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《生化危机5(Resident Evil 5)》自公布一来就一直受到外界的关注,而就在本月5号生化危机5的DEMO正式登陆了XBOX Live 日服,基本上当天游戏论坛的XBOX360板块几乎是万人空巷的地步了,大家都争着去日服开始下载,下载速度也一度不稳定,而之后有人将下载的DEMO从硬盘提取出来以分享给大家。但是不少人之后都出现了Live断开甚至游戏出错后无法进入游戏等问题,可惜Capcom却也一直没有申明如何解决这个问题。
我们来关注一下这个事情的最新进展,国外媒体Worthplaying已经就这个问题联系了Capcom。首先我必须强调的一点是:《生化危机5》自公布一来就一直采用的是美版标题Resident Evil而不是日版的Biohazarad,而因为商标版权的问题,所有在欧美发布的游戏一律采用的是Resident Evil,所以这个标题对于欧美玩家的影响要远大于后者,就在Demo发布当天不少欧美玩家为了下载Demo甚至不管语言的障碍,注册日服账号去下载,然而由于下载压力过大,Capcom 对下载Demo的IP进行了检测,对于非日本IP进行了屏蔽。
可是事情远没有结束,由于Demo没有数字签名的限制,已经可以从硬盘提取出来,而且这次Demo只有不到480MB的大小,很方便实现提取后发布下载。也就是只要有一个人下载完了,其余人可以通过他从硬盘提取出来,其他人去下他提供的一样可以,无论是自己之后采用刻盘的方式,还是直灌到硬盘。于是Demo以惊人的速度出现了第三方下载,无论是网盘还是P2P,都可以找到Demo下载的身影。接着不久后网上开始有人反应关于Demo的问题,主要是集中在两个问题上面,如果采用了XBOX360之前正在用非日服账号连接Live的状态下运行Demo将会从Live状态下断开进入游戏,估计是为了防止非日本玩家联机给服务器带来不必要的压力,这个问题虽然很讨厌不过还是可以理解的。难道这样就能阻止玩家试图联机来体验一番生化危机5最大变革的地方,答案肯定是不...所以有不少玩家在进入Demo后在试图联机采用非日服的账号,结果发生让谁也无法接受的事情,XBOX Live会提示游戏出错,无法运行,哪怕是在单人模式下面,而且退出后游戏再也无法进入。
就是这个问题一石激起千层浪,问题的焦点开始转移到微软数字版权条例以及微软权利申明里面,里面并没有关于微软可以在不做出任何通知的情况下面通过Live来关闭你XBOX360主机上的游戏,然后Worthpalying联系了Capcom美国分社,发言代表Chris Kramer表示已经清楚关于非日本IP玩家下载DEMO的问题,但是得知了关于Demo出错问题很惊讶,表示这并不是Capcom所计划或者要求这样的。
Chris Kramer说:“这是我们首次听说关于Demo出错问题,我们正在联系微软以及Capcom本部协商此事,在24小时内采用升级的方式解决此事”。另外他还提到了关于Demo何时登陆欧美服务器的事情,“下个星期我们将公布Demo登陆欧美服务器的时间”
按照自己的理解应该是 如果没有日服账号的千万不要试图联机,否则连单人模式都进不去
When the Resident Evil 5 demo hit in Japan on December 5th last week, enterprising gamers quickly realized that the demo could be downloaded in US and Europe simply by signing on to Xbox Live with a Japanese gamertag. The demo not only ran perfectly on US and European systems, it was also fully localized meaning that US players saw English text, heard English voices and saw the Resident Evil 5 logo rather than the Biohazard 5 logo. Resident Evil is known as Biohazard in Japan.
About a day after the demo's release, Xbox Live started doing an IP check before the download could be initiated, preventing anyone outside Japan from downloading a new copy of the demo, even if they used a Japanese gamertag. The demo could still be played however, with all features available, including online co-op play. Because of its small size (less than 480MB) the demo was also easy to copy from system to system.
Then, sometime in the last 24 hours, players with the demo noticed two things. The first was annoying, but understandable. Non-Japanese Gamertags were immediately logged out of Xbox Live when booting up the demo. This prevented anyone outside Japan from playing online. The second issue however has started to raise concern.
After logging in to Xbox Live with a non-Japanese Gamertag and attempting to start the Resident Evil 5 demo, Xbox Live actively corrupts the demo code rendering it completely unplayable – even in offline mode. This raises serious questions of DRM issues and official Microsoft policy, especially if Microsoft can disable any piece of software on your Xbox 360 at any time without any warning or recourse.
After confirming the issue on multiple consoles, WorthPlaying attempted to contact both Capcom and Microsoft for comment.
Chris Kramer, Senior Director of communications and community at Capcom said that Capcom US was aware that players outside Japan had downloaded the demo, but was very surprised to hear about the corruption issue. He assured us that it was not something that was planned or done at the request of Capcom US.
"This is the first that Capcom US has heard of the issue. We are looking into it with Microsoft and Capcom Japan and will have an update in 24 hours or less," said Kramer.
He also let us know that plans were in place to officially release the demo in the US and Europe and that Capcom would soon be making an announcement regarding the release timeline.
"Next week we will also be announcing our official plans for the release of the RE5 demo in US and Europe," said Kramer.
Microsoft was unavailable for comment at press time, but is looking into the issue. As soon as an official response is available from Microsoft we will update this story.. |