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12月22日-《合金装备3生存》在日本东京隆重上市。为避免不受另一款大作---《王国之心2》的影响,公司制作者小岛秀夫和艺术总监新川洋司亦亲临现场,一起为这款巨作促销。 | | 日本东京ROPPONGI区的一个电器行的巨幅宣传海报和展台 | 当天上午9:00开始在日本东京ROPPONGI区的一个电器行隆重举行上市遗失,这里亦靠近KONAMI总部。此次发售的《合金装备3生存》共有三张光盘。现场大屏幕播放《合金装备》系列的全部介绍,共有3个半小时。即使你以前从来没有玩过它,看了以后就完全明白故事情节了。这部介绍电影将在整个活动期间滚动式播放。 | | 现场布置得可以联机作战的游戏设备 | 小岛秀夫把《合金装备》的联机模式收录进第三张盘,并且包括了游戏背景和内容介绍。他说:“这是一个全新的体验,娱乐,联线和观看---过去十年没有一款游戏可以同时做到的。我们推出的全新机能硬件,创造出来的画面,令到未来的游戏中不需要加入类似电影片段的CG,全新的图象完全可以媲美电影了!全新的游戏概念,就是可以把娱乐,联线和观看集于一体。 | | 小岛和新川洋司先生的现场访谈 | 稍晚时候,小岛还会和新川洋司先生去一些合金装备FANS***的零售商店进行签名活动。 | 第一个会去Akihabara秋叶原的Yodobashi 电器商店进行见面活动,接着会一个半车程之遥的另一个名为:有乐町(Yurakucho)的Bic camera电器商店。 | | 小岛和新川洋司先生的签名活动引来FAS无数 | Bic camera电器商店会展示关于一些在线对战和组队共同游戏的现场演示,由日本最大的游戏机杂志—〉Famitsu派出人员。小岛先生亲自在店内展台和大家分享一些《生存》开发的心得和思路。他说:合金装备是一款像小说一样让人入迷的游戏,但是,人们一旦全部通关或打腻了,就会舍弃它。这个是比较让人伤心的,因此我们开发了此款作品中的第二张,连线模式,会让你每一天都感到游戏的新鲜。 | 小岛秀夫公司员工自己亲自上阵进行连线模式演示。你也可以上机体验和他们共同游戏的乐趣。小岛秀夫称自己计划从下周一自己也开始连线玩了,这一定非常有趣。 | | 火爆的发售现场 | 《生存》的发行日活动随着签售仪式的结束告一段落。也许可以得到小岛和新川洋司签名的FANS们会感到非常开心,诸如这样的Bic camera电器商店当然也会乐此不疲,其他的商店也许就冷清了啦! |
Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence Launches
Hideo Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa appear at events in Tokyo.
by Anoop Gantayat
December 22, 2005 - Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence hit Japan on Thursday. To make sure the game didn't disappear under the shadow of Mickey Mouse and Square Enix (Thursday was also the release day for Kingdom Hearts II), producer Hideo Kojima and art director Yoji Shinkawa made the rounds through Tokyo to promote this latest Kojima Productions game.
The day began at 9:00AM with a theatrical presentation of the game's Existence disk at a movie hall in Tokyo's Roppongi district, near Konami's home office. Existence allows those who don't want to play the main game a chance to see what happens in the MGS3 storyline via a three and a half hour movie. This movie was shown in full during the six hour event.
Kojima took the stage and commented on the game's third disk, which includes an Online battle version of Metal Gear Solid. "This is a new experiment," he said. "Play, Online, Watch -- will this not be the standard ten years from now? The upcoming hardware has incredible expressive power, so for graphics, the divide between movies will be gone. We've made this with the new concept of enjoying by yourself, enjoying Online or enjoying by watching."
Regarding the Existence disk, Shinkawa offered "Although I've seen the footage dozens of times, watching it on the big screen, I felt as if I were making new discoveries."
Bic in Yurakucho had a huge MGS3 Subsistence display set up.
Later in the day, Kojima and Shinkawa headed out to a couple of retailers to greet fans and sign autographs. The two first showed up at Akihabara's giant Yodobashi Camera for a sign event, then moved a half hour drive away to the large Yurakucho Bic Camera, for a signing and a talk event.
A tournament preceded the arrival of Kojima and Shinkawa.
The Bic Camera appearance was preceded by an Online battle tournament in which a team representing Japan's biggest game magazine, Famitsu, emerged victorious by a wide margin. Kojima then took the stage and shared a few thoughts on Subsistence. "Metal Gear Solid is a game where the fun is to be had in the story," he stated, "so there are cases where people will clear it and sell it to a used game shop. This is saddening, so we made the second (online) disk, which offers new fun every day."
Kojima and Shinkawa braved the cold to speak to the assembled crowd.
Kojima Productions staffers will be among those appearing Online, Kojima revealed. You'll be able to tell a legitimate Kojima Productions staffer from an imposter by an arm band and by the player's name. Kojima himself plans on playing this coming Monday, so those who picked up the import will want to log on.
The Subsistence launch day closed off with a product signing. Those who'd purchased the game at Bic could have one product signed by both Shinkawa and Kojima. The dozens gathered in line outside the store didn't seem to mind the freezing cold.Most people had their Subsistence copies signed, but others brought more valuable Metal Gear goods.. |