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The new power supply is now 150W (25W less than those used with Falcon boards) and the plug has of course been changed so u can't plugin this PSU into an older motherboard.
Other unannounced change ... the onboard flash chip has grown from 16MB to 256MB. Microsoft included internal memory storage, so the Arcade SKU now ships without (external) Memory Unit and the new NXE dash will install fully on the flashchip (rather than requiring a HDD or external MU). But the internal memory can also be used to store gamesave data, XBLA games, videos or whatever ... u can use it asif it was an external MU. (as the flash chip is also used for the kernel/keyvault/dash etc there seems to be about 214MB left according to scoldingice on our forums to store your own stuff)
I'm guessing the Jasper PRO and Elite SKUs will also come with this internal memory. It's just cheaper for Microsoft to make 1 type of motherboard for all SKUs rather than making a different version for each SKU. Also seems logic in a way ... get the full NXE dash on the internal flash is much 'cleaner' than using HDD/MU for it.
最大的改变是主板上的闪存(不是内存),由原来的16MB升级到了256MB. 可能以后就不用记忆卡了,小游戏,游戏的记录都可以存在里面。(但这都只是猜测)
motherboard design didn't change much ... besides the bigger flash and what's probably the new 65nm GPU, we also see a new south bridge model ... the rest (videochip, CPU, heatsinks, general board layout, ...) seems pretty much similar to falcon boards.
主板变化不大,GPU是65NM,南桥是新的型号。. |