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其实从始至终只有 Mathieulh大神DUMP出了3.60++系统的LV0密匙,并且他是第一个在此基础上利用NPDRM解密算法在3.60++系统上运行自制程序的人,包括KaKaRoTo本人都已经证实,他多次向 Mathieulh大神请教学习,并且他在JAILBREAK越狱成功3.73系统之后,仍然困扰于诸多问题上,依然需要Mathieulh大神的帮助,换言之如果KaKaRoTo的越狱方法有朝一日能成为自制系统的话,那真正的幕后英雄名单中一定少不了 Mathieulh大神。
Clarifications about 3.73 (and 4.0) “jailbreak”
On November 21, 2011, in PS3, by kakaroto
I tested the jailbreak on the latest firmware 4.0 since it was released and I can confirm that it still works. Mathieulh also confirmed that the NPDRM algo that he has still allows applications to run on 4.0, although he still doesn’t want to share that with us/me at the moment.
Mathieulh is still thinking about whether or not to share it, so I’m hopeful he’ll help us move forward with the release.
He has however received so many hate messages and so many flaming that he is completely disgusted with the scene and the way it treated him. He is so disgusted that he does not want to share or help anymore. He thinks that all those haters do not deserve to be given something that they are so ungrateful for, and I perfectly understand his position. Receiving all that hate towards me a while back also made me depressed to the point I stopped looking at the PS3 entirely.
Next time you want to insult a dev, thinking it’s “fun” or that he deserved it, think about it some more, you are poisoning the scene without even realizing it. We are all doing this for fun, the only reward we get is people’s gratitude, and all you do is hate and disrespect us, so why continue to do what we do?
For those who hate and insult : Mathieulh may not be acting the way you want him to, you may think he’s a jerk or hate him for teasing without releasing, but the simple fact remains that he has done more to the scene that you did, so you should just shut up and show him respect. When you have your little ‘hate fun’, you are actually contributing to the scene, but in the wrong way, you are killing it by killing the developer’s motivation.
For now, Mathieulh doesn’t want to share his work with me, and I’m not mad or disappointed at all at him, I am mad and disgusted at those who made him make that decision. So please, if you are just as mad as I am, do NOT make this an opportunity to hate even more on Mathieulh for not sharing, make this an opportunity to show gratitude where it’s due and educate those who are ungrateful on what their role is/was in this scene.
还是一句话,PS3自制破解之所以会有现在的困境,就是烧饼太多,天才太少! |