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[求助] [求助]谁知道LEGO Indiana Jones的全秘密成就


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-6 14:56  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



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发表于 2009-1-6 15:01  ·  湖北 | 显示全部楼层
That belongs in a museum!10
Complete the "Young Indy" level in Story Mode.
After collecting all artifacts in the Raiders of the Lost Ark levels, you will unlock the option to play the "Young Indy" level. Complete the level to unlock the achievement.

Nice try, Lao Che! 20
Destroy Lao Che with Indy.
After completing the level "Shanghai Showdown" Lao Che is available for purchase in the library for 19,000 studs. Purchase him, and then go to any Free Play level, and make sure you select him as the character you want. Once in the level, set yourself up so that Lao Che and any version of Indiana Jones are your two characters. Then, as Indy, punch Lao until he breaks, then switch characters with  and do the same back to Indy, and both this and "Goodbye Dr. Jones" will unlock.

Goodbye Dr. Jones.20
Destroy Indy with Lao Che.
See "Nice try, Lao Che!" for details

I step on fortune cookie!20
Destroy 50 creepy-crawlies.
Through destroying objects searching for Lego studs, sometimes a bright red spider or other colored insect will pop out, and use  whip them or  to punch them. Repeat 50 times.

He no nuts. He's crazy!!20
Smash 250 LEGO objects.
Fans of the Lego series know that in every level, destroy everything you can see to collects studs and hearts and so on. So every object that you see, press  to punch it or to use your character's weapon to destroy everything in sight. Once 250 objects have been destroyed, the achievement will unlock.

Hey! You call him Dr. Jones!20
Create and name a custom build character.
When in Barnett College, go down into the hallway with all the rooms off of it. The first room on the right side is the courtyard. Walk through it to get to the art room. In the art room you will see 2 customizable characters. When you walk up to them, the customization process will start automatically.
Press the  left and right to scroll through the customization types, and press up and down to scroll through the options. One of the options will be a chalkboard with "ABC" written on it. Use this option to change the name of the character, press  to enter the text input mode. Change one option of the character, and go and change the name. Once you change the name, press  and the change will automatically save and the achievement will unlock.
You can also use this customization options to create a wrench/shovel/etc. character to use that ability in free play without having to purchase that character from the library, or unlock them through story completion.

That’s for blasphemy!20
Destroy Indy with Jones Snr.
In the level "Castle Rescue," as soon as the cut-scene is finished where you set the castle on fire, switch to Jones Sr. by pressing  and punch Jones Jr with  until he breaks, and the achievement will unlock

Show a little backbone will ya?20
Destroy 100 s***s
In "Well of Souls" In one of the last rooms there are traps where s***s slide down. You can jump up to close the hatches so the s***s can't come in anymore, but instead, just stand there. Every couple of seconds a s*** will fall and just swing at them with  or  until 100 s***s have been destroyed. You need to use a character other than Indy because of his phobia, he will freeze around the s***s.

Blow it up!40
Blow up 5 enemies with 1 explosion.
This is an achievement that causes many headaches, as you can blow up more than 5 without the achievement unlocking. Here are several scenarios that may work well for you:
**Start up free play on "Pankot Secrets," near the beginning you will be rushed by a herd of spiders, many more than 5 should explode if your explosion is well aimed.
**Start up free play on "Escape the Mines." As soon as you start the level, you will be attacked by 8 enemies. Just ahead of you and to the right is a dynamite dispenser. Grab one, and stand still and let the enemies crowd around you waiting for their doom.
**Start up free play on "Motorcycle Escape" with a bazooka carrier. Ride on to the farm area. Every minute or so, 4 enemies will run in from by the house towards you. Also, if you pull the levers on each side of the greenhouse door, 3 more enemies will come out, giving you a grand total of 7.
**At the end of "The Lost Temple" after the boulder chase, you will be swarmed by the Hovitos. Run from side to side in the open area to amass a large following of tribesmen.

We go for a ride 20
Perform 250 whip swings in the game.
In the game, you will come across chasms that have a branch or other object hanging above them that looks like a "J." You will also usually notice a small platform on either side of the chasm. Stand on either side and press  to use your whip to swing across. If you're in a hurry to get the achievement, you can just swing back and forth across a single chasm 250 times.

Throw me the idol 20
Perform 150 whip grabs in the game.
While playing as Indiana Jones, when a distant icon has a blue triangle above it, press  to use your whip to grab it. If you're in a hurry to get this achievement, in Marion's bar, the bottles on the bar will respawn an unlimited amount of times, and until you unlock the side door, you have all the time in the world alone. Keep grabbing and throwing the bottles until the achievement unlocks.

I can't believe what you did! 20
Disarm 100 enemies with the whip.
When you are fighting an enemy who has a weapon (gun, sword, etc.), go up to them and press  to use your whip to steal their weapon. Repeat 99 more times for unlocking goodness

Got lost in his own museum.30
Unlock secret area in the museum.
In the main room of Barnett College, go up the stairs and to the right to enter the artifact room. Near the middle of the room you will see an object laying on the ground with a blue triangle above it. Go to the object and press  to pick it up. A triangle will now appear on the stone object next to you. Walk to that object and press  again to put the object in, and the achievement will unlock

Where Forrestal cashed in.30
Collect 1,000,000 studs in the Ancient City Level.
Once all of the artifacts from Temple of Doom have been collected, you will have access to the bonus level, "The Ancient City." Go into the level and collect 1 million studs. Lego game fans will be familiar with it, as it is very similar to the "Lego City" levels in Lego Star Wars.

A source of unspeakable power! 20
Build 250 LEGO objects.
As you progress through the game, you will see piles of Legos that appear to be hopping around. Walk up to this pile and press and hold  to build an object. Repeat 249 more times for the achievement.

You Cheat very big! 30
Unlock all extras.
When in Barnett College, go down into the hallway with all the rooms off of it. The middle room on the right side is the mail room. The parcels will be there, which are all secrets that you can purchase with Lego Studs. Purchase all of them to unlock the achievement. There are 24 total parcels.



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发表于 2009-1-6 15:03  ·  湖北 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-1-6 16:42  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2009-3-17 08:44  ·  加拿大 | 显示全部楼层
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