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Hermes Releases HManager v1.0 - Open Source Manager Made with Homebrew Tools
Today, Hermes has followed up his humorous homebrew game Pintor, with a more serious project. It appears he's finally decided to jump into the backup manager arena and has released his first attempt, which is titled HManager v1.0. The manager uses PSL1GHT, Tiny3D, PS3Soundlib, and OpenPS3FTP. The significance of this, is that HManager is the first open source manager to be made with homebrew tools.
Based on PSLIGHT, Tiny3D, PS3Soundlib and OpenPS3FTP, it’s the first open code manager made with Homebrew tools.
It’s thought for the psgroove-hermesv4 base and concretely for CFW 3.41 (it’s compatible with the old dongle, but in that case there will be some inactive features). This program must only be used for the legitimate use of backup, and the author declines third parts misuse of the program and only recognizes the uses that the Spanish Legislation in the private area allows.
-Like Open Manager does, it allows loading games from internal and external HDD, Bluray and also games copy, test and delete
-Includes the psgroove-hermesv4D payload with the signed self
-It’s shown in a 4x3 icons screen graphical interface.
-It allows screen adjustment, games directory and background color change.
-It reduces the buttons use and the possibility of making a mistake by pressing the wrong one (especially designed for children)
-Includes FTP support (OpenPS3FTP), the possibility of blocking the syscalls (through internal key : it’s recommended to compile the program changing "hmanager_key" for another one) and the possibility of launching PS3LoadX directly.
-Possibility of replacing new games EBOOT.BIN with an external one
-The games settings are saved in a separated directory
At games screen:
LEFT/RIGHT/UP/DOWN - > move to select game. When limits reached, it changes screen
CROSS - > load game options and go to the XMB
TRIANGLE - > exit to XMB
SELECT - > go to game configuration options
START - > go to HMANAGER global settings
In configuration options and everywhere:
UP/DOWN - > move between selections
LEFT/RIGHT - > Select (in Config.Game)
CROSS - > select
CIRCLE - > return
At any time:
L2 + R2 + START - > screen adjust
"Options" screen
Config. Game - > go to Config .Game screen
Copy Game - > copy games from BR/HDD
Delete Game - > Erases games from HDD
Test Game - > Makes a test reporting if the game has big or splitted files
Copy EBOOT.BIN from USB - > copies an external EBOOT.BIN from “/dev_usb/ps3game” to “/dev_hdd0/game/HMANAGER4/self” directory. The expected name is
"ID".BIN (e.g. in GT5 the name would be BCES-00569.BIN). This feature requires payload v4D and the activation of the “extern EBOOT.BIN” feature.
Thus, it’s possible to launch the original bluray in 3.41 with modified self
Return - > Returns
Config. Game screen
Fix Permissions - > Switches between "Default" (console’s original, needed in some games), "Ps Jailbreak" and "v4 Perms (F1)", which is the Payload V4 default mode
Select XMB - > Switches between "Debug" (XMB with jailbreak) and "Retail" (requires disk to launch game, but allows other things)
Online Updates - > by default is "on" (does nothing)... switching to "off" in payload v4D modifies “on the fly” the application’s version, avoiding upgrades.
Extern EBOOT.BIN - > Switches between "on" (requires a previously copied with it’s ID EBOOT.BIN) and "off"
Save Config - > Saves the configuration in “/dev_hdd0/game/HMANAGER4/config”
Return - > Returns
Global Options screen
Video Adjust - > Screen adjust
Change Game Directory - > to change games directory (autodetects between “/dev_hdd0/GAMEZ “ and “/dev_hdd0/game/xxxx/GAMEZ”)
Change Background Color - > Changes background color
Press To Enable Syscall Security - > When enabled, it doesn’t allow other programs to use 6,7,8 and 36 syscalls used by payload
Press To Disable Syscall Security Remember to modify "hmanager_key" and compile the program if you want maximum security
Load PS3LoadX - > Option to load the developing utility PS3LoadX. If permissions were set to "default" it can be useful as well as convenient to first launch HMANAGER to ensure the latest payload version
Initialize FTP Server - > Once started, shows IP and port. From a FTP client , access as anonymous
Return - > Returns
Notes about compilation
Requires the latest PSL1GHT, Tiny3D and PS3Soundlib from my git: https://github.com/hermesEOL
Obviously, it’s possible to adapt the program to other payloads/firmware versions and the source code is at your disposal to do so.
Due to recent problems with github.com and other development sites, I prefer to publish the source code and binaries in an “old way”: in ZIP/RAR format and I invite other developers to publish their changes in the same way.
hmanager_v1.0.zip |