本帖最后由 chenzj 于 2016-7-20 22:19 编辑
英文原网址: http://gamingbolt.com/halo-forza ... s-pokemon-go-clones
Halo, Forza, Crackdown Re-Imagined as Pokemon GO Clones
Xbox UK’s Twitter gets in on the fad.
假想《光环》《极限竞速》《除暴战警》推出类“Pokemon Go”衍生游戏
作者: Ravi Sinha 译者:chenzj
In Case you haven’t heard, Pokemon GO is quite the popular mobile title. So popular in fact that it occupies almost half of all mobile gaming purchases in a single day. It makes sense then that everyone would want to get in on the hype train, especially Microsoft.
也许你闻所未闻,《精灵宝可梦 GO》已成为非常流行的手机游戏大作,人气如此之高,以至于占据了现有手机游戏市场日营业额的近一半。因此,人人争搭这列快车也就显得顺利成章,尤其是对微软而言。
Xbox UK’s official Twitter account actually went as far as to re-imagine popular Microsoft franchises like Halo, Forza Motorsport and Crackdown as “GO” titles while also asking players what games they’d like to see get the same treatment. We’d think there would be issues with Forza GO if it didn’t function as a GPS-like app or something. It also seems that all of the GO variants are running on Windows Phone for which Pokemon GO has not released yet (huge shock, we know).
Xbox面向英国市场的官方***账号走得相当远,他们直接贴出了《光环》、《极限竞速》、《除暴战警》三个微软游戏IP的“GO”系列手游版假想图,并且询问玩家他们希望哪部游戏加入这一行列。我们(英文报道者)认为Forza GO如果不做成一个类似GPS导航的APP就会遇到一些麻烦。看上去似乎所有这些GO系列衍生游戏都运行在Pokemon Go尚未降临的Windows Phone上面。
Would you be interested in playing a GO version of Halo, Forza or Crackdown? Or would you be interested in sticking to Pokemon and, to a lesser extent, Hitman and Tomb Raider? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
不知诸位是否有兴趣游玩《光环》、《极限竞速》、《除暴战警》的GO衍生版本?或者还是留在Pokemon Go上?又或者是游玩一些知名度相对低些的IP的手游,诸如《HITMAN》或《古墓丽影》?大家不妨畅所欲言。
译者注:Pokemon Go现在的日均活跃玩家人数是2100万人。随着Pokemon Go的展开,美国音乐流媒体服务商Spotify发现,《精灵宝可梦》美国引进版动画的初代主题曲播放量增长了三百多倍,可见Pokemon Go有助于把更多的人拉回到精灵宝可梦整个IP身边。
微软也应该是看中了这一点。毕竟,Pokémon Go其实是任天堂授权Niantic Labs操刀做的游戏,
如果微软乐意,他完全可以和Niantic Labs联手推出基于旗下IP的各种AR手游。