I couldn\'t make colors match today
I don\'t know what eles to say
except dark tracks they can see I didn\'t
I don\'t like the staff they are feeding me
they don\'t like the things I say
but I don\'t think I need to be forgiven
I have quiet inside
althrough it trige me by a while
through the storm that crack the sky
I am quiet inside
I used to be so hart to find
regin tears filled my eye
but now i believe I see much clear
my clearenty did not come easily
my sails was knock into me
now at lest I know who is in the morro
I am quiet inside through it drige me by a whiles
through the storms chrack the sky
I am quiet inside
I am quiet inside through it drige me by a whiles
through the storms chrack the sky
I am quiet inside
yeah I\'m quiet inside
I am quiet
I couldn\'t make colors match today
I don;t know what eles to say.