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原文地址:http://www.eurogamer.net/article ... erformance-analysis
-玩家不能控制的过场中或者部分QTE场景锁了30帧,此时PS4的分辨率是原生的1920x1080,Xbox One的分辨率在1920x1080到1728x1080之间浮动。
-玩家可以控制的时候,PS4的满分辨率是1920x1080,最低的时候掉到过1360x1080;Xbox One的满分辨率是1600x900,但更多的时候会以1280x900的分辨率进行渲染,最低的时候掉到过1200x900。
-总体来看Xbox One版本帧率方面的表现略逊于PS4,某室内比较激烈的场景PS4一直在50帧左右,而Xbox One则最低下探到35帧左右。
You've got to hand it to Treyarch - theteam's Call of Duty titles always push boundaries in terms of scale, scope andspectacle. Blacks Ops 3 delivers yet another bombastic Call of Duty campaign,this time backed by four-player online co-op, along with a two-player localsplit-screen mode. The team's technological ambitions are also remarkable interms of the game's visuals: physically-based rendering, simulated globalillumination and a battery of impressive post effects work makes this newcampaign the most visually arresting yet.
But has the developer perhaps pushed itstechnology too far? The campaign co-op demo revealed at this year's E3 had usslightly concerned: frame-rates throughout the demo often fell short of thedesired 60fps target, even dipping below 30fps. On top of the optimizationeffort, it seems that the team's solution to the performance challenge was toimplement yet another ambitious piece of technology: dynamic resolutionscaling. This involves adjusting pixel-count on the fly, depending on theengine load - it's a way of freeing up valuable GPU time without permanentlycompromising on image quality, and produced some remarkably smooth results inthe recently released Halo 5.
但开发者们的步子迈得似乎有些大了,今年E3上展示的COOP演示就有些令人担忧:整个演示视频的帧率经常达不到人们所期待的60帧,甚至有时候保证不了30帧。而在优化上面,为了解决游戏表现出现的问题,制作组把更多的精力都放在了另外一种很有前景的技术上:动态分辨率。这种技术可以根据引擎的负荷来调整输出的像素数量,因此可以进一步释放宝贵的图形处理性能,不会因此不得不降低整体的图形质量,这一技术在最近发售的Halo 5中为玩家提供了十分平滑的画面。
So how does the dynamic scaler work inBlack Ops 3? Both Xbox One and PS4 versions render in native 1080p duringcut-scenes, and for the most part full HD quality is retained throughout theduration of these sequences. Anti-aliasing is handled via the use of filmicSMAA, successfully providing good coverage across geometry edges, though sometexture blurring is apparent. PS4 doesn't appear to drop below 1080p at all inthese scenes, whereas the Xbox One version seems to transition down to1728x1080 just before gameplay kicks off - and that's where the scaler reallygets to work.
那么在BO3中动态分辨率是什么情况呢?Xbox One和PS4版在切换场景的时候都是原生的1080P,并且在过场的时候一直保持。FilmicSMAA抗锯齿对模型边缘的处理比较好,虽然有的材质明显有些模糊。在这些场景中,PS4的分辨率没有明显掉到过1080P以下,而在玩家可以控制游戏之前,Xbox One的分辨率下降到了1728*1080,从这个时候开始动态分辨率开始切换。
Once the player gains control we see shiftsin native resolution across both platforms, according to engine load. PS4ranges between 1360x1080 to 1920x1080, although much of the time the enginemanages to hit the desired native 1080p resolution for extended periods. Duringthe opening firefight in the Provocation mission we see PS4 kick off at1360x1080p before ramping back up to full 1080p a few moments later - theswitch is often barely visible due to softening effect of the AA solution,although some blur across distant details is apparent.
Xbox One is a different story, targeting abaseline 1600x900 for gameplay, but after trawling through our captures itappears that the engine rarely - if ever - achieves this. Instead we're lookingat a sustained 1280x900 resolution, even in less stressful gameplay scenes,with horizontal metrics dropping down to 1200x900 in more challenging scenarios- and the results are not impressive. Due to the heavy upscale, the Xbox Onerelease possesses a consistent blurry appearance when the action really kicksin: fine details are frequently smudged over, while geometry edges appear roughand fuzzy. It's a substantial downgrade over last year's Advanced Warfare,where Sledgehammer stayed locked at a 1360x1080 resolution during the moredemanding scenes.
Xbox One版的情况则不同,游戏中画面的目标分辨率是1600*900,但我们通过观察截取的画面发现,游戏引擎似乎很少输出这一分辨率的画面,而我们看到的是维持在1280*900的分辨率,即使在不是很吃机能的游戏场景也依然如此,在比较吃机能的场景下纵向的像素列数最低可以下降到1200列(1200*900),测试的结果并不是很令人满意。由于机能占用很高,在玩家开始可以控制游戏之后XboxOne的游戏画面一直表现的有些模糊:细节变得很脏很模糊,模型的边缘看起来粗糙、失真。去年,大锤的CODAW在比较吃机能的场景会保持1360*1080的分辨率,BO3相比前作是在退步。
We could accept the compromised imagequality if the end result was something approaching the locked 60fps we expectfrom a Call of Duty title, but unfortunately, the dynamic scaler doesn't quiteprovide the frame-rate uplift the campaign really needs. Performance is thereal challenge here: 60fps is the target, but the tight focus we saw here inSledgehammer's Advanced Warfare isn't quite so pronounced now. PreviousTreyarch campaigns have seen the lead platform achieve what we sometimesdescribe as a perceptual 60fps - frames are dropped, but the fluidity and thecontroller response aren't unduly compromised. The issue with the Black Ops 3campaign is that 60fps is the exception, rather than the rule.
Gameplay set in narrow corridors, alongwith low key gameplay moments away from frenetic combat can see the engineattain the familiar 60fps expected from a Call of Duty title. However, as wemove into more open areas packed with greater amounts of geometry detail andmore challenging effects work, frame-rates start to suffer on both consoles andthe 60fps fluidity is gone. Performance ranges from 40-55fps and seem highlyvariable in motion, leading to inconsistent controller response and a stutterto motion we don't usually associate with the series.
Screen-tear is also present too - but it'slimited to just the top of the screen. Treyarch aims for the visual integrityof v-sync, but allows some flexibility in the render-time budget in order toreduce latency. It's a technique that's becoming increasingly popular in moderntitles (Rise of the Tomb Raider does something similar) and in this case, theflickering at the top of the screen can distract. Top-end frame-rates areusually higher on PlayStation 4, but under load, performance can be decidedlywobbly on both platforms.
On the face of it, the raw metrics we drewfrom our captures don't look so bad - PS4 hands in an average frame-rate of51fps, Xbox One is at 49fps. From our sample, around 15 per cent of the videooutput consists of dropped frames on the Sony console, rising to around 18 percent on Xbox One. Arguably that's already too high for a Call of Duty game, butit's drawn from the complete sample and not really representative of in themoment gameplay - there, it's the sudden, often jarring changes during gameplaythat can compromise the experience.
单纯的从我们录制的画面来看那些指标的话,PS4的平均帧率是51帧,Xbox One是49帧;PS4上15%的情况下有掉帧出现,而Xbox One是18%。不可否认,这个百分比的数字对于使命召唤来说太高了,而且这是从完整的录像得到的数据,不能体现一些游戏中有代表性的情况,比如对于游戏体验的影响很大的突然性卡顿。
And it's Xbox One where we see the mostextreme scenarios where Treyarch's precarious balancing act doesn't really workout. A frantic shoot-out defending a control room is a low point: while PS4sticks close to 60fps at various moments throughout the battle, Microsoft'ssystem frequently struggles to rise above the 35-45fps No Man's Land,eventually succumbing to a 28fps drop. The situation here is grim: judder andfluctuations in controller response compromise the gameplay, while the dynamicresolution plateaus to its lowest point. It doesn't look great, but moreimportantly, the feel is wrong.
在Xbox One上的游戏体验更是说明了T组使用的这种不是很稳定的优化方式(应该是指动态分辨率)效果不是很好,在防守控制室火力十分密集的时候,PS4在战斗的很多情况下都是60帧或接近60帧的,而Xbox One勉强保持在35-45帧,在No Man’s Land甚至掉到了28帧。这种情况很可怕,手柄控制的不稳定性另人很难接受,而且动态分辨率已经降至最低了。从数据上看很不好,但更重要的是,实际游戏体验感觉会很不爽。
Adding to the sense of inconsistency is theuse of cut-scenes capped at 30fps, which instantly segue into gameplay with theframe-rate unlocked. On the plus side, image quality increases here - bothsystems render these sections at 1080p. However, it's not just the cinematicsthat run at the lower frame-rate: every non-playable sequence does, even to thepoint where interacting with levers and buttons, breaching into rooms andgetting in and out of vehicles sees this sudden, jarring shift in the update.It's another example of how the visual language of Call of Duty has changed -and not really for the better.
And that's a shame. In many ways,Treyarch's ambitions for the Call of Duty campaign are a revelation for theseries - it's still a limited, linear experience built on spectacle, but theability to share the experience with others and to access any area you want,whenever you want (servers permitting) is a game-changer. But perhaps the teamhas pushed too hard here. In many senses, frame-rate is gameplay, and that'sespecially true of Call of Duty, where the interface between player and gamerelies so heavily on crisp response and low latency controls. In the Black Ops3 campaign, fluidity is compromised and in the case of Xbox One in particular,image quality suffers badly when performance is at its worst. PlayStation 4offers an improved overall experience, but there's the sense that the balancingpoints still aren't quite right.
这一点十分令人遗憾。从很多方面都能看出T组对于COD系列战役的上心是显而易见的,虽然最后游戏的场面仍然是有限制的、线性的,但是能随时随地在任意场景同其他人一起玩(如果服务器允许的话)的确是系列的改进之处。T组这一步迈得有点大,在某种意义上尤其是对于使命召唤来说,画面的帧率就是游戏体验,玩家同游戏的交互非常依赖于干净利落的反馈和低延迟的操控。BO3的战役画面流畅度不是很好,就Xbox One版的特定情况来看,流畅度在表现最差的时候画面也一样不能直视;PS4的情况好一些,但也能感觉到优化的平衡点找的还不是很准。
In closing, we feel it's worth stressingthat this article relates exclusively to our experiences with the campaignsection of the game - traditionally the technological showcase of any given CODtitle. We've just begun to dig into the multiplayer component and what'simmediately and obviously apparent is that performance there is much, muchcloser to the locked 60fps we expect from the series - and very much in linewith the positive experiences we had with the beta code a couple of monthsback. For many, this is the true core of the game, and it's good to know thatthe gameplay here doesn't have anything like the same level of compromise asthe campaign. We'll have performance analysis of this area of the game in ourupcoming Face-Off, plus we'll be taking a closer look at the contentious PCversion too.
原文发表于http://www.eurogamer.net/article ... lack-ops-3-face-off
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