The manufacturing date (MFG. DATE) is in international format : year-month-day
If the manufacturing date is prior August 2002 : you have a v1.0
If the manufacturing date is August 2002 or later : probably a v1.1 (but v1.0 is still possible (MS factory refurbished)).
If the manufacturing date is December 2002 or later : probably v1.2 or v1.3 (but v1.0/v1.1 is still possible (MS factory refurbished))
If the manufacturing date is 15 July 2003 or later : probably v1.4 (but v1.0/v1.1/v1.2/v1.3 is still possible (MS factory refurbished))
If the manufacturing date is 01 August 2003 or later : probably v1.5 or v1.4 (but v1.0/v1.1/v1.2/v1.3 is still possible (MS factory refurbished))
If the manufacturing date is 19 March 2004 or later : probably v1.6
If the manufacturing date is 13 September 2004 or later : probably v1.6b