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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-10 19:54  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
很喜欢这种体验生活 看看风景 自由自在的休闲模拟类游戏 游戏中二十四小时和现实同步 不同时间玩有不同趣味

BandaiNamco公开的作品,目前游戏名称暂定为“Portable Island”,以南海小岛为舞台的全新娱乐工具登陆PSP,是日常生活工作中不可多得的休闲游戏。在私人小岛上尽情的自由游玩:漫步于岛中,欣赏到美丽的景色和各种动植物;给动物喂食、垂钓、收集贝壳;或者在吊床上悠闲地睡一整天等有趣的事情。弹着尤克里里琴(夏威夷特有的四弦琴),一边放松,一边眺望夕阳落入大海。没有什么“你必须要做的事”,有的只是随心所欲的游玩。


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发表于 2006-11-10 19:58  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-10 20:31  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-11-10 20:41  ·  台湾 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-11-10 20:53  ·  新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
From the map above (just walk around and follow the numbers):

The starting point (back at the cottage) - A plane will arrive and depart daily between 3:00 PM (arrival) and 7:05PM (departure).  Be there if you want to take some snapshots of the plane and also a beautiful sunset shot(s).
Rocky Beach - That's where you'll find a couple of penguins there.  Just feed them some fishes everytime you drop by to make them get used to you and later on will follow your around to the next place.
Turtle Bay - That's where you can find some stingrays and if you look closely in the ocean, you'll see a huge sea turtle that will come ashore to lay eggs but only when it's full moon and that's one of the places where I've caught some rare fish.
Mermaid Beach - Beautiful beaches.  Basically it's a nice place to relax, do some fishing (lots of good places to fish there), hang your hammocks and just enjoy the view.  It's also the place where you can see some Manatees!
Mangrove Woods - That's where you'll find some crabs and gobies (small spiny-finned fish).
Sea Forest - Nothing really spetacular there.
Meadow - A wide area with lots of anthills & cliffs where, again, you can do some fishing.  It's also a great place to take some sunrise pictures.
Rock Maze - A lot of nature-made, rock mazes caused by erosion.  Might be some hidden places there... not sure.
Sand Dune - As the name implied, a vast area of sand dune.  There, you'll find some scorpions & lizards as the habitants.
Oasis -  A very nice area (one of the areas where you can build a hut).  You'll find a couple of big birds there (looks like flamingos) and also some fresh-water fishes such as black piranhas!
Coral Beach - Some lobsters are there.  You can catch and cook them or release them in your own private aquarium.
Well, that's it for now and if I have more time, I will continue the tour.


Some helpful tips for the game:

Check your mailbox (back at the cottage) daily around 3:00 PM for some useful items while you're on the island.
About the time machine, you can only change the time once a day and if you change it too many times, it will mess up the delivery time for mails.
Collect fruits, vegetables, flowers, mushrooms, etc (and also fish) whenever you get a chance.  They can be used later on to feed the animals.
After you have accumulate some items above (foods) then you can begin to feed animals (penguins, monkeys, etc).  This will tame them and they're more likely to follow you around.
Make sure to explore the island after the sunset.  You will encounter different animals at night (including fishes so don't forget to fish at night).
To build huts, you will need a saw from the mailbox and it will take around 5 - 6 hours "in real time".
If you see a bear in the cave (it will only come out at night), stay away from it.  It's been proven that bears are hazardous to your health (or your life).
If you have songs (mp3 files) on your memory stick, they can be playback on some of the radio's channels.
Explore, explore and explore....  There are a lot of hidden places in this game.
Well, that's all I can remember for now.  I'll add some more later on.

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发表于 2006-11-10 20:55  ·  新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
If you see a bear in the cave (it will only come out at night), stay away from it.  It's been proven that bears are hazardous to your health (or your life).


From the map above (just walk around and follow the numbers):

The starting point (back at the cottage) - A plane will arrive and depart daily between 3:00 PM (arrival) and 7:05PM (departure).  Be there if you want to take some snapshots of the plane and also a beautiful sunset shot(s).
Rocky Beach - That's where you'll find a couple of penguins there.  Just feed them some fishes everytime you drop by to make them get used to you and later on will follow your around to the next place.
Turtle Bay - That's where you can find some stingrays and if you look closely in the ocean, you'll see a huge sea turtle that will come ashore to lay eggs but only when it's full moon and that's one of the places where I've caught some rare fish.
Mermaid Beach - Beautiful beaches.  Basically it's a nice place to relax, do some fishing (lots of good places to fish there), hang your hammocks and just enjoy the view.  It's also the place where you can see some Manatees!
Mangrove Woods - That's where you'll find some crabs and gobies (small spiny-finned fish).
Sea Forest - Nothing really spetacular there.
Meadow - A wide area with lots of anthills & cliffs where, again, you can do some fishing.  It's also a great place to take some sunrise pictures.
Rock Maze - A lot of nature-made, rock mazes caused by erosion.  Might be some hidden places there... not sure.
Sand Dune - As the name implied, a vast area of sand dune.  There, you'll find some scorpions & lizards as the habitants.
Oasis -  A very nice area (one of the areas where you can build a hut).  You'll find a couple of big birds there (looks like flamingos) and also some fresh-water fishes such as black piranhas!
Coral Beach - Some lobsters are there.  You can catch and cook them or release them in your own private aquarium.
Well, that's it for now and if I have more time, I will continue the tour.


Some helpful tips for the game:

Check your mailbox (back at the cottage) daily around 3:00 PM for some useful items while you're on the island.
About the time machine, you can only change the time once a day and if you change it too many times, it will mess up the delivery time for mails.
Collect fruits, vegetables, flowers, mushrooms, etc (and also fish) whenever you get a chance.  They can be used later on to feed the animals.
After you have accumulate some items above (foods) then you can begin to feed animals (penguins, monkeys, etc).  This will tame them and they're more likely to follow you around.
Make sure to explore the island after the sunset.  You will encounter different animals at night (including fishes so don't forget to fish at night).
To build huts, you will need a saw from the mailbox and it will take around 5 - 6 hours "in real time".
If you see a bear in the cave (it will only come out at night), stay away from it.  It's been proven that bears are hazardous to your health (or your life).
If you have songs (mp3 files) on your memory stick, they can be playback on some of the radio's channels.
Explore, explore and explore....  There are a lot of hidden places in this game.
Well, that's all I can remember for now.  I'll add some more later on.

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发表于 2006-11-10 20:58  ·  新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
If you see a bear in the cave (it will only come out at night), stay away from it.  It's been proven that bears are hazardous to your health (or your life).


From the map above (just walk around and follow the numbers):

The starting point (back at the cottage) - A plane will arrive and depart daily between 3:00 PM (arrival) and 7:05PM (departure).  Be there if you want to take some snapshots of the plane and also a beautiful sunset shot(s).
Rocky Beach - That's where you'll find a couple of penguins there.  Just feed them some fishes everytime you drop by to make them get used to you and later on will follow your around to the next place.
Turtle Bay - That's where you can find some stingrays and if you look closely in the ocean, you'll see a huge sea turtle that will come ashore to lay eggs but only when it's full moon and that's one of the places where I've caught some rare fish.
Mermaid Beach - Beautiful beaches.  Basically it's a nice place to relax, do some fishing (lots of good places to fish there), hang your hammocks and just enjoy the view.  It's also the place where you can see some Manatees!
Mangrove Woods - That's where you'll find some crabs and gobies (small spiny-finned fish).
Sea Forest - Nothing really spetacular there.
Meadow - A wide area with lots of anthills & cliffs where, again, you can do some fishing.  It's also a great place to take some sunrise pictures.
Rock Maze - A lot of nature-made, rock mazes caused by erosion.  Might be some hidden places there... not sure.
Sand Dune - As the name implied, a vast area of sand dune.  There, you'll find some scorpions & lizards as the habitants.
Oasis -  A very nice area (one of the areas where you can build a hut).  You'll find a couple of big birds there (looks like flamingos) and also some fresh-water fishes such as black piranhas!
Coral Beach - Some lobsters are there.  You can catch and cook them or release them in your own private aquarium.
Well, that's it for now and if I have more time, I will continue the tour.


Some helpful tips for the game:

Check your mailbox (back at the cottage) daily around 3:00 PM for some useful items while you're on the island.
About the time machine, you can only change the time once a day and if you change it too many times, it will mess up the delivery time for mails.
Collect fruits, vegetables, flowers, mushrooms, etc (and also fish) whenever you get a chance.  They can be used later on to feed the animals.
After you have accumulate some items above (foods) then you can begin to feed animals (penguins, monkeys, etc).  This will tame them and they're more likely to follow you around.
Make sure to explore the island after the sunset.  You will encounter different animals at night (including fishes so don't forget to fish at night).
To build huts, you will need a saw from the mailbox and it will take around 5 - 6 hours "in real time".
If you see a bear in the cave (it will only come out at night), stay away from it.  It's been proven that bears are hazardous to your health (or your life).
If you have songs (mp3 files) on your memory stick, they can be playback on some of the radio's channels.
Explore, explore and explore....  There are a lot of hidden places in this game.
Well, that's all I can remember for now.  I'll add some more later on.

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发表于 2006-11-10 21:01  ·  新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
If you see a bear in the cave (it will only come out at night), stay away from it.  It's been proven that bears are hazardous to your health (or your life).


From the map above (just walk around and follow the numbers):

The starting point (back at the cottage) - A plane will arrive and depart daily between 3:00 PM (arrival) and 7:05PM (departure).  Be there if you want to take some snapshots of the plane and also a beautiful sunset shot(s).
Rocky Beach - That's where you'll find a couple of penguins there.  Just feed them some fishes everytime you drop by to make them get used to you and later on will follow your around to the next place.
Turtle Bay - That's where you can find some stingrays and if you look closely in the ocean, you'll see a huge sea turtle that will come ashore to lay eggs but only when it's full moon and that's one of the places where I've caught some rare fish.
Mermaid Beach - Beautiful beaches.  Basically it's a nice place to relax, do some fishing (lots of good places to fish there), hang your hammocks and just enjoy the view.  It's also the place where you can see some Manatees!
Mangrove Woods - That's where you'll find some crabs and gobies (small spiny-finned fish).
Sea Forest - Nothing really spetacular there.
Meadow - A wide area with lots of anthills & cliffs where, again, you can do some fishing.  It's also a great place to take some sunrise pictures.
Rock Maze - A lot of nature-made, rock mazes caused by erosion.  Might be some hidden places there... not sure.
Sand Dune - As the name implied, a vast area of sand dune.  There, you'll find some scorpions & lizards as the habitants.
Oasis -  A very nice area (one of the areas where you can build a hut).  You'll find a couple of big birds there (looks like flamingos) and also some fresh-water fishes such as black piranhas!
Coral Beach - Some lobsters are there.  You can catch and cook them or release them in your own private aquarium.
Well, that's it for now and if I have more time, I will continue the tour.


Some helpful tips for the game:

Check your mailbox (back at the cottage) daily around 3:00 PM for some useful items while you're on the island.
About the time machine, you can only change the time once a day and if you change it too many times, it will mess up the delivery time for mails.
Collect fruits, vegetables, flowers, mushrooms, etc (and also fish) whenever you get a chance.  They can be used later on to feed the animals.
After you have accumulate some items above (foods) then you can begin to feed animals (penguins, monkeys, etc).  This will tame them and they're more likely to follow you around.
Make sure to explore the island after the sunset.  You will encounter different animals at night (including fishes so don't forget to fish at night).
To build huts, you will need a saw from the mailbox and it will take around 5 - 6 hours "in real time".
If you see a bear in the cave (it will only come out at night), stay away from it.  It's been proven that bears are hazardous to your health (or your life).
If you have songs (mp3 files) on your memory stick, they can be playback on some of the radio's channels.
Explore, explore and explore....  There are a lot of hidden places in this game.
Well, that's all I can remember for now.  I'll add some more later on.

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发表于 2006-11-10 21:01  ·  新加坡 | 显示全部楼层
If you see a bear in the cave (it will only come out at night), stay away from it.  It's been proven that bears are hazardous to your health (or your life).


From the map above (just walk around and follow the numbers):

The starting point (back at the cottage) - A plane will arrive and depart daily between 3:00 PM (arrival) and 7:05PM (departure).  Be there if you want to take some snapshots of the plane and also a beautiful sunset shot(s).
Rocky Beach - That's where you'll find a couple of penguins there.  Just feed them some fishes everytime you drop by to make them get used to you and later on will follow your around to the next place.
Turtle Bay - That's where you can find some stingrays and if you look closely in the ocean, you'll see a huge sea turtle that will come ashore to lay eggs but only when it's full moon and that's one of the places where I've caught some rare fish.
Mermaid Beach - Beautiful beaches.  Basically it's a nice place to relax, do some fishing (lots of good places to fish there), hang your hammocks and just enjoy the view.  It's also the place where you can see some Manatees!
Mangrove Woods - That's where you'll find some crabs and gobies (small spiny-finned fish).
Sea Forest - Nothing really spetacular there.
Meadow - A wide area with lots of anthills & cliffs where, again, you can do some fishing.  It's also a great place to take some sunrise pictures.
Rock Maze - A lot of nature-made, rock mazes caused by erosion.  Might be some hidden places there... not sure.
Sand Dune - As the name implied, a vast area of sand dune.  There, you'll find some scorpions & lizards as the habitants.
Oasis -  A very nice area (one of the areas where you can build a hut).  You'll find a couple of big birds there (looks like flamingos) and also some fresh-water fishes such as black piranhas!
Coral Beach - Some lobsters are there.  You can catch and cook them or release them in your own private aquarium.
Well, that's it for now and if I have more time, I will continue the tour.


Some helpful tips for the game:

Check your mailbox (back at the cottage) daily around 3:00 PM for some useful items while you're on the island.
About the time machine, you can only change the time once a day and if you change it too many times, it will mess up the delivery time for mails.
Collect fruits, vegetables, flowers, mushrooms, etc (and also fish) whenever you get a chance.  They can be used later on to feed the animals.
After you have accumulate some items above (foods) then you can begin to feed animals (penguins, monkeys, etc).  This will tame them and they're more likely to follow you around.
Make sure to explore the island after the sunset.  You will encounter different animals at night (including fishes so don't forget to fish at night).
To build huts, you will need a saw from the mailbox and it will take around 5 - 6 hours "in real time".
If you see a bear in the cave (it will only come out at night), stay away from it.  It's been proven that bears are hazardous to your health (or your life).
If you have songs (mp3 files) on your memory stick, they can be playback on some of the radio's channels.
Explore, explore and explore....  There are a lot of hidden places in this game.
Well, that's all I can remember for now.  I'll add some more later on.



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发表于 2006-11-10 21:06  ·  上海 | 显示全部楼层
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