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' q- i% C4 S1 a' p, M Hi, 各位, AC5的台词重新启动了^_^.
0 E3 B9 }; D' c5 I* k 啊....一隔就是半年的时间, 说起上一话, 已经是年初的事情了, 现在工作和生活上也比较稳定了, 所以想捡起还没有翻译完成的AC5起来....虽然貌似AC0的翻译偶是插不上一腿了^^b, 但是偶可以将AC5进行到底就已经满足的不得了了^_^, 毕竟前面8个MISSION都挺过来了的说, 不能让自己食言的说. - y0 K2 ]6 E/ b1 H6 A
这次的M9台词异常的多, 幸好年前已经翻译掉了一部分. 另外, 偶还是保持着不断改进的作风, 希望大家投入欣赏的同时也能不断的添加好的建议, 只是那个关于字的对齐问题....实在是要了鄙人的命了, 从下一话开始决定中文对话全部顶格.>_<
8 d9 V) x( z, Z1 o 为了对上下文有一个好的理解, 那么Mission 8的台词也贴在下面, 有兴趣的就看一看, 毕竟今天的主菜还是M9嘛, 嘻嘻..... MISSION 8: https://bbs.a9vg.com/viewthread.php?tid=628375- _6 A+ \2 k* ~
4 Y- O& G' O2 _# | 好了, 让我们直接进入下面的主题:
" t. g% q" u. R4 K6 _0 m3 I/ V" Q8 Z* I' t5 u3 ?% k; S8 f
+ K1 Z% v, j% ]: v/ i+ A3 I
2 r# y1 _9 a U2 U# [* }前情提要
2 [$ I2 Q/ P" Z
8 U& g+ d$ [. ~ 上一回中, Wardog中队接到Akerson山岭一代巡逻的任务, 不料任务中遇到前往North Point中立国的运输机Mother Goose One, 由于运输机雷达受损, 所以无法安全脱离AA防空区域. 毫无疑问, 带领运输机脱离的任务就交给我们的Wardog中队了.
- R0 u! I% h( ^2 \& N' d& \" S# \% e% _ 命途多喘, 眼看护送任务就要完成的时候, 没想到运输机上发生了意外事件, 在Wardog还没有弄明白到底发生了甚么事情的时候, 一位自称为"Mr.Cargo"的声音出现在通讯中, 并告知, 机长被间谍枪杀. 事出突然, Wardog协助"Cargo"进行紧急迫降, 迫降完毕后....8492中队随即登场, 并接替了"护驾"的任务......Wardog中队并没有意识到这里面哪里不对劲, 到底是哪里呢, 哪里呢, 哪里呢? 也许到下下一话我们就见分晓了....XD 8 j3 C1 ?/ r7 ?, V: H1 M8 s( O
而另一方面, 在遥远的天边, 同时也发生了另一件意外的事情, 那就是在上一战"沙鳥防卫战"中曾立下汉马功劳的"白鸟"——Arkbird, 它在一次接收地面发射上来的物资补给的时候, 不料被里面混入的炸弹破坏了"心脏"——发动机, 这样的话, Osean和Yuke两军的平衡将被再一次的被打破......, v7 N' ? z M! O
1 X3 m4 N- u [5 i' T+ ]+ R/ S今次的任务:" f, B" b1 l: ?6 Y) j7 {7 `
今次, 似乎Osean司令官再也不甘忍受被动挨打的局面, 他决定再次扭转整个战局——直捣Yuke黄巢. 所以, Osean军挑选了大量精兵组成登陆部队, 并由Wardog中队在内的大量空中力量进行掩护, 目标是夺取Yuke共和國bastoc半岛上的一座军事要塞(大型堡垒)..... x% I7 n; y8 l! r1 {. G
在Perrault上校的简报中, 他似乎有点头脑发热的说着: "作战目标只有一个, 我们入侵并占领Yuke的领土......"1 Y) v6 Z6 B, n0 x4 @ L1 M5 O
看似令人热血沸腾的一句话, 在我们Wardog每个人心中究竟是怎么样的呢?8 v: j2 U# L6 a# B' H
是带来了激昂向上的斗志, 还是满怀的困惑和不安?..... M! a4 T! d2 D
$ ?- [4 }3 J2 ?6 o" W( P8 k3 L: t0 ] 拉开的保险....3 e g+ }3 v7 p3 S
踏上异国浅滩的第一个脚印....$ c4 j( v: j8 S# k E
....3 R2 u' s6 ~; l# j. F( x: Q
这, 一切还只是个开端....
- D$ r# v. \' Z! E( _1 H# I1 }, p3 ^ 对, [憎恨的开端].... ; |4 ?: k/ [8 m
========================================================6 T+ Y6 f! T' V
) x; ~2 }, Q5 ^4 ]: DMission 09' W/ B6 O4 X% |4 F8 y4 n
4 c4 i3 r* V/ x/ |4 b憎しみの始まり(憎恨的开端)% |# b) O+ _, T0 g
8 x; g% a$ h% ~) ^ 作戦名?日時?場所
0 Z. y. h4 ~& T# H. eDATE > 2010/11/01 0 p- g' _# k5 \( Q; S8 J6 ?% E% T0 i$ d
TIME > 1100HRS
! F5 @" C0 j: {) A+ \- i. `- l5 uAREA > BASTOK PENINSULA LOCATION > 04?32'42"S 123?29'45"E
) T J9 C/ x( `: R x3 b: |
! k+ s: ~5 ]& B- v# { Briefing
4 j0 I& ]* F, b" y# [; S# {5 b- |) l% t' V) T9 x; a6 `
(Colonel Perrault) Our army is finally ready to conduct a large scale counterattack against Yuktobania. If we succeed, we'll never have to face the humiliation of those Yukes trampling on our homeland and yet. The goal of this operation is simple. We invade and occupy the Yuktobanian mainland. 9 K# @3 `; g4 j, A9 o* L- F$ B+ N
我军终于准备展开对YUKE共和國的大规模反攻作战. 如果作战成功, 我们将从此摆脱Yuke军长期蹂躏我国领土所受的屈辱.此战目的非常明确----直接入侵并占领YUKE共和國本土!8 a3 W Z- C7 }- ^0 C
( s: k6 J3 R0 ~5 w! P
- P6 W! t- v8 ?5 D) x# L We are going to conduct a large scale amphibious assault against Yuktobania on the Bastoc Peninsula. This mission will be called "Operation Footprint". The landing force will be selected from the 1st and 2nd Osean army battalions. They will be divided into four companies, A, B, C, and D and transported to the area by our landing craft. Upon landing, each division will fan out and destroy the enemy bases scattered throughout the area, then rendezvous and reform into a single large force unit to assault the final target, the fortress. The Yuktobanian defense positions along the coast are tightly dug in and we have concluded that the air attacks alone will not be enough to destroy them. Therefore, "Operation Footprint" will be a syncronized air and ground attack to neutralize these positions. It is critical that you follow the specific targeting instructions of the ground commander to maximaize the effects of your attacks. We are expecting poor weather conditions and fierce resistance from the Yuktobanian defense forces. The fortress is protected by pillboxes and a defensive wall. Provide close air support for the ground forces and get as many soldiers as possible inside.
8 @0 D, h4 [, O, N" j" m$ a9 n 现在开始发动对YUKE共和國Bastoc半岛的登陆作战, 此役我们将以"FOOTPRINT(着陆点)"为代号. 首先,我们将从Osean陆军中的一营和二营中挑选登陆部队的成员. 然后按A,B,C,D分成4个不同的连, 分头由登陆艇输送到指定区域. 登陆后, 每个连分散行动, 并逐个瓦解不同地区的敌陆上武力, 最后再汇聚成一只主力部队集中攻击最后的目标----堡垒. Yuke军的防御是非常坚固的,而且我军认为单方面的空中火力将不足以致敌方于死命. 所以,这场"FOOTPRINT战役"需要协调空中和陆地两方面的交相进攻来压制敌军的防御火力.为了使自己的进攻发挥最大功效,建议一边执行地面总指挥交代的具体任务的同时, 一边对具体情况采取具体措施. 不要期望届时有良好天气招待各位, 来自敌人的防御火力一定会非常凶猛. 堡垒被碉堡和防御壁坚固的防御着. (你们的主要任务是)为地面部队提供近空支援,保送尽量多的士兵攻入堡垒.. U) v- s8 Y: G+ ~9 s4 j; J ]
+ o, T& g' l2 X, J1 g(Colonel Perrault) I wish you the best of luck in battle.
; {4 I1 d: ~( O" `* `- Y4 k 诸君战场上好运!, a% d$ u. c! i: t7 I5 i
7 n$ X& v) Y1 k s( u5 M
$ b' _+ f# U8 H3 w1 I+ z! `* M% \$ [* x: b
(Caption) Bastok Peninsula, Yuktobania 1630hrs. Nov 1, 2010 , L- J9 \ C2 u/ E
Bastok半岛, Yuktobania共和國, 16:30, 2010年11月1日
$ c% ~$ F3 g5 b1 P7 L% a/ J4 @: Y" j& A+ [
* K* D# N3 H$ I6 e0 _
7 W; g0 E7 k# w% l) POsean Scout Terry. Got something I need to tell you...
+ M9 i* x7 P9 A Terry, 有话想对你说....
/ t L0 p8 C; R0 W, h( c$ M
) g7 R: D9 g9 AOsean Scout The enemy's right in front of us, Scott. Save it for later!: n& P1 n# a% ?
敌军就在前面了, 有什么迟点再说吧!) \" @1 x, F, f3 F
7 n5 w) Z3 `& COsean Scout Yeah, I guess you're right. Later, then. 4 T( f6 {0 y3 a/ H7 q2 X
哦,也好.那就稍后再说....: r% w+ N [! t" G1 _3 l
; b3 }* Y. d# M6 W! iAWACS Thunderhead The four companies will now land at their designated beach heads. Commence close air support.
) a: o5 e! V! [6 C 4支登陆队伍应该已经到达到指定海滩抢滩登陆了. 开始进行支援.$ ^* P4 e" u4 f/ q+ m$ N' z
3 W8 ~' D i, w5 P; o& C4 wOsean G Company D This is Company D. We're almost at the beach.
3 m3 t% y" ]) e9 H& i @( H+ S 这里是D中队. 我们已经抢滩登陆.
' ^5 `- @1 w8 g/ x, ?1 c$ \+ q
: A4 i5 B3 E- k; `2 ZChopper Go. Move forward! You're almost there. That's it! Row! Keep rowing!
( h" M" b/ _+ Q* Q/ B8 D3 ~/ ^/ p 上! 前进! 就快到了. 好样的! 冲! 冲上前去!
3 }( s6 o6 F) Z" U
$ l4 O( K3 @/ [/ R9 B- _. DChopper The hell with this war...% C. c- N T; p; B0 a f
让这场战争见鬼去吧....' l4 m& z- Y6 w( `; {$ ^
0 E# ? k" u& f0 x# ]8 u
6 s6 D# y: h9 m! Z% D# f0 @Osean G Company A This is Company A. Landing successful! Deploy the armored vehicles, now!: h7 G; f% w# c$ H `, V" g
这里是A中队. 登陆成功! 装甲车立刻散开! ( C7 X% b. y8 r7 ^1 X9 z
# i( c$ H0 W9 A9 S k
$ f. M8 I+ [6 P! e# N% JChopper Move, move! Land already! Hit that beach and start running! There's no time to kiss the ground!0 G( m0 t; n% w' n3 `3 P
前进, 前进~~! 已经登陆! 踏上海滩后立刻前进,不要有半点犹豫!
, F0 P0 v/ w1 U3 d" i/ S% z
( _' x6 r4 a2 x' a7 l, j 6 z* b0 M! p3 m
1 {! f8 }4 S, M$ f$ M/ [' ]
& g# x: t4 w& {# U' YAWACS Thunderhead Landing confirmed. Continue your support. Fly top cover for the armored vehicles.7 J6 Q2 G4 A* r+ A$ y, x1 G
确认成功登陆! 援护部队请继续支援装甲车. ) X/ d' _1 b X& z' Q3 O0 H
: z# _* @. r5 Z0 E* d# }/ Y: S5 D6 t( X* I, Q) b. z
Osean G Company B こちらB中隊。防御陣地からの砲撃が 激しく攻めあぐんでいるところだ。& j) F2 ~- ]+ c& E+ y: T
这里是B中队, 我们遭到防御炮火的猛烈攻击! . l5 S* ~+ D( r
7 M7 Z* D$ `+ @2 w$ c+ o) oOsean G Company B Halt the enemy fire with an airstrike. We'll charge in at the same time!0 L2 T Q+ N* N1 [* I
" T/ G) k7 i9 |% U# l u 6 {$ j) i) O/ o+ k7 b3 N% a
AWACS Thunderhead Hurry to the designated area and provide close air support. Activate your radar map to check location.' n& y( t9 _4 q
请速去指定地点支援. 用你的雷达先找到坐标定位.
+ M% u% _. g a 6 P: y- E# U! h6 K7 P
% N1 f# t" c$ b- N
ChopperAsk Is the attack target confirmed, Booby?
! Q; e* x9 N/ {: r$ T: \- b' X H 找到攻击目标了吗,伙计?: j! x* M$ P9 \
]3 {1 Y2 l8 x% c
ChopperYes Roger. The trick will be to match our timing with the ground forces.
7 d& c& s5 E& M1 V$ s" E 知道了. 诱敌攻击将配合地面部队的进攻时机同时展开.
% ^6 w9 ~# X! j2 A6 m; N# }. ^* {1 N, M
ChopperNo Check your radar again.
3 _0 A+ ? ~$ G6 L, ~3 M2 _- v 再次查看你的雷达.
! d$ d. w0 W( I2 z# J, z( B3 p : A+ v) ~/ |% S9 ]: H9 _
7 `; I% \" T @6 Q3 s' S$ [; S' WNagaseAsk Blaze, air attacks can only silence the bunkers temporarily.
- }1 A) ^, P8 k Blaze,空中袭击只能***敌人防御火力一小段时间.
& h7 U- z# P6 o8 J% O
) i9 u+ Q, b M9 E4 BNagaseYes It looks like they can only be destroyed with the aid of the ground forces.2 m2 E' o7 I* D- s
/ ?% z' |4 B7 d2 G3 D9 D; N2 ]
' q7 u& j5 Y- }" \/ s, FNagaseNo The bunkers are extremely tough. Our weapons alone won't suffice.
3 D- `+ y/ M+ b l 敌人的防御阵地(碉堡)太坚固了, 我们的武器对它不起作用.2 q6 E" w* g" Q6 |
D% F1 o: a- C a& Q s8 R
/ n4 u+ f9 q5 m/ c
Chopper This operation is pointless...
3 w7 v* }& x/ D, y$ K 毫无意义的一次行动.... , d; H2 v3 X% w8 n: i
/ q [0 i1 `0 Q: ]8 Z/ J5 O/ ZChopper These guys are just gonna storm in, head-on, following orders. That's how war is fought. That's why I hate it.
: A( Q3 r. o/ b9 o1 T 这些家伙就这样照搬指令直接冲进去!!???....就是因为每次打仗都是这样....我才讨厌战争... 8 U' o8 R% C+ j3 P; z1 W6 P: ~! b
- f/ b9 u8 h3 C- T' aChopper How could the President authorize an escalation of the war like this? This is insane. We'll get bogged down in this forever.& O* a) C. O7 s* q
无谋的大总统竟然选择扩大战争. 无药可就了. 我们会跟着他一起葬送在战争里.
2 q- |+ r: B0 u9 s5 t* q& I6 G1 c
Chopper Hey, that Mr. Cargo guy was the President, right?1 B5 o' \ @0 C" M; p8 [
嘿, 上次那个叫"货物"的就是大总统吗? ) o( l9 W( g# R3 v2 x
% N. K$ d% T: `7 k5 I0 dChopper Man...I thought I could believe in him back then.
8 M* v, P. @/ y6 T 伙计....本来还以为可以相信他.
7 z" H; S6 L9 I: Z8 k. D9 |; n% o6 k6 \& T4 O
Chopper I had no idea he was such a wuss.
3 o Z- w% G. w 没想到是这样一个窝囊废. . O" i3 Z O" \4 x* f; B- Q# R5 g) v" `
) \$ c, a; c, L
Nagase No. He's not.8 R# R* r+ e: n$ F) y( z5 p5 V
7 I3 q1 G, L. O+ u: c" B- c * A8 N) A. u+ Q
1 H9 S8 @+ G( F# r( s- c& hOsean Scout Damn, it's like they're plowing the ground with bullets!$ `0 z- H5 F# q$ I
该死! 敌人的攻击像暴雨一样....
- f; e3 w$ {0 n6 s5 u
; ~ L3 ?, ~; _4 IOsean Scout Don't get hit, Terry. I still got something I gonna tell you!
+ B- ~- o& s- ]% T' Z 别死掉了, Terry. 我还有话没对你说哪~!
( z" T- e3 ^* i
: R$ }/ n% ~. Q2 [. LOsean Scout I know, I know, messenger boy. You hang in there, too! ) m7 @# @" N5 j; O; Y
知道了知道了, 比通信兵还罗唆. 你也是,别死了哦!!! . s+ c' D, v4 ?( w6 x3 N
4 O$ x: e+ X: x, b1 E6 C
1 i \: k6 K" u* b) v! v2 QOsean G 上から叩いてくれ!
; m9 U8 E* N. i, i6 j: r4 |7 W+ x' `6 C& C. }& K3 E
Chopper わかった?今?助けてやる? 待ってろ?
- p6 ~, Q0 b5 `+ `) |6 x( X+ G
" L$ E; H, Q% D. }6 y* e* I# S1 q$ O A9 o, Z; Q
Osean GAsk Attention, overhead aircraft, this is the ground forces. Make sure you don't drop any bombs on us!
) O; m3 }4 x: ~- ~# ~" z 头上的航空部队,注意了,这里是地面部队.清注意不要(扔炸弹)砸到我们!
5 Y+ M! K( _+ R% x* ~
7 S& w% w* g8 q! F$ j0 HOsean GYes Roger. We trust you.
9 O5 A' c: L; D+ m* j 收到! 相信你们. # b6 o1 w5 ~. q0 l
2 l1 J7 U2 [7 o" w* Y# M
Osean GNo What? Man, these Air Force guys are pathetic. This is just not our day.
: X3 s$ P$ P( F# R: Z0 V 甚么!? 乖乖, 这些开飞机的都是疯子. 看来今天不適閤开战.
- _2 t: b1 I- i# {! Y8 I+ [4 l" O, s% C
Osean GMute Can't they hear us up there? % `- f* v1 G9 h' z1 d9 v" {5 _
# K" I V' w& {/ f; k0 b+ C# G7 i* }6 |8 I( E) }' E' L
% a+ I3 e% @- F! {8 L9 R3 c
g% K/ J: K4 `8 s7 u# H0 h: T" I
Osean G Company AAsk (pattern 1) This is Corporal Powers of Company A! Even from above, you can tell we're the best unit, right?!
7 P$ T4 A7 ]0 L* c0 Z 我是A中队队长, Powers下士.即便是在天空, 你们也能看到我们是最棒的一只中队, 对吗!?
( ?9 o( F9 s5 b5 f
& B( m- _$ E- }1 tOsean G Company AYes Yeah! Keep watching, 'cause we're just getting started! Company A, forward!
9 r( d5 l4 W( X+ P$ { 好樣的!继续看着好了, 现在才是我们展现真正实力的时候呢! A中队!前进!!!
' }" R2 u1 V2 f4 O' k. z
9 o. h$ @8 J6 E+ `Osean G Company ANo What? No? You mean those bastards at Company B are better? We'll show 'em! . D" ?# i% g% _$ E' ^( @
甚么?! 你说那些B队的家伙比我们还厉害? 让他们瞧瞧我们的厉害!! ( r/ H0 R% c4 Z; @. ]) M1 i$ |
% _ Z; W$ _& t6 F! R/ T
Osean G Company AMute You can't tell, huh? Everyone must be workin' pretty hard, too, then. Good. Real good.
8 n+ h- l% B& Q/ x5 D6 S 你们也无法判断是么? 其实每个人都必须尽最大的努力. 对, 每个人. - r" q c: h) N# C( K' h
/ [9 p( Y# G- I; d5 e# g, s* _; P" t& I( w
Osean G Company BAsk (pattern 2) Second Lieutenant Rubin of Company B to our allied planes. Will you help us make our Captain's last job one to remember? 6 u/ K) z) `$ \
这里是B中队的Rubin少尉, 呼叫上方的战机. 能帮我们的队长打好退休前的最后一战吗?
8 s4 \& N, Q1 z( D, D/ D. C/ b
+ P5 Y7 c: d' k' s2 s: q4 BOsean G Company BYes This is Rubin. We owe you one. Marching to the sound of air support bombings...Pretty fitting for the Captain. 5 C, |! t0 D+ [' v l: h) R
这里是Rubin, 收到, 欠你们一次人情. 空中支援为我们开辟了一条通道....这下队长该舒心了(为漂亮的最后一战).
1 a" ?& j! W7 D+ w. o* S+ g" Q0 Y& f; \. e- I1 }9 {" L, W! A
Osean G Company BNo It's all right. I'm sure your hands are full. Everyone, settle down. Let's wait for the Captain's orders. 0 D: }! E5 t% y9 r! u7 G
没关系. 相信你们也手忙脚乱了. 各位, 镇定一点, 让我们等候队长发落.
0 T1 j5 r! |; l8 x
2 F7 R; @2 E6 Q; I3 l$ xOsean G Company BMute Allied aircraft overhead, please respond! ; p I4 O+ N4 a
8 N1 O# ?' L6 ^ 3 R) B" e# _6 a9 E- |0 {
5 k) G. l- z) T7 X$ JOsean G Company DAsk (pattern 3) Uh, this is Company D. I have a favor to ask...could you bomb our monster of a Captain from the air for us?- ~! n5 k6 ^& R# e
呃..., 这里是D中队, 我有个请求....你们能不能从上面轰炸我们的队长? (偶晕倒....)6 t- M" n! I7 ~3 F0 Y! w5 s
% a+ N! o9 u2 w4 HOsean G Company DYes Great. I'll send you the coordinate...ahh!!
6 u, y: B+ p' D' b3 f-Yes -
; `$ [5 R) N; t6 l5 U 好样的, 我也帮你一把, 哦啊啊!!
& w& m9 k+ z2 C; l3 q9 H+ t, K5 W+ j. a: d4 [4 p
Osean G Company DNo Ah, heh, I was just kidding...Psst, Lance, the plan failed. We gotta think of something else.5 B% t6 R$ F* J/ A8 g
啊..不是不是, 开玩笑的...Psst, lance, 计划失败. 我们要另外想办法.
; K4 o% w. r M# ^- R7 r2 h" l
& y( S: m1 f. o1 J& ?Osean G Company DMute I guess they wouldn't listen to a request like that. Man, I wish I was in Company B.
) L* S' t w# b: {- ]/ c0 l9 g 我想没人会听这样的请求吧. 真希望我在B中队.
: Q q% ~" x, E& `% a9 B- ] 2 @0 o! z4 P% F
3 a5 e' E) ^& ~& nGrimm Did you know? My older brother's down there.
$ P9 O e( t& |) t9 E 你们知道么? 我的长兄就在下面. 2 {% b" {/ {& o
N3 n2 m. H7 W0 }/ l. D, ~: l
Chopper What? You shoulda told me that earlier, you moron! Where is he?
& a0 b0 u1 h+ t4 ` 什么? 你该早说啊, 笨蛋!他在哪儿?
4 P2 V9 F H6 }& @* ]9 |1 c# Q( P" `
Grimm I don't know. They all look the same.
: ]7 ?0 K. r7 z# O 不知道. 他们看上去都一个样子.
+ |$ N" d( w+ U3 P+ @+ Q
$ ^. Y; W% b) P
9 W n* U6 V( {1 b; D7 Q 作戦中(適時、又はランダムで発生)
+ E! V2 I: q1 D) Y. Z K* o4 I5 E9 i2 w" ]
Company A Commander Lee, report any casualties to me immediately. ( l' q. S4 [) ~( v
Lee, 立即报告伤亡情况. 0 j, j+ T" j* S
6 a3 E q/ C! D$ f' f: X
Company A Commander Go! Go! Don't fall behind!7 b, Y" g9 W1 |3 |: s+ e. K
冲! 冲! 冲! 不要落下! + D B6 \# m! @/ X( F' K
4 k8 z+ T0 D8 H0 z1 P9 l! X% D: h! T
Company A Commander Give it your best! You'll do fine, we will prevail!
& B7 _% C- s; M6 z- v: D, ~5 f# Y3 L: s 用尽全力! 胜利是属于我们的!
; y- p4 X0 t. O+ R- y8 H: P- Q# V! A$ x
Company A Commander I can't tell what's going on from here. I'm moving forward with the troops!
" e6 K1 y- i8 h 我们说不清这里到底是怎么了. 我只是跟着装甲部队前进.
( I3 d* B/ ^3 p4 n- P, [% k/ ^) _& {% S7 s+ R) [
Company A Commander I can see better from here. Reinforce the left flank.! x; F" @5 y8 n* J, l. K; D
从这里看的更清楚. 增援左翼.
+ F6 t, n- ]4 S) p1 P8 L) h$ t
/ _7 J; z4 b- d: yCompany A Commander Pretty good! Keep it up!
2 u/ z; Q7 M0 o 非常不错! 保持!
+ b; o x. _% {( L q; G5 I1 f/ e1 U) D
Company A Commander Just as they believe in me, I will believe in them!
( l; i. I% g! R# n0 D$ P; g 就像他们对我的信赖一样, 我也相信着他们!
. b) a9 U$ D5 u$ K( F* o; }, W& t. U$ V( V
Osean G Company A If we can get past here, victory's just a hair away!
* h% R, H- @+ P1 ] X6 g 如果这里突破成功, 胜利就离我们不远了!
& C$ C& e' ~4 w4 P" W; \5 Y B) H' }+ R+ j1 b) J. C) E
Osean G Company A Show 'em what we're made of!! ^0 i) h; n2 _! e
让他们尝尝我们的厉害! ( n$ }" _. d/ t0 K y9 Z' x
0 a3 Q9 v7 e4 e' X: X
Osean G Company A We can get through this. Go!. X, d8 T. v9 r7 |4 O9 e
我们能成功的, 上! , t) h9 m, J4 j5 _: |' q2 H, m
/ a8 o2 \3 t( |; ^( _Osean G Company A Run! The enemy's getting away!/ w5 G3 i; b7 R; I$ v. b' \
冲啊! 别让敌人逃走了! $ ], \ ^$ s2 `0 S% f
1 Y. g1 \; c$ P' }; vOsean G Company A Well done! Give 'em one more shot! $ i0 i9 m) s: I H/ } _
干的漂亮! 再给他们吃一枚(炸弹)!
. i$ f* _2 ~ @) l/ T& {: x
U% j- [( u$ ~- `; l& MCompany A Commander All right, I'll go first. Follow me!
, n" u6 N' \8 g0 F 好样的, 继续向前推进. 跟上!! B' V0 y; @4 Z* z
m8 t! I" x% ?# E
Osean G Company A We're advancing? Through that?
9 A# I; K; t7 H4 y 前进? 从那中间过去?
; D! L+ _- ~; Y7 a) o2 O + b. V' _* j- D
Company A Commander We're going to advance further. We haven't reached the front line yet. 9 Q5 `$ }* } ` {% U7 |
我们继续前进, 这里还不算敌军的前沿阵地呢.
4 D6 C1 f- n9 o# R/ ^' O7 Y5 y, T$ B
Osean G Company A We can't penetrate the enemy lines any deeper! It's too dangerous!. Z/ G9 p6 x$ ^6 Z/ z
不能再渗透了, 太危险! + G$ u1 w. [ ^
2 Q. O9 B/ n1 }; p0 s6 l f0 q
+ {" G3 ] ~, |6 Q) _ e2 EOsean G Company A Jeff, launch a grenade in front of my path! * D1 k8 O, R, K/ _
Jeff, 朝我们前方扔一颗手雷!0 Q/ R3 N2 A9 r5 {! k
9 L9 r E4 j4 D7 |# d1 K0 gOsean G Company A You got it!0 l7 g4 s$ J3 h/ s" k- L
好的, 没问题! ) b8 P$ n; L/ q# x- M2 n
9 o$ @ R- d( @, n5 P+ {4 y% ^- ~
9 x' E* s0 q5 |! f: y R/ W+ X
Osean G Company A We'll go out first. Time for "the usual".
3 P3 y! v. \" j4 t6 j, ] 那我们先走一步. 是时候上演我们的"惯例"了.
- h/ O# I8 E6 V1 M1 Q b$ p$ p6 d9 f1 g7 K% M
Osean G Company A Yeah, "the usual".; z8 S, a/ Q8 i4 N6 ^% z& D. Q; b
噢噢, "惯例"啊. (看过<珍珠港>的朋友们是不是觉得这一幕在哪里见过啊, ^_^) B+ ^$ b' h/ j: O) d
/ r) K+ G, X- ~0 r
Osean G Company A The Captain's here with us! Don't disappoint him!
! k. x! o+ f; k _4 J 队长也来一起参战了, 可别让他失望哦!
/ ?3 J& x0 c g% Z4 i6 v
% r7 F+ n, m8 O" D2 m. qOsean G Company A Right! Let's do it!3 a3 A$ N: p; Z; j1 _/ b+ O4 I
那当然! 我们上!
5 V* e; y" G9 ]1 y8 |. A
: c# P9 U7 j+ Z9 z
$ J! k# I! O3 ]* U9 y6 [% ?% wOsean G Company A Their Captain's come all the way to the front!
6 Z' |9 x& ?7 i! s6 y 队长都来前线了啊!~!
: m' u# A" Q- |3 Y8 J8 E. K( J& I; c7 s" ]0 D
Osean G Company A The Captain? Here?! He'll get killed!
$ o* k6 Z. o; n$ F5 R4 u) g( R3 v 队长到这里来了了? 他会丧命的.
4 n. P6 w6 U5 h1 c" y# B1 {: k
/ @( E& I1 Q+ s+ X! FOsean G Company A I'm glad he's come to join us in hell!
$ Z: a% C! G. p, S& R* S; } 很高兴(队长)能同我们一起出生入死!( k. v' k+ ^: F i
- r1 A) Q. N5 l
- y. I+ B; M! _/ x" ~+ a; `Company B Commander I'm retiring after this, so you'd better not overwork me.
- _- N/ G! d. d2 F. @( l/ F! @9 j4 j 这战之后我就退休了, 所以你们可别让我失望哦.
# e; n+ [, ?* c
7 c' ?$ D1 s! m! [Company B Commander I'm aware of the situation. I'm sending ***s your way. . f8 P* V: ?3 m) b+ [: P
我已经掌握场上局势, 现在往你们那边派遣***.
6 D! @6 x4 r4 N' ^, C
! N W. y% i7 J- I0 N3 ACompany B Commander All vehicles, lay down suppression fire on the enemy's hotspots.
, A/ Q1 o, B+ _0 S 所有战车对敌军热点进行火力压制.
: E) z! x W! K' N! a
. E, v# L5 R' {1 YCompany B Commander Deploy the 3rd Platoon. Have them attack the flank. 1 g) z l2 o$ s$ W3 c
第三小队散开. 敌人从侧面攻击过来了.
$ q6 X; m5 l2 J H. @+ C9 v" p2 f4 B: _) e8 b$ [) M
Company B Commander Paul, how's the mission's progress? 4 [. g! A& {# @* X) c' v: f
Paul, 作战进行得怎么样了?$ \) h L; |) m" C2 X& K2 ^3 r
. h. m& @1 i- w+ t% l) G
Company B Commander Looks like we can flank them from here. Get the 5th Platoon to go. 0 t7 z1 K K9 c6 w% ]* D
4 w7 c' K: ~* P; l: h
; d# [; K: Y1 M+ S" f1 n1 UCompany B Commander The terrain's a little different from the aerial photos. Better adjust our strategy. 7 Y+ z2 H/ d/ C1 P2 |* {
实际地形和卫星照片上的有点不同, 要改变下战略了.) U' u) L+ y( f5 Q2 ]3 B
6 Q" ?# O# @ F' r" LCompany B Commander This is Command HQ. Move the soldiers forward 200. . O' j6 G* S( s" q
这里是总指挥部, 步兵向前推进200.6 j) u* A) i9 M4 u3 r
3 [8 F0 ~5 f% ^ U
Company B Commander Attack from the center...call it an old man's intuition.
5 l; U0 q5 h: _- K& W v% ?$ r 以一个老兵的经验, 我们应该直插***要害.
( i6 _" b- b4 t ?6 k! y; Y9 P4 s L; F0 C
Osean G Company B This is the Captain's last campaign before he retires. Let's make it a good one!
: e# t, {3 H$ E9 K. o2 R" b1 \* p' y 这将是队长的最后一次战役, 让我们为它画上一个完美的句号!. m, e: p( C. D% @; z& w, B
6 k1 J" F! v7 a$ c4 m$ ^$ U9 ]( \4 O
Osean G Company B They're at your 11 o'clock. Can you hit them from there?
7 N8 T, i! ^: @' d 在你11点方向. 能狙中他们吗?
3 l, x5 C4 }- ]5 K' L2 V' s: J
5 [ |; X p; V* A _Osean G Company B Things are going down exactly as we heard in the briefing. We can do this!
! ~4 Z9 P) k/ R k4 @3 N5 \ 这场战斗就像安排好了一样. 胜利在握!
" f* ^- G6 w7 u! V2 S# U2 F( O/ i& O4 t1 J5 H6 P
Osean G Company B We appreciate the support, Sir!
, C5 v/ ^! Q `3 f: F# A 感谢你们的援护!
3 D4 L5 ~, Q/ J$ g# K
+ Y( [, }% K6 T' g2 s' JOsean G Company B Any word from the recon team yet?
S6 s- U9 m# k U' |) J 侦察部队有甚么消息吗?
" H( A: @* j2 \/ O- R- ` \& {1 @; W1 P2 H/ W- m
Osean G Company B Enemy *** at 5 o'clock, range 800.
2 t8 m; u) S, D/ `6 X4 v 5点方向发现敌人***, 距离800!
$ c3 O7 o6 b( R; \( Y j- a7 h: M8 O+ w6 w
Osean G Company B That's our Captain for ya. He ain't old for nothin'! # O7 I5 ?5 W9 v0 E
我们的队长, 可是宝刀未老啊!
! {6 N! `' U* {, x/ Z. r
, B8 I* T5 Q( v, DOsean G Company B If you want to survive, follow the Captain's orders!
' D% V$ L4 N+ n D$ P5 c, S+ e 如果想活命,就照队长的指示办事.0 d. N, p: y1 O; J7 T# C
) C a1 d/ R& IOsean G Company B Be aware of your surroundings, everyone.
8 }1 G K* u/ u7 o* F 各位注意对周围(随时可出现的危险)提高警惕.7 \& N n# h9 P. F. h4 v) E
/ c3 F2 r: I! V% XOsean G Company B We're getting shot at from everywhere!
% e2 [ _/ S# r6 g1 X4 }0 G | 我们遭到四面八方的火力!
( h8 R' H$ D1 a7 b5 o7 U+ k, L4 t' [* Y
Company B Commander Calm down. Check the direction of the incoming fire. 9 O- r, j* b) `
冷静. 先查出敌人从哪里开火. 9 l- ] J& I8 V' U
$ V( Q4 o5 Y" ~' L; JOsean G Company B We've eliminated all threats along our route.
; u: G. |# ~2 j 前进路上的威胁已经全部排出.# x$ q7 e8 s1 O
, h0 t" b- S& R; ?$ R2 S" B6 I u# J
Company B Commander Roger. We're moving the ***s through. 4 v+ w" H" V( m2 ~0 H! H1 }
收到. 我们将派***带路.
) c+ k2 o# j8 O$ T / b: q$ q3 f; u5 x7 y7 }
Osean G Company B Wow, we can storm the enemy from here. 9 x2 d9 c& Y. m2 w% I
哇噢, 这里我们就可以将敌人一扫干净.
0 J! t- N. o* l# e* x) x
% H- K( U8 W# E8 z$ N" ?Osean G Company B Can the Captain see the enemy's position?
0 `, k0 p$ Y" g' _ P 队长能看见敌人的位置吗?( w q: n, S# y6 K9 T- U5 t( T' ^
1 y1 R* b, t& `
Company C Commander A fortress? I didn't learn anything in training about capturing a fortress!* T& z' w' {7 M' E
要攻下堡垒? 可是我们从没有过这样的演习啊!
3 U2 I \6 [( }5 X9 r3 q ( ]- p" K( o2 M( _! {
Company C Commander 先任軍曹、君は要塞攻略には 詳しいほうか? First Sergeant, are you familiar with the tactics of capturing fortresses?
|; t! w: j! h9 Q 军士, 你对攻略堡垒有任何研究吗?% o; s0 [4 W! q0 o& w- a5 W
* J2 {) i* D3 u3 ~: r
Company C Commander I'm not sure about this...Conrad, what do you think?
& U$ M+ z% V ]7 p" |/ ~ Conrad....我不确定, 你希望怎么干? m" p: S4 R$ l0 d6 v
5 {. p, A" z6 y( i9 O i0 cCompany C Commander Stay where you are. I'm evaluating our options. + Y( R0 O7 k: Y, t" I
呆在原地不动. 我先参谋参谋.: N# V+ F. s1 S' e
8 `7 B( Y7 U% _8 m% S4 YCompany C Commander That's weird, there shouldn't be any enemy forces there.% d: w. g& X( x& B* v
太奇怪了, 这样的地方不应该有这么多武装呀.9 b* O. z) U/ d% O( |8 h$ V% C& f
3 S) T! ~! v& X q% uCompany C Commander I think we've already disabled that pillbox. Keep moving.
" O' W4 Q9 F/ X3 E8 S R+ j 我想我们已经废了那个碉堡, 继续前进!
4 M4 l7 i) i; p2 a0 e( a , e4 Z! {' T7 C7 C( y
Osean G Company C I'm not so sure anymore if I'm gonna live through this.$ ~, c6 H( X+ T5 G1 b8 O$ P+ W3 }' v
8 o' D) R7 c4 h$ E
3 G p @6 H$ x7 a# U% V) T3 L7 }Osean G Company C If we take a detour here, they'll nail us from the rear!
7 j& d% B# w2 T- i& Z7 k 如果我们从这里绕过去, 敌人就会从背后直取过来(到时候就前后夹击的被动局面了). (所以不建议这样)6 z+ N+ O& A/ l. B5 J7 o+ n
2 C2 f0 K. j; W4 Q- o Y \
Osean G Company C Spread out a little, will ya? We'll get our tails shot off bunched up like this.
7 ~# Y) J4 P: R3 d1 p, B; X 相互之间拉开一点, 这样至少大家不会困在一起去挨枪子.
2 z8 C4 Y: S9 u+ p$ S) m" O, I6 Q+ D
Osean G Company C Where's our orders? Get the Captain!
- T$ _' h2 U3 ~* g 我们的任务呢? 把队长叫出来!* V$ Y( `) K. k, |* p5 _
6 p8 m O8 u1 cOsean G Company C Thank heavens for our close air support. Our Captain's useless. 8 ~) n8 x2 ?6 v
多亏上空的支援, 没用的队长.
& D" T' |. {8 f$ Z
) y/ p ^; z' K5 h# \ I; \Company C Commander Insubordination is grounds for a court-martial! ) P3 q! v1 S1 M+ k" ~! T
2 E" X- ?( j! h, H; x t7 f
3 T+ y5 {! v1 Z" b8 C0 D* |) MOsean G Company C I don't care! I'm not gonna take any more orders from that guy! 3 ~! f1 l+ O/ L
谁在乎! 那家伙的命令不会再听了!
; `6 r# q' m5 p 2 C; D# M: G# f1 Z+ E
Company C Commander Yes! This is all according to the textbook. We can do it! Good luck!
2 n, d) y2 P, @* x 完全像演习一样的战斗, 我们赢定了. 祝好运!
/ T& L1 g- [5 x- ]$ x/ J! K% @, o; r$ G- ^$ v* @) y, v7 \
Osean G Company C Yeah, thanks. That was encouragement? I think I'm gonna cry... " z" s$ y8 z* C- g+ s5 |# B9 Z
噢, 拜托. 这就是鼓励? 我都快要哭了(说的反话)....
5 j9 d$ S- ~7 [- p" `- D, }- t % [# P5 u) B: m: a$ Y
6 m) M2 q6 z5 f
Osean G Company C He's following the textbooks to a tee. They'll read every move we make!
( T$ J" o$ W k/ W" L 完全照本宣科的指挥, 敌人将会洞穿我们的每一步行动!
/ Q# w. D3 W# ~! H- |! K+ Q; d. w+ s( C3 `
Osean G Company C That's it. I'm taking over command! 9 N2 ^4 V7 @# z9 @
我决定了, 我来指挥!
5 r9 e" q6 ?3 o% R! e3 h5 M & y+ C* f! Q( C& a* x
8 @6 U; q& i/ |7 k7 I0 T3 mOsean G Company C Stand by. Don't move until you receive orders! ' P m R7 ?' S, k) R
全队待命, 在收到指示之前都不要动! # j" x( Y- Q/ C+ _3 m* M3 g
# O* r, N; Y) T% m; C; e1 sOsean G Company C Dammit, the other companies are getting ahead of us. 4 j3 z: h* H% \2 ~
可恶, 其余的中队都已经冲到前面去了!" Q$ u1 w$ J# z/ _
5 c/ a8 L4 Y4 A7 Q3 @
H% D& J5 j+ s+ S& L$ n$ h: SOsean G Company C Is this it? You sure we're on our correct attack route?
3 @8 n7 n! g6 l 就是这条路? 你确信这条路就是我们的进攻路线?2 l! r. r! z7 ~) z; h
3 l0 j& m+ b% M7 x# `% ^Osean G Company C Request new orders! No, not from our Captain, from Company B! . j# W6 f' G" V5 y* ^
请求新指示! 哦, 不, 请B中队给予我们指示! (竟然去问B中队了....-_-b) - {1 P$ J5 q/ I* }, u! U4 A9 j2 [
7 S9 ^, @! R- C$ }! N7 s3 n' ]' B. B
Osean G Company C We've lost contact with the Captain. Proceed at your own discretion! ; M5 A: T7 O: J) d' r
队长失去联络, 我们要自食其力了!) a0 T, e: q/ I5 p5 E6 K5 i
+ ]: l" c' g! v" Q. }Osean G Company C No problem. I wasn't relying on him anyway!
! W) C& C8 U& _' G% c! Q 没问题, 反正也没指望他.
% ]2 a) \: q$ R6 A8 Y0 Z
2 I! W. v% I- K& U3 M- z1 D
$ h! T1 g7 l2 a& u' I% |6 qOsean G Company C What? Break through that line with our current manpower? That's insane!
$ [% X* J$ S$ R# H3 C! y1 V 甚么!? 就以我们现在这样的人力去突破那道防线? 简直疯了.
: P/ K6 [; }4 c/ v) T- Y8 d6 l8 C8 W1 J* ~$ P( T7 I8 u
Osean G Company C Those are the orders? What, you want me to die?
% v# H% V( x/ R3 I/ J$ r 这就是命令? 你想要我们的命啊!?
, q8 k5 @( ~* }/ _: C$ n
9 q$ w( E3 q- u7 S" X$ V5 n+ SOsean G Company C Stupid newbie! This isn't some textbook war game!
3 y+ H6 S" }4 X: J 愚蠢的新丁, 这可不是在演习.
# `* K% s& D. c. }* [. \( f 0 I/ q2 @6 b% ^% E
9 A7 ~0 u+ E' M, r n. RCompany D Commander They're never gonna call us losers again! 0 n6 s4 b2 f, o ]
( B0 c; M, J2 A; Q. n2 L. g1 L# X8 a6 r
Company D Commander Go, go! You too, Mark! . Z% a4 |8 K6 w) p! e8 L
上, 上! Mark, 你也上!
" L* L- n* P. I4 P9 z
% h; q' ~0 |3 Y1 K1 W) yCompany D Commander We'll be all right now. Continue the advance! 5 Q& h9 y, e* W; d; ]! p
没问题的, 继续推进!
( ?5 k; g! b I/ k9 ]( h, {5 I; E# ?# j/ M; a
Company D Commander Why did the vanguard force just stop?!
) o' O, ~" M% G5 h8 c% q5 ^+ X2 q& h 先锋部队怎么停下来了?
" @4 H u _6 q3 |, h) ?# M% L- t7 c2 F
Company D Commander I knew you guys had it in you! Keep it up! # {1 Q& R6 \( N. q1 N t$ Z t! W& Y
就知道你们都是有出息的家伙! 好样的, 保持!
. I, @* I7 T1 f+ @* m7 q3 P
7 ]+ R$ c/ Q3 @5 g hOsean G Company D Automatic weapons, fire away at targets over there! 0 y; F7 K* n3 b1 ~/ K% X- r
发现重机枪, 朝重机枪开火!" Q5 W. u/ g- T6 E
7 t# E' g2 _6 }0 K3 t7 i$ ROsean G Company D I don't see anyone behind us. We've rushed in too far! , v; Q' B5 _/ ?- r& K
我们身后没有部队了, 我们是不是冲得太前面了....^^b 0 Y% |# j7 s" _+ @8 Q5 \4 k
3 |( z- Y# G; `+ }4 AOsean G Company D I'm hit! Help me! 5 O7 z( {7 X8 V( h+ _# |
我中枪了...帮我一把!. s4 z! v: Y: c
, i" U c& C* W3 F* OOsean G Company D We're gonna run all the way to that pillbox.
0 H. y+ u8 K- Q% J 我要想办法接近那个碉堡.
, k; v& F9 H' A" Y3 V: g" l2 Z8 l& o' P- ^8 A& ^. g7 B8 \* T" i
Osean G Company D That passageway's within the enemy field of fire! 7 N$ f4 R$ P( A- |1 o$ N% r
3 w6 u# ] n# x5 w" u" x9 t. U# d6 W2 x/ a% K, Q0 h* I" I
Osean G Company D The Captain's gonna laugh at us if we die here! 7 K( D: P% I! R9 N! B; i
如果我们死在这里, 岂不被队长笑话! 8 Q4 I7 o s$ x8 G& L2 a# ?6 I; p
" X0 E8 D# p4 o+ \7 G& a7 e
Osean G Company D Move in! Clean 'em all out! . x+ ?) P* a9 }) o0 y% H
向前进! 扫他个片甲不留!2 w; O# k0 u! T
' v6 d2 l Q* V X1 i
Osean G Company D That's the only way. We have to go!
$ b3 ?5 I0 O E0 Q9 M 没有别的路了, 我们必须过去!
& r5 n/ K6 Z3 ] s
. E! N7 Y/ t; HOsean G Company D Bastards! OK, you wanna play like that, huh? 9 K" j: _2 Z7 [5 E" o/ t
混蛋! 既然这样, 要玩老子陪你们玩到底!
: D5 T8 H& A4 h }+ w5 ], s+ h
! y0 U; c0 m& @- b2 nOsean G Company D We'll get surrounded if we move too far forward!
% m$ F1 g0 x# J4 v$ Q, o 前进太远会让我们被包围的! * u2 _2 r$ Y8 `1 H
1 n, Q8 P; | m/ X
Company D Commander Don't stop! Keep going, keep going!
0 C: E3 b. t9 S5 V6 F. j* } 不要停, 前进, 继续前进!
% F+ e* h( H0 ^) ]7 F
: q& f' N' M3 p1 jOsean G Company D Does that idiot Captain realize that bullets don't all come from the front?!
1 l$ P! P2 J# L 该死的队长, 到底有没有意识到四面八方来的子弹.
O! ` }/ | N 7 s: ]! f1 R0 r6 P6 K2 O; n
* P$ @: Y1 _, t: k! \
Osean G Company D What happened to our reinforcements? Over! / x* z: N4 R2 n5 T# Z. H
我们的增援呢? 增援哪去了? 完毕!
( ]9 {9 r; f+ ?9 D( s/ X1 P7 u+ G' Y5 D- ?" y4 }/ {7 s
Osean G Company D What reinforcements?! You guys are the entire force!
! z& y. P& R9 N# \7 h5 ], A 甚么增援不增援的! 你们就是全部战力!
; w9 E1 T- \, _7 ?8 `. e
& C- w( p3 E' i' WOsean G Company D I knew I shoulda transferred out of here!
: P) T( u- U* {* u7 M7 ~7 g2 J 早知道实现就应该调走的." M* ~5 O/ P9 G, ~8 c& B
9 H$ ~& N8 v' [ u- s( wOsean G Company D Save the whining for later! Our target's still ahead of us! 3 k. E+ Y' N4 @ c; N" g
要抱怨等回去再说! 目标已经在眼前了!
5 t1 t/ s* \8 W, k4 o. d A7 z1 t/ a3 T$ ~, R( z
/ H& `, D+ r/ @0 t6 U
Osean G Company D What's wrong with our Captain? Does he want to get us killed?! - {9 K/ J( a' w6 Q7 Y
# p# |( Y4 A6 C8 ~# T" y
& r: l" D7 p0 }+ k+ gOsean G Company D Dammit, dammit! That bastard!
$ ?$ x6 j8 r. i6 A4 H 可恶, 可恶! 这些混蛋!
( ^+ A; Q8 K- o# k. G
/ c2 z& ~5 j$ \% ~% R( d) B5 R3 l$ n$ }( {0 h) T
Osean G The bow doors are busted. Jump off the side of the ship.
1 o; P1 n. \ x9 ^ 艏门卡住了. 从船舷跳下去./ `; N1 V/ ^/ a4 F
3 E2 b( ~2 g/ }$ S, b6 D
Osean G The water's shallower than I thought. We'll land farther away from the shore! & W; `) m- R# b! s
水比我想象的要浅. 我们要再靠前一点登陆!
7 J" |: |* z. n6 f
/ ^# u+ q( l6 Z( j. xOsean G Kill the lights! They'll spot us! 6 c8 t# q$ U- X3 b
打掉那个照明灯! 他们会发现我们的!% F% s( _8 I K5 q' _' U- L
( p) x. y, s0 oOsean G We're getting engaged by snipers! " [4 H) p' t* |
1 e8 w, O$ O$ n0 ]# P6 T3 f {% K; d9 c+ Q2 F _
Osean G The weather stinks. Worst day for a landing.
/ z1 s* Q2 ^$ W& o+ o1 J+ s 天气太糟糕了. (今天是)最不適閤登陆战的一天.' c7 H' E* v2 [$ d8 ?: d0 j/ w
+ V: z/ u0 }' `, K
Osean G They're firing! Here they come! $ Q8 S) x, N, r/ u7 V7 W9 v
敌人在开火! 过来了!; _7 {# @4 q# w
& h f+ [! M i
Osean G I need air support sent to my company first! 2 J7 m1 i4 W/ \3 U }* c
我队需要空中支援, 现在!8 X' k5 K9 O, t& `/ { ?
9 B7 U8 ]* M2 e* n; W" f- aOsean G Just shut up! All of you. Get back in your seats!
& o7 D, p w' D# `! v" ?6 n8 \ 安静一点, 你们. 回到你们的岗位去!
+ y* }/ I3 `2 g* O# U: ]8 f/ R' N; ~, H
- a* O" n! s0 b2 V% G4 ]Osean G This is insane. Insane! Just another stupid decision by those idiots at HQ! , K* ?; N4 F' O0 s1 B
愚蠢, 真是愚蠢! 又是愚蠢总指挥的一个愚蠢的命令!- y7 d5 u6 g3 X
( [/ o( j9 p0 u5 M6 M# j* D& D
Osean G Pinned down by crossfire! We can't advance! ) y" {2 S; T# c2 S0 Z9 |* O& z. p
我军陷入交叉火力当中! 不能向前推进了!: a/ t) A F$ r# w
/ T% t; l4 \% k* {( g
Osean G Dammit, I'm not gonna die here! m7 z- m8 d& ~- r3 }9 c
该死, 我还不想死在这里!' n( _& S1 k; {& P" ^1 N/ `
; V; u% g3 h- v3 u9 ^; B
Osean G Where's the enemy? Where are they?
1 K( u7 r9 v" W# B 敌人呢? 敌人在哪?
9 {- E/ b1 ?$ P# ^$ Q$ g6 B ; O0 L; J' N8 U g; p' Z, _
Osean G No, not there! More to the left! . _; o& n j* V. X% f* {
不对, 不在那儿! 左边!! M1 c: K4 n4 w8 B2 M; k
( D/ q6 ]! h3 Y+ f1 Y8 |4 iOsean G We're too slow! They're gonna get us!
5 R# V# v* U, a 我们的反应速度太慢! 会被敌人干掉的!- P( l- v! [, g" s
w( ~7 e' l2 _: DOsean G Something moved over there. ( c. [# L; B" e2 x" k, a( W
那里有动静.+ z( w; j3 o7 K$ K1 o) [4 B& H+ R
8 [4 m. ]! Y7 f& o4 l& n; nOsean G Move it, or this place is gonna be our grave!
# H7 L4 l( ]' N! G8 C6 n. |9 q! Y 快换个地方, 要不大家都葬身与此!4 a+ S9 L9 [: v ^+ S8 B
! U w4 u1 J- qOsean G I see people! Over there!
4 H _4 t/ J9 {. o; g 有人在前面, 看那儿!
. C+ B L5 h8 y+ W& v7 E
3 g& Y! A3 i% COsean G Man, Company A's just plowing ahead!
: J7 \& z( l" J 兄弟们! 那是A中队!, P7 W& A0 q$ N- G
; M! l: k8 Q/ ]- e8 v* Y7 a, yOsean G Company A's captured an enemy pillbox! $ j" x0 X* m! O7 z$ g
哇靠! A中队占领了一座碉堡! 漂亮!3 F! v: I6 I$ G
- X4 ~, S" s9 `/ C$ B0 bOsean G Enemy counterattack repulsed with Company B's support! + m1 `: J' Q2 S$ A5 v$ b. L" D6 V
# p& d9 h# u3 @0 `# G4 C& ^
' [: i* P7 x$ n) G' N & E+ r9 ^+ t. i! e9 o5 ^
Osean G HQ, requesting artillery support to the landing point! " \( Q* `; D! |* Q1 G4 `
呼叫总部, 请求炮火支援, 目标:登陆点!
- ]/ e# y* }9 F0 o3 V% a5 W3 e7 W/ u
Osean G Negative. The enemy is dangerously close. We'll hit our own soldiers!
; W# z! {8 _1 t4 i8 l 无法实现. 与我方士兵距离太近, 会打到自己人! $ V: ?) T$ v! k s; N7 m2 p g& H
0 b F2 e" H! B5 N2 S+ u `' W' M4 V6 h$ V
Osean G 第4班、状況はどうだ?
' m. C' k' k# \ D中队, 报告你们现在的状况? + C- D+ |, A( ?1 d! D
4 v( O: l' i4 a7 G& ^) XOsean G Those Yuke bastards are blocking our course.
8 D+ x' S1 B' c 该死的YUKE军在封锁我们的前进道路.9 W( s8 V3 ~' O1 w7 |7 u2 ^
- |/ M# |- o2 h0 n$ v. ^% V: x
# x% ^. `2 d0 a. _8 {- A; rOsean G Company D's broken through the enemy line! 6 D2 @5 n, d( b4 y
D中队已经突破敌军阵线!1 k5 `! o+ k5 k
+ `* J+ |3 }! i5 lOsean G What's up with Company D?
/ d% Q1 Z8 a1 {. e( l; i 你刚才说D中队怎么了?
3 v8 e0 Y' r7 P) X5 m+ M2 H3 f! G8 h8 k7 L4 u
Osean G Did those losers at Company D actually pull that off?
; P( r3 }9 u% C) `; j( M 是D中队的那些笨蛋干的? (真不敢相信)
8 A6 e& f' D+ C1 r' m- ~$ e/ V! R% C$ C/ @) @7 F! H' Y1 {
Osean G Requesting close air support.
$ ~ e8 d, M5 M$ t" ~% d9 a$ r- V U 请求空中支援.% h" M: C3 }" K% C4 K/ s
% L& z, t6 ~! m( POsean G Barrage of gunfire coming from the bunkers! Retreat! - v$ s: e {( W: y5 z6 ]! i0 ?
敌军的弹幕是来自那些碉堡! 撤退!7 F; P* _/ ?, T" U* s$ Q5 L( s
* J9 f! b' J! }: R/ i
Osean G Retreat! Realign the forces! % d2 S8 V& {; @8 h z; T) F
撤退! 重新组队!% Q" ~. P+ `5 ] ?
1 C" E$ q. D1 m# dOsean G Requesting air bombardment!
4 A7 q" ?$ c9 }: s/ ~( _ 请求空中轰炸!
2 }' Q( t+ |+ j( Q7 V3 g( E/ g% F9 N
) ?+ E$ d; x. }0 T
Yuke G Signal flare from the other side of the peninsula! What's happening? ; T4 A3 ]+ O# O5 P [" o* G
来自半岛方向的信号弹! 发生甚么了?
+ b7 F8 I C' w3 c0 C) b
7 A: O' Y7 J' A* M$ _Yuke G Drive back the Oseans! & F- H* Z9 S4 T1 q8 |
9 B5 B; e3 O0 b( r' h( f7 Z" m/ g% S7 ^, N0 h* I% W7 {" i9 f
Yuke G Blow those Osean bastards back into the sea! 7 ~6 @# |4 i% @# p& {+ Z
, s9 D: F9 [/ x+ |& V, l+ l+ ]' H7 O7 z! O5 L
Yuke G Are they really storming the beach in this weather? 0 f, k9 W+ w* q1 L# B
u) n5 K& U8 i; n% U: o& J
2 J8 E6 p7 X9 F/ w& c) dYuke G Enemy landing confirmed. Request permission to fire! % U8 ]" l R; T" D: l4 a
敌人登陆确认. 请求开火许可! I3 c& [. p: v4 h- y5 i- [" K
( c$ V+ q E: k, j ~
Yuke G All right, commence fire! # u: G2 w4 H+ t" O$ o9 j0 I1 g
好的, 开始还击!1 T4 X/ F7 L& w
- h9 o8 _, N. }( U3 O! PYuke G Commencing fire from range 600.
) S+ G- t! V' F/ G" |2 W 距离600, 开始攻击!
) |+ [5 i* U5 q% V0 v' @5 e1 \6 O# K* i' O# r* E* `8 x. {
5 V1 @' l6 G( z, aYuke G Enemy forces appear to have landed.
U. U2 T+ i1 G/ Z% a4 x 敌军已经完全登陆. (即登陆完毕了.)
6 Y" \& p, q3 [; J- i4 |! @ y; G" i" v" d9 z- V, o
Yuke G So the enemy's finally made it to our mainland, huh?
8 N! ~; x% D, X5 ] 就是说敌军已经完全踩到我们本土上了?
1 e9 c6 H4 J( N/ N! |% x
, k4 r/ E- z, F7 |8 J+ z _Yuke G Enemy amphibious force has begun advancing. / R- Z& g2 y3 d; m" J
9 E+ t( [% T/ H/ C1 H1 a, r# H% M0 T0 e; x
Yuke G This is nuts. What are they thinking? 9 t" b _% x4 O: u
简直是开玩笑, 这些人到底在想什么?
2 Z4 D6 {$ ~% @* t8 I" x) \) R0 h$ m. a/ \3 s1 c1 \
Yuke G Don't you let anyone past here.
3 [/ B' }) w( ?5 }- d 别让任何一个敌人从这里通过.
8 D; \# m9 A7 d1 n. j
# E: |1 W, l) K9 a, N6 iYuke G Dammit, the TOW launcher's busted!
) r* q ^, i4 \ 该死, 反***导弹装置故障!
' V5 u6 _; p* B
" i. s8 y9 q! q3 gYuke G They're hitting us with frightening precision. % T7 ~0 n$ F+ g& t$ P
8 R" m+ `5 \! c i" s( @9 l N* L" o7 v# y3 H
Yuke G Get down! The enemy's not playing around!
, Q5 o! U! a4 Z. L4 V+ U 趴下! 敌人可不是闹着玩的!- p& W9 P: ]5 u; m4 T) x
/ S+ e8 i0 H n5 q$ w7 l0 T/ I+ k
Yuke G Don't underestimate those enemy pilots!
5 I0 u$ e" V, p 千万别低估那些敌军飞行员!
; k7 q4 j2 ?: K' v
/ L4 i! W2 D* WYuke G Fire! Shoot anything that moves!
. V* d7 i. W% _! X& E 开火~! 一切移动的物体都给我射击! a3 I+ m$ h* W9 {$ e
7 N4 w5 C6 D- l3 |, M- X. nYuke G Get reinforcements over here! We'll get it back! a( K% {6 k7 h. c
派增援过来! 我们要把领地夺回来!1 q- a6 @' j+ L9 V3 H; d: V( P# ?# k
`' P1 T4 t* a% A6 H
Yuke G Make sure you get an accurate fix on the enemy's position.
. N) Y* k. y% a% Z6 Q 确保你们瞄准了敌人的确切位置.. h. ?2 C$ d& ]3 ]+ H7 X
0 p5 G6 V# p" U' X# R& u( @Yuke G This rain's torrential. Visibility zero. , ] _/ d9 V. j/ s# E( R; ~
雨如倾盆, 前方一片模糊.
+ J7 B6 N' g! i0 k
, |9 A6 a$ O8 i5 o1 n* G- kYuke G Report damage status.
$ F3 {* L# d0 M2 R+ ?7 F 报告损失情况.
2 O) N2 v2 u6 P X/ R% b; Q6 ~" L, W: U# X
Yuke G Are the pilots who sunk the Scinfaxi mixed in there somewhere? . y' x" f: K5 w% F) h" D
那些击沉了Scinfaxi号的飞行员也在进攻的敌军里面吗?1 U0 K2 m! s8 g) t F
& [3 V8 {5 Z$ `( B z( ~" u
Yuke G Lost contact with the left flank. Believed to be overrun!
: \3 Q' d$ F# L9 o 左翼失去联络. 恐怕已经遭到全灭!7 i8 m ?9 G& ]- |2 N* q0 J
9 `+ k. m' L- X( `Yuke G The enemy's sending in their best. Watch yourselves out there! : B# i9 E( F$ R6 s# }
敌军派来的是精锐部队. 注意看好自己.
# A6 q7 p0 ~$ n% ~
# E. D' ?: `; Q5 b% i% j: W; C1 hYuke G I see them. Claymores! 5 w( ]$ c) M5 R5 G4 ?$ f* b
看见他们了. (吃我的)地雷!
# {) s5 q6 {- H' }8 E/ k! z" J1 M9 c i( s5 k4 N
Yuke G Be careful, this might be some kind of trap. / Z( O3 V" `1 a) B t4 j, J
注意点, 有可能是敌人的陷阱.
) a7 o1 Y# R! q" E- g6 r8 Z+ D" c
Yuke G Fire trench mortars! ! V6 ~: i! q) d: f4 f
迫击炮, 射击!
% C1 {! e" o/ n4 ^5 X! ~- w& ?2 G1 |6 v+ c5 y, W
Yuke G Dammit, the enemy's destroying our positions with air attacks! / A* r, _" A5 ~. M
该死, 敌人空中攻击正在瓦解我军阵地!
$ t7 P9 c p6 [% h$ P& J5 w: H7 [, l0 G, \
Yuke G You missed! Adjust sights 100 south! ( [( w' a9 G1 u2 B2 f9 R& Z
你打偏了! 修正....南100!4 B F; ]" N# F* B$ @! R' v
- C. G/ ?) w T t! u. x/ C
Yuke G I'm sending reinforcements now. You've got to hold them off! + C# e. R4 Y8 O0 ?
正在派出增援. 你们要把敌军挡住在那里!
" o: b6 P7 `" d& X1 |. v$ P6 c9 M- N2 Z& K2 g
+ u" P" e. n _$ {& a5 w+ h
Yuke G The pillboxes are getting smashed by those air attacks!
, @( T2 Y$ c( R5 C 那些碉堡正被敌机一个个瓦解!
3 Y! m* A+ ^9 E M8 u( P$ Y5 W6 r R# N' v
Yuke G The enemy's entered the block in front of us! ) W- s% |* C" F: g" C+ x6 r G3 d
* H% c2 ~ O" R- P8 @6 X5 p7 n3 r: \: }8 T6 S8 {- Q J
Yuke G We can't defend this area just by ourselves. / A0 O( @0 ^9 }
我们势单力薄, 寡不敌众啊. {& Z7 M0 y- I# _9 U
# N8 t) h' a, T. A% X4 {Yuke G The tables have completely turned.
- X! R* Y3 Y) m* z# q 战场局势已经转变了.
3 R7 a9 J! M$ f/ D7 R* _0 r3 `0 a" J- i! h; n: l
Yuke G We can hold our own against their ground forces, but we're helpless against their air support!
; r, S4 m/ S' ^ 我们可以抵御住陆地上的攻击, 可是我们抵御不住来自空中的支援!
% x2 r, }/ m2 _& t' E& p1 M
% T8 m0 ?& g9 E9 R+ QYuke G This is 2nd Squad. We're taking heavy damage from air attacks!
. A7 ~9 Y& h6 \4 m+ c! ^6 m: Q3 Y/ ^ 这里是第二方队. 我们遭受到来自空中的重大打击!
8 J* m' u! ?- y2 ^' J g
6 q% \, K0 l/ M6 U0 v9 rYuke G Visibility's low. Stay alert. The attack can come from anywhere.
, ?; l( M+ _3 T* ~; U 能见度很低. 提高警惕了, 周围随时有攻击.
5 W- a2 B# `" x% N5 ~
8 F- @) a( |5 N! h+ GYuke G We can't defend this area any longer! : _6 G8 ]9 |4 S9 o0 S. L( a
我们已经守不住了! 1 O: w: G, N# g, Y! r6 W- Z. Z: y/ c
! e7 h: H( J7 h* F
Yuke G This isn't looking good! Our firepower's deteriorating!
" ~' j+ t8 D& [+ \4 c* @ 情况不妙! 我方火力在下降!
- }% [9 U6 ~9 Y1 [# B% \" ^$ T
% J6 a4 k2 z; U5 K0 _Yuke G They got us again! They're attacking from the air like last time.
; W7 W. d0 W3 A7 k( E4 M- S 又來了! 和上次一样来自天上的进攻." N1 L# q' Q% I8 I' S
- H8 H- f6 A: y4 Z
Yuke G Dammit, they're coming this way!
( f4 L4 l; f6 N" R! U 该死, 攻过来了!, T1 s k. q7 I
T* J) |8 T6 y# R
Yuke G Now we're the ones in their crosshairs.
N- ^: G# x9 l& j {0 m; p' r 现在我们成了他们的目标.! P7 W6 [/ H% a$ X
% D7 c8 F4 q! J' I) E' hYuke G Tank destroyed! Enemy advance contained! % ~. _# t/ o$ O0 Q* q4 w6 o
但可被摧毁! 敌军持续进攻中!$ r( e7 L* |4 q1 ?& f) P$ J+ j u
0 M# z5 d) J+ ~+ C, O
Yuke G Commence counterattack! Don't let anyone get by! - |! N# ~. `: _ X
开始还击, 一个都不让他们通过!3 T! `/ E, {. |5 o/ h1 N1 C
7 k+ O" e0 `4 m- }: z+ e7 R
Yuke G Get up! This war hasn't even started.
" x/ ?: u7 j5 c' f# [& Y; _ 站起来, 战斗才刚开始呢.: ~8 {* s( |- N ]8 m% d
1 F) c9 T! m+ \/ k- ~
Yuke G We're getting surrounded! Dammit! 2 b, v* B2 h6 x& W/ U/ w( ?" H
我们被包围了, 该死!% b: c0 g* t: n9 |* P" O3 r* k
' ]3 }+ b/ V; D& A# W( Z& C
# ]- c U& F" x
" O2 p. p, q2 ]- D: Z3 ?
Yuke G What's happening? Report status!
" F( O$ I- \; P/ _6 B, I 发生甚么事情了? 报告当前情况!3 r9 T2 c0 D3 m8 @' z3 B& N6 I
+ g. c; Q& Q: G5 X2 @: |0 H: y
Yuke G It's the enemy! They're closing in on the bunker! 0 c1 Y9 n; G2 `2 g* L" R9 Q0 Z
敌军在接近战壕!, E; g K" L b
. }5 t: |" p4 }+ D7 F- M, J
3 E, Q2 `; I) g* r! S! V0 x! b. S( {
Yuke G Severe losses, requesting
$ u! N {2 O$ I6 b* c 我军伤亡严重, 请求增援, 增援!+ v% c5 W+ O- I& F1 P
0 g s- x3 ~8 _ p: j0 N& FYuke G Negative. We've already deployed all of our reserve forces. ! B- }. K; h& \2 P. K( {1 W
不行. 我们已经投入所有兵力.
5 ], N& v5 m0 d2 |( R/ A* X7 n/ m! F1 V p( Y3 W$ G; R, t% c1 y
( _( l% n" p2 D; d% @8 B$ D! |
5 f% Z# U. h# b+ q' m5 }Yuke G We can't hold out here any longer. Can we retreat?
2 F' s) q2 y4 C; m H 这里快坚持不住了. 我们可以撤退吗?
9 J+ B" |/ [9 U( K' d, J9 _% M* f j5 e; C9 h* g8 O' |# M. S) b
Yuke G Maintain your current positions and wait for further orders.
1 H1 i8 \9 R: ]1 n5 n. M+ w 维持现状, 等候指示.
: [9 t# b! X |+ b1 H 2 w1 e7 X8 W' M# N
2 `2 o5 p# [7 U( A! X
Yuke G We haven't received orders to retreat.
- U# T1 b7 b3 E7 t. h+ }' Z0 [ 没有撤退的命令.0 |2 @; B7 u$ E7 W8 g
- \; Q, F8 h. f- i
Yuke G So what should we do? We'll be wiped out if we stay here. 1 \ i, x3 Z1 n: n; ~3 V
那我们该怎么办? 呆在这里大家都会死.
) E' ~& ?2 Z7 J' Y K2 @9 L
" \+ W0 Q1 [' I5 a$ n; e& p! F
; X+ p5 x' `# t% y: wYuke Squadron Knock 'em back into the ocean!
3 h L- H* V2 y$ h* L- ~9 L& t 把他们碾进海里!
& O1 K+ ^9 b: N: Y: h, W3 O( m6 C; b& ?8 b! @$ T9 }
Yuke Squadron They found us. Fire before they do. 8 v1 @$ ~ N( T5 Y3 Y: u7 v
敌军发现我们了. 先发制人!
8 E+ f1 A! `/ P. \" a8 K J9 M) E( I' g) S
Yuke Squadron I can see really well with these night vision goggles. 4 N3 Z: r" L" ^6 m( h4 P
多亏夜视装置, 我看的非常清楚.
9 ]4 O( j* r0 s$ U5 h: B% L9 ^6 H" W* k- E( U
Yuke Squadron The enemy's advanced all the way here? 7 H7 L) n9 {, o s
敌人已经攻到这里了?2 ]; P6 ^/ C6 S- _* @3 y
1 c$ m8 @ J; ^ ]/ ^6 Y9 z4 X
Yuke Squadron Where did our air superiority unit go?!
' f" }$ L: S, N$ E) K6 m 我们的制空部队哪里去了?
' }8 s" c) h) J/ `" C
4 e/ t/ t, ?+ B0 k& fYuke Squadron Watch out for surface fire as well.
" _" r8 K# E- } 小心来自地面攻击.
) ~7 h4 N4 a- U5 e/ |& c0 B$ Q' g- S* s. J% o, o8 t
Yuke Squadron Target, enemy *** at 10 o'clock. ! [+ c- J r; ]9 A
锁定目标, 敌军***10点方向.
3 L( N# u+ z; t3 y+ m3 D2 b- y& |6 v4 ]& a9 Z0 N9 F
Yuke Squadron Whatever you do, don't shoot them down over our forces. 6 z; T0 _: ^+ m' q" o- ?3 ], |2 P
不管你们怎么打, 不要将敌机击落在我方部队上.4 u: X( \7 U" O4 n3 R- w% o
5 m6 g) A, O: O8 o- j! F$ W9 x
Yuke Squadron The enemy's broken through into the inland areas.
7 k) k5 U' J, S+ ?, x; G 敌军侵入到内陆.
* L& c: ~: j6 e, J T, p! Y0 {6 \$ I% z
Yuke Squadron That's a hit. Switching targets.
; }2 G) B' }: K" K" A: _ 命中! OK, 下个目标....
, |7 F$ ^6 O6 E/ \3 K- {
$ @# t0 k- U! U' hYuke Squadron They're going for the pillboxes! 6 A- [) H* a/ Q7 ^+ U" P
8 ?8 F2 \1 V: U" O! Q" A7 E& h; t- x, E# i8 y1 G) P- `0 p
5 r/ r" R8 a: f5 }7 ~Yuke Squadron Dammit, enemy fighters above us!
. M% L p% f5 z 该死, 敌机就在上面!" d2 v* Z* M+ c4 [1 E- {; |, L6 k3 Q
& H$ P# i$ N4 t* T5 x7 X2 d+ e
Yuke Squadron Helicopters are no match for them! / a9 }8 ? r, h, g6 J& e
直升机可不是它们的对手! ) L. v; e7 J7 [) g3 M8 x
' S) f4 H# }! q* c* O3 g1 v0 Z5 f& A* n* t ~; A8 T+ w
防御陣地第1陣※攻撃中※地上部隊の上陸完了直後に単体で出現?全4基% z o' U6 s) K6 ^+ W
* I! K0 A+ G. [ [+ P; y2 v3 _6 }
7 c! g2 \5 w4 M" s, y( j" Z5 d1 dOsean G Company C こちらC中隊?現在敵の防御陣地からの 抵抗勢力に苦しめられている?
" ~' g' o6 Q1 | C中队在哪? .............# g) {3 I8 K9 E3 S) j9 X( t8 \
, ~. d2 ]9 J7 I
Osean G Company C 上空からの爆撃を頼む?その間に たっぷりと言い聞かせてやる?
* j4 ~! Z# V0 S; U8 v ............................; K7 G" y' [1 g
& w8 T, e3 R" q" a% f
" |9 D6 ?7 L, ? 防御陣地第1陣攻撃中:A中隊の防御陣地復活時
) F0 y7 @8 Y& G% G0 w. c1 p; V7 Y: Y4 Z3 K1 O6 E! J8 t
6 b7 p& }% q$ Q3 {) pOsean G Bunkers opening fire again! Retreat, retreat! * ?8 H) `4 P3 F! D+ s& I
碉堡恢复攻击! 回撤! 往回撤!
. O" c& Q; U4 t- G& N3 y8 D9 u9 L& G v4 D* K3 m9 ?! [
Osean G We're requesting close air support against the remaining bunkers.
8 D) y% o2 w: \* ~* F 空中火力, 请求支援对碉堡的攻击. 0 @! @+ W1 S, Q; P
0 {3 s, \, K. v: }5 X- U) a, O) i/ Y
防御陣地第1陣制圧後5 y; \: Z' f) f( `0 j5 Y
' S6 E7 d D9 A( x) a, z% jOsean G Company A All enemies inside the bunkers cleared away! Position secured!
7 Z5 Z/ N" L, L& X* \. Y2 w' x5 { 碉堡的敌人已经清理干净! 占领成功! ^4 z2 K8 D" J- H r
: m+ h* f5 o( X$ h# V2 ~
Osean G Company B Bunkers captured. Thanks for the air support!
8 I5 O# P+ M, Q9 X9 @5 V: w1 [/ R 碉堡已被占领. 感谢给予空中支援的伙伴们!: a$ J, [* C1 A5 E9 N, ^0 X, L
( J9 o2 @/ D( b- _2 w* {. S% |
Osean G Company C 2nd and 4th Squads have captured the area! * Y/ j0 b0 L9 {) {% \
第二, 第四方队, 占领成功!
* P7 X! e1 `% s3 u6 Z; ?( Z( w# n- n- P9 a/ ?2 G" K; l
Osean G Company D Report. Current position secured. Repeat, position secured. 8 G( [& s b* S: z$ q, K
报告. 当前阵地已被占领. 重复, 敌军阵地已被占领.
l* l( W$ X2 L* s% S- L P0 W5 ?
: S0 O7 I4 a5 [+ U' K6 Y; p0 \/ f( x' d! S
防御陣地第2陣※出現直後※SAM?WATCH TOWERと同時に出現?全2基) v9 G+ G3 j' {1 R& |- W4 K4 i
0 V+ m$ k5 e' Q1 d, `! r# N
Osean G Company A Requesting close air support. Company A currently engaging enemy bunker.
% j4 S3 s7 z3 G A中队陷入与碉堡的对峙当中. 请求空中火力支援.
: U; J2 Q0 X5 w$ S; W) H0 E' l" C( k7 {; ^
Osean G Company A Their defenses are tougher than the last one. We need your help! 2 k. Z4 M0 w0 M& Z0 w0 o9 i
他们的防御比最后一个(碉堡)更坚固. 我们需要你们的支援!7 H, Q: ?2 L) d* o/ O5 F
6 V/ R( `& W/ {2 t5 \8 ~+ n1 d; l" l/ |# {
Osean G Company C Requesting immediate close air support! Attack that large bunker from the air!
o7 g$ A4 e0 ?6 ` 请求空中火力支援, 快! 攻击那座大型碉堡!! [1 O' J; d4 u5 ?
" \# g% ?8 Q* x. l0 W0 F" l3 a. z/ H$ u" g9 c! a4 K# M+ q! K1 u
Osean G Company D Requesting immediate close air support! Take out that large bunker from the air!
8 V' P D0 S) q# O 请求空中火力支援, 快! 攻击那座大型碉堡!
9 |( K0 E( q) P0 S2 L& ?8 W, b: Q% K# X1 S
( e, i0 ^7 _0 R' x* j 防御陣地第2陣制圧後$ p- Z, V$ a2 |/ |8 K0 Z
x$ H. S" F- B
Osean G Company C, D The area's secured. Thanks for the support! c! [: V, A0 {, I! f, s
这里已成功占领. 感谢你们的火力支援!
. b0 Q3 E3 _4 I2 W8 T
$ w* N# e: P4 n1 Q5 Q HChopper It's kinda nice to have friends down below. ; M% M7 A7 Y' R& x
很高兴帮助你们, 下面的朋友.
+ N9 O6 s$ _) n7 [# b$ p$ P& }+ \5 l* p* Z' A2 j; F: c5 L
3 J. N4 H. V8 i& }" v5 X6 b
! t' m& _5 F2 W+ G" @' N: S6 y0 U
. z3 [/ N2 l- x4 o1 z$ FOsean G Company A and B currently engaging enemy bunker.
0 C! O8 v' d: L1 a8 a2 F: Z, V; S A中队和B中队陷入队碉堡的苦战./ S1 U- c0 L9 t6 e) N4 a X3 r1 g, I
' v9 M1 p) z4 P6 b5 E1 R
! h$ Y L; h: {! l7 L: q0 |Osean G Requesting immediate close air support!
9 I/ }! J. m0 \. C( }+ V8 e$ ^+ C 请求支援! 请求支援!/ {2 M! `7 q" u) [8 W# u
, c1 X/ F9 z7 {$ EOsean G Companies C and D will begin their assault after bomb impact from the air strike!
) A+ [4 \6 ?5 [; k 在空中轰炸之后, C中队和D中队会进行突击心动!* G3 @) @2 {3 v7 W, k# v }
, G9 Z ~$ N* Z* y& o n9 T$ n$ o9 B
防御陣地第3陣攻撃中:防御陣地復活時# Y, e* Q% T. ^8 ]/ F
+ ]; q6 |0 a4 f4 l3 g1 U
Osean G Artillery fire from the bunkers! Move the vehicles back! ( A9 z8 J$ H' J r! N
来自碉堡的炮击! 装甲车回撤!
' ?* p" p7 C( \# Z( T4 ]4 g) P: m2 T4 k2 C
" v. e5 p, y( L 防御陣地第3陣制圧後& j; X& e$ T/ r) l5 u$ Q
& I R' \, T' ^1 w
Osean G Company A, B 本地点を占領! ユーク野郎を追い出しだぞ! ※誤植? # k4 `9 a8 p( p: l3 t
9 d( k p# I& ]2 j
, s7 _6 P0 I$ }# GOsean G Company C, D All enemies inside the bunkers cleared away! Position secured!
" ^0 |) t9 e6 _) j" f8 P* b 碉堡的敌人已经清理干净! 占领成功!
+ U* d) Q3 p% X+ V& \# q1 f8 J/ g4 q4 u& `
Nagase Amazing...I don't think I'll ever be as good as Blaze. ( F# W# `' c8 k4 `
厉害....我想我永远也不可能有Blaze那么厉害.) }/ D% j, {$ f& u7 ~
) K6 `: P7 e0 j6 h4 O6 Z) I$ m& b: j0 I1 ]
" s6 B+ O) j' R5 a6 D# u+ G/ I4 ~
: b9 ]" Z1 D3 ?
* x2 f: {8 P- \5 cOsean G Allied planes, we're moving into position to attack the last bunker. ; u6 L* Q1 U- n. R! g
上空的友机, 我们现在朝最后一个碉堡进攻.
' B8 w8 F% M" t. M4 C$ J6 Y! J4 O5 X
Osean G We're requesting close air support against the remaining bunkers. Let's finish this! $ A1 W7 Y u t& E @! d; H
请给予我们空中火力支援. 让我们结束这一切!
7 g- j+ W4 A1 N% U; H8 \6 b
$ J7 M. H' P* [( e/ {
* ^0 d- f2 L) C* F* t, w 防御陣地第4陣攻撃中:防御陣地復活時
, U* ]* W8 C$ [) Y# e# n+ x1 r- y. g$ O% [
Osean G Bunkers opening fire again! Retreat, retreat!
" b$ } O3 f) J* p% r 碉堡再一次发动攻击?! 撤, 撤, 撤4 n' {) Y8 V6 J' W i" |5 {" [# ^- P
" u: r3 \0 y6 k7 @) y% X4 d
* `9 E% m# k0 g2 a5 w: t8 w
* ?7 s3 B, @; O" @( C: ]4 u9 b
6 j+ @* n% A# QOsean G Company D D中隊8班より被害報告、歩兵が4人負傷、装甲車が1台使い物にならなくなった! 1 c- F9 p6 L0 a: `
' v2 `( K/ a4 u5 z/ O
5 V& w4 c! R9 E. U# k
* ] A" o8 N# @3 P7 R1 m) l7 ], l2 R
7 V+ E% v0 J, l! U; z1 w9 C8 i3 o 防御陣地残り6基1 u8 W) W: _3 P$ Y/ `
; }3 x0 u4 y! v; d2 G1 g7 Y* ]: q
Osean G 6 bunkers remaining.
. M( y& K4 ~! [1 w2 b2 B5 v 还剩6座碉堡.# g7 s% K6 @- Z6 p- [% y
- X1 [5 F; J/ y& T' q- g) u
3 m- `! r3 T; v
: J h6 P4 v, H% y* i, S! c _( @ h* Z" i& m) p
Osean G 5 bunkers remaining.
G) }" K' A7 F9 d4 S% a 还剩5座碉堡.9 I3 Z) c- C5 m
( ]# \1 ], g" Z% r& N, y( q( m# P% x# i6 n
防御陣地残り4基4 f1 H3 `6 C: n, e
8 K% G% l5 Z% D' Q8 zOsean G 4 bunkers remaining.
6 ]! H$ K1 L- ^$ ]3 p2 @1 X 还剩4座碉堡.
0 ?# y% p1 N7 \4 O5 y" L
6 {% ^7 f6 w5 w: C4 A
! S/ g/ |4 y2 d" x+ w" H 防御陣地残り3基5 U W" q$ Y) f( \+ j( k8 ?% G
3 l, _ `! H/ }+ p- C6 N1 Y6 }Osean G 3 bunkers remaining.
+ ]9 S2 \% S" Y" K0 Y; O: D' K8 D 还剩3座碉堡.
) [ s w) m" x: j0 H+ C6 d
% s" ]: k4 o) H" k# n8 j: Q/ |% M# {7 s# v, l
% ~- Q5 F6 L* T1 X) _( D9 ]- N7 m8 W, B' p2 Q
Osean G 2 bunkers remaining. " a8 Z3 s" Z; H- A
" L4 b# t( X9 @7 g0 V
! @& t2 }2 j% l7 z# E m i7 L
2 _7 `$ W2 k+ o$ B7 r 防御陣地残り1基7 ?& x- _; ?9 p3 l! G' c
$ `; o! l/ v O3 k4 M
Nagase Enemy defensive fire decreasing. We're almost there. ( `; j! z3 C& U& i- b
敌军防御火力正在下降, 我们就要成功了. 9 ^+ b: ?7 B, |3 q9 \! c4 f
6 H. ]+ R: J" M' G
Chopper I just wanna blow this thing up and go home. This is the worst day ever.
0 M$ l2 h+ a' j. c! G, @% ^ 我只想炸飞这些东西后马上回航, 今天实在太糟了., b& I/ N* g4 r2 o3 W
* R( z9 L- B! s
Grimm I'm still okay. I'll give it another shot.
$ i6 E. c, ?+ ]( `) B 我还好. 对我来说, 算是另一次尝试.- z: X+ M/ |3 x! V
; P# y2 \( u+ }' }, [8 o/ N6 X% i
. C! m4 x. u8 ?" X, s" z# q8 K
7 D5 A0 @+ }& d q$ h: W6 K5 X; d
7 i* Z. x7 N1 g6 `7 k MISSION ACCOMPLISHED(要塞を制圧)3 K! _6 z' p8 K! y
$ K- Y( X i2 d9 b% T9 fOsean G Company A, B, C, D(※pattern 1の時はOsean G) Attention all forces. All bunkers silenced. We've captured the entire fortress! 7 q! b& I- g0 f. t3 j
全军注意! 所有碉堡已被击毁. 整个堡垒已被我们占领!, B3 M# g8 z; U9 b9 Z9 o+ ?
& F4 w+ z# D: mOsean G Company A, B, C, D(※pattern 1の時はOsean G) Did you copy that, Air Force? We really appreciate all your support.
1 K4 Y7 u. W# G7 @ 你们听到了吗, 空军朋友? 十分感谢你们的支援. " ^' A( ~* l2 z) h+ u
/ q/ l* w! p2 G( A
Osean Scout All right, things are a bit calmer now. What's on your mind? Hey, Scott! ' j6 f7 ^5 q# D+ |. H6 w
本次作战暂时告一段落. 喂! Scott! 不是有话对我说吗?# k: c3 b, U, o
5 s4 x3 B. }) x% n- X
1 a0 T& s6 D. s& EOsean Scout(pattern 1) Hey, chill out...Dad. Congratulations! ' p! y4 N7 `+ R
不要扫了兴致, 当爹的! 现在是祝贺的时候!3 l/ c* q+ B% T, Y
7 t5 I; R) C- q }# g' l# s
Osean Scout What? You're kidding me, right?!
& n) W# S" V! u O 甚么? 你不是在跟我开玩笑吧?!# R2 p+ y" r1 g) C# i
" q6 D; d4 h) j: q0 v: YOsean Scout Not at all, buddy. You've got a bouncing baby boy. Hurry up and give her a call!
0 \ M/ E. w _) Z- b 也不完全是啦, 哥们, (我意思是)你还有好多孩子呢! 快给她打个电话吧!
1 o2 [7 d, R$ l5 f1 _: A3 a
6 j. @- u/ q6 P: T1 V7 X0 X% d, _" P- Y9 N/ g
Osean Scout(pattern 2) Look in your breast pocket, Terry. You forgot your lucky charm, didn't you?
) G3 o! y: t' S8 o% z Terry, 看看你的胸袋里面, 是不是忘了带你的护身符?) V' t# g% @ n5 q
Y$ b0 q; j5 f4 W" c& f, Z5 |Osean Scout Oh, man! You're right! Why didn't you tell me?!
2 G: k) z9 @. b6 x" u- h 噢MY GOD! 真的呢! 你怎么不早点跟我说?!!(吓死我了)
. o% v: C0 d* _7 ^" n# ^' Q% N* P2 a& a3 x! M2 {1 a* U( P
Osean Scout I didn't want you to get all rattled. Besides, it's about time you stopped relying on that thing. 6 D4 |9 g, N+ m
我怕告诉你后你会很紧张. 另外, 也是时候该停止依赖那些东西了.( C @6 ^4 z$ ~5 L2 P7 c/ s [1 b
, p( [1 l# Z+ F, a
3 w# m( [: I7 R- L4 L
Osean Scout(pattern 3) Well, uh, I kinda took your money to pay off a gambling debt...Sorry!
6 j7 K. Y& ~ v) T3 w 呃....其实, 有时候我会偷偷拿你的钱拿去***....对不起!
J O% \: k6 o& G) Z& w* q
! P2 P, ^4 S5 N5 M1 dOsean Scout Sorry? Hey, put me down as a beneficiary on your life insurance and go charge the enemy again! 6 p% T3 F4 ]: H$ B+ b0 V6 P
对不起? 嘿, 兄弟, 把你人身保险的受益人写成我, 然后又来找敌人收钱的是我呀! (^^bbb)
, ]- ?1 Z" l" ` - h: y& ]1 A" p3 {) a8 I2 K! s
Osean Scout(pattern 4) Well, I got a transfer order. I'm heading back home to our country in four days... z1 \' c# t$ W
其实....我得到一个转移指令, 4天后, 我就要回国了....
( x, O! i0 B( H$ a; U+ t, p$ r$ a7 F; J+ \9 y/ }5 Z2 }8 g
Osean Scout Oh...so this will be the last time I'll be fighting with you, huh? I'm gonna miss you, man. + s* @+ x1 \" Y/ o7 M& r
噢....那今天是我们最后一次一同作战咯? 老兄, 我会想你的.
+ T5 C4 l* D1 R8 Q: ~* y; d. {# \( c; D$ w5 p* b
Osean Scout Me too, partner. It's been fun.
' s2 d" x+ N5 D; z2 ]. S0 t 我也是, 搭档. 跟你一起很开心.9 r3 s8 o9 O* Y" C% V$ I
; Z2 H9 e$ W7 c! `& @
" u. q- B l# o5 c* |6 E7 ^ Briefing3 d1 O l) w6 _5 z
r" K; E' N! g
After intense fighting, the landing force captured and secured the fortress target. Thanks to the success of "Operation Footprint", we have secured the southeastern coast of Yuktobania. We decided to make the fortress our first forward base on Yuktobania as we expand our combat operations inside the country. After we complete construction of our defensive positions, our ground forces will continue their advance to the final target, the capital city of Cinigrad.7 O4 Z3 n) R7 g' j4 n6 }( g
- x; p* ~" t( q4 s 任务报告& v9 h3 h9 d7 x$ {* n
激战过后, 登陆部队已经完全占领并控制了堡垒. 多亏了"FOOTPRINT战役"的成功, 我军占领了Yuke共和國的东南沿岸一代. 并且, 我军决定将堡垒作为日后向Yuke内陆推进的一块基石, 待我军完成防御阵地的搭建之后, 地面部队将继续向内陆推进, 瞄准最终目标, Yuke的首都Cinigrad市.# C0 E9 i, n" k. {( t
9 I8 r j% y7 d" O) j
4 v3 {$ \6 a, P- T: j7 a# L
! o4 U7 J* S4 q ——The Unsung War—— - 本文原载于A9VG游戏社区
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