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楼主 |
发表于 2017-9-20 17:14 · 福建
Pcars2使用了一套全新的力回信号处理方式, 参数内容与pcars1一样,但是设置上会简化很多
物理工程师AJ举得例子是参考 吉他放大器工作原理, 力回波形信号类似调节EQ效果一样
游戏总力回gain不会变, 增加 volume (音量), tone(音调) 两个"旋钮"来设置力回表现
以后如果游戏时 盘子力回表现不佳可以用 " 五音不全 " 来形容
Amp Models 功放模型
These are the three I think the game should come with. 总体会有3种模式
Immersive 沉浸式 (面向入门级别用户盘子更好,例如G27 29)
Focus on immersion and the experience. 焦点在于沉浸体验(更好的驾驶感)
feel speed 更有速度感
tighter around center 这个就是说降低盘子力回死区, 例如G27 29这种盘子,减小力回死区达到一个更顺畅的反馈
canned effect ok to default on 默认设置下就有很好的渲染效果
Tone sweeps SoP vs Rack (可能是使用"音调" 处理转向和车尾的力回效果)
The basic idea of “Seat of Pants” is to present information from what is happening at the rear of the car through force feedback. There are two physical forces that are used. The rear side loads and the rear vertical loads
"裤子座位"的基本思想就是通过力反馈专递车后部的动态信息。 有两个会使用的物理力量。 后侧载荷和后方的垂直荷载
Seat of Pant也就是是说真车靠屁股感觉车尾动态,力反馈的开发理念也应该是反馈屁股的感觉到手上
Informative 信息式(更多的力反馈信息)
Focus on optimizing the amount of useful-for-racing information the driver gets through the wheel. 着力优化盘子的有助于比赛的力反馈信息.
best use of dynamic range to continually inform driver 充分利用设备的动态范围将车辆动态传达给车手
no saturation 非饱和
leverage non-linear filtering 利用非线性滤波
Tone sweeps Fy to Mz dominant "音调"主要为 Fy Mz 为主
Raw 原始信息
Straight rack FFB without any filtering 没有任何过滤的转向力回信息
canned effects default off 渲染效果关闭
no auto scale 没有自动调整
no non-linear filering 没有非线性滤波
Amp Defaults by controller type
The idea here is to leverage the correlation between controller types and likely consumers.
Lower End Wheels (入门级别的方向盘)
The default for the Casual Gamer, likely the biggest percentage of lower end hardware users, is Immersive.
休闲玩家, 一般使用的是入门方向盘, 使用沉浸式配置最好
Higher End Wheels (高端方向盘)
The default here assumes Enthusiast drivers, and is therefore Informative.
Direct Drive Wheels (直驱方向盘)
The default here is Raw, especially given the huge dynamic range and Hardcore mindset. In fact, any auto scale is probably bad for direct drive, because auto scale assumes we want to use 100% of the wheel since consumers wheels are lower dynamic range than almost all real cars. This does not hold for direct drive.
推荐使用原始数据(没有加料的). auto scale会根据盘子本身的最大最小力来匹配力回信号的最大最小效果, 直驱盘子力回本来就很大了, 在这样去做玩家可能都hold不住了 |
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