Maximum Force Push ranks
Enter "EXARKUN" as a code.
Maximum Force Repulse ranks
Enter "DATHOMIR" as a code.
Maximum Saber Throw ranks
Enter "ADEGAN" as a code.
Amplified lightsaber damage
Enter "LIGHTSABER" or "COUNTDOOKU" as a code.
All Force Talents
Enter "JOCASTA" as a code to unlock all Force Talents.
All lightsaber crystals
Enter "HURRIKANE" as a code to unlock all lightsaber crystals. Note: Enabling this code will remove all lightsaber related Holocrons on the current saved game file.
All databank entries
Enter "OSSUS" as a code to unlock all databank entries.
All combos
Enter "MOLDYCROW" as a code to unlock all combos.
Aerial Ambush combo
Enter "VENTRESS" as a code to unlock the Aerial Ambush combo.
Aerial Assault combo
Enter "EETHKOTH" as a code to unlock the Aerial Assault combo.
Aerial Blast combo
Enter "YADDLE" as a code to unlock the Aerial Blast combo.
Lightning Bomb combo
Enter "MASSASSI" as a code to unlock the Lightning Bomb combo.
Lightning Grenade combo
Enter "RAGNOS" as a code to unlock the Lightning Grenade combo.
Lightsaber Impale combo
Enter "BRUTALSTAB" as a code to unlock the Lightsaber Impale combo.
Saber Slam combo
Enter "PLOKOON" as a code to unlock the Saber Slam combo.
Saber Sling combo
Enter "KITFISTO" as a code to unlock the Saber Sling combo.
Sith Saber Flurry combo
Enter "LUMIYA" as a code to unlock the Sith Saber Flurry combo.
Sith Slash combo
Enter "DARAGON" as a code to unlock the Sith Slash combo.
Sith Throw combo
Enter "SAZEN" as a code to unlock the Sith Throw combo.
New combo
Enter "FREEDON" as a code to unlock a new combo.
New combo
Enter "MARAJADE" as a code to unlock a new combo.
Play as Emperor Palpatine
Enter "MASTERMIND" as a code to unlock Emperor Palpatine.
Play as General Rahm Kota
Enter "MANDALORE" as a code to unlock General Rahm Kota.
Play as General Rahm Kota (drunken)
Enter "HARDBOILED" as a code to unlock General Rahm Kota (drunken).
Play as Kashyyyk Trooper
Enter "TK421GREEN" as a code to unlock Kashyyyk Trooper.
Play as Proxy
Enter "PROTOTYPE" as a code to unlock Proxy.
Play as Scout Trooper
Enter "FERRAL" as a code to unlock Scout Trooper.
Play as Senator Bail Organa
Enter "VICEROY" as a code to unlock Senator Bail Organa.
Play as Shadow Trooper
Enter "BLACKHOLE" as a code to unlock Shadow Trooper.
Play as Stormtrooper
Enter "TK421WHITE" as a code to unlock Stormtrooper.
Play as Stormtrooper Commander
Enter "TK421BLUE" as a code to unlock Stormtrooper Commander.
Jedi Adventure robe
Enter "HOLOCRON" as a code to unlock the Jedi Adventure robe.
Jedi Ceremonial robe
Enter "DANTOOINE" as a code to unlock the Jedi Ceremonial robe.
Kento's robe
Enter "WOOKIEE" as a code to unlock Kento's robe.
Sith Stalker armor
Enter "KORRIBAN" as a code to unlock the Sith Stalker armor.
Unlockable Charcaters
Entry Location:
Under Code Entry in the Options Menu
Enter the following codes to play as the following characters:
AAYLA - Play as Aayla Secura
SECURA - Play as Aayla Secura (Green Skin)
MAVERICK - Play as Qui-Gon Jinn
ITSATWAP - Play as General Ackbar
SCOUNDREL - Play as Lando Calrissian
MARAJADE - Play as Mara Jade Skywalker
Submitted By: C茅dric Gigoux
Entry Location:
Main Menu > Options > Enter Code
KATARN - All Force Powers Unlocked and Maxed
LIGHTSABER - Amplified Damage
MANDALORE - Play as General Rahm Kota
MARAJADE - Unlocks a New Combo
DANTOOINE - Unlocks Ceremonial Jedi Robes
WOOKIEE - Unlocks Kento's Robes
HOLOCRON - Unlocks Sith Robes
KORRIBAN - Unlocks the Sith Stalker Armor