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 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-6 11:54  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
资料以Andrew Nawroth的为主,但已经更正了其中一些出错的地方
   1.  Location: Forsaken Fortress (First Time)
      Items Required: None
    Outside the jail cell lies a set of barrels. Make your way past them to
  get to a switch. Activate the switch for a treasure chest to appear. Within
  the barrel is the heart piece.

   2.  Location: Star Island
      Items Required: Bombs
    There is a large rock on the island that you will need to destroy. Under
  it lies a hole. Enter it and defeat all of the enemies for the heart piece
  to appear.

   3.  Location: Cresent Moon Island
      Items Required: Treasure Chart, Grappling Hook
    You'll need to get one of the two treasure charts from Dragon Roost
  Cavern dungeon in order for this one to appear on the water of Cresent Moon

   4.  Location: Seven-Star Isles
      Items Required: Boomerang, Grappling Hook
    When you get to the Seven-Star Isles square on the Sea Chart, look for
  a flock of seagulls. When you get their, a Big Octo will appear. Defeat it
  for the treasure spot to appear. Cruise to the spot and use the grappling
  hook to fish the treasure out. Though you don't have to use the boomerang
  to defeat the Big Octo, it's the easiest approach.

   5.  Location: Spectacle Island
      Items Required: 50 Rupees
    Play the cannon minigame and strike five ships in at least ten shots.

   6.  Location: Windfall Island
      Items Required: None
    Talk to the teacher in pink. She is in the building with the green sign
  to the left of the door and the ladder on the right. Speak with her. Then
  go outside and search for the group of four young boys. If you get close to
  them, they begin to circle around you. Speak with them and agree to play
  hide and seek with them. When you find them all, you will get the piece of
  heart. The kids' locations are as follows:

  - The first kid can be found hiding in the large tree across from the
    docks. You'll have to roll into the tree for the kid to fall out.

  - The second kid is hiding behind the bomb shop. If you don't know where
    that is, it is the isolated building on the opposite side of the island
    from the town. If you're walking off the docks, the shop is to the left.

  - Just go to the postbox at the entrance of the town, then look for a path
    to the left and walk up. Keep on walking until you see the grave. The
    kid is hiding behind the grave.

  - The final boy is hiding on a ledge. To get to him, get to the top area
    of town where the four boys were hanging around. You will see two exits.
    Go to the furthest one from the stairs. There is a tree to the right of
    it and a ladder a bit to the left. When you go through the exit, stop
    before you walk onto the gray bricked part. Instead, look to the left
    and walk around the bush. The kid is hiding there.

   7.  Location: Windfall Island
      Items Required: None
    Go into the windmill and play the minigame that is just like Battleship.
  If you win, you will make the children happy and get a heart piece. Yay.

   8.  Location: Windfall Island
      Items Required: Deluxe Picto Box
    You may be wondering how to get the Deluxe Picto Box. Complete the side
  quest involving the man in the Picto Box house.

    Anyway, look for a woman wearing an orange dress. Speak to her, and she
  will say how she wishes someone would notice her dress. Then look for a man
  with blond hair and a brown hat. He has a green vest over his striped shirt.
  He walks around the whole island, so you'll have to search for him or wait
  for him. A good place to wait would be the entrance to the town. Anyway,
  speak with them. Then return to the woman in orange. Take a picture of her
  and then show the picture to the guy. If you used the normal Picto Box, he
  wont like it because it is in black and white. In a couple of days, go to
  the bar and speak to them. They got married! You will get a piece of heart
  for your work, you crazy matchmaker!

    A good way to pass through the two days is to conduct the Song of
  Passing. If you don't have it, then head to the cliff with the grave on it.
  You will see a man dressed in white. Speak to him, then show him your Wind
  Waker. He'll then teach you the Song of Passing!

   9.  Location: Windfall Island
      Items Required: None
    At night, head to the building with the fancy red door (the lower
  floor). You will have to participate in the auction. Keep in mind that in
  order for the Heart Piece to appear as the prize, you will have to win some
  auctions first. Note how I said win, not just participate in.

    You may want some auctioning tips. First of all, it's obviously as good
  idea to bid very small amounts until the last ten seconds of the auction
  take place. Don't worry, you'll be warned when there are ten seconds left.
  You will also be warned when there are five seconds remaining. Sometime
  after the ten second warning is a good time to make a bid. If you bid at
  around 20% of the current bid, then all the other people will be stunned
  and wont place any bids for a while.

  10.  Location: Windfall Island
      Items Required: Delivery Bag, about 570 Rupees
    First speak to the man in Windfall Island that is wearing the large
  poofy white hood over his head. His clothes are blue. Speak with him and
  agree to help the poor guy with his little shop. Once you get the Town
  Flower, head to Greatfish Isle and search for the merchant there. Speak
  with him and then show him the Town Flower. He will take it and give you
  the Sea Flower. There are two other merchants in the game. One is at Bomb
  Island and the other is at Mother & Child Isles. As you make the trades,
  the merchants will also charge fees, which is why you will need the

    Anyway, now you have the Sea Flower. Speak to the Goron again and give
  him the Sea Flower. You will receive the Exotic Flower. Head to Bomb Island
  to trade your new flower for the Sickle Moon Flag. Show the Sickle Moon
  Flag to the merchant to receive the Fountain Idol.

    Head to Mother & Child Isle. Show the merchant the Fountain Idol to get
  the Big Sale Flag.

    Return to Greatfish Isle and trade the Big Sale Flag for Hero's Flag.
  Then speak to the merchant again and trade the Hero's Flag for the Postman
  Statue. Head to Mother & Child Isle again.

    Once you are at Mother & Child Isle, trade your Postman Statue for the
  Shop Guru Statue. Now return to Greatfish Isle and give the merchant the
  Shop Guru Status. He will be very happy and will give you a piece of heart.

  11.  Location: Windfall Island
      Items Required: Delivery Bag
    After all the girls have been rescued during the second time you were at
  Forsaken Fortress, this piece of heart will be available. First, go to the
  house with the fancy red door. This is the auction house. You don't want to
  go on the bottom floor, but on the top floor instead. Just make your way to
  the higher part of town until you see some wooden stairs. Climb them and
  the path will eventually become in white stone. You will see a fancy red
  door at the end, identical to the one on the bottom floor. Go inside and
  talk to the young girl near the window. She will give you a love letter to

    Go to the red postbox near the entrance to town and deliver the letter.
  Then return to the upper floor of the auction house to see a fight between
  the postman and the rich father of the young girl. After the fight, the
  postman will leave. You have to go find him now.

    He is at the bar, which is next to the shop owned by the eskimo guy.
  Walk in and speak to the postman. After the conversation, agree to deliver
  the letter yourself. Bring it to the girl and she will be very happy. For
  your troubles, you will receive a piece of heart!

  12.  Location: Windfall Island
      Items Required: Fire Arrow

    Use the Wind's Requiem to make the wind blow to the north. Then look for
  a ladder on the side of the windmill. Climb it and press the switch. Then
  head inside the windmill and climb the stairs inside. Then go outside and
  go on the small compartments on the windmill and go up. Then shoot a fire
  arrow into the spinning black part and it will light up. Speak to the man
  with a yellow hat and an orange shirt outisde on the second floor of the
  windmill. He will give you a piece of heart.

  13.  Location: Windfall Island
      Items Required: Deku Leaf
    After lighting the lighthouse as mentioned in number 12, change the wind
  to blow south or southwest and use the Deku Leaf to float to a small patch
  of land off the coast of the Bomb Shop. Open the chest and you will have
  attained a piece of heart.

  14.  Location: Windfall Island
      Items Required: Delivery Bag, 140+ Rupees
    If you have noticed those small brown things scatter across the island,
  then you should put things like the Town Flower and such on them. If you do
  not know what I am talking about, go into the auction house and you wil see
  a couple of these brown objects in the floor.

    In order to get the objects to put in these, find the man with the small
  shop who is wearing the large poofy white hood. Start the trading event
  described in number 10 of this guide. It really doesn't matter what item
  you put on the brown objects, so go with the Town Flowers. They only cost
  10 rupees to buy, and there are fourteen of these brown pedistals.

    When you have completed this part, find the man sitting on the bench.
  You have seen him before since he has three of these brown pedistals right
  by him. He will give you a piece of heart for your work.

  15.  Location: Pawprint Isle
      Items Required: None
    Head inside the small dome on the island. You will have to crawn in.
  When you are inside, fall into the small hole and look for a treasure
  chest. Inside will be a piece of heart inside. Simple enough, aye? Well
  there are some other things inside the dome if you want them, but you will
  need bombs. If you can't find the heart piece, go to the right once you
  have your walked to the next major area from the entrance.

  16.  Location: Pawprint Isle
      Items Required: Treasure Chart, Grappling Hook
    You will have to find one of the treasure charts in the Tower of the
  Gods dungeon in order for the treasure to appear on the waters of this

  17.  Location: Dragon Roost Island
      Items Required: Delivery Bag
    Go to the second floor inside Dragon Roost Island and speak to the guy
  in charge of sorting the mail. When he asks you if you want to help him,
  say yes. You need to get at least 25 letters in the correct mail boxes. You
  are being timed, so be quick but still a bit careful. If you can do this,
  he will hire an assistant.

    Return to this place later and speak to the assistant. Agree to help him
  out and once again, get 25 letters in their correct boxes. If you succeed,
  he will give you a letter to deliver. Deliver it and in a couple of days,
  you will get a response. Along with the response you will get a piece of

  18.  Location: Dragon Roost Island
      Items Required: 20 Golden Feathers
    Bring 20 golden feathers to the Rito guarding an entrance on the second
  floor. You will get 100 rupees! Wait, 100 rupees?! Don't be alarmed. You
  will receive the heartpiece in the mail later.

  19.  Location: Flight Control Platform
      Items Required: Deku Leaf, Magic Upgrade
    This is impossible without the Magic Upgrade. To upgrade your magic, go
  to G4 on the Sea Chart and fight the squid there. When you are ready, go to
  the Flight Control Platform and make the wind blow northwest. Use the Deku
  Leaf to make your way to the colorful banner at the end. Obviously, you can
  not make it by just doing that. Use the updrafts of air to get higher and
  help you get to the end. Successfully passing through the banner will gain
  you a new heart piece.

  20.  Location: Rock Spire Island
      Items Required: Rupee Upgrade, 950 Rupees
    Eventually, you will get a mail from Beedle saying how there is a sale
  at one of his shops. This is after you get the first rupee upgrade. Anyway,
  go to the Beedle Shop at Rock Spire Island and he will be selling a Heart
  Piece for 950 rupees. He is also selling a bottle for 500 rupees and a
  treasure chart for 900. The treasure chart will lead you to another heart
  piece, so will want it.

  21.  Location: Rock Spire Island
      Items Required: Bombs, Grappling Hook
    Destroy the two warships and use the grappling hook to get the treasure
  from the sea floor below where they were destroyed. One of them has the
  piece of heart, though it may be a good idea to get the other one since it
  will gain you 100 rupees.

  22.  Location: Rock Spire Island
      Items Required: Treasure Chart, Grappling Hook, 20 Skull Necklaces
    You will need to get the treasure chart by giving 20 Skull Necklaces to
  the man on the second floor of the auction house. When you have the chart,
  the treasure itself will be visible on the waters of Rock Spire Island.

  23.  Location: Tingle Island
      Items Required: Boomerang, Grappling Hook
    Look for the flock of seagulls and sail over to them. A Big Octo will
  appear. Use the boomerang to damage its eyes to defeat it. When it is gone,
  an underwater treasure will become visible. Use the grappling hook to fish
  it out.

  24.  Location: Three-Eye Reef
      Items Required: Treasure Chart
    You will need to win the right treasure chart in the Windfall auctions.
  For auctioning tips, see number nine in this guide.

    Anyway, once you get the treasure chart, the treasure will become
  visible at Three-Eyed Reef.

  25.  Location: Greatfish Isle
      Items Required: Deku Leaf
    When you get to Greatfish Isle, go to a small part of land that has a
  path that spirals around it. At the top lies a withered tree and a Korok
  standing next to it. When you are there, look at the two large pieces of
  land inbetween the sand. On the rightmost one, look for a small notch of
  grass sticking out of the ledge. It's about halfway to the top of the land.
  Get the wind to go northwest and use the deku leaf to get there. A treasure
  chest will be visible and inside lies the heart piece you are looking for.

  26.  Location: Six-Eye Reef
      Items Required: None
    Look around the reef (not inside) for a submarine. Go inside and defeat
  all of the enemies to make a treasure chest appear. The heart piece is

  27.  Location: Thorned Fairy Island
      Items Required: Treasure Chart, Grappling Hook
    You will need one of the treasure charts found in the Wind Temple. Once
  you get it, the treasure will become visible.

  28.  Location: Needle Rock Isle
      Items Required: Bait Bag, Hyoi Pear
    You'll need to get a Hyoi Pear at one of the Beedle Shops. Most of them
  carry them, but not all of them. You can only buy them, however, if you got
  the bait bag first. The Beedle Shop at Outset island sells it, along with a
  few other Beedle Shops.

    Once you're prepared, head to Needle Rock Island. Notice the treasure
  chest surrounded by flames. You'll need to hit the switch on top of the
  tall rock. To do that, use a Hyoi Pear to take control of a seagull. Then
  you can hit the switch.

  29.  Location: Stone Watcher Island
      Items Required: Bombs
    Look to the east of the island to see a platform. Sail to it and use a
  bunch of your bombs to take out the cannons on the platform. A treasure
  chest will appear. Go to the top of the platform to get it. If you wish,
  you can defeat the two enemies on platform for another chest to appear.

  30.  Location: Bomb Island
      Items Required: Bombs
    There is a large rock at the top of the island. Bomb it and go down the
  hole. When you're at the bottom, there will be a switch and a Magtail. Get
  close to the Magtail and when it opens its claws, attack it and it will
  roll into a ball. Pick it up and put it onto the switch. Enter the door.

    Look for a narrow path on the left side of the cavern, althought it is
  not completely to the left. Walk past it and press the switch. Two flame
  circles will disappear. Now go to that area and walk across them.

    Note the two magtails in this new portion. You should also note the two
  flame circles. Get each magtail into a ball and throw one into each of the
  two flame circles. There happens to be switches in each so when both are
  pressed, the flames around the treasure chest will disappear. Open the
  chest to gain a piece of heart.

  31.  Location: Bomb Island
      Items Required: Treasure Chart, Grappling Hook
    The Earth Temple has the treasure chart you will need to make the
  treasure visible.

  32.  Location: Diamond Steppe Island
      Items Required: Treasure Chart, Grappling Hook
    Play the minigame inside the windmill at Windfall Island. Eventually you
  will win the treasure chart for this area.

  33.  Location: Southern Fairly Island
      Items Required: 900 Rupees, Treasure Chart, Grappling Hook
    You will need to locate the Beedle shop floating around the Rock Spire
  Island. Inside, you can buy a Bottle for 500 rupees, a piece of heart for
  950, and the treasure chart you are looking for for 900. Buy the treasure
  chart (as well as the heart piece of you want them all and have the money).
  Then the treasure will become visible at Southern Fairly Island.

  34.  Location: Forest Haven
      Items Required: None
    You will receive mail here after you have beaten Forbidden Woods
  dungeon. Go to the postbox to receive the mail. The postbox must wiggle for
  you to receive it. If it isn't wiggling, then you already got it.

  35.  Location: Forest Haven
      Items Required: Bottle
    You will need to speak to a Korok standing next to a    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  withered tree in to start this small side quest. The map   . . . . . . . .
  to the right shows all of their locations. Once you have  A . .@. . . . . .
  spoken to one of them, go speak to the Great Deku Tree   B . .@. . . . . .
  at the Forest Haven for him to mark all the places on    C . . . . .@. . .
  your sea chart. That will make it easier for you.      D . .@. . . . . .
                                        E .@. . . .@. . .
    Use an empty bottle to get some of the forest water.  F . . .@. . . .@.
  Keep in mind that the forest water looses its freshness  G . . . . . . . .
  after twenty minutes, so you have twenty minutes to put
  the forest water on all the trees. Do not become side-tracked, as you will
  have to start all over again.

    When you have completed this side quest, you will win a piece of heart
  as the reward.

  36.  Location: Forest Haven
      Items Required: Treasure Chart, Grappling Hook
    You will need to get one of the treasure charts found inside the Tower
  of the Gods. Then the treasure will become visible on the waters of the
  Forest Haven.

  37.  Location: Outset Island
      Items Required: Deku Leaf, Bombs, Mirror Shield
    It is a VERY good idea to come well prepared for this. Two words: Bring
  Fairies. You will most likely need about two of them. Why? Because you are
  going to be doing a LOT of battling.

    When you are all prepared, head to the top of Outset Island near the
  bridge wear Link's little sister Aryll got kidnapped. You don't need to
  cross the bridge, but go to the top of this area. There is a rock. Get on
  top of the rock and make the wind blow to the west. Use your telescope to
  make sure you see a hole on a ledge. You were here earlier to get a
  Triforce Chart. Use the deku leaf to fly over to the hole. Go down it and
  this begins your long path to the bottom.

    Make your way down the fifteen holes to where you got the Triforce
  Chart. Not too bad, yet. Use the mirror shield to reflect the light onto a
  statue. Now continue dropping down holes. Including the fifteen to get to
  the Triforce Chart, there are fifty levels in all. Yes, fifty. Is a heart
  piece worth it? That's up for you to decide.

  38.  Location: Outset Island
      Items Required: Power Bracelets, Bait Bag, Bait
    Pick up the fat black pig and carry it over to the black patches of dirt
  near the large patch of grass. It's the house across the bridge, so you'll
  have to carry the pig all the way over there.

    Drop the pig somewhere close to the right patch of dirt, but not too
  close. You don't want him to run away. Lie some bait onto the dirt patch
  and the pig should begin to dig there. He will dig you up a piece of heart.
  If something else is dug up or nothing at all, then try at a different

  39.  Location: Outset Island
      Items Required: Sword
    This is one of the first heart pieces you can get in the game. In fact,
  it may just be the first one. After you get the Hero's Sword from Orca, you
  can speak to him again and he will let you play a small game. You must hit
  him as many times as you can without getting it anymore than three times.
  If you can successfully strike him with your sword 500 times or more, you
  will get a piece of heart.

  40.  Location: Headstone Island
      Items Required: Bait Bag, Hyoi Pear
    On the highest part of the island lies a piece of heart. To get it, use
  a Hyoi Pear to take control of a seagull. Fly up to the top and grab the
  piece of heart. While you are at it, you can grab some of the rupees that
  are lying around the higher parts of the island. There is a yellow rupee at
  the second highest part of the island.

  41.  Location: Angular Isles
      Items Required: None
    You will need to move blocks around to make your way to the top of the
  island where the heart piece is. If there is a symbol on a block, then you
  can move that block. Simple enough. Some blocks will require you to move
  them only half way. You can still climb on those. Once you reach the top,
  the piece of heart is yours.

  42.  Location: Angular Island
      Items Required: Treasure Chart, Grappling Hook
    The treasure chart can be found in the Forbidden Woods dungeon. Once you
  have it, you can find it on the water surrounding Angular Island.

  43.  Location: Five-Stare Isles
      Items Required: None
    Look for a submarine in the waters surrounding the main isle. Enter it
  and defeat all of the enemies for a treasure chest to appear. The piece of
  heart is inside the chest.

  44.  Location: Five-Star Isles
      Items Required: Deluxe Picto Box, Treasure Chart, Grappling Hook
    There is a women a standing a bit past the entrance to the town on
  Windfall Island. She is standing alone near the Chu Jelly Juice Shop and
  wears an orange dress. Take a picture of her to receive a treasure chart.
  Then go to Five-Star Isle and look for the area depicted on the treasure
  chart. When you find the right area, use the grappling hook to fish out the
  treasure chest. Inside is the piece of heart..
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