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- 2021-12-22
Infinity Ward在官网上发表了这个月的玩家社区更新:https://community.infinityward.c ... -2017/ba-p/10181782
We’ve been hard at work on a ton of great new content, DLC, fresh game features, and more, and wanted to provide an update about what’s on the horizon.
First off, by the end of the month, we’re adding 360-degree rig rotation to all rig models in our menus so you can see what your rig customization looks like from all angles. Alongside this we’ll have an update to the Winner’s Circle in which your rigs will be carrying the last weapon you used in a match, your personal vanity weapon so to speak, for all your taunting impulses.
Second, we’re going to be adding in new content on a regular basis to keep gameplay fresh. Be sure to visit the Quartermaster regularly to see what new items your robot friend has to offer.
In our last community update, we mentioned that our emblem editor would be coming by the end of February. We need to extend our final testing by a few weeks, so we’re now aiming for release of the emblem by mid-March. We apologize for making our creative community wait a bit longer than planned to add their own unique emblem style to our game, but we’re confident it will be worth the wait. Ensuring that we’ve completed all QA, and added final polish, we look forward to sharing and talking about your amazing emblem creations once we launch it.
我们上一个更新中(https://bbs.a9vg.com/thread-5176944-1-1.html )提到了图标编辑器,这一功能原本定于本月月底更新,但现在我们需要推迟到三月中旬以进行更多的相关测试及调整。对于让在个人徽章上十分有创意的玩家群体不得不进行更长时间的等待我们对此表示抱歉,但最终成果不会辜负玩家的等待的。这段时间里我们要完成质量测试以及最后进行一些修改,十分期待到时候玩家能分享各种富有创意的图标作品。(图标编辑器在前几天曾经短时上线过一次,但马上就被关闭了)
Looking ahead, we will be adding a new mission team, with its own equipment and gear to chase, increasing prestige levels to grant a fresh challenge to our most skilled players, providing some new features for scorestreaks, the Quartermaster, and more such as a community poll giving you a say in picking the upcoming weeklong, featured game mode.
As always, thank you for your support and reading until the end of this update. We hope you’re having a lot of fun with the game and all the new content as we strive to make our game better and better every day. See you online.
同之前一样,感谢玩家的支持,谢谢你们能够读到这里。我们希望这款游戏能给玩家带来快乐,更新的内容能让我们的游戏越来越好。咱们线上见。 |