We live in an age in which all the biggest game releases get their own Collector's Editions or Limited Editions or Limited Collector's Editions. So it should come as no surprise that Final Fantasy XIII will be receiving one. The "Limited Collector's Edition" was announced today for European territories, and a look at its features may give us an idea of what will be coming to the U.S. Bonuses include an exclusive soundtrack CD, a hardback art book featuring character and environment art, three art prints of summoned characters, and a "Brand of the I'Cie" decal.
Keep in mind this is the list of bonuses for Europe, and Square Enix hasn't announced a similar package for the U.S. yet. We expect they will in the near future, and wouldn't be surprised if the list of bonuses were similar, or even exactly the same. The press release doesn't mention a price, but this kind of set would traditionally go for $69.99 in the States. Whenever Square gives word of a U.S. Collector's Edition, if the features remain the same, that's where we'd expect the price to land.

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