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 楼主| 发表于 2010-5-19 01:52  ·  美国 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Episode 1: NIGHTMARE
Episode 2: Taken
Episode 3: Ransom - On The Run
Episode 3: Ransom - Mirror Peak
Episode 4: The Trurth
Episode 5: The Clicker
Episode 6: Departure

CT -- 咖啡壶 || RS -- 收音机 || MP -- 普通页 || NM -- 梦魇页 || HC -- 隐藏点 || CP -- 罐子 || TV -- 电视 || S -- 招牌

10 Pages, 3 Nightmare Pages, 14 Coffees, 2 Pyramids, 4 Chests, 2 Radio Shows, 2 TV Shows, And 1 Sign

A Writer’s Dream
CT 1 -- On the collapsed bridge right at start on the left.
CP 1 -- On the wooden fence to the right when the light gives you the gun.
CT 2 -- When you get the flare gun from the emergency box the CT is in the bunker.
CT 3 -- On the bench on the right after you are chased by the black cloud after seeing the Alan Wake billboard.
End of section stats: 0 Pages, 3 Thermoses, 1 Can Pyramids, 0 Chests, 0 Radio, 0 TV, 0 Signs
Welcome To Bright Falls
CT 4 -- Under the neon sign in the diner.
CT 5 -- When you get to Diver’s Isle, backtrack to the car and the Thermos is on the deck overlooking the lake.
CT 6 -- In the Kitchen.
RS 1 -- On the back deck.
End of section stats: 0 Pages, 6 Thermoses, 1 Can Pyramids, 0 Chests, 1 Radio, 0 TV, 0 Signs
Waking up to a Nightmare
MP 1 -- Given to you as you head towards the gas station.
MP 2 -- 2x
NM 1 -- On the tree that has fallen that you use to get over the fence.
CT 7 -- After seeing Stucky it’s right by the pickup truck.
MP 3 -- After “meeting” Karl Stucky its in with the stacked wood.
HC 1 -- Turn on search light at logging and follow the yellow arrows around to the left back to the hidden chest. [Flare Gun]
MP 4 -- At the upper right shed with the old tractor.
CT 8 -- After cross the river go left up the island and it’s on a rock on the right.
MP 5 -- Take the right side 3 logs to get to a small island with the page on a box.
NM 2 -- On the path after getting off the log bridges.
HC 2 -- At the second logging camp go left with the yellow arrows and climb the ladder on the wood stack and go up to the small shed. [Batteries x2]
CT 9 -- After you see the broken stairs go left around a stack of wood and it’s on a rock.
MP 6 -- In the Biltmore Logging Company building beside the generator as you look for a way up, along with the Shotgun.
CP 2 -- On the top of the broken stairs.
RS 2 -- In the shed at the top of the broken stairs after moving the lift.
HC 3 -- Right after the RS on the left by the junk car. [Flare Gun]
MP 7 -- On the path up.
CT 10 -- On the right on the rocks after getting the MP.
CT 11 -- On the far right rocks after the Safe Haven by two barrels.
MP 8 -- On the path.
HC 4 -- Left and high after the drop down by a gate. [Flare Gun]
MP 9 -- At the creaky gate.
TV 1 -- In the gate control room.
CT 12 -- On the back right equipment’s right side treads to the right of the control to open the gate after the Stucky fight.
MP 10 -- On the road behind the float at the gas station.
CT 13 -- At the signs at back of gas station.
CT 14 -- Continue to the end of the street at the tunnel and there is one by the truck. This is a heavy dark area so expect to get attacked.
NM 3 -- Head around to the back of the gas station and the page is on the wall next to the bathroom door.
TV 2 -- Auto at the garage of the gas station.
S 1 -- In the gas station. Deer Fest sign. End of aisle.
End of section stats: 10 Pages, 14 Thermoses, 2 Can Pyramids, 4 Chests, 1 Radio, 2 TV, 1 Signs

22 Pages, 1 Nightmare Page, 17 Coffees, 2 Pyramid, 5 Chests, 2 Radio Shows, 3 TV Shows, And 5 Signs

Bright Falls Sheriff’s Station
CT 15 -- In Alice’s office. (FYI Radio in Bedroom does not count).
MP 11 -- In your office next to cover mock-ups.
MP 12 -- x2
S 2 -- The missing sign for the man on the wall to the left as you leave the doc.
CT 16 -- In the far left office area of the police station.
MP 13 -- On the floor next to the CT.
MP 14 -- In the last cell on the way to the parking lot.
RS 3 -- On the loading dock in the parking lot.
CT 17 -- Next to radio.
MP 15 -- On rock to right after kicking wooden barrier at fence.
TV 3 -- Auto in cell block on way back through.
End of section stats: 15 Pages, 17 Thermoses, 2 Can Pyramids, 4 Chests, 3 Radio, 3 TV, 2 Signs
Elderwood National Park
S 3 -- At the visitor center. The Buck-Toothed Charlie sign for the mammoth.
CT 18 -- Behind the counter at the center.
CT 19 -- In the kitchen of the cabin.
CT 20 -- Before leaving for Lover’s Peak go around to the front of the house and it’s on the deck on the hot tub.
MP 16 -- By the yellow pickup and the shed.
RS 4 -- Inside the next cabin on the way down.
TV 4 -- At the 3rd cabin where you have to kick in the door.
MP 17 -- Take the hiking trail to the right to a gazebo. It’s to the right of the abandoned car.
MP 18 -- In the back of the abandoned car.
CT 21 -- Behind the Ranger Office tucked close to a tree.
CT 22 -- Inside the wooden building to the left of the center as you come down the road.
MP 19 -- On the steps of the Park Ranger Office.
MP 20 -- On the floor in the Ranger Office.
MP 21 -- On the picnic table as you head down after the boss by the deck overlook on the path.
S 4 -- Moonshine Cave sign inside Moonshine Cave.
HC 5 -- At the back of Moonshine Cave [FINDERS KEEPERS achievement] [Batteries & Shotgun]
MP 22 -- At the Lovers’ Peak fork. Take the left and the MP is on the ground in the picnic area.
S 5 -- The Great Old one sign at the tree with the middle cut out after the safe haven with the bears.
MP 23 -- In front of the Lovers’ Peak sign after the generator.
CT 23 -- To the right after the generator behind and to the right of the pay phone with the axe in it.
CT 24 -- To the right after going through the “Through Tree” on a picnic table.
S 6 -- The sign to the left of the cut away part of a giant tree.
MP 24 -- On the rock after going over the broken fence.
CT 25 -- Behind the Lovers’ Peak billboard at the top of Lovers’ Peak. [DAMN GOOD CUP OF COFFEE achievement]
HC 6 -- After the fall turn around and back track around the wooden posts holding up Lovers’ Peak. The chest is in the back in a cave. [Batteries & Flares x3]
MP 25 -- In front of you after you fall from Lovers’ Peak right before you cross the trees. [PAGING MR. WAKE achievement]
CP 3 -- After all the bear traps on a wood barrel.
MP 26 -- Past the wood barrels behind a fallen log near the edge.
CT 26 -- Inside the shed with the generator after climbing the high angle fallen tree.
MP 27 -- At the entrance to the other hunting shed with the generator. Also contains the Hunting Rifle.
HC 7 -- Go to the back of the plane and get up on its wing and out to the right. [Flare x2]
CT 27 -- After the burned out building have go towards the right and it’s on a high rock place overlooking the river.
MP 28 -- On the small deck outside the second floor of the mill.
MP 29 -- On the stacks of flour after using the lift.
CT 28 -- On the back right at top of mill.
MP 30 -- After mill go into left side wood shack. Climb the boxes to get to the other side.
CT 29 -- On the picnic table as you enter the Camper Park.
TV 5 -- As you get the garage key.
MP 31 -- To the right of the garbage can by the woman’s bathroom.
CT 30 -- Double back as you drive away from the RV park. It’s by a turned over semi.
HC 8 -- To the right up the hill in a small shed where their is a logging truck in the middle of the road.
CP 4 -- Before bridge on the left on a picnic table under a street light.
CT 31 -- On a picnic table at the end of the straightaway to the left of the tunnel.
MP 32 -- In the tunnel by the semi.
NM 4 -- In the middle of the road right before you get back to Barry.
HC 9 -- After fighting the birds, before going to the porch to see Barry, go back around the back of the house and its there.
End of section stats: 32 Pages, 31 Thermoses, 4 Can Pyramids, 9 Chests, 4 Radio, 5 TV, 6 Signs

22 Pages, 3 Nightmare Pages, 20 Coffees, 2 Pyramid, 5 Chests, 4 Radio Shows, 3 TV Shows, And 3 Signs

On The Run
TV 6 -- When you wake up.
CT 32 -- In the kitchen.
MP 33 -- In front of you as you leave Rose’s trailer.
RS 5 -- Deck as you head back into the trailer park.
CT 33 -- Picnic table by the grill opposite the Hot Dog place.
MP 34 -- On a tree on the path as you escape. This is past the bridge and after you drop down to a new section.
MP 35 -- Up the road to the right after the police cruiser is thrown in front of you.
CT 34 -- Inside the Ranger tower.
CT 35 -- Behind the searchlight on a rock.
RS 6 -- At the safe haven with the flash grenades.
MP 36 -- On the rocks to the right after the wood bridge right after safe haven.
HC 10 -- You’ll see the rock on the road pointing up and to the right. The Chest is in a cave. [Batteries & 3 Flares]
CT 36 -- In front of the car at the radio station.
MP 37 -- On the wood fence immediately after the radio station.
CT 37 -- After the radio station and the safe haven take a right at the giant stone. Follow this LONG path all the way up and it’s out on a rock ledge near the top.
MP 38 -- Continue up to the radio tower.
CP 5 -- In the side shack at the main wood building with all the flood lights around it. [CARNY achievement]
MP 39 -- On the gate up the path from the flood lights. This is away from your current direction.
CT 38 -- In the shanty on the right as you work your way to the train depot immediately after the building with all the flood lights.
MP 40 -- On a rock to the right just after the shanty.
MP 41 -- On a stump on the path after all the junk and the call from Alice.
HC 11 -- Head left up the hill from the stump. [Batteries & 3 Flares]
NM 05 -- Right after the railroad bridge you’ll head up and see a chain link fence. Head up and right and the page is on a tree stump.  
MP 42 -- Before ladder after you are attacked by objects after you have crossed the railway bridge.
CT 39 -- Back right on some pallets in the train yard.
TV 7 -- Top floor of train depot.
MP 43 -- On the balcony as you leave the depot.
CT 40 -- To the right as you exit the area after the bulldozer in the giant vehicle bays.
End of section stats: 43 Pages, 40 Thermoses, 5 Can Pyramids, 10 Chests, 7 Radio, 7 TV, 6 Signs
Mirror Peak
CT 41 -- Before you go under the bridge look right and it is on a red chair looking over the valley.
RS 7 -- After under the broken bridge take the stairs up to the right and in the wood building.
RS 8 -- In the Ranger tower.
MP 44 -- On the top floor of the tall building right after the tower.
S 7 -- Read the mining history signs at the entrance to the museum.
CT 42 -- In the back left corner of the small mine shaft at entrance to museum.
MP 45 -- Walkway of mine entrance.
CT 43 -- Downstairs after the kidnapper calls.
MP 46 -- On the ground after you drop out of the mine museum.
CT 44 -- On the red chair at the top floor of the building after you climb the ladder after the open field battles.
MP 47 -- On some wood by the CT.
MP 48 -- On the path as you leave the mine.
HC 12 -- At the fork take the high path away from the correct direction and it’s in a mine. [Flashbang x3]
CT 45 -- Out on the wooden plank bridge off the mine.
CT 46 -- When the path splits and there are all the flood lights. Take the left path and in the upper left corner is a shack.
NM 06 -- To the left as you enter the ghost town on a wooden fence.
MP 49 -- On the bridge at the ghost town.
S 8 -- Gray Creek Gorge sign after bridge.
NM 07 -- In the building on the left after the bridge. Go around to the far side.
CT 47 -- Right side building at the ghost town.
CT 48 -- After the train, in the far back next to a windmill part.
TV 8 -- Inside building you need to have a key to enter.
HC 13 -- After climbing two ladders you need to hug the left side mountain wall. Your get a text from the kidnapper here. [Flare Gun & Ammo]
MP 50 -- At the bottom of the left shaft in the silver mine to the right where all the dead trees are. Just hug the left wall as you enter the mine.
MP 51 -- On the left on a wood structure when you drop down into the large mine room with all the chains changing from the ceiling.
CT 49 -- After a big guy breaks through a wall while a shaft is collapses on the right. Head through the broken wall and hug the left wall.
MP 52 -- As you leave the silver mine go up the stairs and then climb the wooden tower.
CP 6 -- At the top of the cable car platform on the far side.
S 9 -- Cauldron Lake sign.
CT 50 -- To the left after you cross the suspension bridge.
HC 14 -- Hug the left wall after this. It’s behind a rock.
MP 53 -- On a rock on the path. Can’t miss.
CT 51 -- To the back left of the house after dropping down as you leave the house.
MP 54 -- On the stairs going down towards the lake.
End of section stats: 54 Pages, 51 Thermoses, 6 Can Pyramids, 13 Chests, 9 Radio, 8 TV, 9 Signs

X Pages, 1 Nightmare Page, X Coffees, X Pyramid, X Chests, X Radio Shows, X TV Shows, And X Sign

Cauldron Lake Lodge
S 10 – While walking with Hartman there is a sign on the sundial.
CT 52 – When you get to the main room on the lodge its on the front desk.
S 11 – The Creator’s Dilemma sign at the front door of the main room.
S 12 – Cauldron Lake Lodge sign in the hall.
MP 55 – Given to you.
TV 9 – Auto as you head back to your room.
CT 53 – Upstairs on the railing.
MP 56 – By the stairs back down after visiting your room.
RS 9 – In the office on the left after you open the door.
XXX – Listen to all 3 of the tapes. [MEDICAL OPINIONS achievement]
MP 57 – On the back table in the Radio room.
CT 54 – In the room with Barry.
MP 58 – Given in Harman’s office.
TV X – As you flee the darkness turn on the tv to watch a commercial. [BOOB TUBE achievement]
MP 59 – To the left of the TV.
CT 55 – On the outside ledge at the front door.
S 13 – The plaque on the statue in the front drive.
MP 60 – In the maze in the back right corner with the tree.
MP 61 – Take the back left branch to a dead end with the page.
CT 56 – In the gazebo.
MP 62 – In the shed on the left with the shotgun.
MP 63 – As you head down the stone path towards the water.
HC 15 – To the back right at the little water area. [Flare gun and ammo]
CT 57 – At top of stairs by potted plants.
MP 64 – Go left to the overlook area before proceeding.
End of section stats: Pages, Thermoses, Can Pyramids, Chests, Radio, TV, Signs
The Anderson Farm
CT 58 – On the small wooden building in the center of all the flying objects.
MP 65 – At the end of the mine tunnel. Turn on the light first.
MP 66 – On the planks as you go for the generator to turn on the swivel light.
CT 59 – On a stack of wood at the camp site with the tents.
MP 67 – Give to you by the Light.
MP 68 – At the tower with the generator.
CT 60 – Inside the upstairs of the tower.
CT 61 – In kitchen of cabin.
TV 10 – In the room opposite of the drunk.
MP 69 – On the front porch after you jump through the window.
HC 16 – In the basement entered from outside the house.
CT 62 – By the old tractor as you drive down the road.
CT 63 – Take a right at the fork. In the wood area to the left is another tractor. The CT is on a stump.
HC 17 – In the house to the left of the fork. [Flashbang x2]
RS 10 – At the top of the ranger tower. Continue up the road past the house.
HC 18 – The building just past the windmill. [Revolver Ammo & Flashbang]
NM 08 – Continue back and the Page is on the door of a outhouse.
CT 64 – On the stage seating.
CT 65 – On the stage in front of Barry.
MP 70 – On the circuit breakers on the back of stage.
MP 71 – At the back left corner of the farm after you see your cutout again.
TV 11 – In the barn.
CT 66 – In the back right corner by the car.
MP 72 – In the top floor of the barn.
S 14 – The tour date sign in the back left of the top floor of the barn.
CP 7 – On top of the giant wheel by the hanging electrical wires.
CT 67 – On the third floor of the silo.
RS 11 – Second to last floor of the silo. [KBF-FM achievement]
CT 68 – The bathroom to the right as soon as you enter Valhalla.
CT 69 – In the Valhalla kitchen.
MP 73 – On the landing of the second story.
End of section stats: Pages, Thermoses, Can Pyramids, Chests, Radio, TV, Signs
The Night It All Began
End of section stats: Pages, Thermoses, Can Pyramids, Chests, Radio, TV, Signs

X Pages, X Coffees, X Pyramid, X Chests, X TV Shows, And X Sign

Night Falls in Bright Falls
MP 72 – As you leave the cell.
MP 73 – Right next to last one at the door on right.
CT 70 – In the front lobby deck of the police station.
CT 71 – In the wooden porch looking over the lake to the right at the T intersection.
HC 19 – At the far left end of the street that is to the right. Opposite of the correct direction. [Flare Gun & ammo]
HC 20 – Out on the large cannery building on the dock. Go all the way around and to the top of the stairs. [Batteries & Flare ammo]
XXX – Go into the Diner and play the jukebox. [DRINK 'EM BOTH UP achievement]
CT 72 – In the middle island of the diner on the ground.
MP 74 – In the back by the bathrooms in the diner.
CP – On top of the hot dog van in front of the automotive supply store.
CT 73 – At the end of the street behind the truck under the banner.
CT 74 – After you go through the tall wooden gate its on the left by the grill.
MP 75 – On the podium in the mayor’s office.
TV 12 – Top floor of mayor’s office.
HC 21 – Back roof of the top floor. [Flare gun]
CT 75 – Back little kitchen of the clerk’s area.
S 15 – Plaque on statue in park.
CT 76 – In the front window of the bookstore.
S 16 – Paper on the wall in bookstore on the right hand side of store.
MP 76 – On the cash register desk of the bookstore.
HC 22 – In the shed out back of the bookstore. [Flare gun w/ ammo]
CT 77 – Sandbox of the playground.
S 17 – The church sign.
MP 77 – In the back of the moving truck to right of church entrance.
MP 78 – On the church podium.
CT 78 – In the back left of the basement.
MP 79 – On the top of the deck after the church up the hill.
CT 79 – Back of the helipad.
End of section stats: Pages, Thermoses, Can Pyramids, Chests, Radio, TV, Sign
Bright Falls Light & Power
CT 80 – In the back corner after getting off the copter.
CT 81 – In the stack of circular pipe in the second area of the transformer building.
HC 23 – To the left after you drop down. [Flare & Flashbang]
MP 80 – After coming back up from the river side in the transformer area its to the left by some powered lines.
CT 82 – After going through the center power section its on the left on some pallets.
MP 81 – Take the manlift to the roof and it’s on a chair.
NM 09 – Down the street to the left when you see the bridge control building.
CT 83 – In front of the bridge control building.
S 18 – William Bridge sign.
CT 84 – In the opposite bridge control room.
TV 13 – Same.
HC 24 – When the birds attack the copter go to the far right by the cliff and it’s there.
CT 85 – By the shed in the power plant with the security lights.
S 19 – The warning sign on the main doors you go in to meet Weaver.
CT 86 – In Mrs. Weaver’s “home” in the power plant.
NM 10 – When Weaver sends you to do the floodgate hug the left wall all the way back to the building side. It’s on a rock.
S 20 – Floodgate controls sign.
CP 8 – By the floodgate power switch.
MP 82 – After leaving the pipe its on the path.
NM 11 – On the downed tree right after MP 82 where the birds attack.
HC 25 – Up and around the back after meeting up with Barry and Sarah. [Hunting Rifle]
CT 87 – In the middle of giant pipe.
CT 88 – On the rocks on the left as you exit the elevator.
S 21 – Notice to the right of the door button that you have to hold down for Barry and the Sheriff.
MP 83 – On the rock to the right after you jump the fence.
CT 89 – At the bottom of the spiral stairs while being chased by the dark.
End of section stats: Pages, Thermoses, Can Pyramids, Chests, Radio, TV, Signs

6 Pages, 11 Coffees, 5 Chests, 1 TV Shows, And 4 Sign

On the Road to Cauldron Lake
TV 14 – You are told to turn it on. [COUCH POTATO achievement]
CT 90 – Right behind you when you take over after the apartment.
S 22 – Majestic Sign at the RV.
HC 26 – Down at the bottom of the first logging area.
CT 91 – At barn building before the tunnel.
MP 84 – In the middle of the road.
CT 92 – Bathroom in the Majestic office.
S 23 – Majestic office sign.
NM 12 – On a bench just to the right of the sign.  
NM 13 – On the top floor of the barn just past the monster truck.  
CT 93 – On the porch at the house just past the monster truck. By the large barn.
MP 85 – As you leave the tunnel after the school bus is thrown at you.
MP 86 – At the very end of the road. Go through the yellow safety barrier and it’s on a truck.
S 24 – On the gate as you leave the road to enter Larsen’s.
HC 27 – In the back left of the Auto Savage building. [Flashbangs & Flares]
S 25 – A warning as you go inside in the main building.
CT 94 – In the back left section.
NM 14 – On the top floor of the building.  
CP 9 – Out on the deck off the top floor.
CT 95 – DON’T hit the jump at the top of the junkyard. Get out and there is a Thermos on the right.
MP 87 – On the oven in the junk yard when you are forced out of your vehicle.
HC 28 – At the shed to the left at the broken bridge and windmills.
CT 96 – In the Hollowax and Co building.
MP 88 – On the brick oven in the far back left building.
HC 29 – After the mine cart ride its down below.
CT 97 – At the end of the top wooden walkway.
CT 98 – The open semi trailer.
HC 30 – In the building at the top of the long stairs.
CT 99 – Behind the rusted out silo in the town area with the generator and rotation elevator.
NM 15 – On the back of the fence surrounding the generator.  
MP 89 – As you are getting off the rotating elevator.
End of section stats: Pages, Thermoses, Can Pyramids, Chests, Radio, TV, Sign
The Dark Place
CT 100 – In the dream world. Turn around and use your flashlight to reveal it by the couch. This is in the area where everything is words.
End of section stats: Pages, Thermoses, Can Pyramids, Chests, Radio, TV, Sign.

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发表于 2010-5-19 01:58  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-19 17:03  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-19 18:18  ·  美国 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-19 18:57  ·  香港 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2010-5-19 19:01  ·  重庆 | 显示全部楼层



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6063 点
728 点
发表于 2010-5-19 20:01  ·  福建 | 显示全部楼层
第一章 噩梦
总计 10手稿,3噩梦手稿,14咖啡壶,2个罐头堆,4个隐藏箱子,2个收音机,2个电视,1个招牌




广 播 1——后门出去地上

手 稿 1——游戏流程给的
手 稿 2——同上
手 稿 3——见到史塔其后,在某个木堆边
手 稿 4——路上,在拖拉机边发光
手 稿 5——从右边走过3个木桥,到一个小岛,在箱子里
手 稿 6——在伐木场的房子里,和喷子在一起
广 播 2——过断楼梯后左走,在小木屋里
手 稿 7——路上
手 稿 8——路上
手 稿 9——破门那里
电 视 1——大门控制室
手 稿 10——加油站彩车后面的路上
电 视 2——加油站里


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1585 点
32 点
发表于 2010-5-19 20:13  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层

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5 点
发表于 2010-10-17 13:10  ·  美国 | 显示全部楼层

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483 点
0 点
发表于 2010-10-18 20:20  ·  浙江 | 显示全部楼层
这个要谢谢LZ  一直卡在99咖啡壶 终于拿到了 第5章 咖啡店 的吧台内
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