微软XBOX LIVE部门发言人Major Nelson近日在接受Newegg Arcade采访时表示,XBOX ONE不仅支持4K分辨率视频的播放,而且还会支持4K分辨率游戏的运行,但这项功能的实现最终还是取决于开发人员。
Major Nelson 向大家展示4K HDMI连接线
他在接受采访时讲到:“我们同样也为此兴奋,我也确信听众们已经知道4K分辨率将会是下一个里程碑。XBOX ONE是一台为未来准备的整合式家庭娱乐系统。XBOX ONE同时支持4K游戏和娱乐,事实上我们在XBOX ONE包装盒里已经包含了支持4K 分辨率的HDMI连接线,所以玩家们从包装盒里拿出来的HDMI线材将会是支持4K的。我们正展望着未来,期待着给我们的消费者们带来4K的性能体验,但这项功能的实现最终还是取决于开发人员。”
“Ye! We are really excited about that too. I am sure your audience knows that 4K is the next big thing. Xbox One is a home entertainment system that is built for future. It supports 4K gaming and entertainment. In fact we are shipping an HDMI cable that is 4K rated. So when you get your HDMI cable out of the box it is 4K rated. We are looking forward to bringing 4K capabilities to our consumers in the future, but it depends on the developers.”