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[分享]成就攻略N连弹之一~~~sega md精选




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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-28 14:39  ·  北京 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
sega md精选集比较雷,适合怀旧或者以前没玩过MD的玩家,比如我吧,从FC直接蹦到DC的,中间的几代都没玩过,所以买来玩玩还可以,画面还是以前的MD画面,比较粗糙,吃惯了大鱼大虾的玩家可以尝试一下,绝对有不同寻常的感受,sega md这款游戏集合了很多SEGA自己的MD游戏,成就比较好拿,至少950分都是白送,另外50稍有难度,要是你不嫌麻烦不停地SL也能圆满,适合完美成就饭,我就是什么好拿拿什么,稍难一些的成就就难得要了。
Get Rich 25  
Alex Kidd: Collect 1,000 in currency
Just punch/kick any enemy you see, and break open chests, as they both dispense coins. Do not bother doing the paper rock scissors mini-game, it will take you more time. Should have enough coins in the second level.
You can also collect everything up to the end of the first level and die, then all the chests will have respawned. You can get 1,000 before using all your lives this way.  
Alex Kidd:收集1000币,打敌人,开箱子,应该第二关就能收集完。或者反复刷第一关末尾。

Don't Die 25  
Alien Storm: Reach Mission 3 without losing a life
At the title screen, go into options and set your lives to the max and diffi***y to easy. Then beat the first two levels. I suggest using the robot, as he's a bit faster and stronger.
Alien Storm:到达第三关前不死,调最大命最低难度,建议使用机器人角色。

Enter the Beast 10  
Altered Beast: Collect 100,000 pts or higher by the end of the first level
Just finish the first level, making sure to kill all the blue wolves that give you power-ups. You will transform and then beating the boss should get you past 100,000 points.
Altered Beast:兽王记收集到100000分在第一关结束前,完成第一关,杀掉蓝狼打boss时会变身,然后就可以得到100000分。

Holy Water 20  
The Story of Thor: Unlock the Water Spirit
At the beginning press start to skip the 'cut scenes' (unless you don't want to.) Then head straight up. You will battle some enemies, then walk into the shack at the top of the screen. You will have a conversation, once done, head left, and keep going left until you enter the castle.

Once in the castle head up, and take the door on the right, then you will come to a u shaped room, go across the bridge to the door on the left. Do this twice and you should be in the throne room.

In the throne room talk to the king, he gives you a red key. Take the key and go back to the town you started in, then exit out of the town to the right. Head down and right until you have to go left. Then head left and you should see a bridge leading to the first dungeon. Walk up to the door to use the key to get in.

Once inside kill enemies to get keys to open doors. Keep heading up and killing enemies. You will come to a room with water sweeping you backwards, here you have to repeatedly jump to keep going up. Once up you should fight a boss, just keep slashing him, and crouching when he jumps.

After the boss battle, head up, press Y to open the door, and then go talk to the fairy, achievement unlocked!
The Story of Thor:这个比较麻烦,ARPG吧,就是有个流程的问题,我简单翻一下。

Stealing Points 20  
Bonanza Brothers: Reach 40,000 points on the first level
As soon as you start the game, head right, shooting the first cop. You will then see a cop standing behind a door, you can keep opening the door into the cop for 1,000 points. Move to the left to reset the door. Do this as much as you'd like until the achievement pops.
Bonanza Brothers:第一关得到40000分,开始游戏,向右走,打第一个***,然后看到一个***在门后,开门,然后转身往回走,拉场景然后回去再开门,如此往复直到解除成就。

Easy as Pie 15  
Columns: Get 20,000 points only on Easy Mode
Go into the options menu, set the game to easy, and then once the game starts pick easy mode. Just keep connecting 3 or more of a kind up/down, left/right, or diagonal. The game gets kind of fast at one point, but then slows down again. Can be diffi***, but try to keep from getting too high.

When you get the 3 flashing pieces be sure to place them onto the pieces you have the most of, as they clear all of that color.
Columns:获得20000分在easy mode下面,进options选单,选择easy,开始游戏进入easy mode,然后就玩吧,就是一个俄罗斯方块游戏。

Hardly a Hero 20  
Comix Zone: Complete first episode
This one can be tough, but not so much if use this cheat! Go the the Jukebox in the options menu. Then push B on these numbers: 3, 12,17,2, 2, 10, 2, 7, 7,11. You should hear a Kool-Aid Man-like "Oh Yeah" confirming the code. This gives you unlimited health. Just keep fighting everyone and advancing right until the achievement pops. You can still fall, so make sure to kill the flying enemy before the jump at the end of page one.
Comix Zone:完成第一关,请在options中的jukebox中输入秘籍,在以下数字上按B:3,12,17,2,2,10,2,7,7,11听到效果音后开始无耻的玩吧,无限生命还过不了第一关?

Get Ahead 30  
Decap Attack: Collect 5 Bonus Coins
As soon at 1-1 starts, head left and attach the two statues. The head will give you a better attack. Keep looking everywhere for those statues, as when you break them sometimes, a coin will come out with a B on it. These are the coins you are looking for. Search very well before finishing each area. You should be able to get two in 1-1, one in 1-2 and two more in 1-3 for the achievement. The boss is pretty tough so you might want to avoid having to fight him.

If you do get to the boss and beat him, you will need to spend coins to move to the next level, but they still count toward the achievement, so collect one or two more that you need in level two.  
Decap Attack:收集5个奖励金币,开始游戏,向左打两个雕像,然后就会变装,然后不停过关吧,

Communication is Key 10  
Ecco: Talk to another dolphin
As soon as you start the game, head right until you see a dolphin, then press the sonar button (B) with your mouth aimed at the dolphin.

Taste Like Tuna 20  
Ecco: The Tides of Time: Eat 200 fish
Head right one screen, then you will see a school of tiny fish just after you enter the second screen. Keep going straight up and down and boosting to eat them. As soon as you finish your boost up, hold down and boost down. Takes about 5 minutes of this to unlock the achievement. The fish keep respawning, so you won't have to search for more.
Ecco: The Tides of Time:另一个游戏了啊,然后就是往右游看到一群小鱼然后就不停地吃吧,吃够200条就解锁了,小鱼是会复生的,所以稍微耗点时间(脑残成就)

Suit up 30  
E-SWAT: Obtain the Combat Suit (Complete Mission 2)
In the first level just head right blasting enemies, then once it makes you go left carefully dodge the enemies fire from above. Right after this you will see enemies above you, press up and Y to jump higher to get to them. Then head right and drop off the building to fight a Helicopter boss.

In level two on the escalator thing, go all the way right. Once there go left and take the first path all the way up. Once there go back down and take the first path you come to the right. You should find a spot you can High Jump (Up+Y) into. Then just go left, fall down, then right, rinse repeat, making sure to jump the gap all the way on the right to go to the next scene.

In the next scene on the conveyor belts high jump over into the foreground on the second conveyor belt, then jump over the spikes to the right. You will then fight two armored guys. Duck the whole time and fire on the guy who spawns on the right. He will jump across the screen, follow him and keep shooting, crouched the whole time. He will blow up twice; the first time it's just his suit, the second time it's his death. Once he is dead, continue crouching and take out the other guy.

Don't Get Lost 30  
Fatal Labyrinth: Progress to the fifth level of the labyrinth
My suggestion on this game is RUN! Run from all the monsters, and keep looking for the stairs. You may have to press X to open hidden doors if you are stuck in a black area. The stairs are mostly in the top right part of the stage, and you tend to spawn near the middle. If you get stuck walk against walls that are black to see if there is an opening, and you should find the stairs pretty quick. Once you go up 4 flights of stairs the achievement unlocks!
Fatal Labyrinth:到达第五层,不用和怪物缠斗,一直跑找路即可。

Getting Chicks 25  
Flicky: Collect 80,000 points
Run and grab as many chicks as you can avoiding cats. For extra points, run into whatever item is on the level (lamps, etc) and then press attack to kick the item at the cats. The easiest way to get this achievement is to finish the levels as quickly as possible with ALL of the chicks following you at the same time. Then get PERFECT on the bonus levels. Should take around 3 or 4 stages. Also, a tip for avoiding the cats is to always start going the opposite direction they start going. Example: if they start left, you start heading right.

Garden Gnomes 20  
Golden Axe: Collect 20 magic power-ups
Whenever you see a tiny blue thief, hit them, and collect the blue vase that is thrown out. You should have collected 20 vases in about 3 levels.
Golden Axe:收集20个大招瓶,打蓝色盗贼就可以出,应该在第三关时可以满足条件。

Tower Up 35  
Golden Axe II: Complete Tower Level
Complete the first three levels to get this. If you are having trouble set your lives to max in the options, and use magic frequently. You have to do this on Normal or Hard, as Easy only lets you play the first 2 levels.
Golden Axe II:完成前三关,设定命最多,经常用魔法,难度normal及其以上才行。

Saved by Magic 20  
Golden Axe III: Use magic 10 times
Use magic as soon as you get it from the little blue thieves and only use one vase at a time. Should have this in the middle of the third level, it unlocks as soon as you use ten.
Golden Axe III: 使用魔法10次,一次用一小瓶魔法,大概在第三关中间就可以满足条件。

TGIF 35  
Kid Chameleon: Collect Maniaxe
The Maniaxe is a power up you get from hitting P blocks. You get it in the fourth stage. When you get the power-up you look like the SplatterHouse guy, just so you know.
Kid Chameleon:打砖块可以变装,在进入第四关后就可以得到Maniaxe 装了。

Twinkle Twinkle 30  
Ristar: Collect 5 Yellow Stars
Yellow stars are what give you health. You find them in chests, or certain walls you headbutt drop them. Keep opening chests you find, reaching in holes, and head butting walls. You should have this by the third level.

Yatta! 50  
Dr. Robotnik's M.B.M.: Complete the game
Once you pick Scenario mode, hit continue. Then put in the code: Yellow, Has Bean, Blue, Blue. Has Bean is the character in the achievement picture. The easiest way to beat Robotnik is to save after every piece (press the Back button, and pick save) that way if you mess up you can reload your last save. I'd suggest using all 3 save slots in succession that way you can go back even further if you see something better you could have done. This is the hardest achievement in the game, good luck!

The trick to beating him is using a cascade which will throw the black beans on his side of the screen. To do this, you need to clear a section and cause the pieces on top of it to fall and make another connection. In other words, if you make a connection of red pieces that have a purple piece on top, and that purple piece falls and makes a connection with other purple pieces, this will case a cascade on his side. Don't get discouraged if you get cascaded on, because making connections will eat away the black beans and possibly cause you to get extra cascades. Just try to stay calm as the game moves fast!  
Dr. Robotnik's M.B.M.: 通关,算是这款游戏最难成就了吧,没事就存盘load吧。

True Ninja Skills 30  
Shinobi III: Complete first level without using continues
Go into options, set level to easy and shurikins to 70. Then complete the first level. I did it this way, and didn't even die. Just keep heading right and attacking anything that moves.

Against the boss, he will leave himself open for a split second before attacking, so shoot him then. After, head away from him and jump back over him as he dashes across the screen. Rinse and repeat.  
Shinobi III: 完成第一关不CONTINUES,设定简单难度然后70发镖,其实蛮简单的。

Complete Chaos 30  
Sonic The Hedgehog: Obtain a Chaos Emerald
Collect 50 rings during the first level, and keep them till the end. At the end of the level jump into the giant ring and then do a state save (Back button, save game) just in case you don't get it your first try. All you have to do is guide Sonic down, and to the left until you see an Emerald surrounded by colored gems. Try to make sonic land on a line of gems to clear them quickly, and hit the Chaos Emerald to unlock the achievement.
Sonic The Hedgehog: 获得奖章,收集50个环然后跳到过第一关跳入巨环,存档,然后得到被彩色砖头包围的奖章,失败就LOAD吧。

A Different Tail 35  
Sonic The Hedgehog 3: Collect 100 rings with Tails anywhere on Angel Island Zone
Start the game as Tails only, and collect 100 rings in the first zone avoiding getting hit by enemies. Easy as that.

This does not count rings earned from the mini-games, only from rings on the screen or in the TV things.  
Sonic The Hedgehog 3:收集100金币,开始游戏选择TAILS单人,然后收集100个金币,小心被碰到什么东西,小游戏得到的不算啊。

Flicky to the Rescue 15  
Sonic 3D Flickies' Island: Rescue 20 Flickies.
Flickies are inside enemies, just kill 20 enemies, collect the Flickies (birds) jumping around afterwords, and then take them to the giant ring teleporters. Once you find a giant ring, jump and grab it to save those Flickies, then stand under the ring to teleport. There are 5 Flickies you can have at a time, and 10 per level. Finish two levels with max Flickies to unlock the achievement.
Sonic 3D Flickies' Island: 救20只小鸟,杀20个敌人然后带着敌人死后的小鸟到巨环那里传送就好了,完成前两关就够20个敌人了。

Lots of Zeros 30  
Sonic Spinball: Get 10,000,000 points in the first level
This should easily be gotten just by finishing the first level. Just make sure to hit as many switches as you can, and try not to die. The quicker you finish the level, the more points you get as well. Pretty easy, takes around 10 minutes of game play. Remember to save as you start to get more points.
Sonic Spinball: 获得10000000分在第一关,就是不停玩,玩得好就存盘,死了就读档,保证3条命挣够那么多好了,弹珠台游戏,挺有意思的。

Get to the Chopper 15  
Super Thunder Blade: Score over 1,500,000 points in the first level
Set the game to easy and max lives in the options and then just blast enemies, you barely have to aim on easy mode and the achievement should be a piece of cake! Just avoid fire as much as possible, and fly close to the ground to shoot ***s. The level goes on for a while longer then you think, so don't panic if it doesn't unlock when you think it should. You should get it near the area when you start flying over water fighting the battleship.
Super Thunder Blade:获得超过1500000分在第一关,设定游戏简单,然后不停地打吧,飞低点能打到***。

Three Times a Charm 20  
Streets of Rage: Complete 1st Level using all 3 characters
Set the game to easy and max lives, and then just finish the first level with the 3 characters. Just save once you finish the level with one charater, then reset the game and do the same with the others.
Streets of Rage: 分别用三个角色完成第一关,设定游戏简单,最多命,然后用每个角色通过第一关,ok。

Good Day Mate 15  
Streets of Rage 3: Unlock Roo the Kangaroo as a playable character
Set the game to easy, and max lives, then finish the second level by only killing the clown boss, and not killing Roo. You can hurt him, just don't kill him. This doesn't unlock with the Up+B cheat code in the original, though you can still use it to play as Roo if you want.
Streets of Rage 3:解锁角色袋鼠,选简单,最多命,然后打到一个魔术师加一个袋鼠那里杀掉魔术师别打死袋鼠,你就可以选择角色袋鼠了,很简单。

Super Charged 45  
VectorMan: Collect 500 photons
Set the game to Lame (aka Easy) and max lives. Then keep collecting the photons that look like glowing * icons. It will take about 5 levels to get enough, but just keep blasting enemies and TV's to advance through the levels.

You can get it much earlier if you "farm" before the time runs out. Enemies will respawn if you simply move the screen away from them. Find some birds and kill them, then move away and return and they will be back. Rinse and repeat until your time is running low, then finish the level.  

Can You Dig It? 45  
VectorMan 2: Reach Scene 11
Start the game, then pause and press: Up, Right, X, Y, X, Down, Left, X, Down, Start. Then select Dig 2, and the achievement should unlock with no real effort!
VectorMan 2: 到达第11关,看似很难,但是有秘籍啊,无耻成就再现,进入游戏,暂停,输入上,右,x,y,x,下,左,x,下,开始,然后选择DIG2解锁45G,太无耻了~~~

Blast Processing 50  
Play all MEGA DRIVE™ Titles
On the main list of games, start each game and once the SEGA screen loads, quit out. After you go into every game on the main list this will unlock. This must be done in one sitting without turning your game off.

Master the System 50  
Unlock Everything
Unlocking achievements will unlock most everything. To see what you need to do to Unlock everything, press Y at the main menu, and go over anything with a Lock icon on it, and it will tell you how to unlock it on the left side.

The only notable one is to beat the first boss of Sonic 2 with two players, cause it's not an achievement. Just start the game with two controllers, and press A on controller 2 during the boss battle once, and then kill the boss. It will unlock the only interview not linked to an achievement.

No Life 50  
Watch Every Video
Once all the videos are unlocked (see Master the System), simply press A on them to start them, then hit B to exit. You don't have to actually watch them all.

Critique 50  
View all Artwork
On the main list of games press B, this will take you to the Museum. Then press RB or LB to go to the Art of the game. Once on the art press A on the Box Art and the Case Art for each game. You can stay on the Art screen and press RT/LT to switch between games, and just keep viewing all the art. Takes about 5 minutes tops.

Only in the '80s 50  
Play all Arcade Titles
In the extras menu, start all of the unlockable arcade games. The arcade games are unlocked via other achievements, and locked ones will tell you what you need to do in the Extras menu. This must be done in one sitting as well.

唉,终于简单翻完了,其实里面的sonic和怒之铁拳还是不错的,其他的吗,额,大家请无视吧 .


↑Super Ninja Ayane↑

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发表于 2009-3-28 14:41  ·  北京 | 显示全部楼层



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 楼主| 发表于 2009-3-28 14:41  ·  北京 | 显示全部楼层
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↑Super Ninja Ayane↑

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发表于 2009-3-28 14:44  ·  北京 | 显示全部楼层
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谢谢了 ~!!! 玩哈哈~!!!

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