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发表于 2006-11-5 06:47 · 广东
下面是引用婷页子于2006-11-01 19:45发表的FF12艾雪的配音者的小资料,外加一个小问题:
还有就是在艾雪被当作偷王宫宝物的贼被士兵带走时,她说一切与其他人无关,只要带走自己好了,梵惊讶地对她说了“你怎么。。”这时日版里的艾雪台词是:“不要这样称呼我了!”到美版里变成:“don`t interrupt me,i`m thinking!"为什么要改成这句不咸不淡的话呢?
sorry my computer just went berserk on me suddenly i can no longer type chinese....wtf
anyways, concerning your question i reckon that they opted for a looser translation
cause in the jp ver. ashe is being sick of vaans keeping addressing her ANATA which is casual, and according to her royal highness, over-friendly and not paying due respect.
but the english language cant really mark the same distinction via the only (and always proper) pronoun YOU, so they look elsewhere.
in chinese we can at least say NI and NIN, and when the game does hit the PAL-land, expect some french equivalents like TU and VOUS, ill probably go check it myself.
that said, it seemed the translators responsible for the NA ver. have taken quite some liberties with the originating texts, but who'd blame them? the writings just SO sharp and exquisite. Orz Orz |