成就图 |
英文 |
中文 |
成就分数 |
Missing in Action[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
5G[/SIZE] |
Save your crew from an overwhelming attack[/COLOR] | 在被压倒性攻击时拯救船员[/COLOR][/ALIGN] |
Very Elusive[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Return to active duty[/COLOR] | 返回现役勤务[/COLOR] |
The Convict[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Successfully recruit the biotic Convict[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 成功招募生物犯人[/COLOR] |
The Krogan[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Successfully recruit the krogan[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 成功招募 Krogan[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
The Archangel[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Successfully recruit Archangel[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 成功招募天使[/COLOR] |
The Professor[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Successfully recruit the Professor[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 成功招募教授[/COLOR] |
The Quarian[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Successfully recruit the quarian[/COLOR] | 成功招募 Quarian[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
The Justicar[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Successfully recruit the Justicar[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 成功招募 Justicar[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
The Assassin[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Successfully recruit the Assassin[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 成功招募刺客[/COLOR][/ALIGN] |
Friend or Foe[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Obtain geth technology[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 获取Geth 技术[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Colony Defense[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
25G[/SIZE] |
Defend a human colony from attack[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 保护人类殖民地[/COLOR] |
The Prodigal[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Officer[/COLOR] | 取得Cerberus官员的忠诚[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Ghost of the Father[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Operative[/COLOR] | 取得Cerberus手术的忠诚[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Catharsis[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Gain the loyalty of the biotic Convict[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 取得生物犯人的忠诚[/COLOR][/ALIGN] |
Battlemaster[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Gain the loyalty of the krogan[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 取得Krogan的忠诚[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Fade Away[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Gain the loyalty of Archangel[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 取得天使的忠诚[/COLOR][/ALIGN] |
The Cure[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Gain the loyalty of the Professor[/COLOR] | 取得教授的忠诚[/COLOR][/ALIGN] |
Treason[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Gain the loyalty of the quarian[/COLOR] | 取得Quarian的忠诚[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Doppelganger[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Help the Justicar resolve her mission[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 帮助Justicar完成它的使命[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Cat's in the Cradle[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Gain the loyalty of the Assassin[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 取得刺客的忠诚[/COLOR] |
A House Divided[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Hack a geth collective[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 砍断一个Geth集体[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Ghost Ship[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
25G[/SIZE] |
Complete the investigation of a derelict alien vessel[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 对一只废弃飞船完成调查[/COLOR] |
Suicide Mission[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
50G[/SIZE] |
Use the Omega 4 Relay[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 使用Omega传送4次[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Mission Accomplished[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
125G[/SIZE] |
Save humanity throughout the galaxy from certain annihilation[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 从各个即将毁灭的星系里拯救人类[/COLOR] |
Against All Odds[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
Survive suicide mission[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 在***任务生存[/COLOR] |
Insanity[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
75G[/SIZE] |
Complete the game on the "Insanity" diffi***y level without changing the setting[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 不改变游戏设置在“疯狂”难度通关[/COLOR] |
No One Left Behind[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
75G[/SIZE] |
Keep your team alive through the suicide mission[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 在***任务让队伍生还[/COLOR] |
Long Service Medal[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
75G[/SIZE] |
Complete Mass Effect 2 twice | or complete it once with a character imported from Mass Effect 1[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 2代通关两次,或以1代人物完成1次[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Paramour[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
50G[/SIZE] |
Successfully pursue a relationship with a teammate[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 与1名队友成功建立关系[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Head Hunter[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Perform 30 headshot kills with any weapon on humanoid targets[/COLOR] | 用任意武器完成30个爆头[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Brawler[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Shoot and kill 20 enemies while they're knocked back by a punch[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 解决20个被推倒的敌人[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Big Game Hunter[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Thresher Maw defeated[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 击毁脱粒机机腹[/COLOR] |
Tactician[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Hit 20 different targets with multiple biotic powers to combine the effects[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 使用复合生物力量攻击20个目标去合成效应[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Master at Arms[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
Kill enemies with 5 different heavy weapons during the game[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 用5种不同的重型武器消灭敌人[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Merciless[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Make 20 enemies scream as they fall or are set on fire[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 用火力致使20个敌人惨叫[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Overload Specialist[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
Disrupt the shields of 25 enemies[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 破坏25个敌人的护盾[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Warp Specialist[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
Warp the barriers of 25 enemies[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 绕过25个敌人障碍[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Incineration Specialist[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
Incinerate the armor of 25 enemies[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 焚烧25个敌人的装甲[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Operative[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
Complete a mission discovered by scanning an unexplored world[/COLOR] | 通过扫描未知世界去完成1个搜索任务[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Agent[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
50G[/SIZE] |
Complete 5 missions discovered by scanning unexplored worlds[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 通过扫描未知世界去完成5个搜索任务[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Prospector[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
5G[/SIZE] |
Retrieve mineral resources by scanning and probing a planet in the galaxy map[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 通过在星系地图里扫描和探测一个行星检测矿产资源[/COLOR] |
Explorer[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Visit 100% of the planets in an unexplored cluster[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 完全探索未知星群中的全部行星[/COLOR] |
Power Gamer[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Reach Level 30 with one character[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 角色达30级[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Scholar[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
Unlock 15 new Mass Effect 2 codex entries[/COLOR] | 解除游戏里15个新鉴典[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Technician[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
Obtain 10 technology upgrades[/COLOR] | 使10个技术升级[/COLOR][/SIZE] |
Weapon Specialist[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
Fully upgrade a weapon[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 任一武器完成升级[/COLOR] |
Scientist[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
10G[/SIZE] |
Complete any research project in the Normandy's laboratory[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 在诺曼第的实验室完成全部科研项目[/COLOR] |
Fashionista[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
5G[/SIZE] |
Personalize your armor in your quarters on the Normandy[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 在诺曼第的住所个性化配备装甲[/COLOR] |
Power Full[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
Evolve any power[/COLOR] | 成长全部能力[/COLOR] |
Highly Trained[/COLOR] | [/SIZE] | [/SIZE] |
15G[/SIZE] |
View all advanced combat training videos at Shepard's private terminal[/COLOR][/ALIGN] | 在Shepard 的个人终端查看全部进阶作战训练视频[/COLOR][/SIZE] |