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- 2013-10-9
WiiU Madden to be inferior
EA被指责故意劣化WiiU版的Madden橄榄球,在ESPN采访中面对记者这个尖锐的提问,EA总裁Yuri Bialoskursky 承认了这个问题。相对于8月28日发售的PS3和Xbox360版的Madden橄榄球,EA在WiiU版阉割了Ultimate Team模式,更加令人发指的是还删除了PhysX物理特效。
总裁Yuri Bialoskursky则解释为,WiiU硬件EA还没有摸透,Infinity Engine游戏引擎对WiiU不太适应,在重重挑战后最后决定在WiiU版删除PhysX物理特效。这个解释明显不够说服力,论硬件性能WiiU媲美PS3甚至更好,而且留给WiiU版的开发时间更长,相对于PS3版8月份发售,WiiU版至少多出3个月时间去开发。所以摸不透WiiU机能对于EA这种大型开发商绝对是借口,唯一的真相只有是敷衍了事的态度。另外阉割Ultimate Team模式也是极不合理的,据悉WiiU采用容量高达25G的光盘,Xbox360普通8G的容量光盘都包含的内容竟然在25G的WiiU版阉割掉,黑任之心昭然若揭。
不过EA总裁在采访最后,还是极大的安慰了广大任天堂爱好者的心,他表示WiiU版的Madden橄榄球将独占手柄屏幕看地图、阵型等功能,当然请务必使用WiiU tablet controller(平板手柄)才能获得这享受。
EA Sports has revealed that Madden Ultimate Team mode, which is a huge hit with the Madden fan-base, would not make it into the Wii-U version. The Wii-U version of the game will also be devoid of PhysX support which is another popular feature that adds to the realism of the game.
“It’s not for a lack of want. We definitely wanted to get the physics into the game. The Infinity Engine is something that is a point of interest for ‘Madden’ fans; it’s just something we weren’t able to achieve for this first year on the new hardware. A lot of times, new hardware comes with new challenges. But we were able to add things to ‘Madden’ on a lot of different levels, like being able to draw your own hot routes and being able to change your plays on the fly and create your own plays, giving you the ability to do whatever you want to do pre-play,” stated EA’s Yuri Bialoskursky in an interview on ESPN.