链锯糖心 全成就中文列表 转载请注明
图标 | 解释 | 分值 |
| Zombie Hunter Apprentice.@A9 _ Etie mpo | 5 |
在 Chop2Shop.Zom 购买一项连击技并使用它.@A9 _E tie mpo | |
| Unclean and Uncool | 15 |
在序章击败Hazmat | |
| Zed’s Dead, Baby, Zed’s Dead.@A9 _Et ie mpo | 15 |
击败 Zed.@A9 _Etie m po. | |
| Viking Metal Rules! | 15 |
击败 Vikke..@A9_Etie mp o | |
| Dirty Hippy | 15 |
击败 Mariska. | |
| Disco's Dead.@A 9 _E tie mpo | 15 |
击败 Josey. | |
| Leapfrog Girl | 10 |
连续跨越10次.@A9 _E tie mpo | |
| I Swear! I Did It By Mistake!.@ A 9 _E tie mpo | 10 |
偷看Juliet裙底一次. | |
| Endorsed by Cordelia | 10 |
获得 30 次爆头 | |
| Sparkle Hunting Master.@A9 _E tie m po | 10 |
7 zombie Sparkle Hunting 获胜 | |
| Gunn Struck.@A9 _E tie mpo | 10 |
被闪电击中10次. | |
| Super Shopper.@A 9 _E tie mpo | 15 |
在Chop2Shop.Zom花费 10,000 奖牌.@A 9_Etiem po | |
| Love Nick | 15 |
亲吻Nick 100 次 | |
| JULIET51 | 15 |
51 次成功的落地踢. | |
| International Zombie Hunter | 15 |
所有关卡都有世界排行榜记录.@ A9_Etiem po | |
| Groovy Hunter | 10 |
击杀 500 丧尸 | |
| Zombie Slayer?!.@A9 _E tie m p o | 30 |
击杀 3,000 丧尸.@A9_ Etiempo | |
| Rich Hunter | 10 |
拾取 1,000 丧尸奖牌 | |
| Millionaire Hunter | 30 |
拾取 10,000 丧尸奖牌.@A9 _Etiem po | |
| San Romero Knights Savior.@ A 9 _E tie m po | 30 |
解救所有的同学 | |
| Lollipop Addict | 30 |
收集齐所有的棒棒糖包装纸 | |
| Always On The Phone | 30 |
收集所有的电话留言 | |
| Zombie Fancier | 30 |
完成丧尸相册.@A9_Etie m po | |
| OMG, Music Is Soooo Coooool.@A 9 _E tie m po | 30 |
收集所有的背景音乐.@ A 9_Et iempo | |
| Perfect Body | 30 |
Juliet完全升级. | |
| Master Sushi Chef | 30 |
收集所有的连击技.@A9_E tiem p o | |
| Watch Out For The Balls | 10 |
躲闪&弹回 Zed的闪电球15次.@A 9_E tie mpo | |
| Cheerleader Overboard! | 10 |
在Vikke船边成功完成QTE.@A 9 _Etie mp o | |
| Third Eye.@A9 _E tie mpo | 10 |
在Mariska 战斗中闪躲所有的气球攻击 | |
| Critical UFO Finish | 10 |
最后10秒 刺激 Josey .[color=#f fffff]@A 9_Eti empo | |
| Elephant Tamer | 10 |
反击 Lewis攻击10次.@A 9_Eti em po | |
| Fingered | 10 |
在Killabilly的战斗中切断20 根手指.@A 9_Etiem po | |
| Life Guard.@A9 _Etie mpo | 15 |
在序章中解救所有同学.@A9_Et iem po | |
| Accidental Vandalism | 15 |
游戏里击毁 300 个物体.@A9_Etiemp o | |
| Go, Medal Racer, Go! | 15 |
在房顶用Chainsaw Dash拾取所有丧尸奖牌 | |
| Legendary harvester | 15 |
关卡3中的第一场里用收割机收获所有尸体 | |
| No Fear Of Heights.@A9 _E tie mpo | 15 |
不射击的情况下完成 Gondola 游戏 | |
| Little Sisters Are The Worst! | 15 |
不要被Rosalind的大铁球击中.@A9 _Etie mpo | |
| Aced Auto-shop Class.@A9 _E tie mpo | 15 |
连续完成所有的 Kill Car QTE | |
| n00b Zombie Hunter | 30 |
完成序章,超过 Dad 的成绩 | |
| Beginner Zombie Hunter | 30 |
完成 Stage 1,超过 Dad 的成绩.@A 9_Etie mpo | |
| Intermediate Zombie Hunter | 30 |
完成 Stage 2, 超过 Dad 的成绩.@ A9_Etiempo . | |
| Advanced Zombie Hunter.@A9 _Etie m p o | 30 |
完成 Stage 3, 超过 Dad 的成绩.@A9 _Etiempo . | |
| Super Zombie Hunter | 30 |
完成 Stage 4, 超过 Dad 的成绩 .@A9_Et iempo..@A9_Etiem po | |
| Excellent Zombie Hunter | 30 |
完成 Stage 5,超过 Dad 的成绩 .@A9_Eti empo. | |
| Master Zombie Hunter | 30 |
完成 6, 超过 Dad 的成绩 ..@ A9_Etiempo | |
| Congratulations! Happy Birthday!.@A 9 _E tie mpo | 100 |
观赏完美结局.@A 9_Etiempo | |
| Horrid Birthday | 15 |
观赏糟糕结局.@A9_ Etiempo | |
| Rock'n Roll Isn't Here Anymore | 15 |
击败 Lewis LEGEND. .@A9_Et iempo | |
| I Came, I Saw, I Kicked Its Ass.@A9 _E tie mpo | 15 |
击败 Killabilly.@A9_Etiempo | |
| Legendary Zombie Hunter | |
100%完成游戏 | - |