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(转自TGFC,另外,Peter Moore在去EA之前,是XBOX的头哦,而现在XBOX的头Don,以前是EA的头。。。)
EA Sports already working on Active for Natal/PS3 Motion Controller
by Justin McElroy { Jun 4th 2009 at 12:40PM } Xbox PlayStation
http://www.joystiq.com/2009/06/0 ... ps3-motion-control/
没有比 EA Sports 更适合诠释“捷足先登”的第三方厂商了。EA的体育游戏总是率先出现在各种新型主机平台上。JoyStiq 日前对 EA Sports 品牌总管 Peter Moore 做了一次长篇访谈,其中他确认他们的团队早已开始着手将大获成功的 EA Sports Active《EA体育:活力无限》引入 PS3 和 360 平台,并且利用 PS3 体感控制器和 Project Natal。
(在被问及是否准备运用索尼和微软的新体感设备时,Peter回答)“毫无疑问,Natal是第三方能大展拳脚的完美例子。只要你想象一下,用Natal来玩 EA Sports Active……而且我们正在这么做,我们在大概两个月之前就见到了 Natal,然后我们就开始设想,如何把运动/健身类游戏做成一种典型的Natal体验。Sony的体感控制器也一样,你要如何去运用他们在周二展示的装置来表现健身动作。我认为 Natal 是个巨大的机会。”
"Absolutely," Moore said. "Natal is the perfect example of what you could do there. If you could imagine EA Sports Active done via Natal ... and we are working on that right now, we saw Natal a couple months ago and we started thinking about how we could bring health/wellness and fitness to a Natal-type experience. Same with Sony with the motion controller, how can you utilize what they showed on Tuesday to bring fitness to that. But I think Natal is a huge opportunity."
EA Sports Active 是一款目前仅面向Wii的健身游戏。. |