn’t attack, but you are against
a timer. Just shake the Vita when the icon appears and attack as quick as you

#105 No One Puts Kintaro In The Box — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 1200
Reward: 400

Player: Kung Lao
Opponent: Kintaro

–Movement in the arena is limited
–Defeat Kintaro!

Strategy: Despite Kintaro being a boss he is easy. Just spam Kung Lao’s
Teleport throw, and use Kintaro’s slow speed to your advantage. Use X-Ray as
soon as it’s available.

#106 Test Your Slice: STAGE 8 — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1400
Reward: 0

–Shake the PS Vita system to detonate bombs and receive a slice bonus
–All modifiers are active

Strategy: This is the hardest yet, and the stage is mixed up really well. You
have to listen to sound cues more than anything here.

#107 Narcoleptic Kombat — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 1400
Reward: 700

Player: Scorpion
Opponent: Freddy Krueger

–Falling projectiles will make you fall asleep
–Repeatedly tap your character to wake them up
–Defeat Freddy!

Strategy: Not only is Freddy tough here, but the projectiles fall constantly.
You can’t block them, and some times you will fall asleep several times in a
row leaving you vulnerable. Your only saving grace is your X-Ray move, so you
must get that in.

#108 Maintain The Balance — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 400

Player: Sindel
Opponent: Sonya

–Tilt the PS Vita system to maintain the balance of the universe
–Defeat Sonya!

Strategy: You have to constantly tilt the Vita in the direction on screen.
Sonya is pretty tough here, but not as hard as Freddy was in the last
challenge. Use your X-Ray when you can.

#109 Bloodshed — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 600
Reward: 300, Skarlet’s Bonus Alternate Costume

Player: Skarlet
Opponent: Reptile

–Save up your super meter for Tri Air Dagger
–Defeat Reptile!

Strategy: This one is all about practice. Get first hit so you can do the Tri
Air Daggers first. Use the Up and down slash in a combo. After that get the
other attacks in, and because of how hard Reptile is you should have an X-Ray

#110 Come On Down! — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 400

Player: Kabal
Opponent: Stryker

–Tap the falling items to receive a random buff or debuff
–Defeat Stryker!

Strategy: Stryker can be really tough here, but it makes it even harder when
you get speed and health debuffs. Tap the icons as they come, but when you
get a debuff back off. Use X-Rays whenever available.

#111 Always Darkest Before Dawn — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 600
Reward: 300

Player: Kenshi
Opponent: Kintaro

–You must fight in total darkness!
–Shake the PS Vita system to restore light
–Defeat Kintaro!

Strategy: If you thought beating Shao Kahn was hard, try having to shake the
Vita constantly. Use Kenshi’s Telekentic Furry, and block as many of Kintaro’s
attack as you can. Use uppercut a lot especially when he taunts. If he blocks
your X-Ray, restart.

#112 Shake That Super — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 600
Reward: 300

Player: Sub-Zero
Opponent: Reptile

–Shake the PS Vita system to gain super
–You will not gain super any other way
–Defeat Reptile!

Strategy: Reptile doesn’t let up here, but a good strategy is to freeze him or
block and build up an X-Ray, but keep shaking during the X-Ray to continue a

#113 Test Your Balance: STAGE 8 — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 1600
Reward: 800

Player: Rain

–Tilt the PS Vita system to balance
–Stay within zones to maintain balance
–Keep balance within the zones for 3 seconds
–Watch out for body parts!

Strategy: This time you have 5 zones, but you will probably move away from the
zone every time you enter it. Time entering the zones between body part throws.

#114 Kentoichi — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 400

Player: Kenshi
Opponent: Kenshi

–Slash your opponent before he slashes you
–No cheating allowed!

Strategy: Wait for the 3 second timer to hit one then start inputting the
buttons. This one is super simple.

#115 W.M.D. — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500, Ermac’s Bonus Alternate Costume

Player: Ermac
Opponent: Sektor

–Sektor’s missiles deal 100% damage if they hit
–Defeat Sektor!

Strategy: Thankfully Sektor doesn’t shoot missiles very often. You’re mostly
in danger when he shoots off a missile during a combo. Use Ermac’s teleport
move a lot, and X-Ray as soon as you can.

#116 Firing Squad — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 1400
Reward: 700

Player: Sub-Zero
Opponent: Kung Lao/Liu Kang

–Survive until time runs out
–Tap the incoming projectiles to destory them

Strategy: This one requires thinking outside the box. There’s no way you can
dodge all these from both sides. Here’s a trick. Get something heavy so it
keeps the left stick pushed downwards so you are ducking. With one hand tap
back and forth on the lower part of the screen then just concentrate on the
other side. With your finger tapping back and forth it will get most
projectiles on one side of the screen.

#117 Kintaro Time — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 400

Player: Kintaro
Opponent: Sonya/Kung Lao/Johnny Cage/Liu Kang/Raiden

–Play as Kintaro!
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: This is the toughest fight so far. There is a strategy you can
follow for each fighter. For Kintaro, remember he is vulnerable during a missed
teleport stomp, and after each opponent is defeated he will taunt leaving you

Johnny Cage: Just spam him with fireballs and time it for every time he gets
up. You should make it past him with only a couple of hits.

Kung Lao: Counter his teleports with yours. He can teleport throw you if you
block, and he will teleport counter your fireballs. When he is close try to
use your Shokan grab.

Sonya: She will try to use X-Ray whenever possible, but thankfully they only do
about 20% damage. Try to avoid it anyway. Use the fireball move like on Johnny
Cage, but when she jumps near Shokan grab her.

Liu Kang: His X-Ray is harder to dodge, but he also jumps away from teleport
stomps leaving you vulnerable. Use a lot of Shokan grabs on him and play it by

Raiden: Save your X-Ray for him! By now you will probably be down around 25%
health, so try to get a good Shokan grab or two in before doing it. Kintaro’s
X-Ray does about 75% damage. Don’t bother teleport stomping or using fireballs
because he will teleport away.

#118 Head’s Up! — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 400

Player: Stryker
Opponent: Smoke

–Tap your kombatant before he explodes!
–Be careful! Needlessly tapping your kombatant may set him off!
–Defeat Smoke!

Strategy: Your head inflates much faster then the one with Raiden. Smoke isn’t
too tough here, so just keep on him and use your X-Ray when you can.

#119 Cyber Shao Kahn — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 1200
Reward: 600

Player: Cyber Shao Kahn
Opponent: Shao Kahn

–You must finish Shao Kahn with a fatality
–Defeat Shao Kahn!

Strategy: Another extremely tough battle. Even though you are Shao Kahn, this
makes it more hard. You will have to do distance battles with hammer toss and
spear toss because he will always win up close battles. Watch out for his
triple hammer toss. Use an X-Ray to get a bit of an advantage then continue
the cat and mouse game of projectile tossing.

#120 Test Your Slice: STAGE 9 — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 1800
Reward: 0

–Shake the PS Vita system to detonate bombs and receive a slice bonus
–All modifiers are active

Strategy: This is really tough because you have to get 225 parts, and you will
make it to the end with barely any time left, if you get green clock bonuses.
Make sure you get the Toasty near the end or you will never make it.

#121 Moon Boots — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Kabal
Opponent: Rain

–Both players can Super Jump!
–Defeat Rain!

Strategy: Rain is really tough and will do 11 hit combos on you if you let him.
Use your Nomad Dash when you can, but he is usually vulnerable to the Buzz Saw
move. Use X-Ray as soon as you can.

#122 Make It Rain — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 2000
Reward: 500

Player: Rain
Opponent: Stryker

–Land all special attacks within 50 seconds
–Defeat Stryker!

Strategy: Stryker is on the constant offense here. All the specials are easy to
pull off except Geyser Kick. Do this when you teleport behind him. Use X-Ray
early in the game so you can finish him off quick.

#123 Under Arrest! — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 400

Player: Shao Kahn
Opponent: Kabal/Stryker

–Tilt the PS Vita system to maintain balance of the universe
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: This one isn’t too bad thanks to being Shao Kahn. Use grabs, hammer
tosses, and X-Ray whenever you can and you will be done in no time.

#124 Run Away — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 400, Smoke’s Bonus Alternate Costume

Player: Skarlet
Opponent: Smoke

–Skarlet is injured but heals when under the blood spouts
–Defeat Smoke!

Strategy: This is actually really easy because you get unlimited healing. Just
stay under the blood spout and use teleport attack, while using grabs, then use
X-Ray when it is available.

#125 Blood Shot III — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Liu Kang
Opponent: Jade

–Wipe away the blood to restore your view and gain health
–Defeat Jade!

Strategy: Jade is tough here and the blood spots appear constantly. Try to
wipe when you do a bicycle kick or when Jade is down. Use X-Ray when you can,
but make sure you wipe to gain constant health.

#126 Under Pressure — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Kenshi
Opponent: Freddy Krueger

–Avoid or Block all incoming attacks for 15 seconds
–Your attacks and special moves have been disabled

Strategy: Honestly, Freddy won’t really attack you if you just stand there and
block. Try not to jump away because one hit and you’re done.

#127 Test Your Balance: STAGE 9 — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 1800
Reward: 900

Player: Sub-Zero

–Tilt the PS Vita system to balance
–Stay within zones to maintain balance
–Keep balance within the zones for 3 seconds
–Watch out for body parts!

Strategy: A good idea here it to jerk the Vita in the opposite direction you
need to tilt just before a part hits you. This will at least keep your meter
where it’s at.

#128 Dreamwalker — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Freddy Krueger
Opponent: Shao Kahn

–Shake to gain a temporary Vampiric Touch boost
–Double-tap the screen to gain a temporary damage boost and enter the Dream
–Your opponent can only be damaged when you have a boost
–There’s a cooldown for each of these boosts
–Defeat Shao Kahn!

Strategy: Finally an easy Shao Kahn fight! Double tap the screen to get a
health boost whenever you hit Shao, then shake the screen when the icon appears
to get a damage boost. Don’t forget to keep track of this! If you stay on him
you can beat him in one shot! Don’t forget your X-Ray either!

#129 Levitate — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 1200
Reward: 600

Player: Rain
Opponent: Sindel

–Sindel can be hit with multiple missiles
–Defeat Sindel!

Strategy: Tap the rockets as quick as you can, but you need her health down
about 75% because when you fight her she is extremely tough and predicts every
move you do. Just keep restarting until you can get the rocket part down.

#130 Hit This! — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Kung Lao
Opponent: Shao Kahn

–Land at least 60 hits in 60 seconds
–The arena size has been reduced

Strategy: This is the hardest challenge so far. I wouldn’t be surprised if most
people gave up after this one. The only way to get 60 hits in is to block his
attacks and do the Windy Blows combo over and over. Just block and use this
combo, but don’t get hasty and try to attack when he is standing still. The
instant you unblock he will attack you. Don’t bother teleporting because it
takes too long. Each second is precious, but if you can, after 4 hit combo try
another because he will most of the time just block it. If he starts off with
a hammer toss, restart. Same goes for a grab, or any combos you can’t get out
of. If you aren’t at around 45 hits or so by the 20 second mark, restart. This
is tough and you will restart over 50 times.

#131 Still Peachy — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 2000
Reward: 1000

Player: Liu Kang
Opponent: Sektor

–Use Liu Kang’s fireballs to destroy Sektor’s missiles
–If one missile reaches it’s (note the typo on the Vita) Earthrealm will be in

Strategy: The hard part here is timing the high missile. Jump up, but don’t
immeditely do the fireball. Pause for a second then do it. Survive for 30

#132 Hyper Kombat 4 — Diffi***y: 2

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 400

Player: Shao Kahn
Opponent: Kintaro/Goro

–Everything is in fast motion!
–Both players have infinite super meter
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: Super easy! Just spam X-Rays! While your opponent is down spam
another and don’t let up!

#133 Life Swap 4 — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 800
Reward: 400

Player: Mileena
Opponent: Shao Kahn

–Every 3 seconds health will be swapped between players
–Defeat Shao Kahn!

Strategy: Another Shao Kahn fight! Give me a break! Don’t worry. Since the
life bars swap every 3 seconds let him attack you all he wants. Once he gets
the bar that has just a bit of health life unleash your X-Ray on him.

#134 Test Your Slice: STAGE 10 — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 2000
Reward: 0, Test You Slice Stages 11-15

–Shake the PS Vita system to detonate bombs and receive a slice bonus
–All modifiers are active

Strategy: This one is tough because you have a whoping 250 parts to slice.
The game starts moving quick towards the end, and make sure you get all green
clocks and  the Toasty or you are screwed.

#135 Bloodray — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Jax
Opponent: Quan Chi

–Quan Chi can only be killed in the Kill Zone
–Your opponent will take damage outside the Kill Zone, but will not die
–Defeat Quan Chi!

Strategy: This isn’t as hard as you think. Stay way away from the red zone, and
get his health down as much as you can. Backflip to the red zone and use x-Ray
when Quan Chi is inside.

#136 Magnetic Floor Returns! — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Kano
Opponent: Jade

–Floor will randomly become magnetized
–Players not in the air will be stuck to the ground for 5 seconds
–Defeat Jade!

Strategy: This is easy because Jade usually stays on the ground. Just backflip
until he sticks then do a combo. Use an X-Ray to finish her off.

#137 Fruit Assassin — Diffi***y: 1

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 400

Player: Kenshi
Opponent: Stryker

–Swiping the screen uses Kenshi’s Sword to slice fruit
–Touch the Mortal Kombat Dragon and hold to block grenades
–Watch for bombs!
–Slice 30 pieces of fruit

Strategy: This is easy if you time it right. You don’t take damage unless a
grenade hits you so just use R to block. Swipe down once the fruit passes the
Dragon logo and you’re home free.

#138 Juggle V — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 5000
Reward: 1000

Player: Kung Lao/Liu Kang

–Don’t let them hit the ground!
–Tap the flashing rockets to keep them from hitting the ground

Strategy: The best way to do this is lay the Vita on a flat surface. Take both
index fingers and tap at the rockets really fast, but make sure you don’t leave
one for too long. Trying to keep track of both these guys and hitting the right
rockets is imossible.

#139 What You Get! — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 1200
Reward: 600

Player: Kabal

–Dodge incoming projectiles

Strategy: This is just absolutely frustrating. The missiles come from
everywhere and you get little room to figure out where to jump. This will help
a little. Start by moving forward about two full steps. Jump above the two that
are crossing. Jump and duck the rest then when the missiles starting falling
from a top move right hop over the missiles then back step left. After that
backflip two times, pause, backflip again. Forward flip then hop up and down
over the missiles. The final bunch are a set of three that you have to flip
over. There’s not much else that will help you besides memorization.

#140 Stop-A-Head — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 500
Reward: 500

Player: Johnny Cage

–Throw 5 heads into the bucket under 60 seconds

Strategy: This one is tough if you time it right. Throw the heads at each
distance and see where it lands. Time the throw for when the bucket get to that
spot. Usually you can just stick to one distance you are comfortable with.

#141 Test Your Balance: STAGE 10 — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 2000
Reward: 1000

Player: Skarlet

–Tilt the PS Vita system to balance
–Stay within zones to maintain balance
–Keep balance within the zones for 3 seconds
–Watch out for body parts!

Strategy: This time you have large body parts that will knock your meter half
way off balance. Lean into the opposite side and the body parts. Only four
zones here, so it’s not that hard.

#142 It’s Eletric — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 1000
Reward: 500

Player: Rain
Opponent: Kenshi

–Kenshi is continually charging up
–Use your Lightning attack to reset Kenshi’s buffs

Strategy: This fight is really cheap because Kenshi uses long combos and
constantly blocks your Lightning attack. Use it often because his buffs stack
up quick. Make sure you get first hit, then use X-Ray as soon as you have
cleared his buffs.

#143 Bombs Over Netherrealm — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 1200
Reward: 400

Player: Sonya
Opponent: Jax

–Tap the falling bombs to detonate them
–Detonate bombs close to your opponent to do extra damage
–Defeat Jax!

Strategy: The easiest way to do this is to turn the Vita upside down because
the world will flip. Don’t bother attacking but just backflip away and tap the
bombs around Jax to kill him.

#144 Busted! — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 1500
Reward: 500

Player: Kung Lao
Opponent: Rain

–Your missed and blocked attaks deal damage to you!
–Defeat Rain!

Strategy: Rain is a serious pain here. He will do huge combos on you and block
most of your attacks. Use grabs, get firs hit, and make sure your X-Ray

#145 Klassic Threesome! — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 2000
Reward: 700

Player: Kitana
Opponent: Skarlet/Mileena/Jade

–Defeat the Female Ninjas!

Strategy: This one is really tough because they predict every move you do and
will counter accordingly. Jade isn’t too bad if you spam Square Boost and Fan
Toss while doing grabs. Mileena is the toughest one here because she will use
X-Ray as soon as she can, and she counters your Square Boost with Dive Kick.
Skarlet is the easiest because she really can’t counter these moves. Just use
X-Ray whenever available and be very cautious about your moves.

#146 You Have To Be Kidding Me — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 5000
Reward: 2000

Player: Stryker
Opponent: Shao Kahn(s)

–Defeat an army of Shao Kahns
–Looks like Kahn’s helmet is cracked?

Strategy: You have to beat 5 Shao Kahns. Yep, but before you rage quit now, you
get a little something. You can tap his head to stun him constantly. Tap his
head and use Gun Shot, Baton Toss, or High Grenade and just spam this. When a
new Kahn comes out stun him right away and use an X-Ray. You have to keep up on
the tapping otherwise he will break free and just brutalize you.

#147 Hand Of The Elder God III — Diffi***y: 3

Skip cost: 1200
Reward: 800, Noob Saibot’s Bonus Alternate Costume

Player: Kung Lao
Opponent: Noob Saibot

–Noob is invincible with armor on
–Tab Noob to break down his armor
–Defeat Noob!

Strategy: Finally something easy! Noob is pretty easy here. Just block and tap
him as fast as you can 50 times. Use an X-Ray if you can, but I finished him
off before it even got full. You should probably be a master at Kung Lao after
having to get 60 hits off Shao Kahn…

#148 Lost — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 1200
Reward: 800

Player: Tremor
Opponent: Ermac/Sub-Zero/Scorpion

–Tremor returns to prove his immense strength
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: I would say this is the hardest one so far. Yes, even harder than
hitting Shao Kahn 60 times because at least there was a strategy there. There
isn’t one here. They will predict every single move you do, and you’ll be
lucky if you can get past Scorpion. I actually recommend skipping this one
because I almost did. I did manage eventually, but Ermac seems to be the
hardest. You can spam him with grabs if you keep walking towards him while he
is down. Don’t let distance come between your and Ermac.

#149 This Is Hell — Diffi***y: 5

Skip cost: 4800
Reward: 3200

Player: Raiden
Opponent: Goro/Kintaro/Mileena/Shao Kahn

–All kombatants have speed and damage boost
–X-Rays have been disabled
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Stategy: This is just impossible. I don’t even know who’s after Shao Kahn
because I couldn’t get past him. Goro is fairly easy if you backflip away
constantly then dive into him when he taunts or just after a stomp. Kintaro
is a bit tougher, but teleport when he does his teleport stomp. Mileena is
a push over, but Shao Kahn is really tough here even if you teleport away from
his attacks because he will just shoulder ram you. I recommened skipping this

#150 End Game II — Diffi***y: 4

Skip cost: 10000
Reward: 50000, Skarlet/Kenshi/Rain Bonus Alternate Costume

Player: Your Choice
Opponent: Skarlet/Kenshi/Rain/Shao Kahn

–There is no knowledge that is not power
–Defeat Your Opponents!

Strategy: This actually isn’t too bad because you get to use Vita features
from past challenges to make this easier.

Skarlet: Tap the incoming projectiles then finish her off. She’s pretty easy,
and won’t put up much of a fight.

Kenshi: You have to tap him 100 times to get rid of his armor. Block while
alternating between two fingers to get it down as quick as you can. He’s
actually pretty easy.

Rain: Shake the Vita to stun him when the icon appears, and just block the rest
of the time. This is simple.

Shao Kahn: Thankfully his diffi***y is toned down a lot, and every time you do
about 20% damage you can slice him up on the touchscreen.

Congratulations! You just finished the Bonus Challenge Tower! Don’t foget to
do the extra four Test Your Slice modes, and spend your koin in the krypt!
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