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发表于 2009-2-27 18:39 · 德国
下面是引用venturex于2009-02-27 18:11发表的:

对于这三个***, 吐槽已经无用了....
Absolute Games
Zero - that's how many fresh ideas Killzone 2 brings to the table. Had it been released alongside Soldier of Fortune or Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, it would have made a big fuss. Today, after Call of Duty 4, Gears of War 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode Two, its gameplay looks weak. Very few enemy variations, cliched situations repeat over and over again, and there is not enough story to fill a Saturday morning cartoon.
Teletext GameCentral
One of the best looking games ever, but also one of the least ambitious in terms of anything else.
Edge Magazine
But without the first game’s ambiguities,‭ ‬a sense of humour or even an ounce of‭ ‬intrigue,‭ ‬its story stinks.‭ ‬It’s so slight you could play the levels in random order to‭ ‬little ill-effect,‭ ‬and it assumes knowledge of everything and everyone,‭ ‬not once recognising the real-world echoes of its premise:‭ ‬an allied invasion of an enemy‭ ‬the allies themselves created.‭
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