本帖最后由 chenzj 于 2016-5-23 14:19 编辑
Conference Q & A with Kazunori Yamauch
i山内一典访谈:Polyphony Digital老总解释国际汽联的介入使Gran Turismo的竞技体验更精确
The head of games company Polyphony Digital explains how the FIA’s input has made Gran Turismo a more accurate racing experience
![](http://www.fia.com/sites/default/files/styles/content_details/public/news/images/2014/Kazu1.jpg?itok=1ZU_cAwF) Q How did the collaboration with the FIA begin?
A I think it was around two years ago that we heard that the FIA was interested in doing something with us and I went to their headquarters in Paris and I heard there that Mr Jean Todt had a great interest in the project as well. From then on a lot of ideas came up and we’ve shared and traded information.
The people from the FIA came to Polyphony twice to compare their data with ours. We were surprised because they are incredibly detailed about the things they check. It was very comprehensive.
Q 与国际汽联的合作怎样开始的?
A 有人告诉我们国际汽联有意跟我们一起做些什么,然后我赶到国际汽联巴黎总部,在那里得知让托德***对这个项目很感兴趣。从那时起我提出了很多主意并且彼此分享和交换信息(译者注:“很多主意”里包括GT SPORT时期落实的数字驾照项目)。国际汽联总部的人到现在(2014年)已经向我们索要两次(赛道)数据用于(与国际汽联数据库)比对。国际汽联的数据比对严格到了难以置信的地步,我们都深感震惊,比对的范围很广泛。
Q How important is it for Gran Turismo to have the FIA seal of approval through using fully homologated circuits?
A To Gran Turismo there are a number of objectives. Of course, one of them is to enjoy controlling really fast cars on the track. At the same time I race myself and I understand the importance of safety in motor sport. I totally understand the FIA’s point of view in placing a heavy emphasis on the safety of the tracks that are used in racing. Reflecting that concern is important for us.
Q 对Gran Turismo而言运用全面审查过的赛道拿到国际汽联的认可 到底有多么重要?
A 对GT来说有很多目标。当然,其中之一是引导人们在赛道上享受驾驶真正迅速的汽车。与此同时我本人也是现实赛车手,所以我明白在汽车运动中安全的重要性。我整体上理解国际汽联对用于赛车的赛道安全的深切关注,对这种关注予以反映是非常重要的。
Q When you examined the information about those tracks, was there more information available that helped build more realistic circuits?
A When we actually take data from the tracks we go into a severe amount of detail in recreating and surveying everything that exists at a track, photographing everything. However, we didn’t realise until we got the input of the FIA why things are structured the way they are, why circuits are laid out in a particular way, why corners are profiled a certain way and what influences the shape and layout of the kerbs. In that respect we learned a lot about the protocols that go into circuit design.
Q 当您解释这些赛道的信息时,是否意味着信息越详尽对赛道拟真度的帮助越大?
A 当我们从赛道采集数据的时候,我们要搜集大量细节以测量和重现赛道上存在的一切,对所有东西都要拍照。然而,直到FIA介入我们才真正了解:为什么赛道会被建成这样,为什么赛道的布局要按特定方式进行,为什么转角会被安排成特定方式,是什么影响了对形态和布局的限制。在这方面,我们学习了很多关于赛道布局的知识。
Q You mentioned that you race yourself?
A I raced the Nurburgring 24 Hours recently. I’ve done that several times [he has won his class twice) and I race in the VLN Endurance Championship.
Q 您说您自己出来赛车f?
A 近年来我在跑纽堡林24小时. 我已经参赛多次了[在自己的组别赢过两次) 另外我还在跑VLN耐力赛。
Q There are four circuits homologated in GT6, so what does the future hold?
A Today is really just the beginning. I don’t think we can include every circuit, some of them won’t be possible because there are a lot of classic circuits in Grand Turismo that we simply can’t do.
Q 已经有四条GT6的赛道被通过比对了, 那么将来呢?
A 今天仅仅是个开始. 我不认为每条赛道都会被通过, 有些不会被通过,因为里面有好多经典老赛道实在无法送审(不达标,必须重来)。
Q So it’s about making the current tracks as accurate as possible?
A We want each and every circuit exactly as it is in real life and the collaborating with the FIA is a big part of it.
Q 所以那意味着新赛道会尽量精确地制作呗?
A 我们想要每条新老赛道都精确还原现实原本的模样,和国际汽联的合作是很重要一部分。 |