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育碧英国官方论坛的管理员“ms-kleaneasy”回答了fans,为什么Splinter Cell Conviction不会出在PS3上。根据他的说法,育碧是出于很多原因做出了这个决定。首先是这个潜入动作游戏与Xbox的历史悠久,第一代该游戏就登陆了Original Xbox,而且“充分展示了xbox的技术潜力”。其次微软的全力支持和大力宣传也使得这个游戏取得了成功。根据ms-kleaneasy的说法,由于上述的原因使Splinter Cell和Xbox产生了内在的联系,保持独占并为游戏机进行技术上的最佳化,对育碧来说是更好的选择。
Splinter Cell conviction is a true Microsoft exclusive title and there are no plans to have Splinter Cell Conviction on other platforms. There are several reasons behind this choice. First of all, Splinter Cell games are historically linked with Microsoft platforms. The first Splinter Cell on the original Xbox was one of the first games to fully exploit the console's technical possibilities. At that time, Microsoft really believed in the game potential and provided strong support to promote it. So, there is a "link of heart" between the franchise and the platform. Some games are like this (think of Final Fantasy for instance). The second reason behind this choice is purely linked to production. Having a single target platform means that we can optimize the game even further, because we only have one type of - console - hardware to support.
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