Toshiba 的单面3层 HD DVD 格式正式被通过, 容量达51GB, 赶上Blu-ray光盘的50GB!
但51GB的HD盘短时间内不会投放市场, 因为目前商店里的HD-DVD播发机只能播放双层的 HD-DVD
Toshiba's been demoing a triple-layer hybrid HD DVD / DVD system for a couple years now, but it's been all unofficial until today, when the DVD Forum steering committee voted to approve the spec as part of the Official HD DVD standard. The third 15GB layer bumps the total capacity of HD DVD up to 51GB, matching Blu-ray's 50GB disks. Of course, we wouldn't expect to see a flood of content on the new disks anytime soon, what with all those shiny new double-layer players getting sold right now, but it's interesting to see HD DVD step up in the one area Blu-ray was clearly superior. The stalemate continues! . |