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发表于 2008-12-21 05:59 · 英国
Information on Specific Titles:
BLACK: There are some minor lighting issues with non-player characters.
Burnout 3: Takedown: Very minor performance drops in multiplayer mode.
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge: There is some minor flickering at the top of the screen that happens very rarely. The “Press A to Continue” message is missing when the host player leaves a multiplayer game.
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey: Player can get caught in geometry after loading level 8. Blurry lines may appear at VGA resolution 848X480
Fable: There are some random bursts of audio static and some minor texture issues and a short hang up when removing tattoos.
Fuzion Frenzy: There are some minor frame rate issues.
Guilty Gear X2 Reload: Minor graphical corruption, artifacting on player avatars.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: During some cut scenes, audio falls out of sync with characters movements. A Hard lock can occur during the "You've Had Your Chips" Mission, after the user gets into the Dump Truck. NOTE: The mission is a side mission, and doesn't impede on progress in the main game.
Jade Empire: Textures for some objects are not displayed correctly. Mini Map stops refreshing at random points in game. Frame rate drops in some cut scenes. Hard lock occurs once on average during a single standard 20-25 hour play through.
The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning: Minor graphical corruption when using lightning breath.
Ninja Gaiden Black: No audio is heard during the display of the publisher logo. There is a minor performance drop during the Alma cutscene. Original Ninja Gaiden Arcade game does not run and is not supported.
Raze's Hell: Minor graphical tearing occurs in the top portion of the screen throughout game play. The Publisher logo and Demo video suffer from performance drops. Texture corruption occurs in the “Mini Putz” mini game. This corruption renders some of the textures in the level white. This issue only occurs on the 1st hole of the “Mini Putz” mini game. Hard locks may occur at random points in the game, after dying. This issue was only encountered twice in a 20 hour play through.
Sid Meier's Pirates!: There is minor stuttering during the introductory video, and there is some texture tearing and instances of textures disappearing in the game.
Soccer Slam: No issues found for this title.
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse: Minor audio stuttering during final credits. Minor performance drops during co-operative play. No video for Pal-60. Title must be played on Pal-50.
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory: Light sources can sometimes be seen through textures and player avatar (Minor).
Zapper: Minor graphical corruption occurs in the End Credits. This causes some of the end credits to appear cut off. |