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Multiplayer level cap increase live
从60开始升至80级,平均每升1级所需奖金超过$15,000,000 ,总计(LV61-80)$362,965,500 [s:254] .
(偶才LV52刚破1000W,本预想这破升级进度年底免强能60了,这LV80出的估计3代出来了官方服务器停止那天也休想能达到,欢迎大家加我啊,ID見签名 )
UNCHARTED 2 multiplayer level badges 1 - XXX
Blaine - LV70专用皮肤
Dutch - LV80专用皮肤
Along with launching “The Lab” for the weekend this morning, many of you noticed that the level cap has been increased beyond 60 (X). This now makes the maximum level attainable currently in UNCHARTED 2 is now 80 and is designated by an in-game badge which uses the roman numerals XXX. You can check out the full set of level badges on our Flickr photostream.
Each level beyond 60 requires accumulating $15,000,000 in cash to level up and that stays consistent throughout 61 to 80. That means you will need to accumulate a total of $362,965,500 to hit level 80.
If you had already hit level 60 (and hopefully kept playing) – there is some good news for you. With the level cap raise, you’ll automatically be brought up to the level that is appropriate to the total cash you’ve accumulated up to that point. That means you could come back to your profile to a higher level in recognition of all the hard work you’ve been putting in playing UNCHARTED 2 multiplayer, even though you had already hit level 60.
Increasing the maximum level has let us create a couple rewards to the players who have continued to play multiplayer. Hitting level 70 (XX) and level 80 (XXX) will unlock one new villain skin at each of those levels for purchase within the in-game store – Blaine is available at level 70 (XX) and Dutch is available at level 80 (XXX). We’ve also put up screenshots of both skins on our Flickr photostream. You may recognize both characters are mercenary characters from UNCHARTED: Drake’s Fortune, which we’ve updated to UNCHARTED 2 models and graphical standards specifically for the level cap increase. Blaine and Dutch are completely exclusive rewards to players who gain levels 70 and 80 respectively.
In addition, later today we’ll be increasing the per-match cash cap to $75,000 to make reaching these highest levels just a bit more within reach. We’ve also got plenty of Double Cash weekends planned for the future.
On a side note… as far as rising the level cap without warning – we had originally scheduled to make this change next week and planned to give everyone an ample heads-up about the level cap increase. Unfortunately, due to some miscommunication, that was not the case and the update went out without any warning.
I’m not thrilled that I wasn’t able to communicate this change to our community ahead of time – I know that being surprised by something significant like this doesn’t feel good and can really feel unfair. The bottom line is that you should know as much as you can – and that we’re able to provide – about any game changes or updates before they happen as soon as possible. I’ll be doing all I can to make sure we don’t surprise you again.
http://www.naughtydog.com/site/post/multiplayer_level_cap_increase_live/. |