至于有人说sony的比小米好,我也是索粉,当日不会买小米,但这个好是基于sony其他的低延迟技术,而不是allm。至于还有人说自动切换到游戏模式,sony 9000d e f g一直都是有游戏模式的,自动切换游戏模式和最新的allm根本没关系。我说sony “暂时还没有支持allm“ 不代表我说 ”sony比小米差“。
Sony now assures everyone that nothing has changed. It is still planning to bring VRR and ALLM support to Sony X900H (North America) / XH90 (Europe).
- "XH90 will support VRR and ALLM via a future firmware update. Any articles on Sony sites that stated otherwise have been updated with the correct information," Sony said in a statement to FlatpanelsHD.