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本帖最后由 wumi 于 2015-8-7 15:16 编辑
1. EXO僵尸剧情与主线剧情联动。
2. EXO僵尸事件起因来自于Atlas对其内部监狱投放的特制DNA炸弹(该炸弹与主线剧情中的DNA炸弹不一样)。
3. 根据EXO僵尸剧情设定,被这种DNA炸弹侵袭后的人体会产生三种变化:直接死亡;丧尸化;自愈。
4. 三位主角(Kahn,Lilith,Decker)由于自身DNA的特殊性,尽管也受到了DNA炸弹的侵袭,却不但没有发生永久的丧尸化,反而完全地成功逆转了病毒DNA对机体细胞的侵袭,成为Atals梦寐以求的“治愈实验体”。另一方面,身为哨兵组织最优秀成员之一的Oz(也可以理解为“Original Zombie”或“No.0 Zombie”)被Atlas俘虏,在监狱中的他同样感染了该病毒。Lennox指挥哨兵抵御丧尸大潮时发现了丧尸化的Oz,并“处决”他。然而出人意料的是,Oz本身的DNA也极其特别:病毒DNA与自身DNA的整合使其具备了极其强大的再生能力,在“本体”意识完全丧失的情况下,可以激活由病毒DNA侵袭而导致的丧尸化。Oz的丧尸化程度高达76%(因不是100%,所以还能保留极其有限的自主意识和语言能力)却同时具备强大的再生能力,这引起了Atlas极大的兴趣。于是Atlas使用GS7可吸入致幻气体对其进行洗脑催眠,使其确信自己只是Atlas一名普通的清洁工,同时进行大量在体深入研究(洗脑并不是那么的彻底,曾经身为“哨兵”的Oz对Atlas Corporation刻骨仇恨无法彻底抹去)。
5. Atlas的如意算盘是:先散布病毒,用大量丧尸化部队碾压,再以抗体血清收拾战场,如此战无不胜可赚取巨大的黑心钱。所以为了测试上述“自愈”个体的真正价值和可靠性,Atlas故意引爆了监狱的丧尸危机,并继续在汉堡城进行进一步测试和研究。
6. 汉堡城危机爆发。Atlas工作人员莫名消失(不知是有意撤退还是不慎感染全军覆没?),四位主角在哨兵指挥Lennox大力帮助下,营救出汉堡城仅存的几名生还者。Lennox指出Oz是危机的起源,并再次“处决”了他。
7. Lennox指出Atlas有一艘满载病毒的航母,于是带领三位主角前往并计划摧毁。Lennox指出多亏了Lilith的血清,他自己才能对抗Atlas的DNA病毒。
8. 24%人类意识残存的Oz回到了Atlas生化兵器研究中心,并感染了中心的全部员工。新的四位主角展开了最终的决战。
Descent 彩蛋最后一步,音乐,对白,战斗配合得恰到好处,令人热血沸腾!以下是对白(未经官方字幕修正,可能尚有谬误,欢迎指正),献给同样喜欢这段剧情的朋友:
Lilith: Where are we?
Oz: You're in my memories. Atlas monitored and stored them in this machine.
Lilith: They are so real.
Oz: Shut up! And watch. Listen. Remember!
Decker: Hmm hmm!
Oz: Whom do you think you are, fool? Y'all pretend we're the heros? We are not!
Kahn: Shut up, Oz! You're delirious.
Oz: And you, Kahn. You're an old toothless shark. That's why Atlas hung you out to dry!
Kahn: ** you!
Oz: Decker, you'll never make the regular army, because you couldn't pass that **ing drug test!
Decker: What?! Hey, you don't know shit about me!
Oz: And Lilith, a two-bit hacker trying to go straight in IT? Don't make me laugh!
Lilith: How the ** does he know about that?
Decker: What about you, OZ? You're no saint!
Oz: I'm the worst of this. I'm the **ing monster in this story. It all begins and ends with me.
Kahn: You're a **ing janitor.
Oz: I'm the reason we're all still alive. They want me, and they want you. You're one strand, one mutation way from becoming one of these things. You hear me?
Decker: Can someone shut him up!?
Oz: Why haven't you changed like the others? That's a question. Ha ha ha! They think you are the cure!
Decker: If we are the cure, you're the **ing disease, Oz!
Oz: Exactly! You got it. You're not as dumb as you look, Decker. Supply-demand, baby! Supply and demand! I **ing hate those Atlas **s!
**: F U C K
英文校正特别感谢:弗拉基米尔·伊里奇·乌里扬诺夫 |