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没想到你在 SF4耻辱墙 上也占有一席之地,恭喜:
传送们 ——《街头霸王4》耻辱墙{即时更新耻辱状}
下面是引用greyrang之爷于2009-06-26 10:55发表的:
This is addressed to G1 players.
I know you guys have probably noticed this and there's topics about them too, but there isnt an official one warning about these 2 players. There are various *** videos suggesting the use of the turbo function from the players DHEW32 and Fudfkl(sp), a Ryu and a Sagat. If youre confident on beating these guys go ahead, but if you want to make them disappear don't join their games or kick them from your lobby. Im sure they;ll get bored and go away if theyre waiting all day at the lobby waiting for a match.It's bad enough fighting an user friendly character let alone one with turbo function on.
I've beaten DHEW32 a few times, but no wins against the Sagat player. I'm Firulayz, one of the current G1 Fei longs.
看看别人的 分析 ,人家说 前3名的都是用连发的 ,ryu 还有我 ,所以说没什么的,很正常,还说我的 sagat 是最强的 从来没赢过我 ,只有赢过ryu
https://bbs.a9vg.com/viewthread.p ... page%3D1&page=2
人家(Firulayz,使用low tier角色Fei long)不是说你(Fudfkl)和DHEW32玩的多牛X,而是在!!警告!!其他玩家不要接近你们
因为你们不仅使用的是user friendly characters(***向 易使用角色——Ryu和Sagat),还恬不知耻的搞连发作弊
{原文的意思是:“人家用低性能的飞龙对付你们的 top tier ***都能拿来用 胡打也能赢几局的角色 就不说什么了,没想到你们居然还靠连发来作弊”}
话说回来还得感谢你啊,没有你这么热心,我还找不来这条国外玩家的评论呢 [s:257] [s:257]. |