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发表于 2011-7-22 13:36 · 澳大利亚
本帖最后由 乔巳坤 于 2011-7-22 13:55 编辑
回复 lazyboyterry 的帖子
When Final Fight was ported to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, an American playtester working for Capcom reviewed the content during the localization process with one of the Japanese designers, and objected to the protagonist hitting females. Akira Yasuda pointed that the "female" enemies were actually transvestites, and despite his objections,[7] Poison and Roxy were replaced with regular male punks named "Billy" and "Sid" in the English localization.[29] This change has been repeated with every English port to Nintendo consoles, including the Game Boy Advance version Final Fight One and the Wii's Virtual Console.[30][31] English versions of the Sega CD port censored the characters in a different manner, redrawing both with longer shirts and shorts, and covering the under-cleavage shown when the characters were struck.[26]
制作人说快打旋风里面的“女性“角色 是异装癖
原本是 Poison + Roxy 女女组合 因为 卡婊 怕被审查 所有英文版本 改成 Billy + Sid 两个古惑仔
来源 Wikipedia
地址 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poison_(Final_Fight)
PS:查了 不少…… 发现连 制作人自己都不知道 Poison 是男是女……
