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注意:展会图片新闻请参见7L blueraying 提供。
1.Dead Rising 2 : Case West发表,XBOX360独占提供
3.Ninja Theory负责制作的鬼泣新作发表,标题名称为DMC:Devil May Cry。详细:https://bbs.a9vg.com/viewthread.php?tid=1566645&fpage=1
4:13 Kenji Inafune on stage, giving congrats to the drunks audience
4:15 Inafune promises new games, surprises, and shocked reactions from the press.
4:19 Dead Rising Case 0 sold over 500,000
Dead Rising Case 0 目前售出50W份
4:21 Inafune: Case 0 was a prologue, so of course we need an epilogue. Looks like Dead Rising 2 : Case West is the one in question. The West in question being Frank West.
在前传CASE 0后,将会有丧尸围城2:Case West
4:23 Case West is a 360 exclusive. 360独占Case West
4:25 Dead Rising 2 was developed by Blue Castle games in Canada. Inafune says they have a very good relationship with them, and that their games still "smell of Japan." (Implying that Dead Rising 2 is still a Japanese game.)
丧尸围城2由加拿大的开发商Blue Castle games开发,稻船表示游戏仍然会感觉到这是一个日本厂商所做的游戏。
之后稻船还提到CAPCOM已经收购Blue Castle
4:38 Hiroshi Matsuyama and Seiji Shimoda of Cyber Connect 2 on stage right now.
4:40 Game is for PS3/360. One of the key concepts is "wrath." Shimoda claims that wrath, serial drama and experience are important.
双平台游戏,关键概念是“wrath”(激怒),松山表示希望大家玩到时会发出“这真的是游戏吗”的惊叹(Shimoda: We wanted you to think "is this really a game." )
4:43 Shimoda: The Japanese industry is not dead yet. Why? Because Capcom and us are still here.
4:50 Another new IP coming up.
Title in question being developed in SF, and produced by Alex Jones.
4:54 Trailer going on now features a guy in a red and black coat with two pistols and a sword. No name yet
宣传片展示了一个穿红黑夹克的人带2 把枪和一把剑。没有公布名称。
4:54 Characters name is Dante, but he looks too young Must be a prequel or Dante's son or something like that.
开发商是Ninja Theory。证实了两者合作的传言。稻船说也许有人不喜欢美国开发商制作DMC,但(他认为)不用担心。从宣传片来看,这就是DMC
4:56 Developer turns out to be Ninja Theory. That confirms the rumors that had been floating around before the press conference. Infanue says that some might not like an American team heading up DMC, but not to worry. From the trailer, it looks like the game was as Devil May Cry as can be.
开发商是Ninja Theory。证实了两者合作的传言。稻船说也许有人不喜欢美国开发商制作DMC,但(他认为)不用担心。从宣传片来看,这就是DMC
5:00 Hideaki Itsuno, supervising director at Capcom is onstage now.
5:05 Game logo just says DMC and then is subtitled Devil May Cry. Is this a full reboot?
游戏LOGO就是DMC,副标题是Devil May Cry,品牌重制?
5:09 And Inafune exits.
稻船走了。发表会结束. |