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WWE 13 成就功略

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-2 23:46  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
最容易拿的成就就是把WWE ATTIUDE ERA打通 7章 每章7-10场比赛,每场比赛有特定获胜要求和历史要求,只有每场全部达到,就可以解开人物和场地, 因为只有需要历史人物,所以建议先通这个. 而且因为 可以选择EASY 容易来通过, 不影响成就. 只要完成就可以解全部ATTIUDE人物.

Off Script scenario cleared! 45  Clear the "Off Script" chapter.

Road to WrestleMania XV cleared! 40  Clear the "Road to WrestleMania XV" chapter.

Mankind scenario cleared! 30  Clear the "Mankind" chapter.

The Great One scenario cleared! 25  Clear the "The Great One" chapter.

Brothers of Destruction cleared! 20  Clear the "Brothers of Destruction" chapter.

Austin 3:16 scenario cleared! 15  Clear the "Austin 3:16" chapter.

Rise of D-X scenario cleared! 10  Clear the "Rise of D-X" chapter.

这部分是需要网络, 没有连过. 基本就是等级提升和RANK游戏.

Rising star 20  Achieve the rank 5 on Xbox LIVE.

A fresh beginning 5  Play in an Xbox LIVE match (Player match/Ranked match)

King of the world 50  Achieve the maximum rank on Xbox LIVE.  ​  

A winner is you! 10  Win 10 ranked matches.

Established veteran 30  Achieve the rank 10 on Xbox LIVE.

Welcome to the creators' circle 5  Your Community Creations content has been reviewed at least 5 times.  

Critic 5  Review 5 or more user-created content items in Community Creations.     

Gold standard 45  Earn the WWE, WCW, and ECW Championship belts with a single Superstar.
必须是冠军赛, 而且需要达到是挑战者,不然无法解.

A once in a lifetime event 20  Appear in WrestleMania using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe (single player)
WWE Universe出现在WrestleMania 也就是有比赛 自创人物

The Streak Ends 50  Beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania with a Custom Superstar on Legend diffi***y (single player).
WWE UniverseWrestleMania 自创人物 最难打败UT

Mr. Money in the Bank 30  Win Money in the Bank using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe mode (single player).
自创人物获得MONEY IN THE BANK....这个只要WWE UNIVERSE继续打就会碰到

A man who wastes no opportunity 35  Cash in a Money in the Bank and win using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe (single player).

Invincible man 40  Win at least 20 matches on Hard diffi***y or higher (single player).
赢20场HARD更难比赛....很简单只要调整比赛时候的绝招改成无限, 可以狂虐对手,虽然有时候对方会反击.

Ring hooligan 15  Break a total of 20 tables, ladders, and chairs by attacking with them (single player).

Berserker 25  Break a total of 50 tables, ladders, and chairs by attacking with them (single player).


Made-up original story 15  Create a story including a Custom Superstar or a Custom Arena.

Arena designer 10  Create an arena in Create an Arena mode.
Check out my Entrance Video! 10  Create an entrance movie in Create an Entrance mode
创造开场电影( 不是开场)

Paint tool magician 10  Use the paint tool to create and add an original logo to any original creation.
This is special! 10  Create a front, top-rope, and corner special move.

The champ is here! 10  Create an original championship belt in the Championship  Editor.
自创冠军腰带 ( 腰带管理 里 MY WWE )

All original baby! 15  Compete as a Custom Superstar in a Custom Arena for a Custom Championship.
自创人物 自创场地 自创腰带的比赛...虽然设置个比赛包含这些.
Comeback! 20  Successfully perform a Comeback Move (single player).
任何选手有COMEBAK能力 EASY被对手打倒....然后等出现

A winning combination! 25  Use a wake-up taunt, land a Finisher and immediately pin your opponent (single player).

The ring is my home! 15  Play a match in an arena created in Create an Arena mode.

Awesome! 5  Take a screenshot in Create a Highlight mode.

A Superstar is born! 10  Win a match using a Custom Superstar in WWE Universe mode (single player).
直接第一场WWE UNIVERSE比赛 自创人物
One of history's greats 25  Exhibition (Legend diffi***y) - Defeat a Superstar with  his Attitude Era version (single player).
用ATTITUDE ERA的人物打败现在的同一角色.... 这个随便选 难度需要最难, 同样可以调无限绝招

I just keep evolving! 20  Exhibition (Legend diffi***y) - With a Superstar, defeat his Attitude Era version (single player).
同样只不过是用现在的人物打败ATTITUDE ERA的人物

A legend begins 20  Win at least one match on Hard diffi***y or higher (single player).
获胜HARD以上一场比赛, 基本只要上面两场打好就可以了
Fighting smart 15  Exhibition - Attack the same body part 10 or more times in a single match (single player).
直接把一个人身上打10次.手上 头 脚
Negotiatior 15  Exhibition - Force an opponent to quit in an "I Quit" Match (single player).
这个可以顺便把下面几个都解开, OMG 需要绝招, 可以在比赛开始设置, 然后EASY 选I QUIT比赛.... 注意是 OMG 场边的先打把人拉过去 ( 看观众没有的地方, 然后会出现 Y ) 再去ANNOUNCER TABLE, LB先拿走东西, 然后把人拉过去. 最后到场地里 拉到角 会出现 Y

注意是 最好用重量级的选手.

Holy sh**t!! 40  Break the ring with an OMG Move (single player).

It's like a car crash! 20  Exhibition - Break the barricade in 2 places in the same match (single player).

Oh my! 15  Break the announcer table with an OMG Move (single player).

Yes! Yes! Yes! 10  Use Daniel Bryan to defeat Sheamus (single player, Exhibition Mode only).
这个比赛很简单, EASY就可以

Reached the ropes! 10  Crawl to the ropes during a submission (Single Player).
当对方用SUBMISSION 爬....建议EASY...
Create and destroy 15  Exhibition (Title Match) - Attack your opponent with a custom belt (single player).
这个需要冠军比赛, 然后去边上拿腰带,注意设置时候必须NO DQ,不然就被DQ了( 暂时不知道会解开吗)

Watch out! 30  Successfully reverse a Finisher (single player).
对方用终级招时候....反掉 EASY 注意RT时机

You can't let down your guard 20  Land a Catch Finisher (single player, Exhibition Mode only).

The rattles*** is coming!? 20  Win by throwing an opponent through the window in Backstage Brawl (single player).
这个就是在后场找到 然后把对手摔到窗里, 需要有F
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