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- 战神3巨大的规模将是你前所未见
- 战神3得到神海2与KZ2团队的帮助, 你所看到的战神3将会是所有团队技术大成
- 战神3是以年度最佳游戏目標开发
- 比起PS2, PS3让战神3能有更好的光影细节, 更多敌人, 敌人在移动上的敌人
- Demo的拔人头指是个开端
- 所有的泰坦都会出现在游戏, 并且有无与伦比的战争
- 武器将多元多样化
Q1:How hard was it to go through the evolution from ps2 to ps3.
Stig (dev) says that learning the cell was the hardest, but sony provided engineers and other devs to help them
Q2: He is asking how is the ps3 is better for you than the ps2.
They say that the ps3 gave them: better lighting, more enemies on the screens, enemies on top of moving enemies on top of moving enemies plus the detail. Apparently the head ripping of helios is a sign of more to come since stuff like that is only possible on ps3. Everything will be alive and interactive.
Q3: He is asking about the weapons in God of war 3
There will be a new way or method to use the weapons. There are alot of elements present from the first 2 games, but, there is some new stuff added and new ways to fight and rack up combos. There will be alot of diversity in the weapon department.
Q4: He is asking how many weapons in the game?
He cant say right now, but including the spells, projectile weapons and melee weapons, there will be alot.
Q5: There were some weapons in the past 2 games, but everyone returned back to use the blades of chaos, how will you solve this problem?
We noticed this problem in god of war 2, so to fix this problem, we made the usage of other weapons and a little familiar with the blades of chaos. But no too familiar to get boring. We also made it easier to pick you weapons. Example: cestus
Q6: What was the hardest thing in the development in the game?
The hardest thing was developing the scale, plus adding the lighting effects and the right camera to make everything look like a painting masterpiece.
(Apparently, the emphasize on the scale alot. They say that it will be like nothing you ever seen before, and kratos would like like an ant when on top of the monsters)
Q7: Will all the monsters and titans of the series be present in the final game?
No doubt. Also, amazing fights will occur on them.
Q8:How will you differentiate your games from others, and how are the bosses?
The scale is like nothing ever seen before, there are numerous locations, enemy plus environment variations. Also, with every boss, there is a different locations plus monsters and titans related to that boss
Q9: What are your opinions of UNCHARTED 2, will you be able to top it?
We look at all ps3 games and see what they did right and what they did wrong. Also, we get great help from Naughty dog and Guerilla Games and other sony devs. And you will see all efforts from the Sony team all poured in one game, GOD OF WAR 3
Q10: Will GOD OF WAR 3 be GAME OF THE YEAR 2010 ?
We made and developed the game from start to finish on a basis of a game of the year material. Meaning, we are making the game with the intention of getting game of the year, so we hope the game gets it. |