
楼主: jack00210266


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发表于 2008-7-29 23:51  ·  浙江 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-7-30 00:00  ·  云南 | 显示全部楼层
射击的话 XO的好些吧 当然是针对跨平台

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发表于 2008-7-30 00:21  ·  香港 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2008-7-30 00:44  ·  浙江 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2008-7-30 00:54  ·  美国 | 显示全部楼层
我覺得p3很好 XO不用試了 手柄太難看了

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发表于 2008-7-30 03:04  ·  北京 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2008-7-30 03:31  ·  法国 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2008-7-30 03:49  ·  法国 | 显示全部楼层

snowboardererz (18 hours ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam Actually I only own a 360.
snowboardererz (18 hours ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam the online is not better, even the biggest PS3 fans admit that and you'd have to be retarded to not think that. You're obviously a biased fanboy who doesn't have an opinion or any reasoning to back it up.

The communication in better on Live.
joshdawall (23 hours ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam trust me i have both systems and the ps3 is better.
joshdawall (23 hours ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam how does it suck? explain?
seanography5 (1 day ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam They look the same so dose like every comparsin half the time its only the lighting thats diff More people play xbox live and more people hav head sets on xbox live
ca91101 (1 day ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam and thats just me because i have a 360 elite 60gb more than the ps3
ca91101 (1 day ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam 360 ftw
luisluigi101 (1 day ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i traded my xbox for wii ps3 way better..... FUCK Xbox
ArchFILMS (1 day ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam they basically look the same
d0ubl3sh0t (2 days ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam it's the same
vampirelord664 (3 days ago) Show Hide  -2  Marked as spam Reply | Spam to be honest the only reason i think the ps3 is better is because i have a ps3 if i had a 360 i would probably say that was better its probably the same with everyone any console owner will most likely say the console they have is the best of all time.
narutosoccerfan (3 days ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i like ps3 better cause online is free but im thinking of getting xbox 360 and a xboxlive card for 12 months. but for xbox theres more accesories and shit. i dont know...
snowboardererz (2 days ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam The PS3 online sucks.
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WarPig182 (3 days ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply Marked as spam they look the same
alienworshop (4 days ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam on the first one xbox looks brighter and more detailed if you look closely
comsucks (4 days ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam yea i agree becuase xbox and ps3 are same shit /////SPECIAL REPORT

Bill gates is updating a new system for xbox dashboard like wii but a lot better and RENT MOVIES COMMING SOON :D
pbmaniac20 (5 days ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam lag is basically when the online connection is slow, so for example if you shoot somebody and they dont die.
4exe (6 days ago) Show Hide +2  Marked as spam Reply | Spam Omg they're 99% both identical ;] shut up with ***ing fanboys texts "PS3 sux, X360 better" or even "Xbox360 sux as hell, PS3 for eva" ;]
fir3pond (2 days ago) Show Hide  -1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam yea i can tell you only own a ps3 i had both i traded in my ps3 for a wii though wii even owns ps3 360 for eva ;]
De3pz (6 days ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i got both consoles.. i use 360 for games (yes its better), and i use ps3 for blueray dvd's :)
FENTROXI (6 days ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam the ps3 may be a little light in the textures but there is not much differance
spartaxl123 (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam xbox 360 has better graphics and better online play(cause of the chating part)but im still getting ps3...
reviln4 (1 week ago) Show Hide  -1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam they're IDENTICAL
splash706 (6 days ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i agree they're identical
elmalhermano (1 week ago) Show Hide +4  Marked as spam Reply | Spam as much i am a xbox 360 fanboy, i must say, it looks the same shit
dkmandk (1 week ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i heard the xbox is called Xbox ultimate
aap2030 (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam hey wat do u mean by lag plizz let me know cuz i heard of dat word but dont know wat it means
Wiiiskewl (1 week ago) Show Hide  -4  Marked as spam Reply | Spam ps3 is better even though they are the same
Longshot2025 (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam your logic will never cease to astound me.
SMGJohn (1 week ago) Show Hide  -1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam yes alot that you don't mind when you play number one it lag when a car explode in GTA IV on PS3 it lag to but so little that you couldn't notice it it lag in *** Bad company and xbox 360 don't have blu ray that make it bad and it have a old processor and ATI graphic chipset PS3 have a new and better and faster processor and have nVidia Chipset
oyong2095 (1 week ago) Show Hide +2  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i have xbox 360 and ps3...there both great...i love them both very much....
gorgonjm (1 week ago) Show Hide  -3  Marked as spam Reply | Spam there the same graphics get over it

tonytosh (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam I own a PS3 brilliant console but for some reason stopped playing disc sony gave me a replacement but i am getting a xbox360 as i love call of duty 4 (4th prestige) and miss not having rumble on the game but the PS3 is a great machine and will only get better.
vivalaresistanc (1 week ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam Upgrade your controller to a Duel shock 3. It has rumble.
benung007 (1 week ago) Show Hide  -2  Marked as spam Reply | Spam ps3 will be way ahead than xbox 360 in the future... that is if the xbox 540 comes out
demonhunter430 (1 week ago) Show Hide  -2  Marked as spam Reply | Spam ps3 is shit xbox 360 is so much better
octoslut (1 week ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam ps3 of course has better hardware and doesn't break that often. 360 has shit load of games but hardware is average and breaks often.
DENZEL9135 (1 week ago) Show Hide  -1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam BUT DOES XBOX 360 LAG
SYNDeathPenalty (1 week ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam no...
octoslut (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam nope xbox live finds u the lowest ping servers.
DENZEL9135 (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam are you blind or you must be a big fat ps3 fanboy
SMGJohn (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam no i isn't fat but you must be fat since you say it
dumnassazn (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i have a ps3 and i just hate xbox 360 but i have to not lie but 360 trash wins maybe its fake
canderton01 (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam live the real dream? Yeah if your dream is sending your broke console in to get fixed every couple months. haha jk.

Both consoles kick ass. PS3 has MGS4, Resistance, GT5, God of War 3, the list goes on. PS3 has many good games.

I will say that as far as first-party titles go, I think the PS3 wins hands-down. That's my 2 cents.
imsamurai3000 (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam God of war 3 isnt out and Resistance is nothing. As far as First party titles go, Halo, Crackdown, Gears of war, Are the much more fun Games to play. I'll admit metal gear solid is amazing. But that's all. I wouldnt spend 500$ to buy metal gear solid.
canderton01 (1 week ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam So just cuz God of War 3 isn't out means it doesn't count? And Resistance isn't amazing but it is a solid title... it's a much better title than Crackdown, Crackdown is just average. Halo2 & 3 were crap, COD4 is way better than halo 3, and yes Gears of War is an amazing title so I will give you that. The only two first-party titles that I really like on the 360 are the Forza series and Gears, other than that, most games I like on the 360 are also on(or coming to) the PS3.
PlaystFreak (1 week ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam the graphics look the same lol
SAMPHILIP45 (1 week ago) Show Hide  -1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i gt both ps3 n xbox 360 n i hv to say ps3 everyone is a noob! im lvl 14 with like acog mp5 n acog m16 its so easy when xbox 360 u might atually have a chaalenge !!!!
Sandstorm545 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam Guys they both look the same...
DRZROCKZ (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam cmon guys dont argue over the fact xbox360 has grapics its hes disition just leave him alone dont say ohh he sad xbox360 is better i much trash talk him because i have to defend ps3 no it dosent work way its just stupid
P0lliere (2 weeks ago) Show Hide  -4  Marked as spam Reply | Spam 360 rulez
daw00ta (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam amen man
ToBeNoah (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam Your spelling "suchs" and PS3 rules.
imsamurai3000 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide  -1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam The PS3 is a horrible waste of money my friend. I'd think someone who can actually have the intellegence to type would understand that. It's games are crap and it's just an overpowered paperweight. Buy an xbox360 and live the real dream.
daw00ta (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam lmfao u just talked pointless shit about the ps3. care to elaborate?

"if u cant afford a ps3, stfu and go buy something cheap (wii/360)" sigh
imsamurai3000 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +2  Marked as spam Reply | Spam I own a ps3 thanks. I really feel like returning it. It was a piece of shit. Seriously. Why don't we start off by looking at the ratings. -sigh-. The xbox360 exclusives have higher ratings than ps3. The xbox360 so far has better multiplayer servers than the ps3. If you would like a reference to the ratings or the online I can post it. Blu-ray is the only reason I think the ps3 is worth spending a penny on. Oh, And MGS4
megamunchit2008 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +3  Marked as spam Reply | Spam FUCK Xbox 260! 2 meaning, buy one, expect to buy a second one in a aprox. 2 months.
PLMQAZED (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i agree what u said is 100% true though the x360 is using stronger better gpu for (shading/lighting)also performance trust me those are the facts but 3/4 of games are programmed on the microsoft standard which the 360/pc use and are ported to the ps3 u cant just make a game and change the source so it works on each console i am a programmer at epic games i didnt work on gears but worked on ut3 a little which is actually visa versa for ut3 devoplment
InfraRedSkittle (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam Absolutely the hardware means everything.. The games are built around the hardware.. But since this game is a cross platform they have to put standards on it.. Like gears of war that was JUST for 360 and it had really good graphics just like MGS4 just for PS3 that also has very good graphics... Games are built for the system not the other way around.
Jesper611 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide  -3  Marked as spam Reply | Spam I have Just buy a Xbox 360 with Halo 3 and Overlord i will take the Xbox there is many games 2 it and not so many 2 the ps3
Caygo07 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam and then u woke up?
marcus01261994 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam just cause it came out aftern the 360 that doesnt mean its better and if you wanna look at it that way if the 360 came out when the ps3 did it would be way better than the ps3

why cant people just say there both a tie cause both are great systems and siffrent features that the other 1 dont have
sansom69 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam They are the same. They were produced with the same artwork and the same video animations. They didn't code an entirely different game for the PS3 and the X360. How stupid and time intensive would that have been? Plus WHY would they want to make one different or better even if the hardware on one system supported it? It would just alienate the other customer base. They're NOT going to do that. They want EVERYONE'S money!!!
marcus01261994 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i dont say much on comments and boardsand stuff but i know people allways talking about the p23 hard ware and stuff none of that matters at all that still doesnt mean ps3 has better graphics than the 360 the video is right above look at it as many times as you want and even add in the ps3 proccers speed and all that bull crap i dont care what nobody says the graphics are 50 50 they look exactly the same
Guitarazn28 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i was not a huge fan of cod4 i liked the originals wayyyyyyyyy more, just because of the fact it was not the first of its kind. it was nothing new or to special
Guitarazn28 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam respect to you my brother. somone who relizeses the graphics are the same just the color is different
handovsdave (2 weeks ago) Show Hide  -4  Marked as spam Reply | Spam ps3 suchs xbox 360 rules
jumboodditys (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam They look the same to me.... even though the ps3 has bttr hardware. But its inevitable that the ps3 is going to out do the 360, i mean sony have already made a 400gb blu-ray disc (yes 400gb its 14 layers) and how much can a dvd hold? What, 8gb max??? Soon games are gonna be too big and advanced to fit on dvd's so the xbox 360 will be screwed..
eneakume (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam they are the same......dude the best quality is on PC
GroenWild (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam Wow ps3 and xbox 360 respect!
haloheadshot34 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam the xbox 360 looks sharper and the ps3 looks more round and cartoonish. i like the 360 better.
PLMQAZED (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam just a litte better shading on 360 /lighting because more stream proseccers but they look the same i am a 360 fan and respect the ps3 too!!!
SMGJohn (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam PS3 wins it have every thing on high the xbox 360 have every thing on high one or two things are setted to medium so the consol could run it
PLMQAZED (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam what you just said doesnt make sense 1 bit get your facts right dumbass first there aint no setting for any console they port the stuff and second the lighting on 360 is better /shading but the LOOk THE SAME SO GET UR FACTS RIGHT!!!
SMGJohn (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam ok i know you like the xbox mutch better then PS3 and you youst try to defend it but the PS3have better graphic and yes the light is better and unrealistic the ATI graphic cards make mutch lights and light on the screen the nVidia is darker and more realistic lights and shadow and the graphic card on xbox 360 is 512MB but very very slow and that on PS3 is 256MB but very fast becuse it is nVidia Xbox 360 use ATI the PS3 have very good and fast processor that are from IBM IBM produce good job...
SMGJohn (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam PCs and they are fast but they don't use AMD only Intel AMD is maked only for gaming and yes its fast can drive many program without lagging some thing that Intel not can do but Intel is fast too but not maked to gaming on only working the Xbox 360 use a processor that i don't have experiens with but i have a xbox 360 and i look that its a bad processor its need to be cooled mutch so it have two vift the PS3 only have one and the PS2 don't have anny not the PS1 either the Xbox have three so PS3!
pesgi112094 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam there is only one major difference.360 version has more ppl playing online and everyone has a mic on LIVE unlike PSN.
SMGJohn (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam PS have mic too the PS1 have one and PS2 have one thePS3 have one so don't come and tell me some thing else the Xbox 360 have copy the PSX and xbox have copy PS2 and PS2 linux kit only without the linux operating system
haloheadshot34 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam u are so right!
EKGirlSkateboards (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam Dude there bout the same....I like PS3 and i have one...But I aint goin to lie there almost the same...
dopedpanda (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam I like the 360 version and + I have it
TristanTormey (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +2  Marked as spam Reply | Spam in my opinion pc wins
TristanTormey (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam ok...they r both the same because the game is pretty much auto set to the highest graphics. the only difference there would be is the tv ur using and if it has HD
DarLord324 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam they both look the same, im still gonna get COD 4 for the PS3 (if i get one) cause i dont play xboxlive anymore cause my 360 wont let me for some reason
omgrubik123 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide +3  Marked as spam Reply | Spam for me ps3 look better
CRAZYROBB666 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam u must hav good eyes then m8 cause ive seen them both can't tell the differents u must be what they call a fanboy lol
cs1415 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam they are both very good i just like the ps3 console better because its life span is proven to last long and has a build in blu-ray.
SeanJuan209 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide +2  Marked as spam Reply | Spam Who cares on which ones better, jus be happy with the one u hav, besides i seen no difference :)
WowMan209 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide 0  Marked as spam Reply | Spam i think there both good idc wich 1 is better i just like playing video games :P
thetrangang12 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide +1  Marked as spam Reply | Spam theyre the same shit one might be more they look diffrent they play the good online one has blu ray thats ok in the end its the same so get a ***ing life fanboys

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发表于 2008-7-30 06:21  ·  澳大利亚 | 显示全部楼层
下面是引用eegnic于2008-07-29 21:56发表的:
2台主机都有,很早就比较了下. ps3画面完胜360 .  手感都差不多感觉.
你脑子不好还是眼神不好  因该反过来说 懒的和你这种人争   [s:245]

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2147 点
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发表于 2008-7-30 06:31  ·  广东 | 显示全部楼层
下面是引用ff13于2008-07-30 06:21发表的:

你脑子不好还是眼神不好  因该反过来说 懒的和你这种人争   [s:245]
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