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- 2013-9-14
Ana is a bot
It's time to put the systems in the room to the test and check out how the games look and how the Xbox 360 and PS3 handle upscaling. "If you really wanted to be mean you would have run these tests in 720p or 1080i," I say, referring to the issues that Sony is having with those two resolutions. I appreciate the fact that they wanted to show the PS3 looking as good as possible, and I'm surprised this is something they didn't bring up earlier. They realize what I'm talking about, and Scott Henson opens a small package and shows me what's inside.
"Is that it?" I ask. He nods.
"We call it Ana. This is the scaling chip that's in the 360," he tells me.
It's odd to see it—a tiny little chip—but this may be one of the secret weapons the 360 has against the PS3. The PS3 has no internal hardware scaler, which means games that are 720p native can only be shown in 720p or 480p; there is no scaling up to 1080p or 1080i. This causes people with older HDTVs to have issues with the available resolutions, and keeps them from playing the games in anything but 480p. It's a vexing problem for a system that's supposed to be HD, and this issue is one of the most challenging that Sony faces. I ask the Microsoft guys how important it was for them to include a scaler in the 360.
"It was a critical design decision; we wanted the 360 to be high-definition, not just 1080p or some other standard. That's why we included component cables in the box; there is no HDTV that doesn't have a component in," said Greenberg.
They assume that Sony didn't include a hardware scaler to keep costs down, but get a little cagey when I ask how much it costs to put Ana into the 360. "This isn't a $1,000 scaler," Henson says, "but it's a good one."
It was apparently designed at the same time as the GPU, and the effortless scaling with different televisions was something that was important from the early design stages of the system. I ask if they think this is something that Sony can fix in software.
"It'll be hard," Greenberg answers, "and compatibility testing would be tough with existing software. I think as they update the hardware they'll add a hardware scaler."
I've had the same thought before, but it certainly doesn't make me happy as a first-generation consumer. It will be very interesting to see how Sony ends up fixing this, or if they think it's a problem at all. For the time being, most games will be 720p native, so the majority of HDTV owners will be able to play them. This is an issue that you may or may not care about. Or maybe you have a 1080p set already and this doesn't bother you. It's hard to know just how many people this affects, but you should be aware of which resolutions your television can handle when choosing which system to buy.
2007年刚刚开始的第一周,大家刚刚从年末圣诞商战的硝烟味回过神来,虽然现在还没有蹦出来啥惊天动地的大事,但XBOX360一个神秘的晶片 [ANA] 却带来了微软恐怖的老谋深算,惹到这个恐怖的敌人,微软的对手真是倒霉啊。。。。
本站曾跟大家报道过,日前微软XBOX LIVE营运团队总监AARON GREEBERG接受采访时表示,其实他们已经在XBOX360主机里预留一手,安装了一棵神秘晶片[ANA],主要是让XBOX360能以硬体运算的方式,把目前的解析度补间运算到1080P解析度。这消息猛一看没啥感觉,但推敲其背后所隐含的商业策略,却是孙子兵法 [虚实篇] 里面的实际发挥,完全把SONY PS3骗到他所设下的圈套中,老谋深算的诡计实在让人惊讶啊。
孙子兵法有云: [能而示之不能,用而示之不用,近而示之远,远而示之近],就是能打的装做不能打,明明很强的却要示弱以诱敌轻心,这个 [ANA] 晶片就是这样作法。其实回顾2005年E3展,SONY首度公布PS3时,一开始大张旗鼓的表明PS3能支援1080P解析度、双HDMI***。。。等规格,还倡导只有集1080P、BD蓝光光碟于一身的PS3才是真的次时代,只能玩720P的主机逊掉了,甚至嘲讽XBOX360只是半吊子的1。5版主机,不配跟PS3的真正次时代竞争。。。等,大话讲得好听也很多争议,不过微软都忍下来了。
而一年半后PS3发售,不但碍于成本而有规格缩水的情况(如双HDMI缩减成一个),甚至销量也持续低迷未见气色,而当初PS3一直鼓吹的1080P游戏也没见几个。不过就在PS3几乎已经无力反击的同时,微软才表明XBOX360早已针对1080P埋下伏笔,这个内建的 [ANA] 晶片提供不输给PS3(甚至还优于)的1080P表现,不但PS3目前完全无还手之力,甚至SONY之前大力鼓吹1080P的好处也被XBOX360很轻松的接下来。微软对于之前SONY的嘲笑忍了一年多,直到时机成熟才一口气爆发出来,不但杀的措手不及甚至让对手无力招架,这是很恐怖的黑暗兵法啊!!
喜欢看漫画的玩家应该都有耳闻漫画家 陈某 名作 [火凤燎原] 的精彩剧情吧,其中水镜八奇之一的 郭嘉 就是擅长 [黑暗兵法] ,一开始示弱以诱敌轻心,然后伺机而动大举反扑,杀的对手措手不及。而且环顾游戏产业发展20多年来,每台新主机推出前大多是把功能吹嘘的天花乱坠,等到实际推出时才发现言过其实(就是缩水啦)。不过像这次微软操作XBOX360的逆向方式可说前所未闻,反而先隐匿XBOX360的功能与可能性而让对手(PS3)轻乎,而等到时机成熟时才表明XBOX360早就埋下伏笔,PS3能支援1080P没啥了不起,XBOX360不但能做的到,甚至效果还比较好,这种诱敌欺敌的战略真的是历来电玩战争前所未见。
只能说姜还是老的辣,看到微软如何从之前XBOX的失败经验,转换成这是XBOX360漂亮的反攻,就知道这个全球第二大公司(市值逼近3000亿美金) 的巨兽,会成长到如此不会是没有原因的。而微软之前的对手大多很难抵挡他们的攻势(IE vs NERSCAP、MSN vs ICQ、WINCE vs PALM。。。等)。不敢说微软每次都一定会打赢战争,但至少微软的对手都很谨慎面对微软的攻势,而不会像SONY这样的嘴炮猛发掉以轻心。
从这次的 [ANA] 晶片已经看出微软的战略端倪,他们是真的很有系统的规划XBOX360整体战略,而非随便急就章推出,后续是不是还关于XNA开发工具、DIRETX 10次时代标准的震撼弹公布还不知道咧。所以面对老谋深算的微软真的要小心啊!!!!
本文原作者:快刀乱麻 转自:http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=160888687
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